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driven, in the United States, in the main, by homosexual behavior. Except for those 4,000 defenseless children and the innocent victim recipients of infected tissue or infected blood products, such as hemophiliacs, it's conduct driven. And, except for, sadly, the innocent victims of lying philanderers, who callously infected their unknowing partners in the name of love. It's conduct driven.

"Mr. Speaker, how can I, a God-fearing American, a very lucky husband of 41 years, a father of 5 stalwart, Godloving adult children, a grandfather of 10 No. 11 is in the hanger-and a very hard-working double House chairman who is trying his best to slow the AIDS death toll, how could I possibly smear homosexual activists, as Mr. GUNDERSON accuses, given what they've done and continue to do to themselves?

"In that June 2 Washington Post Magazine story, Mr. GUNDERSON asserts, '[DORNAN is] full of prejudice and hatred.' That one quote alone would justify my point of personal privilege. And in another Post attribution, apparently in the same breath, Mr. GUNDERSON muses, and I quote, 'Is [DORNAN] dangerous? Sure. Because he can use passion to intimidate and to roll over those who are unwilling or unable to stand up to him.' Pathetic, Mr. Speaker. I pray for STEVE GUNDERSON, and all others who like my colleague, live on the edge, but I must fight back. Mr. GUNDERSON's scurrilous charges have as their intent the destruction of my reputation by branding my work in Congress as driven by the twin evils of hatred and bigotry. Well, it won't work, because it's not in my nature to allow lies to go unanswered. I went through jet pilot training when Mr. GUNDERSON was 2 years old. I marched with Dr. Martin Luther King when Mr. GUNDERSON was 12, and the next year, 1964, I put my life on the line against bigotry. Mr. Speaker, in the 1800's, when immoral dueling was commonplace, Mr. GUNDERSON Would never have assaulted my honor with such vile language. It's beyond butch, to coin a phrase.

"Mr. Speaker, the impact of casual sex propaganda and the mainstreaming and in rare cases even the romanticizing of AIDS have had a deadly effect upon our young, lately upon our very young, and that's why I circulated the facts about the so-called circuit party weekend of April 12, 13, and 14.

"As a point of fact, Mr. Speaker, the use of the word 'cherry' has nothing to do with our beautiful and famous blossoms, but rather it's used for its sexual connotation as shown in these soft-core pornographic ads for the 34 events. And take notice, in shock I hope, of the large commercial, public shareholder corporations contributing to this sexual license and gross irresponsibilityAmerican Airlines, Starbucks Coffee, Snapple, Miller Lite Beer, and Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream. I pray to God, literally, that these corporate giants innocently followed the lead of the Whitman-Walker Clinic, which, if it con

tinues its propaganda and irresponsibility, should be denied their steady diet of our tax dollars.

"Also, the use of the religious word 'jubilee' is blatant sacrilege. A jubilee is a 50-year celebration of forgiveness in the Hebrew faith, and a 'jubilee' is a 25-year celebration of joyful prayer in my Catholic faith, that same Catholicism that is the No. 1 target of Actup, the homosexual gestapo. No act of hatred or desecration is beyond the pale for Act Up, including blasphemy and desecration of the Holy Eucharist, inside churches.

"It is also my intent to reassert the truth regarding the April 13 Saturday dance, and, Mr. Speaker, we're not talking ballroom dancing here, so that the real facts will not remain in question by anyone misled by Mr. GUNDERSON about what really went on.

"Of course, this was not the first time this historic Federal building has been desecrated during Clinton's tenure, as Mr. GUNDERSON briefly conceded in his attack. When he referred to April 25, 1993, he twice used the letters 'S and M,' without explaining what the letters stand for. What Mr. GUNDERSON referred to was a sadism and masochism all-day freak show inside the stately Mellon. Someone, maybe some Clinton toady, had authorized an all day leatherman, S and M open house, with multiple displays of perversion including hard care pornography slide shows promoting unsafe sodomy, maximum unsafe sodomy. Most of this bizarre deviancy is quite foreign to average Americans. And all of that 1993 S and M madness was on a day when the Tailhook scandal tribulations were expanding.

"During his May 14 attack, Mr. GUNDERSON associates associates me with two honorable journalists, one of them a courageous African-American writer, the other an excellent investigative reporter. Then he attacks both of them as motivated by 'hate and prejudice' and by the journalism of 'bigotry and prejudice.' In his attack, Mr. GUNDERSON invited the two writers and me "to come visit the victims of this (AIDS) disease" we've done that-so that we might, quote, 'learn that these are not some faceless pretty corpses,' but rather 'sons, brothers, uncles, lovers, and friends *** and in increasing numbers also mothers, sisters, and daughters.' Strangely, he left out dads, aunts, and, in the cases of two of the Congressmen dead from AIDS, their prior roles as husbands and fathers.

