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Fate, får, fåll, fat; m', mit; plne or pine, pin; n3, nỗt; õõ, as in good,

MORGAN, a co. in the W. part of Ill.. E. of, and bordering on the Illinois r. Pop. 19,549. Co. t. Jacksonville.

MORGAN, a Co. near the centre of Mo., bordering on the Osage r. Pop. 4,407. Co. t. Versailles.

MORLAIX, mor`-IV, a seaport and manufacturing t. of France, in the dep. of Finistère: it was the birth-place of General Moreau. Lat. 48° 35' N., Lon. 3° 52′ W. Pop. 7,800.


MO-ROC -CO, EMPIRE OF, (called by the natives Moghrib ul Acsa, mo'Grib ool ak'-så, i. e. the "farthest west:" the Maurita'nia Tingita'na of the ancient Romans,) is situated in the N. W. of Africa, between the 28th and 36th degrees of N. Lat. and the 1st and 12th of W. Lon.; bounded on the N. by the Mediterranean and Strait of Gibraltar, E. by Algiers, S. by the Shara, and W. and N. W. by the Atlantic. Length, from N. E. to S. W., aboye 700 m.; greatest breadth, perhaps 300 m. Area estimated at 175,000 sq. m. Pop. 6,000,000. (B.) The climate of Morocco is not so hot as might be expected from its position, a circumstance which is chiefly owing to the alternation of sea and land breezes, and to the influence of the various mountain ranges by which this country is intersected. The thermometer rarely rises, in the hottest places, so high as 90°; and along the sea, it seldom, if ever, falls below 39° or 40°. The seasons are divided into wet and dry. The wet season corresponds with our winter, and usually continues, with slight interruptions, from October to March. During the dry season or summer, showers are of rare occurrence. The fruits of this country, and the vegetable productions generally, are, with slight exceptions, like those of Southern Europe. The prevailing religion of Morocco is Mahometanism. Among all the followers of the prophet, the Moors are said to be most bigoted. The government is an absolute despotism, the sultan being the head of both church and state, and having unlimited power over the property and lives of his subjects.Adj. MOOR-ISH and MORESQUE, mo-resk'; inhab. MooR and MoGHREB-IN (Arab. Mō'-ghra-bee`; in the plural, Mo`-ghan'-bå`.—See Int. XVI., Obs. 4).

MOROCCO (Arab. Må-råksh'), a large though decayed city of Africa, the cap. of the above empire, situated near the r. Tensift, about 110 m. from the Atlantic. It is surrounded by a strong wall, 30 ft. high and near 6 m. in circuit. The area enclosed contains several large gardens and open spaces. The most remarkable building is the sultan's palace, which occupies an oblong space on the outside of the main wall, about 1,500 yards in length, and 600 in breadth; which includes, besides the sultan's residence, a number of gardens and detached pavilions. The most important branch of industry in Morocco is the manufacture of leather. The tanners possess the art of tanning the skins of lions and panthers, and giving them a snow-white colour, with the softness of silk. (P. C.) Their bright colours are considered inimitable in Europe. Lat. 31° 37' N., Lon. 7° 36′ W. Pop. probably between 50,000 and 60,000. (B.)

ou, as in our; th, as in thin; TH, as in this; N, nearly like ng. MOR/-RIS, a co. in the N. part of N. J., intersected by the Morris Canal. Pop. 25,844. Co. t. Morristown.

