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3. Such systems can ultimately be made self-liquidated if the forests are properly managed and utilized;

The Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture


1. That each American Government give fuller recognition to forest. development and use in the planning of its system of major transport and feeder arteries; and

2. That capital investment in forest roads not be charged against the first harvest of the forest crops, which leads to destructive and uneconomic exploitation but rather as an investment charge spread over the full growing and harvesting period of the forest.


1. Migration of rural people from poor land to better land within individual countries, and from countries of less to countries of greater agricultural opportunities, will continue to be an important aspect in the welfare of agricultural peoples in the Americas; and

2. Experience shows that there are certain basic principles that are essential to successful settlement. The absence of any of which may cause failure, including:

(a) Productive soil and good climate;

(b) Ample and dependable water resources;

(c) Adequate size of holdings;

(d) Sound relation between the cost of the farm unit and the anticipated farm income;

(e) Satisfactory long term and short term credit, with payments related to the annual income;

(f) Satisfactory transportation and marketing facilities;

(g) Satisfactory community facilities, roads, schools, trading centers and health services;

(h) Stable policies of administration with a clear statement of the total cost to the settler;

(i) Selection of settlers on the basis of their adaptability to the type of farming and adaptability of the family to the community; and

(j) Suitable technical educational services to assist the settler with his farming problems;

The Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture


1. That the Pan American Union request some appropriate organization to create facilities whereby current information regarding past

and present migration and land settlement experiences in the Americas can be brought together, interpreted, and the results made available to all countries;

2. That the Pan American Union request some appropriate organization to develop a technical advisory staff of agronomic, engineering, economic and sanitary specialists who will be available to give advice and assistance to countries planning and developing migration and land settlement projects; and

3. That all countries in the Americas be encouraged to make use of these technical specialists in the development and planning of future projects to make sure that every migration and land settlement activity is founded on a sound economic and social basis.



1. Living conditions vitally affect the health and working efficiency of people, and the human satisfactions to be derived from occupation and place of residence,

2. The esteem with which farming as a way of life is held depends upon comparative levels of living of various population groups,

3. The advancement of standards of rural living and of agriculture requires community and governmental as well as family endeavor, The Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture


1. That the agenda of its next Conference include as subjects for special consideration the importance to agriculture and the nation of improving home conditions and raising the standards of living of rural families, and consideration of methods by which this can be accomplished, and

2. That the home economists of each country be invited to assist in drawing up the agenda and preparatory materials, and participate in the Conference discussions.



1. Effective international collaboration in matters affecting nutrition, food, and agriculture will be greatly dependent upon the availability of dependable and adequately descriptive statistical information, at appropriate periodic intervals, on foodstuffs and other agricultural products (including fishery and forest products);

2. The production, distribution, and consumption of those products involve many problems of special significance to the economy, living conditions, and commerce of all the nations of the Western Hemisphere; and

3. Need exists for more effective national coordination of such statistics and a greater uniformity among the nations of this Hemisphere, in the scope and contents of statistical reports, particularly on products important in international trade;

The Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture


1. That each country initiate early steps to establish a practical, sound program of statistical estimates and reports, starting with the products of major importance, providing a comprehensive series of current reports beginning with the planting of the crop, through harvest and into trade consumption channels, and

2. That each country participate fully in international programs such as those of the Food and Agriculture Organization and the Inter-American Statistical Institute, designed to enlarge the scope of statistical programs and attain essential uniformity of methodologies and nomenclature, and standardization of units of weight and measures.



1. Various international councils and organizations have been actively sponsoring and outlining specific plans for a world census of population and agriculture as of the year 1950; and

2. The knowledge and understanding of a nation's human and material resources that are acquired through periodic censuses are fundamental to the intelligent consideration and solution of worldwide problems pertaining to:

(a) Production, distribution and utilization of crops, livestock, and other agricultural and forest products;

(b) Commerce in foodstuffs, fibers, and other raw materials; and (c) The general welfare of the population in matters of nutrition, health, sanitation and shelter, living standards, education, and recreation.

The Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture


1. That each nation in the Western Hemisphere adopt the necessary measures to take a national census of population and agriculture (including livestock and forest products) for the year 1950 or as close to that year as practicable; and

2. That each such nation collaborate with the Inter-American Statistical Institute and the FAO so that minimum standards of uniformity may be adopted for such censuses; thereby permitting comparability of census data among all countries.



1. The vast majority of the inhabitants of the Americas live in rural areas, and the people comprise the most important resources of the nation;

2. The ultimate goal of all programs for the advancement of agriculture is essentially to improve the standards of living of the people in terms of their physical, cultural and spiritual well-being;

3. Many rural families lack the knowledge, facilities, services, leisure, as well as economic resources required for advancement in living; and

4. Practically all of the American nations are contemplating some action to provide more adequate services and facilities to enlarge the health, educational and recreational opportunities for their rural people;

The Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture


That in order to provide a sound basis for enhancing rural living, each country in the Americas initiate a program, directed through a central national office, to collect data, conduct periodic investigations, and maintain a continuous body of information relative to such matters as:

1. The number and geographical distribution of the rural inhabitants.

2. The composition and characteristics of the rural population; 3. Internal migrations;

4. Housing conditions;

5. Health and sanitation practices and facilities;

6. Food habits and requirements; and

7. Educational facilities and attainments.



1. A majority of the American countries still possess immense areas of virgin and mature forests about which little specific information is available as to area, volume, quality and utility of their timber and other products;

2. There is opportunity to regenerate valuable new forests on lands not suitable for the production of other agricultural products;

3. The proper development of present forest resources and the creation of additional forests can contribute to a prosperous rural

economy as well as foster additional industrialization by providing cheaper raw materials readily available;

4. Proper use of forested lands provides protection of watersheds, favorable conditions of water flow, and control of destructive floods;

5. Sound forest management practices insure continuity of forest crops and enhancement of the productivity of forests both in quantity and quality; and

6. More detailed information on the extent and character of these virgin and other potential forest lands is required if their full value is to be enjoyed by the peoples of the world;

The Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture


1. That the American governments initiate surveys and inventories to determine the area, volume, composition, quality and present uses of their forest resources; and

2. That the American governments exchange information on best methodology for conducting such surveys and inventories and appraising their results.

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