"It should comfort Mr. GUNDERSON to know, if truth is his real goal, that this Member from California has forgotten more about the worldwide medical impact of AIDS than the Member from Wisconsin has ever known. And I might add, my colleagues say, I forget little, if anything. According to the June 2 Post article, Mr. GUNDERSON has had four of his six closest friends waste away and die from AIDS and another is HIV positive. That's heartbreaking, but obviously he has kept these tragedies within his inner circle and has

never once publicly warned anybody, young or adult, that the wages of promiscuity is death. He certainly never warned anyone from this lectern. Does he defend the Magic Johnson rationale that 'I'm simply an innocent victim, and we're all in this together, it's everybody's disease' or rather champion the honorable approach of heavyweight prizefighter Tommy Morrison, who stated through tears, 'It's my fault. My conduct. My immoral behavior. If I can save one young person from doing what I did and stop them from becoming infected with this killing disease, then my suffering will not be in vain."

"Where was Mr. GUNDERSON or any other Member in 1986 when I pleaded with colleagues to come to Paris with me to visit the Louis Pasteur Clinic to investigate the exploding AIDS pandemic? Where were they when I went to Geneva that year with my wife Sallie to learn all that we could about this health nightmare by asking for extensive briefings at the World Health Organization? How about visits to the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta? How many times has any Member, to gain AIDS knowledge, visited the National Institutes of Health, just a short 20-minute drive north from Capitol Hill to Bethesda, MD. I have made these informative trips several times over the last decade, another to NIH just last month.

"What did Mr. GUNDERSON do with his unjustified, Jim Wright-initiated, 2 years worth of congressional pay raise back in 1989 and 1990? Which would now be illegal, by the way, since we passed James Madison's Madison's 27th Amendment. Well, my 2 years of those raises went to AIDS hospices.

"Mr. Speaker, I don't know what Mr. GUNDERSON does in his free time to educate himself about the worldwide spread of AIDS, but I have been carefully tracking this health nightmare for 13 years. Just last month I visited the Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center at Fort Detrick where I received a startling and tragic update about the exponential spread of AIDS worldwide.

"In just 32 years from now, 60 million people will be HIV infected and 12 million will be suffering with fullblown AIDS; sadly most of them will die with little or no medical care. And dead? No one knows for certain how many millions by 2000 A.D. I also learned the following stunning, shocking medical fact: the military forces of Zimbabwe are 75 percent infected. That means three out of every four soldiers, three out of every four officers-will die of AIDS. Because of Zimbabwe's forces are rejected permanently by the United Nations for any future peacekeeping assignments, with at least six more nations to be stigmatized any day now on a no-go list as, quote, 'unacceptable for peacekeeping duty.' Zimbabwe peacekeepers brought the specter of AIDS infection and death to Somalia. How sad, death in the name of peace, make love not war.


international effort to personally destroy.'

"Here is one quote: "The gentleman from California has no right to misrepresent the facts in this, his latest attempt to smear the homosexual community.'

"Of course he used the adjective 'gay' as a noun, in place of the perfectly neutral nonpropaganda noun 'homosexual.' Seven times he said 'misrepresent the facts'. Mr. GUNDERSON's words or variations thereof were in the Washington Times, the Post, Congress Daily, Associated Press; moved to slander from sea to shining sea. In my home county, a young reporter embellished the slander and put words in his mouth. Said he called my effort a character assassination. Then the reporter went on repeat the obnoxious charge that I was out to 'smear the homosexual community'.

"Mr. Speaker, I think it is kind of low-life, this tact. I know Mr. GUNDERSON was prodded to do it. He said in his opening that he was going to let sleeping dogs lie, or words to that effect, and I think I am entitled, the 'impolite' cost us 40 minutes tonight, then I think I am entitled to make my case for my motivation.

"So let the facts speak for themselves. He says that I and others unfairly used stereotypes when analyzing conduct. Well, just what would be considered typical versus stereotypical conduct? Being fired from a Federal job for a tryst with a secretary. Excuse me, with the chief of staff. How about a 1991 public report of drink-throwing at an inside-the-Beltway bar that was about to be closed and was closed for pornographic pictures on its wall? How about another more recent drinkthrowing rerun at a sodom and masochism bar December 16, last December, 6 months ago. Again, the altercation created sleazy newspaper stories involving a Congressman. Is that considered classy conduct? Does it diminish the integrity of our House as a whole? You bet it does. What would happen to an officer of the military involved in similar squabbles? Is this stereotypical behavior or just typical?

