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tions to attack New York, a mere finesse to deceive first have been so far degarnished, to carry on the the enemy, or whether the real intention was against southern operations, as to render our success in New York, and the siege of Yorktown planned upon the siege of that place, as infallible as any future the unexpected arrival of the French fleet in the bay. The following letter will set the matter in its true light.] [Carey's Museum.

military event can ever be made. For I repeat it, and dwell upon it again, some splendid advantage (whether upon a larger or smaller scale was almost MOUNT VERNON, July 31, 1788. immaterial) was so essentially necessary, to revive SIR-I duly received your letter of the 14th inst. the expiring hopes and languid exertions of the ́and can only answer you briefly and generally from country, at the crisis in question, that I never memory; that a combined operation of the land would have consented to embark in any enterprize and naval forces of France in America, for the year wherein, from the most rational plan and accurate 1781, was preconcerted the year before; that the calculations, the favorable issue should not have appoint of attack was not absolutely agreed upon, peared to my view as a ray of light. The failure of because it could not be foreknown where the ene. an attempt against the pots of the enemy, could, my would be most susceptible of impression; and in no other possible situation during the war, have because we (having the command of the water with been so fatal to our cause.

sufficient means of conveyance) could transport That much trouble was taken, and finesse used, ourselves to any spot with the greatest celerity; to misguide and bewilder sir Henry Clinton, in that it was determined by me, nearly twelve regard to the real object, by fictitious communicamonths before hand, at all hazards, to give out, tions, as well as by making a deceptive provision and cause it to be believed by the highest military of ovens, forage, and boats in his neighborhood, is as well as civil officers, that New York was the certain: nor were less pains taken to deceive our destined place of attack, for the important pur- own army; for I had always conceived, where the pose of inducing the eastern and middle states to imposition does not completely take place at home, make greater exertions in furnishing specific sup- it would never sufficiently succeed abroad. plies, than they otherwise would have done, as well as for the interesting purpose of rendering the eneYour desire of obtaining truth, is very laudable; my less prepared elsewhere; that, by these means, I wish I had more leisure to gratify it, as I am and these alone, artillery, boats, stores, and provi- equally solicitous the undisguised verity should sions, were in seasonable preparation to move with be known. Many circumstances will unavoidably the utmost rapidity to any part of the continent; be misconceived, and misrepresented. Notwithfor the difficulty consisted more in providing, than standing most of the papers, which may properly be knowing how to apply the military apparatus; that, deemed official, are preserved; yet the knowledge before the arrival of the count de Grasse, it was the fixed determination to strike the enemy in the most vulnerable quarter, so as to insure success with moral certainty, as our affairs were then in the most ruinous train imaginable; that New-York was thought to be beyond our effort, and consequently, that the only hesitation that remained, was between an attack upon the British army in Virginia, and that in Charleston: and finally, that, by the intervention of several communications, and some incidents which cannot be detailed in a letter, the hostile post in Virginia, from being a provisional and strongly expected, became the definitive and certain object of the campaign.

I only add, that it never was in contemplation to attack New-York, unless the garrison should

of innumerable things of a more delicate and secret
nature, is confined to the perishable remembrance
of some few of the present generation.
With esteem, I am, sir, your most obedient hum-
ble servant,



Tarring and feathering, originaly, a Yankee trick.
This appears from the speech of M'Fingal, the
tory Sagamore, to the Yankee mob.
"Was there a Yankee trick ye knew,
They did not play as well as you?
Did they not lay their heads together,
And gain your art to tar and feather?"

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Tarring and feathering lawful! This appears by the authority of the sentence *Because it would be easy for count de Grasse, which was pronounced on M'Fingal—( M Fingal, in good time before his departure from the West by John Trumbull, esq. page 60-1.) This senIndies, to give notice, by express, at what place he could most conveniently first touch to receive ad


tence, be it remembered, though seemingly the order and decree of a committee, in fact, had its

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origin in the brain of a man who was a judge of years I was placed with an officer as his servant, the supreme court, of the state of Connecticut. in which station I continued until I was 16, and Whether appointed judge from this specimen of being a great proficient in horsemanship, was taken hi judicial knowledge, or not, is not now in ques- as an assistant to the riding master of the troop, tion-but let us bear the sentence pronounced on and in the year 1761, was made sergeant of draMFingal, king of the tories. goons; but the peace coming the year following, I was disbanded. Being bred to no profession, I took up with a woman who kept a gin shop in a blind alley, near the Coal Quay; but the house being searched for stolen goods, and my Joxy taken to Newgate, I thought it most prudent to decamp; accordingly set off for the North, and arrived at Drogheda, where, in a few months after, I married the daughter of an exciseman, by whom I had three

"Meanwhile beside the pole, the guard.
A bench of justice had prepared,
Where, sitting round in awful sort,
The grand committee hold the court:
While all the crew in silent awe,
Wait from their lips the lore of law.
Few moments with deliberation,
They hold the solemn consultation,
When soon in judgment all agree,
And clerk declares the dread decree:
"That squire M'Fingal, having grown
The vilest tory in the town,
And now on full examination,
Convicted by his own confession,
Finding no token of repentance,

This court proceed to render sentence:
That first the mob a slip-knot single,
Tie round the neck of said M'Fingal;
And in due form do tar him next,
And feather, as the LAW DIRECTS:
Then thro' the town attendant ride him,
In cart with constable beside him,
And having held him up to shame,
Bring to the pole from whence he came."

