Exchange, of the United States Department of Agriculture, should be brought to the attention of all the countries taking part in that Conference; (b) That similar services be established in each country; (c) The Division of Plant Exploration and Introduction of the United States Department of Agriculture should serve as the center of correspondence and exchange of plant materials between the American Republics; and 2. The action for the establishment of such services has not been accomplished by all member countries of that Conference; The Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture Recommends: 1. That this Resolution be brought again to the attention of all countries participating in the Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture, 2. That they again be urged to take advantage of creating such services for themselves, particularly in view of the present increased hazards for the introduction of uncertified plant material, from and by private persons and agencies; and 3. That they be invited to direct themselves to the above-mentioned agency for any suggestions that may be useful in the creation of the necessary receiving centers and nurseries for newly introduced plant materials. WHEREAS: STORAGE OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS 1. In order to realize the maximum benefits from agricultural production, and to maintain a dependable and uniform food supply at reasonable cost, farm products should be conserved by storage for use between harvest seasons, and production in favorable years should be stored for use in years of scarcity; and 2. Since the facilities required for storing and preserving farm products differ in various sections of the Hemisphere because of differences in climate, kinds of crops produced, and methods of crop production; The Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture Recommends: 1. That research be conducted to determine the most economical methods for storing various agricultural products in the different climatic and type-of-farming regions; 2. That satisfactory experimental storage facilities be erected to serve as pilot and demonstration units; and 734618-47—3 3. That information gained from operation of these experimental facilities be made available promptly to all agencies engaged in the designing and construction of storage facilities in similar climatic and farming areas. WHEREAS: USE OF FARM MACHINERY 1. The availability of an adequate food supply is largely dependent upon the labor required to produce it; and 2. The use of farm machinery removes the drudgery of excessive hand labor, reduces the costs of production by saving man hours of labor, and is responsible for increased yields and improved quality of crops owing to the timeliness of field operations and the more uniform performance of field machines as compared with hand methods; The Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture Recommends: 1. That research be conducted to determine the best kind of draft power and the type and size of equipment best suited for the production of different crops under various conditions of soil type, topography, and size of farming unit; and 2. That information gained be made available to farmers through demonstration farms, agricultural extension personnel, and other means. WHEREAS: IMPROVED TYPES OF PLANTS 1. The development of improved types of plants, grown for food, feed, and other purposes, has been of inestimable value in increasing the efficiency of crop production and utilization; 2. Considerable progress has been made in selecting crop plants with superior resistance to diseases and insects, ability to withstand unfavorable environmental conditions, greater inherent productivity, and superior qualities for nutrition or other uses; and 3. It is desirable to encourage further the study of natural varieties and the creation of improved types of plants, essential for a stable, diversified, and economical agriculture in each of the American Republics; The Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture Recommends: 1. That the selection or development of improved types of plants be continued and intensified; 2. That improved varities be made available to other American nations interested in the production of a given crop; 3. That information regarding new methods in crop improvement and information concerning new uses for crop products be exchanged readily by all American Republics; 4. That new plants, particularly wild relatives of presently grown crop plants, should continuously be collected and studied to determine new sources for obtaining superior characteristics; and 5. That the exchange between countries of all seeds, cuttings, stocks, or plants should be handled by the agencies designated by each government for this service, to insure adequate inspection and quarantine, and thereby prevent the introduction of new pests and diseases or new races of disease organisms into countries now free from these hazards. WHEREAS: WEED CONTROL AND ERADICATION 1. Infestations of weeds in crop and grazing lands reduce farm income by enormous amounts annually by: (a) Reducing yields of crops; (b) Increasing costs for cultivation; (c) Lowering the quality of many crop products; (d) Resulting in losses of livestock that graze lands infested with poisonous plants; and (e) Reducing quality of livestock products from plants that produce burs or other structures injurious to animals and animal products; and 2. Problems of weed control and eradication are of paramount concern to all agricultural areas; The Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture Recommends: 1. That studies of cultural practices, including methods of cultivation, crop competition, and crop rotations, be intensified to determine the most economical methods for controlling weed populations in cultivated areas; 2. That more effective methods for eliminating poisonous and other injurious plants in grazing areas be developed; 3. That chemical compounds of potential herbicidal value be investigated fully; 4. That provisions of weed and seed laws in the American nations be observed carefully to prevent the introduction of troublesome weeds into new areas; and 5. That information regarding effective measures to control or eradicate weeds be exchanged freely by the countries participating in the Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture. WHEREAS: EXPANSION OF TRADE AND CONSUMPTION 1. Approximately two-thirds of the peoples of the world are engaged in agriculture, including forestry, and on their production rests the nutrition and basic living standards of all peoples everywhere; 2. The health and prosperity of farm peoples are of paramount concern to this Conference and to all the world; 3. The health and prosperity of farm peoples are dependent on: (a) World peace and security; (b) Prosperity and high purchasing power to all parts of the world economy; and (c) International cooperation to deal jointly with common problems concerned with food and other agricultural products; and 4. There is, on the one hand, a great opportunity to increase the welfare of farm peoples of all nations, and, on the other, a threat of great economic dislocation in the marketing and distribution of agricultural and forest products after the war; The Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture Requests: 1. That individual countries and all international agencies dealing with food, forest and other agricultural products take steps to improve the marketing and distribution of these products, including studies to determine the most efficient patterns of production in the light of markets and consumer needs; 2. That national and international standards of quality be developed to facilitate trade and to protect the consuming public; and that methods for implementing these standards be adopted, including inspection and grading services; 3. That facilities be established for adequate and efficient refrigeration, storage, transportation, processing, packaging and marketing of food and other agricultural products in order to widen their distribution and consumption; 4. That means be provided for the collection and prompt dissemination of market news on the prices and movements of commodities both on a national and international basis; 5. That international trade in agricultural commodities based on the relative efficiency of each country as a producer should be fostered by positive steps and by institutions such as the International Bank, the Stabilization Fund, and other international, hemisphere, regional, or national arrangements designed to encourage increased trade and thereby promote a higher standard of living for all peoples; and 6. That all international and national bodies concerned cooperate in a continuing study to find ways of implementing the foregoing particularly with respect to: (a) Reorienting production and distribution to the mutual advantage of all nations through more adequate supplies at lower costs to consumers; (b) Eliminating as far as possible barriers to trade in agricultural and other products and setting up of any additional machinery that may be needed to bring about the steady expansion of international commerce in agricultural commodities; and (c) Maintaining as far as possible a standard of living for farm people equivalent to that enjoyed by those engaged in industry, trade and other non-agricultural pursuits, taking into account the variations in skills and investments involved. UTILIZATION AND MARKETING OF FOREST PRODUCTS WHEREAS: 1. Realization of the potential wealth of forests depends upon full knowledge of their latent values; 2. Expanding knowledge in the basic sciences of chemistry and engineering offers unlimited possibilities in wider and newer industrial uses for forest products; and 3. Fermanent small industries can be encouraged to embark in business using raw materials drawn from the forests and thus create opportunities for employment of the rural population and for increasing the general prosperity of the country; The Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture Recommends: 1. That appropriate means be established to promote the interchange between the American countries of existing technical information on present and potential uses for all forms of forest products; and 2. That American governments initiate research on new uses and on improved manufacture and processing of forest products. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES FOR FOREST PRODUCTS WHEREAS: 1. Large and valuable bodies of forest crops and products in the Americas have at present little commercial value because of their inaccessibility for initial processing and transportation to markets; 2. The development and use of these properties depend on substantial capital investments in a system of roads and waterways; and |