"Mr. Speaker, no one believes that any Member of Congress is risking his or her life by serving in this Senate or House. Out in the field, yes, sir. Leo Ryan comes to mind, Larry McDonnell. No, we do risk our lives. I flew on the aircraft that killed Ron Brown and 34 other people, with SONNY CALLAHAN and two or three Members I see here tonight, four flights less than a month before that killing took place, that terrible accident. But there are people who serve under us that we make adhere to a tougher standard that do risk their lives. A slim majority of Members of Congress, eight people, swing four either way, sent thousands of troopers of our 1st Armored Division by Clinton into harm's way in Bosnia. And yet Congress is going to ignore this cherry romp of hedonism right down here on Constitution Avenue?

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"Our toleration of low standards here in Congress over the years that I have observed is at the core of my challenge today, Mr. Speaker. Our Federal buildings, and I have been told today they are going to do it again next April for the third time, our Federal buildings must never, never be used to facilitate, if not glorify, immorality.

"We in Congress are culpable for any immorality taking place on public citizen-owned property in Washington. And if we fail as custodians of these beautiful citizen-owned buildings, you bet, culpable. And what dangerous policy are we following if we dismiss the consequences of glorifying homosexuality right here in our Capitol?

"My colleagues need only reflect on the lives of those Members of Congress, past and present, who found or still find alluring, if not addictive, this lifestyle. I say this with no joy. Three of our Members have died from AIDS, another barely escaped expulsion.

"I will leave the rest for the written record because it involved a child, a 16year-old teenage page, in Spain. I never heard of a page going on a domestic CODEL. How do you get to go on an overseas congressional delegation and lose your innocence? Another Member was dishonored with a very severe House reprimand; involved a pimp/prostitute. A lot of pity from people from a West Point sense of honor. Leave the rest for the record.

"Then we saw two other Members have their careers ended by election defeats after they were discovered trolling for teenagers at so-called hot action bars. One of them, a friend of mine, was the father of three teenagers. The other, first Republican in 100 years in his seat, looked like a brother of mine, redhead, busted by our Capitol Hill police in one of the men's rooms in the Longworth Building. Sad. At a porno theater, where people were diving out of windows, some died, and eventually died himself of AIDS.

"Now, there is another word, Mr. Speaker, that I learned in preparing for tonight. It is Greek a word. Ephebephilia. E-p-h-e-b-e-p-h-i-l-i-a. It means someone who targets 18- and 19years-olds. I guess in some of our Appalachian Mountain States, where the age of consent is 15 or 16, you target that narrow band, kind of the way Hugh Hefner does with heterosexual baby faced young girls for his centerfolds who look younger than their 18 that they have to be legally. He has been caught twice using a minor.

"Now ephebephilia, like pedophilia, is a mortal sin of seduction, a transgression in Greece against 18 and 19years-olds. Why do you not study the decay of classical Greek culture, my colleagues? Whether it is ephebephilia or pedophilia, in God's eyes it is all the


"There are a lot of Members who stay in privacy. I respect that. It is just when they are using it to advance an agenda, trying to have it all ways, kind of like truth in advertising that I


got upset once on this floor. I am going to leave the rest for the record.

"I have a Member on our side, could be a chairman of a major House committee next year. Given today's tragic loss, one of my best friends in the cloakroom, who, by the way, told me to do this. Bill Emerson told me to do this. I swear to God he told me to do this. This list does not include Members who keep privacy. Credit to their good judgment. One of our Members claims they are all Republicans. Quite a bloodhound, I guess. Tends to occasionally to take away their privacy; uses the word 'out.' And I hope he never does it. I thought there was one code that was unbroken in the homosexual community, and that is everybody gets to make their own call in privacy.

"My colleagues, homosexuality is not this adjective 'gay.' At least in this Chamber, where people's careers have brought them to this pinnacle, it has been very sad, not happy. I would like to know how I, a God fearing American, a very lucky husband of 41 years, a father of 5 stalwart God loving children, adults all, a grandfather of 10, No. 11 in the hanger, and a very hard working double House chairman, who is trying his very best to slow the AIDS toll, how could I possibly smear activists, as Mr. GUNDERSON accused me, given what they have done, and many continue to do, to themselves?

