II. Present Agricultural Production and Its Adjustments to the III. Foodstuffs and Raw Materials ཚ ཚ 84 86 89 IV. Markets and Transportation. 92 V. Agricultural Migrations in the Post-War Years. RESOLUTIONS I. Tribute to the Government and People of Venezuela 100 100 100 101 V. Executive Committee of the Third Inter-American Con- 102 VI. Holding of the Fourth Inter-American Conference on Agri- 102 VII. Monetary Stabilization and Exchange Rates for Agricul- 102 VIII. Agricultural Credit Conditions as to Maximum Rates of XIV. Development of the Production of Fibers on the Continent XVI. International Commodity Agreements. XVII. Orientation for the Promotion and Development of Agri- XIX. Establishment and Development of Producers' Cooperative XX. Formation of Associations of Agricultural Producers XXI. Agrarian Plans . XXII. Encouragement of the Cultivation of Special or Industrial 109 110 112 113 XXV. Storage of Agricultural Products 117 the Production of Wheat and Its By-Products XXVII. Gardens of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants RESOLUTIONS--Continued XXVIII. Cooperation in the Prevention of and Fight Against Agri cultural Diseases and Plagues. XXIX. Immunity Against Cereal Blights. Page 118 119 120 121 XXXIV. Archeological Studies and Their Relation to Knowledge of Food and Medicinal Plants . 123 XXXV. Improvement of Livestock . 124 XXXVI. Need for the Improvement of Native or Regional Tropical and XL. Protection of Llamas, Alpacas, Vicuñas and Karakuls 126 127 XLII. Coordination of Livestock Sanitation in the Different Coun tries of the Americas. 127 XLIII. Furthering the Protection of Agricultural Production 128 129 XLV. Development and Utilization of Forest Products XLVII. Application of Chemical Technology to Products of Agricul XLVIII. Creation of a Forestry Section in the Pan American Union. LI. Classification of Soils and Climates in Geographic-Ecologic 132 133 133 134 LII. Inter-American Society of Soil Science and First Conference of the Inter-American Society of Soil Science. 135 LIII. Creation of the Inter-American Society of Agricultural Climatology 137 LIV. River Control and Development 137 LV. Inter-American Conference on Conservation of Natural 137 LVI. New Cartographic Symbols for Edaphological Surveys LVIII. Facilities for the Interchange of Machinery for Manufactur LIX. American Agricultural Instruction LX. Conservation of Natural Resources and Increase of Horticul- 140 LXI. Technical and Vocational Guidance in the Education of the 141 LXII. Cooperation Applied to Experimentation RESOLUTIONS--Continued LXV. Exchange of Experts and Students LXVI. Stimulation of Scientific Work LXVII. Improving Human Nutrition. LXVIII. Production and Consumption of Milk and Milk Products LXX. Increased Consumption of Fishery Products LXXI. Expansion of Trade and Consumption. LXXII. Improvement and Interchange of Seeds 148 148 150 LXXIII. Quinua as an American Food Product Free From Restric tions . 151 . LXXIV. Specification of Raw Materials Used in the Manufacture of 151 LXXX. Regulation of Prices of Land for Colonization 158 159 LXXXIV. Bases for Farm Labor Legislation. 159 LXXXV. Rural Economic Guide or Manual for a Better Knowledge of the Sparsely Populated Countries. . 161 162 163 LXXXVI. Utilization of the Services of the International Labor Office LXXXIX. Improvement of the Technical Level of the Offices of Agricultural Statistics. 163 164 XC. Uniformity of Agricultural Statistics 165 XCI. Adoption of the Metric Decimal System for Agricultural XCII. Permanent Section on Agricultural Statistics in the Inter- XCIII. Knowledge of the Rural Population. XCV. Inter-American Agricultural Information Service XCVII. World Census, 1950. . XCVIII. Classification and Specification of Agricultural Machinery. 168 169 169 170 170 ANNEX 1. Agenda of the Third Inter-American Conference on Agri ANNEX 2. Rules of Internal Procedure of the Third Inter-American FINAL ACT The Governing Board of the Pan American Union, in the exercise of the power granted it by Resolution LX, adopted by the Second Inter-American Conference on Agriculture, which was held in Mexico City from July 6 to 16, 1942, resolved, after consulting with the Government of the United States of Venezuela, that the Third Meeting on Agriculture be held in Caracas. After formulating the Agenda and Regulations of the Conference, the period between July 24 and August 7, 1945 was set aside for the holding of the Conference. Having fulfilled these requisites, the Government of the United States of Venezuela proceeded to extend an invitation to the Governments of the other Member countries of the Pan American Union, all of which accepted the invitation and appointed the following Delegations which are listed below: GUATEMALA Chairman of the Delegation: H. E. Roberto Guirola M., Minister of Agriculture Delegates: H. E. Eduardo Goyzueta V. H. E. Albert S. Müller H. E. Luis Urruela M. H. E. Enrique Asturias Beltranena Secretary: Mr. Federico Rölz Bennett COLOMBIA Chairman of the Delegation: H. E. Luis Tamayo, Minister of National Economy Delegates: H. E. Santiago Rivas Camacho H. E. Ciro Molina Garcés Advisers: Dr. Carlos Madrid Salazar Dr. Rafael Barrios Ferrèr Secretaries: Mr. Carlos Pérez Mr. Eduardo Escovar G. Mr. J. Emilio López PANAMA Chairman of the Delegation: H. E. Antonio Pino R., Minister of Agriculture and Commerce 734618-47- -6 75. Delegates: H. E. Menalco Solís H. E. Ramón A. Vega Advisers: Mr. Guillermo Villegas Mr. Enrique Martinelli MEXICO Chairman of the Delegation: H. E. Marte R. Gómez, Secretary of Agriculture and Development Delegates: H. E. Eduardo Morillo Safa H. E. Pascual Gutiérrez Roldán H. E. Norberto Aguirre H. E. Gonzalo González H. H. E. Gonzalo Blanco Macías H. E. Adolfo Alarcón H. E. José Figueroa Advisers: Mr. Miguel R. Cárdenas Mr. José Calero Dr. George C. Harrar Mr. Juvencio Samaniego Dávila Secretary: Mr. Ignacio de la Torre BOLIVIA Chairman of the Delegation: H. E. Julio Zuazo Cuenca, Minister of Agriculture Delegates: H. E. José Muñoz Paz H. E. Abel Coronel Carvallo H. E. Jorge Alcázar Ampuero CUBA Chairman of the Delegation: H. E. Germán Alvarez Fuentes, Minister of Agriculture Delegates: H. E. Arturo Mañas H. E. Rodolfo Arango H. E. Urbano Martínez H. E. Hugo Vivó H. E. Julián Acuña H. E. Antonio Valdés Rodríguez H. E. Casto Ferragut Secretary: Mr. Gerardo Fernández COSTA RICA Chairman of the Delegation: H. E. José Joaquín Peralta, Secretary of Agriculture |