PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION OF MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS WHEREAS: 1. The dairy resources of American countries are far from being fully utilized; 2. The production and consumption of milk and milk products are of very great importance to the health and well-being of the people of all nations; and 3. The dairy industries of the various countries are or may become important sources of national wealth; The Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture Recommends: 1. That increased production and consumption of milk and milk products be encouraged throughout the countries of the Western Hemisphere; 2. That milk plants and factories be established to collect, process, and distribute milk supplies; 3. That the dairy interests of the various countries undertake dairy herd improvement programs through: (a) The use of superior dairy breeds of cattle; (b) Herd and progeny testing to hasten herd improvement; and (c) The employment, where feasible, of artificial insemination to extend the influence of superior sires; 4. That research, educational, and extension organizations be formed to promote more efficient feeding and management of dairy herds; 5. That emphasis be placed on combating and eradicating livestock diseases; 6. That modern dairy equipment and utensils be introduced extensively on the farm and in milk plants and factories; 7. That careful attention be given to sanitary regulation and supervision of public milk supplies; and 8. That educational propaganda be employed extensively to promote the use of milk and milk products in the human dietary. WHEREAS: CONTROL OF INSECT PESTS 1. The Second Inter-American Conference on Agriculture recommended that certain steps be taken to promote a program for the control of insect pests affecting the health of men and animals; and 2. Much more needs to be accomplished in this field; The Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture Recommends: 1. That further consideration be given to accomplishing the objectives stated in Resolution 32 (Items II, III, and IV), passed at the Second Inter-American Conference on Agriculture at Mexico City in 1942 which reads as follows: "II. That a Department of Biological Control, subsidiary to the Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences, be formed, to coordinate the work on parasites and predators, and the divulgation of information and supervision in regard to biological control work and, when necessary, that cooperative explorations in foreign countries be undertaken with a view to obtaining natural enemies of specific plagues. "III. That broader and more active cooperation be established in the study of insects that affect the health of both man and animal. “IV. That in view of the recognized importance of the grasshopper problem in the American nations and of the necessity of establishing more efficient and economic means of control, a more active cooperation be stimulated among the American countries, to be achieved by the following means: "(a) Inter-American conferences relating to the scientific investigation and most appropriate means of control of the grasshopper in its different biological stages. "(b) Immediate exchange of information, by wire if necessary, between neighboring nations in regard to infestation, migration, and methods of control carried out against the plague. "(c) Establishment of special laboratories for research on the various aspects of the grasshopper problem. "(d) Organization of mixed brigades for combating the grasshopper plague in the border zones of the countries afflicted by it. "(e) Compilation of annual statistics on the economic losses caused by the grasshopper and on the cost of control measures." WHEREAS: REVIEW OF PLANT QUARANTINES 1. It is in the best interests of American countries to maintain careful control, through inspection and suitable quarantine, of the insect pests and diseases inimical to plant crops, but the situation with respect to any particular pest or disease is subject to change; and 2. New means of combating and controlling these pests are continuously being developed; The Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture Recommends: 1. That the Governments of the American countries make it a practice to review, at stated intervals, all their plant quarantines and regulations prohibiting or restricting the entry of plants and plant products, with the view of determining whether the biological risk responsible for the issuance of the plant quarantine or regulation involved still exists; and 2. That it be determined whether new methods of treatment have been developed which could be employed to better advantage in safeguarding against the entrance of insect pests or plant diseases which prompted the exclusion or restriction. WHEREAS: IMPROVED HUMAN NUTRITION 1. The health, happiness, and prosperity of all peoples is closely linked with the foods which they consume; 2. The nutritional status of populations is dependent on: (a) Adequate supplies of food; (b) Properly balanced diets; (c) Knowledge of what foods are most valuable nutritionally; and (d) Ability to obtain adequate foods; and 3. These matters are of vital concern to all governments; The Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture Recommends: 1. That each nation: (a) Discover what foods its people are eating and what is the nutritive value of their diets; (b) Determine the nutritional requirements and the status of nutritional health of its people; (c) Develop an educational program which will give people an appreciation of the value of good nutrition and the best methods of achieving adequate diets; (d) Encourage home-production of nutritionally adequate food by farm and village families; (e) Study methods of raising and importing food that will provide a national supply large enough and of the right kind for all people to be well fed; (f) Study methods of improving the quality of the national food supply through the raising of nutritionally superior crops and livestock and the enrichment or nutritional improvement of the nation's foods; (g) Study methods of raising the purchasing power of the nation's low-income consumers; (h) Encourage a national school-lunch program and other programs to improve the diets of the vulnerable groups (children, pregnant and nursing mothers) and of other persons who have insufficient means to get the kinds and quantities of food they need; and (i) Develop a national nutrition policy and program which seeks to conquer both obvious and hidden hunger and to bring about higher levels of nutritional health for all people; and 2. That all of the American nations through the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and through succeeding meetings of this Conference cooperate in the exchange of ideas and research findings which can be used to develop higher levels of nutrition. WHEREAS: SOIL CLASSIFICATION 1. Numerous possibilities for settlement of new lands and even greater opportunities for the improvement of lands already occupied exist; 2. Accurate knowledge of soils and soil conditions is necessary for successful settlement and for agricultural improvement; and 3. The experience gained in one place or country applies in similar conditions elsewhere; The Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture Recommends: 1. That the attention of each country be directed to the need for accurate maps of the soils, scientifically classified, as a basis for guiding agricultural development and conservation to avoid waste and disaster; and 2. That the countries of the Western Hemisphere assist one another in developing such maps on a common basis through the exchange of information and scientific personnel, and through other appropriate means. WHEREAS: LAND-USE PRACTICES Soil is the basic resource of agriculture and its conservation for sustained production of food and other economic crops is a matter of vital concern to all nations and people wherever situated; The Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture Recommends: That through the full use of appropriate facilities for the exchange of information, the American nations help one another to establish land-use practices in agriculture and forestry designed to attain continued and efficient production of high quality crops and livestock. WHEREAS: WATER CONSERVATION Water is a great natural resource, indispensable to agriculture, industry, and all human welfare, and where uncontrolled, it damages the land and hazards the lives and homes of the people; while if controlled and directed, it can be used for efficient crop production, for electric power, for transportation, and other means of promoting the general welfare; The Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture Resolves: 1. That water conservation and efficient use are joint responsibilities of individual governments; 2. That the attention of each country should be directed to the importance of water conservation through proper land-use practices; and 3. That mutual action be taken by countries involved to assist one another through the dissemination of information to guide individual and public action in conserving rainfall for crop production and other uses and for flood control. WHEREAS: RIVER CONTROL AND Development Many rivers that flow between countries or from one country to another present great flood hazards and have unrealized potentialities for irrigation, navigation, and hydroelectric power; The Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture Recommends: That conventions between countries be created to provide for joint boards whose duties would be to plan the control and development of such rivers in the interest of the safety and welfare of all land and people within the watershed. WHEREAS: EXCHANGE OF PLANT MATERIALS 1. In the Second Inter-American Conference on Agriculture, assembled in Mexico in 1942, it was resolved that: (a) The Special Service for the Introduction of Plants and their |