"In that June 12 Post Magazine story, 'Mr. GUNDERSON asserts DORNAN is full of prejudice and hatred.' That one quote alone, as the parliamentarians told me, entitled me to an hour. And in the same breath he used 'Is Dornan dangerous? Sure, because he can use passion to intimidate and to roll over those who are unwilling or unable to stand up to him.'

"That is pathetic. I know this is going to sound patronizing, but I mean it from the bottom of my heart. I pray for STEVE GUNDERSON and all others who like my colleague live on the edge. But I must fight back here tonight. I must fight back. These charges have their intent to destroy not my reputation only, but it brands my work in Congress as driven by the twin evils of hatred and bigotry.

"It is not going to work. It is not in my nature to allow something like that to go unanswered. I went through jet pilot training to serve in peacetime, ready to defend our freedom of speech. I went through that pilot training when Mr. GUNDERSON was 2 years old. I marched with Dr. Martin Luther King when Mr. GUNDERSON was 12. The next year, in 1964, I had FBI people tell me the Ku Klux Klan has a contract out on this Republican's head in a beautiful state because I was putting my life on the line against bigotry, registering to vote African-Americans.

"Mr. Speaker, in the 1880's, when immoral dueling was commonplace, this would not have happened. Never would I have had my honor assaulted this way. I will leave out the line.

"Mr. Speaker, the impact of casual sex propaganda and mainstreaming and, in some cases, romanticizing of AIDS is having a deadly effect upon our young, and lately upon our very young. I will tell you some quotes from Dr. Fauci up at NIH later, and that is why I circulated the facts about that circuit party.

"It is also my intent to reassert the truth of what happened at that dance, and we are not talking ballroom dancing here, Mr. Speaker. So that no one will be misled, Mr. GUNDERSON, in his assault, associates me with two honorable journalists, one of them a courageous African-American writer, the other an excellent investigative reporter. And he attacks both of them as motivated by hate and prejudice, the journalism of hate, bigotry and prejudice.

"In his attack he invited the two writers to come and visit the victims of the AIDS disease. I checked with the other two; we have all done that. And he said we should learn that these are not some faceless pretty corpses but rather sons, brothers, uncles, lovers and friends, and, in increasing numbers, also mothers, sisters, and daughters. Strangely, he left out dads and aunts, and in the case of two of our Congress who are dead from AIDS, their prior important roles as husbands and fathers.

"It should comfort the gentleman from Wisconsin to know, if his real goal is the truth, that this Congressman has forgotten more about the worldwide medical impact of AIDS than the Member from Wisconsin has ever known. And I might add, as some of my colleagues claim, that I forget little, if anything.

"According to that June 2 article, Mr. GUNDERSON said he has had four of his closest friends waste away and die from AIDS and another is HIV positive. What a gut-ripping, heartbreaking experience. But maybe he has kept these tragedies within his circle. I do not recall him publicly warning anybody, young or adult, not from this lectern. that the wages of promiscuity, for heterosexuals, too, is now death.

"Does he defend the Magic Johnson rationale: I am simply an innocent victim and we are all in this together; it is really an innocent disease? Or, rather, champion what I think is the more honorable approach of heavyweight prize fighter Tommy Morrison, who stated through tears, it is my fault, my conduct, my immoral behavior. If I can save one young person from doing what I did and save them from becoming infected with this killing disease, then my suffering will not have been in vain. No coming back to the boxing ring for one short season. As that big beautiful smile, and the most incomparable smile I have ever seen in my life on Magic Johnson gave us for a while on the basketball court.

"And where was Mr. GUNDERSON or any other Member in 1986, when I pleased with my colleagues, mostly on my side, come to Paris with me to visit

the Louis Pasteur Clinic to investigate this explosion of this pandemic. Where were they when I went to Geneva later that year, with my wife Sally, to learn all we could about this health nightmare by getting extensive briefings at the World Health Organization? How about visits to the Centers for Disease Control? I never saw anybody sign in down there except NEWT GINGRICH. It is in his district, or was. How many times has any Member, to gain AIDS knowledge, visited the National Institutes of Health, just a short 15, 20 minute drive from Capitol Hill up to Bethesda? Well, I have made all these informative trips several times over the last decade.

"And what did Mr. GUNDERSON do with his unjustified, now illegal, Jim Wright-initiated 2 years of congressional pay raise 1989 and 1990? Well, my 2 years of those raises went to AIDS hospices.

"Mr. Speaker, I do not know what my colleague does in his free time to educate himself about the worldwide aspects of this, but I have been carefully tracking this nightmare for 13 years. Just last month I visited the Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center at Fort Detrick where I received a startling and tragic update about the exponential spread of AIDS worldwide.