Mos-cow (Russ. Mos-kwå/), a large city of European Russia, the cap. of a prov. of the same name, and formerly the seat of the imperial government, is situated in the midst of a fertile and highly cultivated country, on the r. Moskwa, about 380 m. S. E. of St. Petersburg. The view of the city from a distance has excited the admiration of all travellers. The innumerable towers, some with cupolas, either gilt or painted green, others rising in the form of minarets, and the many gardens and trees intermixed with houses, give the city quite an Oriental appearance. Since, however, the conflagration of 1812, the aspect of Moscow has been considerably changed, and it is becoming more and more like the capitals of western Europe. Among the remarkable buildings, may be mentioned the Kremlin, the old residence of the czars, which has been repaired since the attempts of the French to blow it up in 1812, and still retains its ancient irregularity and grandeur: the Great Hall for exercising the troops in bad weather, which is about 560 ft. long, 180 ft. wide, and 50 ft. high; the ceiling of such vast extent has not a single pillar to support it: and the building of the Foundling Hospital, regarded as the handsomest and most extensive of the kind in Europe. The ancient capital of Russia possesses a great number of literary and scientific institutions, among which we may notice the University, the first in the empire for the number of its professors and students; its library, partly destroyed in 1812, has been restored, and contained in 1835 about 45,000 volumes (M.): the Anatomical Museum, one of the most extensive in the world: the Imperial Society of Naturalists; and the Society of Amateurs of Russian History and Antiquities. Moscow is the great entrepôt for the internal commerce of European Russia: it is also the residence of two archbishops. Lat. 55° 46' N., Lon. 35° 33′ E. Pop. somewhat uncertain; Balbi estimates it at not less than 250,000.

MO-SELLE (Ger. Mosel, mo'-zęl; Anc. Mosella or "Little Meuse"); a r. which rises in the mountains between the deps. of Vosges and Upper Rhine, in France, and, flowing northerly, crosses the French frontier, and, passing through the Prussian territory, joins the Rhine at Coblentz. Its whole course is about 280 m., for 170 of which it is navigable.

MOSELLE, a dep. in the N. E. of France, intersected by the above r., and bordering on the grand-duchy of Luxemburg and the Prussian territories. Pop. 427,250. (P. C.) Capital, Metz.

MOSK-WA (Russ. pron. mos-kwå), a r. in the central part of European Russia, which flows into the Oka.

Mosquito, mos-kee/-to, a co. in the E. part of Florida, bordering on the Atlantic. Pop. 73. Co. t. New Smyrna.

Mo'-SUL or Moo/-SUL, a decayed city of Asiatic Turkey, in the pashalik of Bagdad, on the W. bank of the Tigris. A bridge of boats connects the town with the E. side of the river, where some mounds are supposed to mark the site of the ancient Nineveh. The manufactures

Fate, får, fall, fất; mè, mét; pine or pine, pin; nò, nốt; ðó as in good;

in cotton, for which Mosul was once so celebrated, have greatly declined, though they are still extensive. Lat. 36° 21′ N., Lon. about 43 E. Pop. probably above 60,000. (B.)

MOULINS, moo-lân', a commercial and manufacturing t. of France, the cap. of the dep. of Allier, on the r. Allier (here crossed by a fine stone bridge, above 700 ft. in length), 165 m. S. S. E. of Paris. It possesses a royal college, a public library of 20,000 vols, and some other institutions. Lat. 46° 34' N., Lon. 3° 19′ E. Pop. 14,502. (B.) MOURZOUK. See MOORZOOK.

MOZAMBIQUE, mo`-zam-beek', (called by the natives Mås-âm-beek',) a seaport t. of E. Africa, the cap. of a Portuguese colony of the same name. Lat. 14° 49′ S., Lon. 40° 45′ E. Pop. unknown.

MUH-LEN-BURG, a co. in the W. part of Ky., bordering on Green r. Pop. 6,964. Co. t. Greenville.


MÜHLHAUSEN, müle/-hou`-zẹn, a walled t. in Prussian Saxony, on the Unstrut, with numerous manufactures and an active commerce. 51° 13' N., Lon. 10° 29′ E. Pop. near 12,000. (P. C.)

MUHLHAUSEN, mule`-hou/-zen, (Fr. Mulhouse, mul-ooze',) a manufacturing and commercial t. of France, in the dep. of Upper Rhine, on the Ill, a tributary of the Rhine. It is the great centre of the manufacture of printed cottons and silks, so much esteemed for their brilliant and indelible colours. This business is carried here to a higher degree of perfection, and conducted on a more extensive scale than in any other place in the world. The manufactures of Muhlhausen and its imme diate vicinity, occupy near 60,000 workmen, the annual value of whose productions is estimated at 50,000,000 francs. (B.) Lat. 47° 47′ N., Lon. 7° 21' E. The present pop., according to Balbi, amounts to more than 24,000, having quadrupled itself since the commencement of the present century.

