4/221 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1878, by In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. PREFACE. ITH this number THE ELOCUTIONIST'S AN WITH NUAL reaches its sixth year of publication, and we regard it a sure indication, both of merit and of public appreciation, that, notwithstanding the great depression in almost every department of the book trade, its special adaptation to a great popular want has gained for it a constantly increasing circulation in nearly every State of the Union. The greatest care has been observed, in the choice of material, to furnish scope for elocutionary training, as well as mere opportunities for reading and declamation. The demands of our institution for new and fresh readings, and the occasions at our command for testing their merits in the class-room, afford us unequalled 70674 5 |