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"That Gen. Rusk will prove a strong head THE LAST PRESIDENTIAL, GUBERNATIONAL

for the ticket none doubt. He enjoys a large
personal acquaintance throughout the State and
all know that his administration will be con-
ducted in the interests of the people.

His pre-

vious public record warrants this assertion;
and all who know him know that his highest
ambition will be to serve the people of the glo-
rious Badger State ably, faithfully and honora-











"The republicans of Vernon county-Gen. Hillsborough.
Rusk's neighbors and friends-send greeting to
their brethren throughout the State and assure
them that old Vernon will roll up for the gal-
lant standard bearer such a majority as no man
ever received before in this county."
Jeremiah M. Rusk was elected governor.

Vir qua







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83 125 25

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Citizens of the United States.

2. Persons of foreign birth who shall have declared their intention to become citi

zens conformably to the laws of the United

States on the subject of naturalization.

3. Persons of Indian blood who have once been declared by law of Congress to become citizens of the United States, any subsequent law of Congress to the contrary notwithstanding.

4. Civilized persons of Indian descent, not members of any tribe. Every person convicted of bribery shall be excluded from the right of suffrage unless restored to civil rights, and no person who shall have made or become directly or indirectly in any bet or wager depending upon the result of any election at which he shall offer to vote shall be permitted to vote at such election.

SECTION 13. No elector shall vote except in the town, ward, village or election district in which he actually resides.

SECTION 14. The general election prescribed in the constitution shall be held in the several towns, wards, villages and election districts on the Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November in each year, at which time there shall be chosen such representatives in Con

gress, electors of President and Vice-President, State officers and county officers as are by law to be elected in such year.

SECTION 15. All elections shall be held in

each town at the place where the last town meeting was held, or at such other place as shall be ordered at such last meeting, or as shall have been ordered by the supervisors when they established more than one election

poll, except that the first election after the organization shall be held at the place directed in the act or proceedings by which it was organized; and all elections in villages constituting separate election districts, and in the wards of cities, shall be held at the place to be ordered by the trustees of such village, or the common council of such city, at least ten days before such election, unless a different provision is made in the act incorporating such village or city.

SECTION 16. Whenever it shall become impossible or inconvenient to hold an election at the place designated therefor, the board of inspectors, after having assembled at or as near as practicable to such place, and before receiving any votes, may adjourn to the nearest convenient place for holding the election, and at such adjourned place shall forth with proceed with the election. Upon adjourning any election as herein before provided, the board of inspectors shall cause proclamation thereof to be made, and shall station a constable or some other proper person at the place where the adjournment was made, to notify all electors ar

riving at such place of adjournment, and the shall have the same powers to preserve order place to which it was made. which inspectors of election have on election

SECTION 20. A registry of electors shall an- days and in towns vacancies on the board shall nually be made. be filled in the same manner that vacancies are filled at elections.

1. In each ward or election district of every city which, at the last previous census, had a population of 3,000 or more.

2. In each ward or election district of every incorporated village in which, by law, separate elections are held; which village, at the last preceding census, had a population of 1500 or

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SECTION 22. The said inspectors at their first meeting, and before doing any business, shall severally take and subscribe the oath of inspectors at a general election and said inspectors shall at their first meeting make a registry of all the electors of their respective districts, placing thereon the full names, alphabetically arranged according to surnames in one column, and in another the residence by number and name of street or other location, if none. If any electors residence is at any hotel or public boarding house, the name of the hotel or boarding house shall be stated in the registry. They shall put thereon the names of all persons residing in their election districts, appearing on the poll list kept at the last preceding general election and are authorized to take therefor such poll list from the office where kept, omitting such as have died or removed from the district and adding the names of all other persons known to them to be electors in such district. In case of the formation of a new

SECTION 21. The said inspectors shall have their first meeting on Tuesday, four weeks pre-election district since the last preceding genceding each general election at the place where said election is to be held; and in election districts in which there were polled at the previous general election 300 votes or less, they shall sit for one day and in districts in which there were more than 300 votes polled, they shall have power to sit two days, if necessary, for the purpose of making such list. They shall meet at 9 oclock in the forenoon and hold their meetings open until 8 o'clock in the evening of each day, during which they shall so sit. The clerks appointed by law to act as clerks of election shall act as clerks of the board of registry on the election only. The proceedings shall be open and all electors of the district shall be entitled to be heard in relation to corrections or additions to said registry. They

eral election, the said board therein may make such registry from the best means at their command and may, if necessary, procure therefor certified copies of the last poll list. They shall complete said registry as far as practicable at their first meeting and shall make four copies thereof and certify the original and each copy to be a true list of the electors in their district so far as the same are known to them. One of said copies shall be immediately posted in a conspicuous place in the room in which their meeting was held and be accessible to any elector for examination or making copies thereof, and one copy shall be retained by each inspector for revision and correction at the second meeting. They shall, within two days after said first meeting, file the original registry

