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them to embark at the ports which they shall themselves select. Consequently, in the case referred to of a rupture, the public funds of the Contracting States shall never be confiscated, sequestered, or detained.

XIV. The subjects or citizens of either of the 2 Contracting Parties, residing in the dominions or territories of the other, shall enjoy, in regard to their houses, persons, and properties, the protection of the Government in as full and ample a manner as native subjects or citizens.

In like manner the subjects or citizens of each Contracting Party shall enjoy, in the dominions or territories of the other, full liberty of conscience, and shall not be molested on account of their religious belief; and such of those subjects or citizens as may die in the territories of the other party, shall be buried in the public cemeteries, or in places appointed for the purpose, with suitable decorum and respect.

The subjects of Her Britannic Majesty residing within the territories of the Republic of Paraguay, shall be at liberty to exercise in private and in their own dwellings, or within the dwellings or offices of Her Britannic Majesty's Consuls or Vice-Consuls, their religious rites, services, and worship, and to assemble therein for that purpose without hindrance or molestation.

XV. The Government of the Republic of Paraguay, as a con

barquen en los puertos que ellos mismos eligieren. Consiguientemente, en el caso indicado de una desinteligencia, los fondos públicos de los Estados Contratantes nunca serán confiscados, secuestrados, ó detenidos.

XIV. Los ciudadanos ó súbditos de cualquiera de las dos Partes Contratantes, residentes en los territorios ó dominios de la otra, gozarán respecto á sus casas, personas, y propiedades, de la proteccion del Gobierno de un modo tan completo y amplio como si fueren ciudadanos ó súbditos nativos.

De igual modo, los ciudadanos ó súbditos de cada Parte Contratante gozarán, en los territorios ó dominios de la otra, de una completa libertad de consciencia, y no serán molestados por motivo de su creencia religiosa; y los de esos ciudadanos ó súbditos que murieren en los territorios de la otra parte, serán enterrados en los cimenterios públicos, ó en los lugares señalados para ese objeto, con debido decoro y respeto.

Los súbditos de Su Magestad Británica residentes en los territorios de la República del Paraguay, tendrán la libertad de ejercer privadamente y en sus propias casas, ó en las casas ú oficinas de los Cónsules ó Vice-Cónsules de Su Magestad Británica, los ritos, oficios, y culto de su religion, y de reunirse en ellas con ese objeto sin ser impedidos ó molestados.

XV. El Gobierno de la República del Paraguay, consigui

sequence of the national law for the freedom of the offspring of slaves, binds itself to prohibit, in the most efficacious manner, all the inhabitants of the Republic from trading in African negroes, in accordance with the philanthropic policy of Her Majesty the Queen of England, for the abolition of the above-mentioned traffic.

XVI. The present Treaty shall be in force during 6years, counted from the day of the exchange of the ratifications; and if, a year before the expiration of that term, neither the one nor the other

Contracting Party should announce, by an official declaration, its intention to put an end to the effect of the said Treaty, it shall continue for a year longer; so that in this case it shall cease to be binding at the expiration of 7 years, counted from the abovementioned day of the exchange of the ratifications.

The Paraguayan Government shall be at liberty to address to Her Britannic Majesty, or to her representative in the Republic, the official declaration agreed upon in this Article,

XVII. The present Treaty shall be ratified by Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in 8 months from its date, and in 10 days by his Excellency the President of the Republic of Paraguay; and the ratifications shall be exchanged at London or Monte Video, within the term of 10 months from the same date, or sooner if possible.

ente á la ley nacional de la libertad de vientres de esclavos, se compromete a prohibir, del modo mas eficaz, á todos los habitantes de la República, el tráfico de negros Africanos, eu conformidad á la politica filantropica de Su Magestad la Reina de Inglaterra en la abolicion del tráfico espresado.