Vision and prediction of M'Fingal, king of the
tories, when in his coat of tar and feathers.
"Tar yet in embryo in pine,

Shall run on tories' backs to shine;
Trees rooted fair in groves of fallows,
Are growing for our future gallows;
And geese unhatched, when pluck'd in fray,
Shall rue the feath'ring of that day.”

M'Fingal, by J. Trumbull, esq. page 60.

CAPTAIN WILLIAM CUNNINGHAM. The following is copied from the American Apollo,| No. 7, Friday, February 17, 1792, vol. I. printed at Boston, by Belknap and Young, State street, (a weekly paper in the form of a pamphlet.)


"About the year 1772, we removed to Newry, were I commenced the profession of a scowbanker, which is that of enticing the mechanics and coun. try people to ship themselves for America, on promises of great advantage, and then artfully getting an indenture upon them; in consequence of which, on their arrival in America, they are sold or obliged to serve a term of years for their passage. I embarked at Newry in the ship Needham for New-York, and arrived at that port the fourth day of August, 1774, with some indented servants I kidnapped in Ireland, but were liberated in NewYork, on account of the bad usage they received from me during the passage. In that city I used the profession of breaking horses, and teaching ladies and gentlemen to ride, but rendering myself obnoxious to the citizens in their infant struggles for freedom, I was obliged to fly on board the Asia man of war, and from thence to Boston, where my own opposition to the measures pursued by the Americans in support of their rights, was the first thing that recommended me to the notice of gen. Gage; and when the war commenced, I was appointed provost marshal to the royal army, which placed me in a situation to wreak my vengeance on the Americans. I shudder to think of the murders I have been accessary tò, both with and without orders from government, especially while in New York, during which time there were more than two thousand prisoners starved in the dif ferent churches by stopping their rations, which I

"The life, confession, and last dying words of sold. captain William Cunningham, formerly British provost marshal, in the city of New-York, who was executed in London, the 10th of August, 1791.

"There were also two hundred and seventy-five American prisoners and obnoxious persons exccuted, out of all which number there were only about one dozen public executions, which chiefly con sisted of British and Hessian deserters. The mode

"I, William Cunningham, was born in Dublin barracks, in the year 1738. My father was trum peter to the Blue dragoons, and at the age of 8 for private executions was thus conducted:-A

guard was dispatched from the provost, about half

When the van of the troops arrive in the rear

after 12 at night, to the Barrack-street, and the of the hill, col. Fabager will form his regiment in neighborhood of the upper barracks, to order the a solid column of half platoons, in front, as fast people to shut their window shutters and put out as they come up; col. Meigs will form next in their lights, forbidding them, at the same time to Fabager's rear, and major Hull in the rear of presume to look out of their windows and doors, Meigs, which will be the right column; col. Buton pain of death; after which, the unfortunate pri-ler will form a column on the left of Fabager, and soners were conducted, gagged, just behind the major Murphy in his rear-every officer and soldier upper barracks, and hung without ceremony, and will then fix a piece of white paper in his hat or there buried by the black pioneer of the provost. cap, to distinguish him from the enemy.

"At the end of the war I returned to England

At the word march, col. Flury will take charge with the army, and settled in Wales, as being a of 100 determined and picked men, properly cheaper place of living than in any of the populous officered, with their guns unloaded, their whole cities, but being at length persuaded to go to Londependence to be on their bayonets, will move 20 don, I entered so warmly into the dissipations of paces in front of the right column by the rout No. that capital, that I soon found my circumstances 1, enter the sally port C.; he is to detach an officer much embarrassed. To relieve which, I mortgaged and 20 men a little in front of him, whose business my half pay to an army agent, but that being soon it will be to secure the sentries, and remove the expended, I forged a draft for three hundred abbatees, and other obstructions, for the column pounds sterling on the board of ordnance, but to pass through. The column will follow close in being detected in presenting it for acceptance, 1 was apprehended, tried and convicted, and for that offence am here to suffer an ignominous death.