made by them, and said poll list in the office of the proper town, city or village clerk and may, in their discretion, cause ten printed copies of said registry to be made and posted in ten of the most public places of said election districts or may publish the same in a newspaper at an expense not exceeding one cent for each name. SECTION 23. The inspectors shall hold their second meeting at the same place designated for holding elections on the Tuesday two weeks preceding the election. They shall meet at 9 o'clock in the forenoon. In election districts having less than 300 voters, as shown by the preliminary registry, the board shall complete the registry on the same day; but if there are more than that number of voters they shall sit two days. Toey shall remain in session until 8 o'clock in the evening. They shall revise and correct the registry, first by erasing the name of any person who shall be proved to their satisfaction by the oaths of two electors of the district to to be not entitled to vote therein at the next| ensuing election, unless such person shall ap pear and if challenged, shall answer the questions and take the oath thereinafter provided; secondly, by entering thereon the names of every elector entitled to vote in the district at the next election who shall appear before the board and require it, and state his place of residence, giving street and number, if numbered, or location, as herein before provided, if challenged answer the questions, and take the oath provided in case of challenge at an election; but if any person shall refuse to answer all such questions or to take such oath, his name shall not be registered. Any person who is not twenty-one years of age before the date when the register is required to be corrected but will be if he lives until the day of election, shall have his name put on the registry if he be otherwise qualified to be an elector. Any elector who did not vote at the previous general election shall be entitled to be registered either at the preliminary or final registration of elec

tors by appearing before the board of registration of his election district and establishing his right to be registered, or, instead of personal appearance, he may make his application to be registered to the board in writing. Such application shall state the name and period of continuous residence in the election district and place of residence therein, giving the number and street of the applicant, and, in case the person making the application is of foreign birth, he shall state when he came to the United States and the State of Wisconsin, and the time and place of declaring his intention to become a citizen of the United States, and that he is entitled to vote at the election. Upon receiving such application, the board of registration shall register the name of such applicant, if it appears to the board that the applicant is, by his statement, entitled to vote. Such statement shall be made under oath, and shall be preserved by the board and be filed in the office of the village or city clerk, as the case may be. All city and village clerks shall keep blanks for making the application for registration, as provided by this section. The form shall be prescribed by the secretary of State. Every man named in this section shall be subject to the same punishment for any false statement or other offense in respect thereto as is provided in case of such false statement or other offense by an elector offering to vote at an election. After such registry shall have been fully completed on the day above mentioned, no name shall be added thereto by any person or upon any pretense. Within three days after the second meeting the said board shall cause four copies of the registry to be made, each of which shall be certified by them to be a correct registry of the electors of their district, one of which shall be kept by each inspector for use on election day, and one shall forthwith be filed in the office of the proper town, city or village clerk. All registry shall at all times be open to public inspection where deposited, without charge.

proper town, city or village clerk. No compensation shall be paid or received for taking or certifying any such affidavits. On the day following the election, one of said poll list and one copy of the registry so kept and checked shall be attached together and filed in the office of the proper town, and the other of said poll lists and copy of the registry so kept shall be returned to the county clerk with the returns of the election. Such inspectors shall give notice by advertisement in a newspaper printed in the city, village or town where such registration was made, of the registry, and shall include in such notice all additions to and omissions from the preliminary list, and shall also state where the election is to be held. In case there be no newspaper printed in such city, village or town, such notice shall be given by posting copies thereof in three or more public places in each ward or election district in such city, village or town. For publication of such notice in any such newspaper the publisher thereof shall be entitled to the same compen

SECTION 24. On election day the inspectors shall designate two of their number at the opening of the polls who shall check the names of every elector voting in such district whose name is on the registry. No vote shall be received at any general election, of any ward or election district defined in section 20, if the name of the person offering to vote be not on said registry, made at the second meet ing as aforesaid, except as hereinafter provided; but in case any one shall, after the last day for completing such registry, and before such election, become a qualified voter of the district, he shall have the same right to vote therein at such election as if his name had been duly registered, provided he shall, at the time he offers to vote, deliver to the inspectors his affidavit in which he shall state the facts, showing that he has, since the completion of such registry, become a qualified elector of such district, and facts showing that he was not such elector on the day such registry was completed, and shall also deliver to such inspectors the affidavit of two freeholders, electors in such elec-sation per folio as is prescribed for publishing tion district, corroborating all material state- other legal notices ments in his affidavit. In case any person who was a voter at the last previous general election shall not be registered, such person shall be entitled to vote on making affidavit that he was entitled to vote at the previous election, and that he has not become disqualified by reason of removal from the election district or otherwise, since that election, which affidavit shall also be corroborated by the affidavit of two freeholders, as is provided for other non-registered voters. No one freeholder shall be competent to make at any one election corroborating affidavits for more than three voters. All of said affidavits shall be sworn to before some officer authorized by the laws of this State to take depositions. The inspectors shall keep a list of the names and residence of the electors voting whose names are not on said completed registry, and attach said list to the registry and return it, together with such affidavits, to the


SECTION 413. The information of any school district shall be by written order of the town board, describing the territory embraced in the same to be filed with the town clerk within twenty days after the making thereof. The supervi sors shall deliver to a taxable inhabitant their notice thereof in writing, describing its boundaries and appointing a time and place for the first district meeting, and shall therein direct such inhabitants to notify every qualified voter of the district, either personally or by leaving a written notice at his place of residence, of the time and place of such meeting at least five days before the time appointed therefor, and said inhabitant shall notify the voters of such district accordingly and endorse thereon a return, containing the names of all persons thus notified, and said notice and re

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