XVI. El presente Tratado será valedero durante 6 años, á contar desde el dia del cange de las ratificaciones; y si, un año antes de la espiracion de este término, ni la una ni la otra Parte Contratante no anunciare, por una declaracion oficial, su intencion de hacer cesar el efecto de dicho Tratado, continuará este por un año mas; de manera que en este case cesará de ser obligatorio al vencimiento de 7 años, contados desde el predicho dia del cange de las ratificaciones.

El Gobierno Paraguayo podrá dirigir á Su Magestad Británica ó á su Representante en la República, la declaracion oficial acordada en este Articulo.

XVII. El presente Tratado será ratificado por Su Excelencia el Presidente de la República del Paraguay á los 10 dias de su fecha, y á los 8 meses por Su Magestad la Reina del Reino Unido de la Gran Bretaña é Irlanda; y las ratificaciones serán ;y cangeadas en Londres ó en Monte Video dentro del término de 10 meses de la misma fecha, ó antes si fuere posible.

In witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed thereto the seals of their arms.

Done at Assumption, the capital of the Republic of Paraguay, on the 4th day of March, in the year of Our Lord 1853. (L.S.) CHARLES HOTHAM. (L.S.) FRANCISCO S. LOPEZ.

En testimonio de lo cual, los Plenipotenciaros respectivos lo han firmado, y sellado con los sellos de sus armas.

Hecho en la Asuncion, capita de la República del Paraguay, e dia cuatro de Marzo, del año de Nuestro Señor 1853.


DECLARATIONS exchanged between the Governments of Great Britain and of the Roman States, for securing National Treatment to the Vessels and Commerce of the one Country in the Ports of the other.-Signed at Florence and Rome, November 17, 1853.


THE Undersigned, Her Britannic Majesty's Chargé d'Affaires at the Court of Tuscany, having received from His Eminence the Cardinal Antonelli, Secretary of State of His Holiness Pope Pius IX, the assurance that no other or higher duties or charges are levied in the ports of the Papal States on British vessels than are payable on national vessels, nor on goods imported or exported in British vessels than are payable on the like goods imported or exported in national vessels, has received the commands of Her Majesty to declare:

1. That no duties of tonnage,


IL Sottoscritto, Cardinale Segretario di Stato di Sua Santità Papa Pio IX, in seguito di assicurazione avuta dall' Onorevole Signore Pietro Campbell Scarlett, Incaricato d'Affari di Sua Maestà Britannica presso la Imperiale Reale Corte di Toscana, che niun altro maggior diritto, o dazio e imposto, o esatto ne' porti Britannici a carico de' bastimenti che navigano con bandiera Pontificia, fuorchè quello, che si esige dai' bastimenti nazionali; come ne anco sui generi importati, od esportati in bastimenti che navigano con bandiera Pontificia, a riserva di quello imposto sopra i generi predetti importati od esportati in bastimenti nazionali, in forza di autorizzazione ricevuta da Sua Santità dichiara:

1. Che nei porti dei dominii

harbour, lighthouse, pilotage, quarantine, or other similar or corresponding duties, of whatever nature or under whatever denomination, levied in the name or for the profit of the Government, public functionaries, corporations, or establishments of whatever kind, shall be imposed in British ports upon Papal vessels, from whatever port or place arriving, which shall not be equally imposed in the like cases on national vessels; and that no duty, charge, restriction, or prohibition, shall be imposed upon, nor any drawback, bounty, exemption, or allowance withheld from, goods imported into or exported from British ports in Papal vessels, which shall not be equally imposed upon or withheld from such goods, when so imported or exported in national


2. That no other or higher duties shall be imposed on the importation into the dominions of Her Britannic Majesty of any article the growth, produce, or manufacture of the Papal States, than are or shall be payable on the like article being the growth, produce, or manufacture of any other foreign country. That no other or higher duties or charges shall be imposed in the British dominions on the exportation of any article to the Papal States, than such as are or may be payable on the exportation of the like article to any other foreign country; and that no prohibition shall be imposed upon the impor