MÜHLHEIM, müle/-hime, a manufacturing t. of the Prussian states, on the Ruhr (roor), an affluent of the Rhine. Lat. 51° 26' N., Lon. 6° 53' E. Pop. 6,400. (B.)

MULL, one of the Hebrides, forming a part of Argyleshire, and sepa rated from the main land of Scotland by a channel called the Sound of Mull. It is about 35 m. in length and 14 in its greatest breadth, containing an area of about 300 sq. m.

MUL-LIN-GAR', the cap. of the co. of Westmeath, Ireland, situated 44 m. W. by N. of Dublin. Pop. in 1831, 4,295. (M.)

MUN-DEN, a manufacturing and commercial t. of Germany, in Hanover, at the confluence of the Fulda and Werra, whose united streams here take the name of Weser. Lat. 51° 26' N., Lon. 9° 38′ E. Pop. 5,300. (B.)

Mu-xich (Ger. Munchen, mün-Hẹn), a city of Bavaria, the cap of the circle of the Isar, and of the whole kingdom, is situated on the Isar, 225 m. W. of Vienna. This town has been greatly improved and enlarged since the beginning of the present century, and now ranks

* From the name of this town, the word muslin has been derived.

ou, as in our; th, as in thin; TH, as in this; N, nearly like ng.

among the handsomest in Germany. New and splendid streets are seen extending in all directions, adorned with elegant houses and magnificent public buildings. The king's palace, when the important alterations undertaken by the reigning sovereign shall have been completed, will probably be the richest and most beautiful royal residence in the Germanic empire. As a seat of learning and the arts, Munich stands in the first rank of European cities. Among the most remarkable institutions, we may name the University, formerly established at Ingolstadt, whence it was removed, in 1800, to Landshut, and in 1827 transferred to the Bavarian capital; there are 58 ordinary and 10 extraordinary professors, and between 1,300 and 1,400 students; the University library contains 105,000 vols.: the Public Library, with 400,000 printed vols. and 8,500 manuscripts: the Royal Academy of Arts: and the Military Academy. Munich is greatly indebted to the taste and liberality of the present sovereign, Ludwig I., not only for the recent improvement in the buildings and general appearance of the city, but especially for its distinguished reputation as a seat of the fine arts. The magnificent collections in painting and sculpture, deposited in the Pinacotheca, "picture-repository," and the Glyptotheca, "sculpture-repository," are regarded as the chief glory of the Bavarian capital, and may rank among the finest establishments of the kind in the world. The observatory of Munich, one of the best in Europe, is in Lat. 48° 8' 45' N., Lon. 11° 36′ 37′′ E. Pop. about 100,000. (B.)

MUN-STER (Ger. Mün'-ster), a city of the Prussian dominions, the cap. of a circle of the same name, and of the whole prov. of Westphalia, is situated on the Aa, a tributary of the Ems, with which river it also communicates by a canal. It was formerly strongly fortified, but in 1765 the fortifications were destroyed, and the ramparts planted with linden trees and converted into a promenade. Munster has an academy, attended by 350 students, with a faculty of philosophy, and one of theology (for the Roman Catholics); and a gymnasium, attended by nearly 400 students, with a library of 25,000 vols. Lat. 51° 58' N., Lon. 7° 36' E. Pop. 21,000. (B.)

MUN'-STER, one of the four provinces into which Ireland is divided, occupying the S. W. portion of the island, comprising the counties of Clare, Cork, Kerry, Limerick, Tipperary and Waterford.

MURCIA, mur-she-a, (Sp. pron. moor'-the-å,) a prov. and formerly a kingdom in the S. E. of Spain, bordering on Andalusia and the Mediterranean. Extreme length, from N. to S., about 130 m.; greatest breadth, from E. to W., near 110 m.-Adj. and inhab. MURCIAN, mur'she-an; (Sp. Murciano, moor-the-ål-no.)

