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the Missionary work, in which I am now engaged. Through the usual recommendations, I accompanied the Rev. W. Moister to the annual District-Meeting, held in this island (St. Vincent's) in February, 1842. My examination having met the approval of the District, was recommended and accepted by the Committee and Conference the same year.

It will doubtless be in your remembrance, that when I offered myself as a candidate for the Mission work, I confined my offer to the West Indies, from an idea that family circumstances might require my presence on some occasion in Grenada.

Africa, hapless, benighted Africa, was, however, at that time in the eye of my mind; and had I seen my way as clearly as I now do, I would most cheerfully have offered my services as a standard-bearer to those deserts of superstition and idolatry: I trust, however, that it is not too late. I have only served two years in the Mission-field. I have youth, health, and vigour on my side, and no matrimonial engagement. I place myself at your disposal, and with a trumpet-voice cry across the vast Atlantic, " Here am I, send me." My principal reasons for offering myself

as a Missionary for Western Africa, are the following:

1. I have read occasionally with feelings of sorrow of the mortality of our Missionaries in Africa. Being a native of the West Indies, and inured to a tropical climate, I am convinced in my own mind, humanly speaking, that I could much better endure the wasting effects of an African climate than any European.

2. I have frequently conversed with my respected Superintendent in reference to Africa; I have read the heart-stirring, soul-animating communications of the indefatigable Freeman; and from various other sources can form a tolerable idea of the labours, privations, and prowess requisite for the African Mission work; and, after deliberate and mature consideration, I cheerfully and voluntarily offer my humble services for that field of Missionary enterprise.

I have endeavoured simply to unfold to you the naked sentiments of my heart. The acceptance or rejection of the offer I have here made lies with you. I now respectfully request that a reply at the Committee's earliest convenience may be forwarded, should my proposal meet their concurrence or otherwise.

It would be wholly unnecessary, did our space allow, to enlarge upon the preceding documents and communications. No comment which we could make upon the facts they contain, illustrative of the prosperous state, the opening prospects, and the growing demands, of our Missions in Guinea, would equal the eloquence with which the facts themselves speak to the understandings and hearts of the friends and supporters of the Society. It will surely be strongly felt by our readers, that there exists a necessity for one combined and vigorous effort, on the part of our Ministers and people, in every place, for the purpose of raising the income of the now closing year (1844) to an amount which will enable the Committee to meet the claims of the Missions specially brought under review in this Number of the "Notices," and to maintain all our other important Missions in various parts of the world. It is our earnest hope that united and strenuous exertions, equal to the present emergency, will be immediately made in all our Circuits.

Intimation has been given already, that a list of special subscriptions has been commenced, towards raising the sum of £7,935. Os. 3d.; being the excess of the expenditure at the Gold-Coast, Ashanti, Badagry, and other parts of Guinea, for the years 1841, 1842, and 1843. A selection of liberal donations, already received for this object, has also been noticed at page 1058 of the present Number. It is only requisite further to add, that, by the time when the satisfactory winding up of the present year's accounts shall have taken place, the special subscription-list, which is in preparation, will be duly laid before our friends; and that, although we are anxious that nothing should interfere with the exertions for augmenting the regular and ordinary income of the current year, should any of our friends be disposed at once to add their names to the special list of contributions before it be published, their subscriptions will be very thankfully received.




N. B.-Besides the particular references to each Article, the following
GENERAL HEADS of SUBJECTS, with Lists of the matter arranged under them,
will be found in this Index :-CHRISTIAN OBSERVATIONS ON PUBLIC
-VARIETIES. If a direct reference to any Article should not be readily
discovered, the Reader may find it convenient to consult the GENERAL HEAD
of the subject to which it belongs.

