Approval of the Rules of Internal Procedure The Assembly approved the Rules of Internal Procedure, which were drawn up in the form in which they appear in the annex to the present Act. Examination of the Report of the Committee on Credentials In accordance with the provisions of article 2 of the Rules of Internal Procedure, the Organizing Committee acted as a Committee on Credentials and submitted the respective reports, which were duly examined and approved. Casting of Lots for the Order of Precedence In accordance with article 5 of the Rules of Internal Procedure, the double casting of lots took place for the order of precedence of the Delegations with the following result: Thereupon, the Delegates designated, by acclamation, His Excellency Angel Biaggini, Minister of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry and Chairman of the Delegation of Venezuela, and Manuel Arocha as President and Secretary General of the Conference, respectively. By virtue of the provisions of article 4 of the Rules of Internal Procedure, His Excellency Roberto Guirola L., Minister of Agriculture and Chairman of the Delegation of Guatemala, assumed the Vice Presidency. Election of the Presidents and Vice Presidents of the Technical Commissions In accordance with the provisions of article 5 of the Rules of Internal Procedure, the Assembly proceeded to elect Presidents and Vice Presidents of the Technical Commissions. The following Delegates were elected: COMMISSION I President: H. E. Luis Tamayo, Chairman of the Colombian Delegation Vice President: H. E. Julián Murguía, Delegate of Uruguay COMMISSION II President: H. E. Germán Alvarez Fuentes, Chairman of the Cuban Delegation Vice President: H. E. Leslie A. Wheeler, Vice Chairman of the United States Delegation COMMISSION III President: H. E. Antonio Pino R., Chairman of the Panamanian Delegation Vice President: H. E. Rodolfo García Arias, Chairman of the Argentine Delegation COMMISSION IV President: H. E. Marte R. Gómez, Chairman of the Mexican Delegation Vice President: H. E. Víctor Moller, Chairman of the Chilean Delegation COMMISSION V President: H. E. Julio Zuazo Cuenca, Chairman of the Bolivian Delegation Vice President: H. E. Newton de Castro Belleza, Chairman of the Brazilian Delegation COMMISSION VI President: H. E. José Joaquín Peralta, Chairman of the Costa Rican Delegation Vice President: H. E. Roberto Alvarez Calderón, Chairman of the Peruvian Delegation INAUGURAL SESSION On July 24, the birthday of the Liberator, at eleven a.m., the solemn opening session of the Conference, attended by His Excellency General Isaías Medina Angarita, President of the United States of Venezuela, was held. After the Secretary read the messages of greeting received, His Excellency Angel Biaggini, President of the Conference, delivered the inaugural address, in which he emphasized the importance of the Conference. His Excellency Luis Tamayo, Minister of National Economy and Chairman of the Delegation of Colombia, in reply to the abovementioned address, greeted the Venezuelan Government and people and thanked them in the name of the Assembly. In conclusion, he proposed the designation of General Isaías Medina Angarita as Honorary President of the Conference, which proposal was approved by acclamation. Thereupon, His Excellency the President of the United States of Venezuela declared the Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture formally inaugurated. COMMITTEE ON RESOLUTIONS The Committee on Resolutions was to be composed of the Chairmen of the Delegations, together with the Officers of the Conference, and the Honorable Leslie A. Wheeler, Delegate of the United States of America, was elected Rapporteur. H. E. Luis Tamayo, Chairman of the Colombian Delegation Vice President: H. E. Julián Murguía, Delegate of Uruguay Rapporteur: H. E. Horacio Vicioso, Delegate of the Dominican Republic GUATEMALA Delegate: H. E. Federico Rölz Bennett COLOMBIA Delegate: H. E. Santiago Rivas Camacho Adviser: Mr. Eduardo Escovar G. PANAMA Delegate: H. E. Ramón A. Vega MEXICO Delegate: H. E. Pascual Gutiérrez Roldán BOLIVIA Delegates: H. E. Julio Zuazo Cuenca H. E. Jorge Alcázar Ampuero CUBA Delegates: H. E. Casto Ferragut H. E. Arturo Mañas H. E. Hugo Vivó H. E. Antonio Valdés Rodríguez COSTA RICA Delegates: H. E. Arturo Morales H. E. Bernardo Yglesias Rodríguez H. E. Maximiliano Guardián PERU Delegate: H. E. Guillermo Málaga B. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Delegate: H. E. Horacio Vicioso Soto ARGENTINA Delegates: H. E. Ismael F. Alchourron H. E. Juan José Billard H. E. Rafael García Mata H. E. Norberto A. R. Reichart H. E. Ovidio V. Schiopetto BRAZIL Adviser: Mr. Milton Trindade VENEZUELA Delegates: H. E. Jesús María Herrera Mendoza H. E. J. J. González Gorrondona Advisers: Mr. Hermann Nass Dr. Aurelio Arreaza Arreaza Dr. Carlos D'Ascoli EL SALVADOR Delegates: H. E. René David Escalante H. E. Francisco Alvarado Gallegos CHILE Delegate: H. E. Víctor Moller URUGUAY Delegate: H. E. Julián Murguía NICARAGUA Delegate: H. E. Alberto Sevilla Sacasa ECUADOR Delegate: H. E. Roberto Levi PARAGUAY Delegate: H. E. Rafael Isava Núñez UNITED STATES Delegates: H. E. Homer J. Henney Mr. H. Gerald Smith Mr. Scott S. McCloskey INTER-AMERICAN COUNCIL OF COMMERCE AND PRODUCTION Representatives: Honorable Luis Gonzalo Marturet Honorable Cap. Claudio Bruzual Bermúdez INTERNATIONAL LABOR OFFICE Representative: Honorable Mukdim Osmay UNITED NATIONS INTERIM COMMISSION ON FOOD AND AGRI CULTURE Representative: Honorable L. A. H. Peters Commission II: Present Agricultural Production and Its Adjustments to the Post-War Period President: H. E. Germán Alvarez Fuentes, Minister of Agriculture, Chairman of the Cuban Delegation Vice President: H. E. Leslie A. Wheeler, Delegate, Vice Chairman of the Delegation of the United States of America Rapporteur: H. E. G. N. Luis A. Somoza D., Delegate of the Republic of Nicaragua GUATEMALA Delegate: H. E. Luis Urruela M. Advisers: Mr. Enrique Asturias Beltranena Mr. Federico Rolz Bennett |