Report of the Delegation of the United States of America to the Third Inter-American Conference on Agriculture, Caracas, Venezuela July 24-August 7, 1945: Including Final Act and Related DocumentsU.S. Government Printing Office, 1947 - 178 էջ |
From inside the book
Արդյունքներ 42–ի 1-ից 5-ը:
... relation to produc- tion , processing , and utilization ; agricultural marketing economics and statistics ; animal sciences and practices ; plant sciences and prac- tices ; soils and climatology ; land use and conservation III.
... relation to produc- tion , processing , and utilization ; agricultural marketing economics and statistics ; animal sciences and practices ; plant sciences and prac- tices ; soils and climatology ; land use and conservation III.
Էջ 2
... plants , insecticides , certain fibers , and vegetable oils were critically short because of early Japanese successes in Asia and in the Southwest Pacific . The American nations , in the conference at Mexico City in 1942 , agreed to ...
... plants , insecticides , certain fibers , and vegetable oils were critically short because of early Japanese successes in Asia and in the Southwest Pacific . The American nations , in the conference at Mexico City in 1942 , agreed to ...
Էջ 6
... Plant Science Subcommission 5 - Animal Production and Sanitation Subcommission 6 - Plant Pathology Subcommission 7 - Forestry Commission IV : Subcommission 1 - Commerce and Economy Subcommission 2 - Classification and Standardization of ...
... Plant Science Subcommission 5 - Animal Production and Sanitation Subcommission 6 - Plant Pathology Subcommission 7 - Forestry Commission IV : Subcommission 1 - Commerce and Economy Subcommission 2 - Classification and Standardization of ...
Էջ 11
... plants , insecticides , vegetable oils , and others ) . After reference to the strategic and economic importance of permanent Western Hemisphere sources for these vital commodities , resolutions XIII and XXII recommend that a prominent ...
... plants , insecticides , vegetable oils , and others ) . After reference to the strategic and economic importance of permanent Western Hemisphere sources for these vital commodities , resolutions XIII and XXII recommend that a prominent ...
Էջ 20
... plant materials as a source of motor fuel to replace cheaper mineral sources when the latter are not available or must be conserved ; and 2. Cooperation in efforts to attain these objectives is desirable ; The Third Inter - American ...
... plant materials as a source of motor fuel to replace cheaper mineral sources when the latter are not available or must be conserved ; and 2. Cooperation in efforts to attain these objectives is desirable ; The Third Inter - American ...
Այլ խմբագրություններ - View all
Interim Arrangements Concluded by the Governments Represented at the United ... Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - 1945 |
Department of State Publication: Conference series, Թողարկում 43 United States. Department of State Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - 1940 |
Department of State Publication: Conference series, Հատորներ 91-94 United States. Dept. of State Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - 1929 |
Common terms and phrases
adequate adopted Advisers agenda Agri agricultural and livestock agricultural credit agricultural products agricultural statistics Agriculture Recommends Agriculture Resolves American countries American governments American nations American Republics animal approved Argentina Bolivia Caracas census Chairman collaboration colonization Committee concerned Conference on Agriculture conservation Continent cooperation Costa Rica countries of America crops Cuba cultural economic Ecuador efficiency established exchange facilitate facilities farm Food and Agriculture forest products forestry Guatemala H. E. Alberto H. E. José H. E. Julio H. E. René hard fibers Honorable improvement increase industrial Inter-American Society Inter-American Statistical Institute Ismael F July 24 land markets measures meeting methods Mexico migration milk Monetary necessary nutrition organization Pan American Union plants Post-War problems production and consumption Rafael García raw materials resolutions Second Inter-American Conference Secretary Soil Science Subcommission technical commissions Third Inter-American Conference tion trade transportation United Nations United States Delegation utilization Venezuela