Africa, early plans for the benefit of,, Apuleius, remarks
552. See also Southern and Western

Alleine, Rev. Joseph, letter by, on fa-
mily catechising, 550

America, British. Establishment of the
Wesleyan Missions in Nova-Scotia
and Newfoundland, 222-letters from
the Rev. S. Busby, Point-de-Bute,
702 letters from the Rev. R.
Douglas, St. Andrew's, 786, 787-let-
ter from the Rev. H. Daniel, St. Ste-
phen's, 787-letter from the Rev. W.
Smithson, Annapolis, 787-letter from
the Rev. J. G. Hennigar, Bridgetown,

America, United States of.

of American literature, 306, 1021
origin of the names of the several
States, 599-Rupp's "History of the
Religious Denominations in the United
States," noticed, 1025-Papal con-
demnation of the "Christian League,”
a society formed in New-York to dis-
seminate Protestant principles in Italy,

Andover, "Sketch" of Congregational-
ism in, noticed, 943

Anniversaries held in London in May,
remarks on, 494. See also MISSION-

Anthem, national, controversy respecting
the authorship of the, 299-attempts
to improve the, 303

Apollonius Tyanaus, compared with
Jesus Christ, 576
Appeal to the wealthy, on Christian use-
fulness, 225


Third Series.

Ass" of, 567

[blocks in formation]

Aquinas, Thomas, account of the treatise
of, "On the Perfection of the spiritual
Life," 42, 106

Arnauld, Abbess, remarkable statement
respecting, 42

Ashley, Lord, opposition of, to the Go-
vernment Factory Bill, 428, 493
Atonement, remarks on the, 386
Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, quoted, 36,
474, 569

Augustine, the Monk, mission of, to
Britain, 849

Avignon, picture of the pontifical court
at, 578

Bailey, Mrs., visit of, to the death-bed
of the Rev. John Crosse, 103
Baptism, objectionable expressions con-
cerning regeneration in, used by the
Reformers, 40, 41-works on, noticed,
230, 322, 414, 1024-remarks on
sponsors in, 464

Baptist writers, eminent, mentioned, 480
Baxter, Mrs., of St. Vincent's, men-
tioned, 224, 394

Baxter, Rev. Richard, quoted, on pas-
toral visitation, 641
Bayley, Dr., mentioned, 102
Becon, Thomas, extract from a treatise
of, 910

Belgium, cathedral services in, 923
Benson, Rev. Joseph, notes of, on Matt.
xix. 14, and 1 Cor. vii. 14, quoted,

Bernard, Rev. Joseph, letter by, on
family catechising, 550

4 E

Bernard, St., quoted, 42-referred to,


Bible Societies, condemnation of, by the
present Pope, 1033

Booth, Rev. William O., recollections by,
of the Rev. John Crosse, 101
Birmingham, Wesleyan Conference n,

Brackenbury, Richard, Esq., of As-
wardby, recollections of, 583
Brahmins of India, supposed origin of
the, 505

Braithwaite, Rev. John, visit of, to the
death-bed of the Rev. John Crosse, 103
British and Foreign Bible Society, men-
tioned, 478-munificent grants of, 690,
965, 967

British constitution, excellence of the,

"British Magazine," extract from the,
920, 922

Brown, Rev. Charles J., sermon by, on
ministerial guilt, 912

Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress," histo-
rical memoranda relating to, 52-pro-
totypes of, 114-remarks on Mr.
Stamp's historical memoranda of, 116
-illustrated edition of, noticed, 1029

Calvinism, controversy on, in Exeter,
referred to, 181

Candlish, Dr., attack upon, in the

"Record," noticed, 117

Caribbs, early attempt to educate the,
224 failure of the attempt, 394
Carter, Mrs., remark by, on a passage in
Epictetus, 474

Caswell, Mr. James, communication
from, 561

Catechising, family, letter on, 550
Celsus, work of, against Christianity,

quoted, 475-observations on, 573
Ceylon. Letters from the Rev. P. Per-
cival, Jaffna, 82, 83-letters from the
Rev. R. S. Hardy, Negombo, 84, 953
-letters from the Rev. R. Stott, Bat-
ticaloa, 343, 787-letter from the Rev.
J. Gillings, Point-de-Galle, 868-let-
ter from the Rev. A. Kessen, A. B.,
Caltura, 870