"In just 31⁄2 years from now, I told you this, 60 million will be infected, 12 million full-blown AIDS. Sadly, most of them with little or not health care. And dead? Nobody really can track the dead worldwide. No one knows for certain how many millions by 2000 in the year of our Lord will be gone.

"I also learned the following stunning, shocking medical fact. The military forces of Zimbabwe were 75 percent infected. Not 7.5, not 17. Three out of every four of that officer corps, their sergeants and their kids are infected with AIDS. You know what this did? Because of this, their forces are rejected permanently by the U.N. for any future peacekeeping assignments. And at least six more nations are going to be stigmatized any day now on a no-go list with unacceptable for peacekeeping duty.

"Zimbabwe peacekeepers brought the specter of AIDS infection and death to Somalia. How sad. Death in the name of peace. Make love, not war. That means more pressure on our American infection-free forces to travel worldwide on peacekeeping missions? Is that not obvious, Mr. Speaker? It is a powerful reason to keep our own military mercifully 100 percent HIV-AIDS infection free.

"A 100 percent non-AIDS infected military is my proper goal as the chairman of Military Personnel. And I take a lot of, to quote a four-star, bovine scatology from the homosexual lobby for my perfectly logical and fair legislation and a lot of that scatology from the other body.

"Where was Mr. GUNDERSON or any other Member of the 99th Congress back in 1985 when I gave the first of almost 200 of my floor speeches warning

about how our blood supply was contaminated and was beginning to spread the epidemic that year at a ferocious rate? Who came to this floor anywhere and discussed unsanitary promiscuous behavior or debated using infected needles and the cross contaminating of both cohorts? Where have the homosexual activists been over the last 15 years?

"Well, there are now thousands of homosexuals who are working tirelessly and heroically to comfort and, yes, love the ill with a pure philos love, a Christian love, a Judeo-Christian love, and God bless them. But other than telling us we are all culpable, these are the leaders, and all at risk, for some it has been just business as usual. Trying to get money out of us, which we give most generously, and I have been there 100 percent, and they still push, some of them, public relations mumbojumbo instead of tried-and-true solid public health policy.

"Mr. Speaker, anybody can tell my colleague from Wisconsin that I have spoken with more young men before they died of AIDS than most that serve here. When a person grows up and has lifelong roots in Manhattan, New York, and Beverly Hills, CA, as I did and as I do, you will see in 10 years more tragedy involving drug abuse and fast track heterosexual casual sex than you will see in the wholesome dairylands of Wisconsin in 100 years, at least until these not so gay 90s'.

"In fact, Mr. Speaker, it is interesting to know over the last 10 years, Mr. GUNDERSON has spoken on this floor about AIDS about eight times. Unbelievable for a self-proclaimed person who is involved. If you do not count a one-sentence in passing mention of AIDS in 1989. Then, amazing as this seems, his very first speech, and a short one at that, was his annoying, at least to me, Christian second-to-none speech, and that was only 2 years ago. "I, on the other hand, addressed this Chamber on the subject of AIDS, I repeat, about 200 times. That is Mr. GUNDERSON's rate times 24. This speech tonight alone contains more references to AIDS both in quantity and quality than Mr. GUNDERSON'S eight short speeches over 16 years all run together. "I repeat, in 1985, I offered a successful and nearly unanimous amendment in this House, 11 years ago, to close those disease-infested, unsafe-sex-withmultiple-strangers bathhouses, the aforementioned anvils from hell that broke and slowly killed so many midnight cowboys in New York City and San Francisco.

"Frankly, given the contrast and the attention we both have given to this tragic retrovirus nightmare, the widely used homosexual protest bumper sticker "silence equals death" has a special resonance, don't you think. I have never been silent because I truly believe in tough love. Meaningful compassion demands positive action.

"When Mr. GUNDERSON attacks my belief system on what constitutes serious sin and what constitutes the cor

ruption of youngsters through bad example, he also attacks my religion. The Catholic Church and Pope John Paul II are unrelentingly slandered by the top and the middle management of the homosexual food chain, to see the disgusting, apocryphal scene in Berlin with stark naked people throwing blood red paint on the holy father's vehicle. Main driving force is this issue to that atrocity. However, thanks to God's unrelenting love, and I have seen this when death is near, it is back to the arms of holy mother church, Dominus vobiscum.

"What does Mr. GUNDERSON really know about my love for the dying or my empathy for human suffering or my work with the families of our missing in action in Vietnam and now Korea where he left hundreds behind under a Republican hero, a five-star general, President Eisenhower? What does he know about my empathy for human suffering? Jesus died for sinners, actually for each individual sinner.