MURCIA, a city of Spain, the cap. of the above prov., situated in a beautiful and fertile valley, watered by the r. Segura (sig-oo'-rå), about 26 m., in a straight line, from the sea. It is the seat of several col

leges and other institutions. The silk manufactures of this place are said to have formerly employed 16,000 hands, but now only 400. The inhabitants of the capital, like those of the province generally, are described as slothful, gloomy, and reserved, on which account Murcia is

Fate, får, fåll, fät; mẻ, met; pine or pine, pin; no, not; õõ as in good;

said to be one of the dullest cities in Spain. Lat. 38° N., Lon. 1° 14' W. Pop. 36,000. (B.)

MUR-FREES-BO-ROUGH, a small t. of Tenn., the seat of justice of Rutherford co., and formerly the cap. of the state, situated 32 m., in a straight line, S. E. of Nashville.


MUR/-RAY, a co. in the N. W. part of Ga., bordering on Tenn. Pop. 4,695. Co. t. Springplace.


MURVIEDRO, MOOR-ve-à-dro, (Anc. Sagun/tum, afterwards Murvetum or Mu/ri Vet/eres, i. e. “ old walls,") a t. of Spain, in the prov. of Valencia, chiefly interesting on account of its antiquities. Lat. 39° 41′ N., Lon. 0° 17′ W. Pop. 6,000. (B.)

MUS-CAT', a fortified seaport t. of Arabia, the cap. of the prov. of Oman, important as the great entrepôt for the merchandise brought through the Persian Gulf from India to Persia and Arabia, and as the centre of the trade in pearls, which are found in such abundance in the Persian Gulf. Lat. about 23° 30′ N., Lon. 58° 39′ E. Pop. ordinarily estimated at about 12,000 (B.), though some rate it much higher. The imâm (or sacerdotal prince) of Muscat is an independent sovereign, possessing, besides the little state of Muscat, the island of Zanzibar, of Africa, and some territory on the opposite coast.

MUSCATINE, mus -ka-teen', a co. in the E. part of Iowa, bordering on the Mississippi. Pop. 1,942. Co. t. Bloomington.

MUS-CO-GEE (G hard), a co. in the W. part of Georgia, bordering on the Chattahoochee. Pop. 11,699. Co. t. Columbus.

MUSKINGUM, mus-king/-gum, a r. in the S. E. part of Ohio, which flows into the Ohio r. It is navigable for boats about 100 m.

MUSKINGUM, a co. in the S. E. central part of Ohio, intersected by the above river. Pop. 38,749. Co. t. Zanesville.

MUSSELBURGH, mus/-sel-bur'-reh, a seaport t. of Scotland, in Edinburgshire, on the Frith of Forth, at the mouth of the Esk, 5 m. E. of Edinburgh. Pop. 6,331.

MYSORE, mi-sore', a large prov. in the S. of Hindostan, belonging to the presidency of Madras, between 11° 30′ and 15° N. Lat., and 74° 45 and 78° 40′ E. Lon. Pop. estimated at 2,500,000. (M.)

MYSORE, the cap. of the above, occupies a considerable space of ground, which is enclosed by a wall. Lat. 12° 19′ N., Lon. 76° 42′ E Pop. probably above 50,000. (B.)

NAAS, nåce, a t. of Ireland, in the co. of Kildare, 18 m. S. W. of Dublin. Pop. in 1831, 3,808.

NAG-POOR, a large but badly built city of Hindostan, in the prov. of Gundwana, the cap. of a kingdom of the same name. Lat. 21° 9' N., Lon. 79° 10′ E. Pop. in 1825, 115,000. (B.)

NAGY ENYED, nody (almost nodge-see Int. XXII., 16 and 17) enyed', a large village of Transylvania, near the right bank of the Marosch, remarkable for its Protestant college, which is regarded as the

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