Sketches from Nature: Taken, and Coloured, in a Journey to Margate. Published from the Original Designs. By George Keate, Esq. ...

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J. Dodsley, 1790

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Էջ 73 - The mind staggers with the immensity of her own conceptions ; and when she contemplates the flux and reflux of thy tides, which from the beginning of the world were never known to err, how does...
Էջ 71 - Whether we view thee when every wind is hushed, when the morning sun silvers the level line of the horizon, or when its evening track is marked with flaming gold, and thy unrippled...
Էջ 177 - D' AVIGNON'S own fwords, which hung with a hat and belt, in the room where they were; and thus armed, ufed every endeavour to appeafe his antagonift by words, but the other, preffing on him with a vehemence which would...
Էջ 200 - Monk, throwing back his cowl) " Gracious Heaven ! — thy will " be done ! — Behold — behold thy " FREDERIC kneels before you — as " much unlike the libertine who left " you, as you the parent from whom " he fled ! — O let me catch a bleffing "from your dying lips! — and in a " laft embrace, be cancelled the re" membrance of every thing that is « paft !" The The tranfport and amazement of fo unhoped an interview, gave a fudden impulfe to the blood •, and invigorated a little longer,...
Էջ 71 - HAIL, thou inexhaustible source of wonder and contemplation ! Hail, thou multitudinous ocean ! whose waves chase one another down like the generations of men, and, after a momentary space, are immerged forever in oblivion.
Էջ 171 - ... had dwindled away by fales of an hundred acres at a time, till neceffity compelled him to abridge many of his expences. — The contract for the old family manfion, with all the remaining...
Էջ 174 - FREDERIC ; he however fo fufficiently pofierTed himfelf, as not to appear in the leaft difcompofed, and advifed him by all means to purfue the affair. — — When a father is fo unprincipled as to become a rival to his fon, in a matter of this nature, it argues a mind fo totally depraved, as to require but little apology to be made for the defpicable meannefs of the Count in feizing this occafion to revenge himfelf of a woman, — and by expofing her infidelity to D...
Էջ 72 - Or whether we behold thee in thy terrors ! — when the black tempeft fweeps thy fvvelling billows, and the boiling furge mixes with the clouds, — when death rides the ftorm, — and humanity drops a fruitlefs tear for the toiling mariner whofe heart is finking with difmay ! — And yet, mighty deep ! 'tis...
Էջ 168 - Efpr its forts; which are coteries, compofed of wits and free-thinkers, who have too much vanity to agree in the received notions of mankind; but by their art, and the pleafantry of their ridicule, often operate too powerfully on weak minds, by undermining the good principles they may have imbibed, and fubflituting their own pernicious ones in their place.
Էջ 191 - ... time on food which was naufeating ; till a failor who was made captive with him, and the fame who had furnifhed him with a mariner's garment when he caft off the religious one he had aflumed, had, by means of acquaintance among the flaves, obtained fufficient credit to open a little...

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