"I am a sinner. Most of us around here commit at least little, small sins on a pretty regular basis, do we not. Every one of us, every day with every suffering person can and should say, there but for the grace of God go I. My motives are based on compassion and on love for my fellow man and a pure desire to defend innocent youth and children.

"I resent anybody out there hiding behind the facade of caring, thinking about other things. Does every Member truly grasp the enormity of the suffering that was involved with those 360.000 Americans slowly wasting away, and counting. I can't absorb the enormity of that level of suffering. Who but a handful among us in Congress, I repeat, even knew that 60 million are going to be infected at the turn of the century. What a way to enter that millennium, I repeat. And the calamity is behavior-driven, conduct-driven in the main. No ifs, ands or buts about that harsh argument.

"Notwithstanding the pandemic nature of this worldwide plague, the truth is, and honest reporters have known this for years, AIDS simply is not, not everyone's disease. Is it a plague? Of course it is. Is it an epidemic, an international pandemic? Beyond question, but it simply is not everybody's disease.

"Read the May 1 story which will be in my full remarks in the Wall Street Journal. Almost everybody in this room has a better chance of being hit by their own personal lightning bolt, a direct message from God to come home as fast as you can, a lightning bolt, before they have a chance of becoming HIV positive.

"Let us apply some logic. Two thoughtful leaders from AIDS Project LA in my office last night told me that if AIDS is everybody's disease, then it is nobody's disease. They just do not want it to be called totally, to use their words, a gay disease. They say it is not everybody's disease. Is AIDS your disease, Mr. Speaker? I did not

mean to single you out. No. Is it my disease? No.

"How about all of the floor staff and clerks around us? Of course, probably not. How about the entire membership of Congress, all 435 of us? Okay, here is where we pick up a few at risk. I was told a long time ago that there were some HIV positives between the House and the Senate; the person is long gone who told me that. He said that only about 50 Members had even been tested.

"So if we include all of our staffers, about 30,000, we would probably pick up a handful who are infected. That is also because government, like Hollywood, like Broadway, like big cities, it attracts a disproportionate number of homosexuals who want to work here for their country beyond the 1 or 2 percent estimates nationwide.

"I am sure you get my point, Mr. Speaker. But if you say that this group or that group is a high risk, you have just stigmatized a small percentage of our population as high risk for venereal disease. The only fatal sexually transmitted disease in the United States is AIDS. So by accepting logical truth, you can be called a bigot, a hater, or prejudiced.

"Those are the vile words hurled at me, at an African-American columnist, at a hard-working reporter, and my good friends at the Family Research Council and at you who instinctively believed Mark Morrano's report about illegal conduct at the Mellon auditorium.

"By the way, would it not be equally scandalous to rent out this architectural showpiece, the Mellon auditorium, for a Hustler, Penthouse, or Playboy, no-holds-barred celebration of free love with centerfold models, as the bartenders were on April 13, in neon day-glo underwear. That is all they had on, with or without the drug use, with or without the half-naked gyrating, with or without the crude name like Screw Alley for the beautiful arched carriage entrance on the east side of the courtyard, without anything like that, we are going to give that place to Hustler or to Guccioni's Penthouse? I don't think so, the kids would say.

"Now, if I can have an animus towards the promotion of fornication and adultery that is promoted in Hustler, why can I not have an animus toward glorifying homosexuality, particularly circuit parties. I refer you to the U.S. Supreme Court decision, I have my eye on the clock, Romer versus Evans, May 20, just last month, most timely and very instructive. Pro-family folks, especially you in Colorado who crafted that, do not be discouraged by what I am about to say. But sadly, Colorado's amendment 2 was imprecisely written and its exact wording is what allowed six justices to choose process over substance with that majority decision.

"Let me explain at this key point, Mr. Speaker, what I am about to say, brightly illuminated by this Supreme Court decision, will lend itself to a resolution of the question before us today.

That is, Mr. GUNDERSON questioning my motives, my character. For the purposes of law, you could debate this for days. There is no such thing as homosexual orientation in law. It does not exist. In law, homosexuality is no more nor less than a sex act. Loving friends living together for years can be bonded by philos love with never even a thought of eros love. So under the law, you cannot be H-O-M-O without the S-E-X-U-A-L, any more than under law you can be hetero without the sexual.

"This is a crucial distinction in the law. Why? Because laws and public policies are based on human actions, not the penumbra of orientation, inclinations, tendencies or temptations never acted upon.