Pontificii non sarà imposto ai bastimenti Britannici provenienti da qualsivoglia porto o luogo, alcun diritto di tonnellaggio, di porto, di fanale, di pilotaggio, di quarantena, o altro diritto simile, o corrispondente (di qualsiasi specie, o sotto qualunque denominazione, percetto in nome, od a profitto del Governo, de' pubblici funzionarii, dicasteri, o stabilimenti), che non sia ugualmente imposto in simili casi a bastimenti nazionali. E che niun diritto, niuna imposizione, restrizione, o proibizione sarà imposta, ne' alcun ribasso, favore, esenzione, o condiscendenza sarà ricusata, ai generi importati nei porti degli Stati Pontificii, o da questi esportati, in bastimenti Britannici, che non sia ugualmente imposta, o ricusata simili generi, quando questi sieno così importati od esportati in bastimenti nazionali.


2. Che niun altro, o maggior dazio sarà imposto sulla importazione nei dominii Pontificii di qualunque articolo, prodotto, o manifattura dei dominii di Sua Maestà Britannica, se non che quello che pagasi, o pagherassi in simili articoli, prodotti, o manifatture di qualunque altro estero paese. Che niun altro, o maggior diritto, o dazio sarà imposto negli Stati Pontificii sulla esportazione di qualunque articolo ne' dominii Britannici, fuorchè quello che pagasi, o possa pagarsi, sulla esportazione di simili articoli in qualunque altro estero paese. E che non sarà imposta alcuna proibizione sulla importazione di

tation of any article the growth, produce, or manufacture of the Papal States into the British dominions, nor upon the exportation of any article from the British dominions to the Papal States, unless such prohibition shall extend to all other nations.

3. That Papal vessels shall be at liberty to import into British ports any article legally importable, and to export from British ports any article legally exportable, on payment of the same duties, and with a right to the same bounties and drawbacks, as are or may be payable or allowable in respect of the same articles if imported or exported in national vessels.

4. That all vessels which according to the laws of the Papal States are to be deemed Papal vessels, shall, for the purposes of this Declaration, be deemed Papal vessels.

5. That the foregoing stipulations shall not apply to the coasting trade, which is reserved exclusively to national vessels.

6. That if any ship of war or merchant vessel of the Papal States shall be wrecked on the coasts of the British dominions, such ship or vessel, or any parts thereof, and all furniture and appurtenances belonging thereunto, and all goods and merchandize which shall be saved therefrom, or the produce thereof if

qualsiasi articolo, prodotto, o manifattura de' dominii Britannici negli Stati Pontificii, ne' sull' esportazione di qualunque articolo dagli Stati Pontificii ai dominii Britannici, a meno che tale proibizione si estenda a tutte le altre nazioni.

3. Che sarà in libertà dei bastimenti Britannici d'importare nei porti degli Stati Pontificii qualunque articolo legalmente importabile, e di esportare da que' porti qualunque Articolo legalmente esportabile, pagando gli stessi dazi, e con diritto agli stessi favori (o facilitazioni), e ribassi, che pagansi, possono pagarsi, od accordarsi rispetto agli stessi articoli, se sieno importati od esportati in bastimenti nazionali.

4. Che tutti i bastimenti, i quali, secondo le leggi del Regno Unito della Gran Bretagna e d'Irlanda, debbono essere riguar dati per bastimenti Britannici, saranno considerati come tali per l'effetto della presente Dichiarazione.

5. Che le precedenti stipula zioni non saranno applicabili al cabotaggio, il quale é esclusivamente riservato ai bastimenti nazionali.

6. Che se qualche legno Britannico da guerra, o mercantile, farà naufragio sulle coste dello Stato Pontificio, tali legni, o qualunque parte di essi, e tutti gli attrezzi e pertinenze ad essi spettanti, non che tutti gli effetti, e le mercanzie che salvate, o il loro prodotto, se ven

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