Chalcedon, Bishop of, note respecting
the, 826

Chalmers, Dr., sermon of, referred to, 16
-quoted, 105, 471

Chapel Fund, General, Report of the,
150, 238

Chapel opened at Thurles in Ireland,


Chappell, Mr. George R., speech of, in
Exeter-Hall, 522

Charles I., secret dealings of, with Po-
pish emissaries, 827

Charles II., opinion of, concerning Po-
pery, 36, 668

Christianity, early writers against, 470,

567-essay on the truth, power, and
beneficence of, 808-introduction of,
into Britain, 844

The Educational Movement, 72
Prospect of the Continuance of Peace:
Signs of the Times: Influence of
Infidelity and Popery in Spain and
Portugal: Persecution of Protest-
ants by the King of Sardinia: Ap-
proaching Session of Parliament,

Opening of Parliament: Irish Affairs:
Spread of religious Indifference:
Mr. Sheil's Misstatement respecting
the Treatment of Protestants in
Popish Countries: Education Move-
ment, 245-248
Duelling: Religious Endowments:
Scotch Church: Instance of cleri-
cal Immorality: Presbyterian Mar-
riages in Ireland: Reduction of the
Three-and-a-half per Cents.: Con-
quest of Gwalior, 336–340.
Debate on the Factory Bill, 427-432
Lord Ellenborough's Recall: Annex-

ation of Texas to the United States:
the Irish Trials: Debates on the
Factory Bill: Dissenters' Chapels
Bill: the May Meetings, 492-496
Visit of the Emperor of Russia and
the King of Saxony, 611-615

The Queen: Visit of Louis-Philippe :
the late Session of Parliament, 950-

"Christian Observer," extract from the,
928, 1000

"Churchman's Monthly Review," ex-
tract from the, 826

Church Missionary Society, origin of
the, 554

Church of England, divisions in the,
119, 121-high pretensions of a party
in the, rebuked, 477-position of W'es-
leyan Methodism with reference to the,
not hostile but friendly, 1023
Church of Rome. See Popery.
Church of Scotland, Free, attack upon,
by the "Record," noticed, 117—treat-
ment of, by the Government, 338
Church of Scotland, Hetherington's
"History" of, noticed, 67-instance
of the exclusiveness of, 683

Church, Presbyterian, in England, pro-
ceedings of the, 859

Ciocci, Raffaele, narrative by, of iniqui-

ties and barbarities practised at Rome
in the present day, 928, 1000
Clarke, Dr. Adam, letter of, to the late
Rev. W. Vipond, 113; to the late
Rev. John Stamp, 114 conjecture of,
respecting the sources of the "Pilgrim's
Progress," 115-wish of, that the "Pil-
grim's Progress" should be versified,

mentioned, 117; the wish fulfilled,
235 remarks by, on sponsors in bap-
tism, 464" Wesley Family" of,
quoted, 817, 919, 923-note of, on
Matt. xix. 14, quoted, 988; and on
1 Cor. vii. 14, 989

Factory Bill, Parliamentary debate on
the, 427

Faith working by love, remarks on, 279
Farrar, Rev. John, translation of a ser-
mon by, 9

Fennel, Rev. John, mentioned, 104

Clerical immorality, case of, referred to, Fisk, Rev. George, narrative by, of a vi-

Coates, Mr. Alexander, mentioned, 3
Cocceius, John, quoted, 391

Coke, Dr., agency of, in the establish-
ment of the Wesleyan Missions, 222,
394, 552

Colosseum, of Rome, present state of the,

Copleston, Mr., of St. Alban's, men-
tioned, 619

Cottington, Sir Francis, notice of, 830
Covetousness, nature of, 10-criminality
of, 14-prevalence of, 21

