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John soon came back to consciousness and asked eagerly, "Did I save him?" The physician said that though painfully blistered John would soon be well again.

The doctor was evidently deeply disturbed about Richard and calling Hi Mars to one. side said, "This young man is not injured. by the fire but there is a bullet wound, the danger of which I cannot yet say. He is still alive and there are hopes."

A skilled surgeon was sent for and the bullet was at last removed. "If nothing else sets in, he will recover," was the report given the waiting crowd.

One by one the people went to their homes, walking slowly as if to each one had come a personal sorrow.

About daylight Richard came back to consciousness. "Where am I?" he asked of the physician.

"You are in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Miller. You have been injured and are to ask no questions for a few days until you are stronger."

Gradually the preceding day came back to him. His visit to Mr. and Mrs. Warren's, the offer of the new building, and the won

derful meeting of the men were recalled. He remembered going to his room after the meeting and, after sitting for awhile, arising and going to the window and looking out; a flash in the street; a fainting sensation stealing over him; and then all became dark. Some one had shot him, that was evident. This recalled the angry looks of the groups of men. Who had found him and where?

Every day the people would send him some token of their love. Grapes, flowers, oranges, that they seldom could afford to cat themselves, were gladly given to their friend.

As he grew stronger, the nurse told him the story of the fire. He turned his face into the pillow and wept as he heard of Miller's heroism. He felt the loss of his books and keepsakes. They feared the news of the destroyed building would almost break his heart and were surprised how coolly he took it.

When John was able to walk he was permitted to visit the missionary. Richard had asked for him and knew that he was coming. As the fisherman entered the room, the

faces of both were a study. Richard held out his hand and John eagerly took it. For a moment they looked into each other's eyes, then Richard drew the giant down to him and the lips of the two men met in a holy kiss. A moment longer their hands remained clasped, then John tenderly laid Richard's hand upon the coverlet and in silence walked out of the room.

An Aroused City.

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