"President Jimmy Carter comes to mind. That is what you get for giving an interview like Bill Buckley to Playboy. What goes on in the thought processes of the human brain, that is not law. Law involves conduct, behavior and, yes, sometimes, rarely, speech, such as treason, libel or yelling fire and in a crowded enclosure.

"There are no laws against what a man or woman thinks not will there ever be in a truly free country. In the eyes of the law, thoughts do not rape or molest. Desires do not sexually exploit another person or spread disease. Only human actions can do those things. All of the consequences pertaining to the behavior of male homosexuality center on sex acts. In James Carvillean-speak, it is the conduct, stupid.

“Unfortunately, Colorado's amendment 2 carried the term orientation. It allowed Justice Kennedy and five others to perpetuate the myth of some kind of innate homosexual personhood. I do not have to tell you, Mr. Speaker, how ridiculously inane that notion is.

“Imagine, if you will, some of these beautiful babies, occasionally held in their parents arms or in our cloakroom of late, imagine those babies. Can anyone really make a scientific case that somehow those parents are holding budding little bisexuals, cross-dressers or pedophiles just waiting for puberty to reveal their true orientation?

"Such arguments are made regularly, usually by homosexual priests or homosexual scientists or homosexual doctors and are rarely, if ever, exposed as mostly psychobabble and pseudoscience, certainly not by my friends at Newsweek, Time or the other liberal weeklies, including in the law concepts of orientation and class of persons like amendment 2, it spawned the death of that amendment.

"But the argument with which I took the greatest exception in the flawed Kennedy-written majority decision and the focus that is most relevant to this question of privilege here tonight, Mr. Speaker, is Kennedy's use of the words animus and animosity to describe the motivation of the framers of amendment 2, 53 percent of Colorado's voters who voted for the amendment, and the beliefs of the polling of the overwhelming majority of Americans.

"Animus, this is the same charge that Mr. GUNDERSON has leveled at me, using rougher language. In that long reviewing June 2 Post magazine puff piece, to be specific again, he said that my effort in exposing the truth about this weekend was just my latest attempt to smear the homosexual community. That I am motivated by hatred, a much nastier word for animus, not by a sincere desire to protect Government property from scandal or abuse and, of course, not by sincere conviction that all Members of Congress should prevent our Congress from giving bad example to the youth of our Nation by sending them the destructive message that promiscuous sex, hetero, homosexual, bi-, tri- or commune sex is normal and healthy and regularly allowed to showcase itself in our taxpayer-owned buildings.

"I repeat, we have learned the hard way that the wages of that sinful message is death, 360,000 and counting.

"So Mr. GUNDERSON tells this Chamber and, through C-SPAN, the Nation that I am out to smear.

"I read to you, Mr. Speaker, what Justice Scalia said in his dissenting opinion about this animus. Scalia writes in his opinion that Coloradans are entitled to be hostile toward homosexual conduct and that the court's portrayal of Coloradans as a society fallen victim to pointless, hate-filled gay bashing is so false as to be comical. Comical, he writes.


"Mr. Speaker, Justice Scalia thought his opinion to be so important he took the time to read it in its totality aloud to the Supreme Court, and it was much longer than the majority decision. Please reflect on Justice words, Mr. Speaker. He is saying that you and I and all Coloradans are entitled, he even italicized that word in his opinion, entitled to be hostile toward conduct, not hostile toward any person but hostile toward the conduct.

"Only craven, cowardly bullies hurt or bash individuals, and they should be severely punished with the full force of the law. A law-abiding citizen does not even physically abuse a guilty drunk driver at an accident scene involving the death or injury of a child, and that is a pretty tough provocation. He makes a citizen's arrest and grits his teeth and cries and waits for the police. "So let me state for the RECORD again, Mr. Speaker, before a million or so people at this time of night watching, and I am not referring to any individual in particular. It is the conduct, stupid, or it is the conduct, sweetheart.

"Mr. GUNDERSON knows in his heart of hearts, I hope, that, if he were being physically assaulted out there on the street, BOB DORNAN would be one of the very first, if not the first, to defend and protect him even at the risk of my life, even limping all the way. And if you doubt that, just ask Congressman CUNNINGHAM, Congressman MORAN and about a half dozen of our Capitol Hill Police Officers.

"I. like most Americans, I am sorry, I do have an animus toward homo

sexual conduct and at that ostentatious, in-your-face conduct that was exhibited at the Cherry Jubilee group grope.