Crowther, Rev. Jonathan, speech of, in
Exeter-Hall, 514

Cudworth, quoted, 576

Curio, Cœlius Secundus, extract from, 35

D'Aubigné's, "Rome and the Reforma-
tion," extract from, 577

Davies, Rev. John, flagellation of, for
his unhandsome attack upon the Wes-
leyans, 591-referred to, 996
Democratic principle, consequences of
the rapid developement of the, 312
Dissenters' Chapels Bill, referred to, 337,
493-Resolutions of the Wesleyan
Committee of Privileges on the, 415—
true merits of the, 418-debate on the,
in the House of Commons, 660
Dissenting divinity, High-Church con-
tempt for, 478

Doddridge, Dr., quoted, 573, 720-Mr.
Foster's preface to the "Rise and Pro-
gress " of, noticed, 684
Druids, notice of the, 843

Duelling, Parliamentary debate concern-
ing, 337

Duff, Dr., shipwreck of, referred to, 916

Edict of Nantes, cruelties perpetrated on
the revocation of the, 580
Education, works on, noticed, 66, 70,
410, 1025, 1028, 1030-movement in
behalf of, among the Wesleyans, 72,
247, 741-late Government measure of,
referred to, 500-Parliamentary grant
for, in the West Indies, 964
Elizabeth, Queen, religious character of,

Epictetus, notice of Christianity in the
writings of, 474-anecdote of, 475
Epistles and Gospels, mutual relation of
the, 1011

Eslake, Mr. John, of Exeter, mentioned,

Expediency, remarks on the doctrine of,


sit to Rome during the Holy Week, 45
Fitzroy, Captain, Governor of New-
Zealand, mentioned, 870, 958, 959—
proceedings of, in connexion with the
Wairau massacre, 960

Fletcher, Mrs., mentioned, 89
Fletcher, Rev. John, references to, in
letters from Mr. Hill to his son, 561
"Foreign Quarterly," extract from the,

Foster, Rev. John, Lectures of, reviewed,
475-extract from, 452

Foulahs, failure of an intended Mission
to the, 553

France, labours and success of Wes-
leyan Missionaries in, 595-progress of
Protestantism in, 823

Gambling, suspension of the Acts against,
referred to, 338

"Gentleman's Magazine," extracts from
the, 114, 305, 598, 859

George IV. and Bishop Porteus, anec-
dote of, 944

Georgia, foundation of the colony of, 919
Germany, state of religion in, 240-in-
tended publication of Wesleyan works
in, 964

Goodman, Bishop, notice of, 832
Graham, Sir James, course taken by, with

respect to the Factory Bill, 428, 493
Gregory XVI., Encyclical Letter of,
for 1844, 1034

Growth in grace, observations on, 208

Hall, Rev. Robert, mentioned, 485
Hamilton, Rev. James, speech of, in
Exeter-Hall, 509

Hampstead Heath, intended enclosure of,
referred to, 662

Harris's "Mammon," referred to, 9
Hawker, Dr., of Exeter, mentioned, 181
Henry, Rev. Matthew, Commentary of,
quoted, 988, 989

Hierocles, treatise of, against Chris-
tianity, 576

Hill, Thomas, Esq., of Tern-Hall, ex-
tracts from letters of, 561
Holy sepulchre, reputed site of the, 309
Hooker, quoted, 136

Hoole's Madras," &c., noticed, 408-
referred to, 503

Hospitals, remarks on religious instruc-
tion in, 657

Howe, John, observations by, on God's
good-will towards men, 984
Howick, I ord, anti-Protestant speech of,
in the House of Commons, quoted,
245, 337

Hymn-Book, Wesleyan, an important aid | Literature, state of, in the twelfth cen
to spiritual progress, 112

India, extension of British territory in,
339-benefits conferred upon, by British
rule, 397-Missions in, 503, 515. See
also South or Continental India and

France, religion in, 595

Germany, state of religion in, 240
Rome and the Papal States, present
condition of, 594
Chapel Fund, 150, 238