"I beg the prayers of all good Christians, and also pardon and forgiveness of God for the many horrid murders I have been accessary to.


the rear, with shouldered arms, under the command of col. Fabager, with gen. Wayne in person; when the works are forced, (and not before) the victorious troops will as they enter give the watch. word, the Fort's our own, with repeated and loud voice, driving the enemy from their works and guns, which will favor the pass of the whole; should the enemy refuse to surrender, or attempt to make their escape by water or otherwise, vigorous means must be used to compel them to the former, and prevent their accomplishing the latter. Col. Butler will move by the rout No. 2, preceded by 100 men with fixed bayonets and unloaded muskets, under the command of major Stewart, who will The troops will parade on beating the assemble. observe a distance of 20 paces in front of the Taking it from the right, they will march, on beat-column, which will immediately follow under the ing the troop, and move by the right. Proper command of col. Butler, with shouldered muskets, halting places will be fixed and every officer and and will enter the sally-port C. or D.


Copy of general Wayne's orders, issued on the evening
previous to the attack on Stony Point.

HEAD-QUARTERS, Fort Montgomery,
Light infantry-Jaly 15, 1779.

non-commissioned officer will remain with and be The officer commanding the above 100 men will accountable for every man of their platoons. No also detach a proper officer, with 20 men, a little soldier to be permitted to quit the ranks on any in front, to remove the obstructions-as soon as pretence whatever, until a general halt is made, they gain the work, they will also give and continue and then to be attended by one of the officers of the watch-word, which will prevent confusion and the platoon. As soon as the troops assemble, this mistakes. order to be read at the head of each:

Major Murphy will follow colonel Butler to the The troops will march from Clement's to Stony first figure, No. 3, where he will divide a little to Point, at 11 o'clock, and move by the right. Every the right and left and wait the attack on the right, officer and non-commissioned officer will remain which will be a signal to begin and keep up a perwith and be accountable for every man in his petual and galling fire, and endeavor to enter be platoon. No soldier to be permitted to quit the tween, and pass the work A. A. If any soldier ranks on any pretence whatever, until a general presumes to take his musket from his shoulder, halt is made, and then to be attended by one of attempts to fire or begin the battle till ordered by the officers of the platoon. This proper officer, he shall be immediately put to

death by the officer next to him; for the cowardice made a shift to carry the worthy captain Gates and misconduct of one man is not to put the whole (he was then a captain) off the field. He has in danger and disorder with impunity. After the often told me since, that he owed his life to me, troops begin to advance to the works, the strictest and charged meat parting, that whenever I thought silence must be observed and the greatest atten- he could in any instance serve me, to write to him tion paid to the command of the officers; as soon without reserve; so, please your honor, (this is a as the lines are secured, the officers of the artillery, soldier's dialect to all officers) I am now grown with their commands, will take possession of the old, and worn out in the service, and expect to be cannon, to the end that the shipping may be secured invalided and sent home, but have been long in and the Fort at Verplank's Point annoyed, so as to America, and I like America, please your honor; I facilitate the attack upon that quarter. The gene-accordingly took the liberty to write to major ral has the fullest confidence in the bravery and Gates for his advice, and this is his answer. He fortitude of the corps he has the happiness to com- has also wrote to major Hay, to give me every mand. The distinguished honor conferred on every indulgence the service will admit of. I hope your officer and soldier who has been drafted into this honor will give me your opinion what is best to corps, by his excellency general Washington, the be done. I read the letter; but had not read far, credit of the states they respectively belong to, before I was sensibly touched with the sentiments and their own reputation, will be such powerful of the writer. After re.capitulating the service motives for each man to distinguish himself, that the veteran had rendered him at Braddock's field, the general cannot have the least doubt of a glori [he says, “do as you please, respecting your small ous victory: And further, he solemnly engages to pittance of pension. Thou hast served long, but reward the first man who enters the works with thy service has not brought thee rest for thy $500 and immediate preferment, to the second wounds and infirmities. I find by your letter that 400, to the third 300, to the fourth 200, to the fifth you wish to continue in America, therefore make 100, and will report the conduct of every officer yourself easy; when you receive your discharge, and soldier who distinguishes himself on this oc-repair to my plantation on Potomac river. I have casion, in the most favorable point of view, to his got a fine tract of land there, which not only excellency, who always takes the greatest pleasure furnishes me with all the necessaries, but all the in rewarding merit. But should there be any comforts of life; come and rest your firelock in my soldier so lost to every feeling, every sense of chimney corner, and partake with me; while I have, honor, as to attempt to retreat one single foot, or my savior Penfold shall not want; and it is my wish, shrink from the places of danger, the officer next as well as Mrs. Gates's, to see you spend the evento him is to put him immediately to death, that ing of your life comfortably. Mrs. Gates desires he may no longer disgrace the name of a soldier, to be affectionately remembered to you." the corps or the state to which he belongs,

As the general is determined to share the dangers of the night, so he wishes to participate the glory of the day, in common with his brother soldiers.



From the genuine letter of an officer.