"In his floor statement, the gentleman from Wisconsin attempts to portray the homosexual conduct at that stately building as, quote, a gift of love, not a weekend of illegal activity. Even the remotest touch of common sense is going to tell any American, Mr. Speaker, that the 8,160 foot square foot Mellon auditorium, this beautiful hall is only 7,600, Senate Chamber 4,300, 8,160. When filled with 2000-plus writhing, bumping and grinding dancers, hundreds of them half naked, that is anything but a gift of love.

"I would like to show you that nonoffensive picture in color there, blowup of one of the slides, unless of course you define lust as love, which is kind of similar to a Member of Congress using love as an excuse to responding to an ad in a homosexual newspaper which was signed off by 'hot bottom.'

"That is not love, that is lust. "Just why would I have animus and not a homosexual jamboree? Fair question, easy answer.

"The gentleman from, Mr. GUNDERSON, claimed the Cherry Hop raised about $50,000. Forty-five; I have just talked to the Whitman-Walker Clinic. Again he claimed, or he said that, and think about this, Mr. Speaker, $45,000. If just one person after a night of, quote, copping feels; that is the description by an anonymous homosexual columnist reporting on the hop for the homosexual metro weekly paper quoted in the Times after Mr. GUNDERSON's remarks, after a night of copping feels on the dance floor, if just one human being after furtively sharing a little cocaine, and it is all in the report, with an all too friendly drug tripper in a latrine stall, if only one person after that gala back in a motel or a hotel shared the virus that keeps on giving, the fatal AIDS virus, then that mere $45,000 raised is but a drop in the bucket. It is not even half a year.

"For one person who does not even have AIDS yet, if they are in one of our hopeful Government programs, they would not even cover the fraction of the cost that one single AIDS patient would require through his medical decline and death.

"I hope you get that because the head of the Whitman-Walker Clinic, Jim Graham, in a very pleasant conversation tonight, did not get it. He said it is not where you get, it is if you got it. You come together in a Federal building and one person gets it, there goes all the money from the whole event, and Mr. GUNDERSON said they spent $14,000 on the lights alone, just on the lighting. You should have seen the place that night. All those six massive door columns lighted with the lights of the rainbow.

"Now, God demands compassion and prayers for the infected patient and for the dying. Jesus commands it. What you do for these the least among you, do for me. Every AIDS victim lying in

a bed is Jesus Christ. Every little finger you lift to help them, you are helping Jesus. It is right there. Of course we have to have love and compassion, but focused animosity is logical when it is directed at the behavior of arrogant risk takers. Jim Graham agreed with me on this. Those hell-bent for leather put lust before long life, folks, and therefore they overload, if not bankrupt, their whole systems.

"Dr. Tony Fauci told me just a few weeks ago up at NIH-I met some of the lucky patients up there, they called themselves lucky; I had to wince at that one-he told me that there are now many young homosexuals becoming HIV-positive because of mere frustration, mere annoyance, at having to avoid AIDS with less risky sex. So mentally exhausted with safer sodomy, they succumb to high-risk lust for this inevitable fate.

"Mr. GUNDERSON says we must not lecture one another if there is to remain any element of mutual respect, unquote. Well, if lecturing is out, fine. Then I simply plead with young Americans at risk stop hurting one another, stop killing one another, stop the promiscuity. This goes for young heterosexuals: Stop the dangerous and the unhealthy conduct. Stop holding up homosexual conduct or heterosexual sleeping around before the youth of our country as wholesome and normal and healthy.

"Yes, there should not be hostile Roscoe I am sorry, using the first name on military bases-thank you for that amendment. I think it is going to survive.


"Let me turn around Gunderson insult. He accused me of trying to personally destroy those with whom I might disagree. Well, those of us who truly believe that we are our brother's keepers, and I thought that is why we all ran for election here, to help our brothers and sisters. I am not trying to destroy your risk-takers; trying to save your immortal souls and your mortal lives in the measure.

"Mr. Speaker, the gentleman from Wisconsin, [Mr. GUNDERSON], said I had a large hand in intentionally misrepresenting facts and falsifying information. He repeated that 6 times. For the record, these salacious advertisements I was going to show them-at my side are exactly what I am talking about when I criticize the melee at the Mellon. Cherry Jubilee consisted of three inclusive events.

"Mr. Speaker, I will put in the RECORD the 3 phases of this weekend. I will call to people's mind the Tailhook incident; as ugly as that was, the outrageous double standard that we tolerate, given the code of honor that we Americans demand from our military, how pathetically low our standard of ethics is here and in the Senate. Even Packwood avoided being expelled for over a year. Then he quit, among tearful goodbyes:

"Goodbye, Mr. Abortion, good bye, Mr. Womanizer, good riddance.

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