Conference in Dublin, 738-in Bir-
mingham, 741

Fast-day, quarterly, 242, 490, 1037
Presbyterian Church in England, 859
Religious Trusts Bill, 415

Shetland, journal of a tour in, 681
Stations of the Wesleyan Ministers,

Theological Institution, 146

Thurles, opening of a chapel at, 325
Ware, Puseyism at, 489
Ireland, Parliamentary debate on the
affairs of, referred to, 245, 247-
opening of a chapel in, 325-decision
of the Judges respecting the validity
of Presbyterian marriages in, 339-
state-trials in, 492-Wesleyan Con-
ference in, 738

Jackson, Dr. Thomas, quoted, 136
Jackson's (Rev. Thomas)
66 Centenary
of Wesleyan Methodism," quoted, 2
"Life of Charles Wesley," quoted,
919, 920
Jamaica, liberal contribution by the
Negroes of, 30-the Rev. R. Young's
account of his recent visit to, 511.
See also West Indies.

Jews, taxation of the, under the law of
Moses, 30

Jobson, Rev. Frederick J., speech of, in
Exeter-Hall, 518
Justification by faith, doctrine of, 35,
40, 136, 293, 671, 729, 813, 927
Justin Martyr, quoted, 388, 391

Kalley, Dr., persecution of, in Madeira,


Kempis, Thomas à, referred to, 216
Kershaw, Rev. John, recollections of the
late Richard Brackenbury, Esq., by,

Keys, the power of the, what is to be
understood by, 454

Labruyère, awful reflection of, quoted, 24
Lampe, quoted, 388, 389, 390
Laud, Archbishop, mentioned, 107, 108,

Leach, Rev. William, recollections by,
of the Rev. John Crosse, 98, 100

tury, 126

Lloyd, Rev. Edward B., death of, men-
tioned, 707

Lombard, Peter, writings of, noticed,

London Missionary Society, early pro
ject of a Mission to Africa by, 554—
works concerning the, noticed, 1027,

Louis-Philippe, visit of, to the Queen, 950
Lucian, writings of, against Christianity,

Lumb, Rev. Matthew, imprisonment of,
in St. Vincent's, 395
Luther, quoted, 457

Lutheran Reformation, connexion of
Methodism with the, 137

Macaulay, Thomas, M. P., detractive
remark by, concerning the Wesleyans,

Macauley, Zachary, letter of, to Mr.
Wilberforce, 553

M'Crie's "History of the Reformation
in Italy," referred to, 293, 407;
error of the Pope as to the name of the
author of, 1036 "History of the Re-
formation in Spain," referred to, 469,
567, 657

Macdonald, Rev. George, speech of, in
Exeter-Hall, 510

M'Ilvaine, Bishop, quoted, 135, 138—
charge of, to the Clergy of Ohio, 293
M'Owan, Rev. Peter, speech of, in Ex-
eter-Hall, 526

Marden, the young Curate of, rebuked,
833, 996

Marriott, Mr. Thomas, communications
The "Pilgrim's Progress,"
116 Methodism in former days, 222,
394, 552, 919-letter from Dr. Clarke,
113-letters from the Rev. John
Wesley, 288, 562-letters from the
Rev. Charles Wesley, 658-letters of
Mrs. Susanna Wesley, 817
Martyrs of the sixteenth century, Ita-

lian, 289, 403-Spanish, 464, 562, 649
May Meetings, remarks on the, 494

Beecroft, Mrs., of Great Budworth,
by the Rev. C. Janion, 891
Cowling, Miss, of Richmond, 270
Crosse, Rev. John, A. M., by the
Rev. W. W. Stamp, 1, 89
Finley, Miss Jane, of Drumclamph,


Finley, Miss Rosanna, of Drum-
clamph, 627

Fowler, Mr. George, of Gunhouse,


Harper, Mrs., of Bristol, by the Rev.
C. Prest, 362

Hartshorne, Mr. Hiram, of Broseley,
by the Rev. A. Fletcher, 978

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