An old soldier of the royal regiment of artillery,

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“MY LORDS—I am astonished to hear such prinwho served me while the 18th regiment was at ciples confessed! I am shocked to hear them Fort Pitt and the Illinois, on our return from that avowed in this house, or in this country! Princicountry to Philadelphia, in 1772, came to me with ples, equally unconstitutional, inhuman, and una happy smile on his countenance, and told me he had the honor to receive a letter from major Gates, and begged me to read it. I asked him how he again on your attention; but I cannot repress my My lords, I did not intend to have encroached came to correspond with major Gates, Please indignation. I feel myself impelled by every duty. your honor, said the old man, major Gates was My lords we are called upon as members of this dangerously wounded at Braddock's defeat, and house, as men, as Christian men, to protest against was left among the slain, I was wounded also, but such notions standing near the throne, polluting

the ear of majesty. "That God and nature pu into our hands!" I know not what ideas that lord may entertain of God and nature; but I know, that such abominable principles are equally abhorrent to religion and humanity.

Prove on the inhuman example even of Spanish cruelty. We turn loose these savage hell-hounds against our brethren and countrymen in America, of the same language, laws, liberties, and religion, endeared to us by every tie that should sanctify humanity.

My lords, this awful subject, so important to our honor, our constitution, and our religion, demands the most solemn and effectual enquiry.And I again call upon your lordships and the united powers of the state, to examine it thoroughly, and decisively, and to stamp upon it an indelible stigma of the public abhorrence. And I again

What! to attribute the sacred sanction of God. and nature to the massacres of the Indian scalping knife! to the cannibal savage, torturing, murdering, roasting, and eating; literally, my lords, eating the mangled victims of his barbarous battles! Such horrible notions shock every precept of religion, divine or natural, and every generous feeling of humanity. And, my lords, they shock every sentiment of honor; they shock me as a lover of honora.mplore those holy prelates of our religion, to do ble war, and a detester of murderous barbarity.

away these iniquities from among us. Let them perform a lustration; let them purify this house, and this country from this sin,

My lords, I am old and weak, and at present tion were too strong to have said less. I could unable to say more; but my feelings and indignanot have slept this night in my bed, nor reposed my head on my pillow, without giving this vent to my eternal abhorence of such preposterous and enormous principles."

These abominable principles, and this more abominable avowal of them, demand the most decisive indignation. I call upon that right reve rend bench, those holy ministers of the gospel, and pious pastors of our church: I conjure them to join in the holy work, and vindicate the religion of their God. I appeal to the wisdom and the law of this learned bench, to defend and support the justice of their country. I call upon the bishops to interpose the unsullied sanctity of their lawn; upon the learned judges, to interpose the purity From sir N. W. Wraxall's memoirs of his own time. of their ermine, to save us from this pollution. I NOVEMBER, 1781.-During the whole month of call upon the honor of your lordships, to reverence November, the concurring accounts transmitted to the dignity of your ancestors, and to maintain your government, enumerating lord Cornwallis's emown. I call upon the spirit and humanity of my barrassments, and the positions taken by the ene country, to vindicate the national character. I in-my, augmented the anxiety of the cabinet. Lord voke the genius of the constitution.

From the tapestry that adorns these walls, the immortal ancestor of this noble lord frowns with indignation at the disgrace of his country. In vain he led your victorious fleets against the boasted armada of Spain, in vain he defended and estab. lished the honor, the liberties, the religion, the protestant religion of this country, against the arbitrary cruelties of popery and the inquisition, if these more than popish cruelties and inquisitorial practices are let loose among us; to turn forth into our settlements, among our ancient connections, friends, and relations, the merciless cannibal, thirst ing for the blood of man, woman and child! to send forth the infidel savage-against whom? against your protestant brethren; to lay waste their coun try; to desolate their dwellings, and extirpate their race and name, with these horrible hell-hounds of savage war!


George Germain, in particular, conscious that on the prosperous or adverse termination of that expedition, must hinge the fate of the American contest, his own stay in office, as well as probably the duration of the ministry itself, felt, and even expressed to his friends, the strongest uneasiness on the subject. The meeting of parliament meanwhile stood fixed for the 27th of November. On Sunday the 25th, about noon, official intelligence of the surrender of the British forces at Yorktown, arrived from Falmouth, at lord Germain's house in Pall-mall. Lord Walsingham, who, previous to his father sir William de Grey's elevation to the peerage, had been under secretary of state in that department, and who was selected to second the address in the house of peers, on the subsequent Tuesday, happened to be there when the messenger brought the news. Without communicating it to any other person, lord George, for the purpose of despatch, immediately got with him into a hackney. Spain armed herself with blood-hounds, to extir- coach and drove to lord Stormount's residence pate the wretched natives of America; and we im-'in Portland-place. Having imparted to him the

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