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Thursday Morning, April 27th, at Eleven o'clock, in the Large Room of the Centenary-Hall, Bishopsgate-Street-Within,

The REV. JOHN SCOTT, President of the Conference;

Friday Morning, April 26th, at Eleven o'clock, Great Queen-Street Chapel, Lincoln's-Inn-Fields,


The following are the Arrangements made, in connexion with this Anniversary, for Sunday, April 28th.

City-Road Chapel, at half-past Ten, The Rev. Dr. Newton.

Great Queen-Street

at Six,

The Rev. George B. Macdonald. at a quarter before Eleven, The Rev. Dr. Dixon. at Three, The Rev. William Fox. The Rev. Peter M'Owan.

at Six,

Spitalfields Chapel, at half-past Ten, The Rev. William Fox.

at Six,

The Rev. Frederick J. Jobson.

Southwark Chapel, at half-past Ten, The Rev. George B. Macdonald. Long-Lane, Borough, Ì at Six,

The Rev. Philip C. Turner.

Lambeth Chapel, at half-past Ten, The Rev. Frederick J. Jobson.

at Six,

[blocks in formation]

The Rev. Thomas Jackson.

at Eleven, The Rev. John Scott,
at Six, The Rev. Dr. Dixon.

at half-past Ten, The Rev. Thomas Waugh.
The Rev. William M. Bunting.

at Six,

Liverpool-Road Chapel, at half-past Ten, The Rev. Peter M'Owan.


at Six,

The Rev. Dr. Newton.


of the Society will be held in Exeter-Hall, Strand, on Monday, April 29th, at Eleven o'clock precisely; when

THE RIGHT HONOURABLE SIR GEORGE ROSE, G.C.H., has kindly promised to preside.

A COLLECTION, in aid of the Society's funds, will be made after each sermon, and in the course of the public Meeting.

* Our friends who may intend to visit London from the country, in order to participate in the approaching Missionary services, are respectfully informed, that an Address-Book will be opened early in April, at the Wesleyan Centenary-Hall and Mission-House, in Bishopsgate-street, under the care of the hall-keeper, in order to receive and record their London address, whilst they shall remain in town, and thus to facilitate any desirable communication between them and the Missionary Committee and Secretaries, or other friends.


WE have much pleasure in calling the attention of our readers to the two following communications from Mr. Stott, under whose active and faithful superintendence, the good work of evangelization at Batticaloa, and among the Veddahs, appears to be making a sure and steady progress.

BATTICALOA.-Extract of a Letter from the Rev. Ralph Stott, dated Batticaloa, August 5th, 1843.

I AM thankful to say, that the work of the Lord still prospers in Batticaloa. Nearly every week two or three are added to our number, either from among the Heathens or Roman Catholics; and the impression in favour of Christianity becomes deeper and deeper. Very few now attempt to defend Heathenism, and many laugh at the gods they worship, and say they only do it because their forefathers did it. When we ask, "Do you believe that your gods can save you, or do any thing for you?" the general reply is, "No: we believe they can do nothing for us: they are devils. We believe in one God." On the other hand, they nearly all acknowledge that Christianity is good, both for time and for eternity. I went round my Circuit about a fortnight ago; and, from all I can see and hear, I am convinced that the Lord is preparing the way very rapidly for the coming of his spiritual kingdom among the people of this District. I have not been in Bintenne since I had my jungle-fever: however, I hope it is leaving me, and that I shall soon be again able to go amongst the Veddahs. John Hannah, one of our native Exhorters, has lately been, and gives very favourable accounts; and the Schoolmasters have just been down, and state, that all is going on well. Those stand fast who have previously come over to us, and several women and children are waiting to be baptized. The two schools, supported by our late Governor Mackenzie, are now thrown upon us; as his agent states, that, with his reduced income, he will not be able longer to support them. They cost twenty-four pounds per annum. I intend to establish a school in the third Veddah vil

lage, as soon as I can find a suitable Teacher.

I would again remind you of the necessity of sending us additional help. Fifty thousand souls, preparing to receive the truth, ought not to be neglected! They are not neglected in one sense; the Gospel is partially preached to them, and the word of life is distributed amongst those who can read it; but we want English Missionaries to superintend the work. I am truly thankful to God for the help which we have; and I believe, that, as the work increases, help to carry it out will also increase: but there is a kind of assistance wanted which this country will not be able to afford for years to come; and if you do not send us that aid, the work must suffer. We ought by all means to have three English Missionaries as soon as possible on this station; and while we ask for men, we also entreat you to pray for us. Our trust is in God; for except he pour out his Spirit, "vain is the help of man." Pray that he may make bare his arm, and overturn the powers of darkness. had a revival of religion nearly three years ago, and the work has been steadily going on ever since. Several then experienced the pardoning love of God, and they still enjoy the comfortable assurance of their "acceptance in the Beloved;" but I fear that many of those who have outwardly connected themselves with our society since, have no experimental knowledge of salvation, and some are probably not even thoroughly awakened to a sense of their danger. We therefore see the necessity of a more copious out-pouring of the Holy Spirit, that both these and the surrounding Heathen may be brought to a saving knowledge of Christ.

Extract of a Letter from the Same, dated Batticaloa, October 23d, 1843.

I HAVE just received your letter, containing the welcome news of the appointment of Mr. Pargiter to this station. I hope he will have a speedy and safe passage, and be long spared to labour among


the Heathen. I will give him every possible assistance in learning Tamul; for I am more than ever convinced, that a man can do very little good, on a purely native station like this, without a know

ledge of the language of the people :preaching through the medium of interpreters loses much of its energy, and is apt to injure the spirituality of the Preacher. I think Mr. Pargiter should remain at Puliangteeroo with me, until he obtains some knowledge of Tamul, and then be stationed at the head of the river, at a place called Kalmunai. There are several thousands of inhabitants in this neighbourhood, who are nearly all favourable to Christianity: between twenty and thirty have already been baptized; so that he will have two classes at once. It is about twenty-four miles distant. We have another place, half way to Kalmunai, which ought to have a Missionary. About twenty have already renounced Heathenism, and many more are on the point of doing so. We cannot enter into the openings before us without at least three efficient men to superintend, and a number of native helpers, The latter the Lord is raising up on the spot, for which we are truly thankful. Our work nearer home still prospers: the chapel and other preaching-places are well attended, and almost every day we hear of persons who have made up their minds to renounce the gods of their fathers, and embrace Christianity. The work prospers most, at present, at Amadagalle, a village about three miles hence. Not less than seventy persons, men, women, and children, have embraced Christianity there; and several more have de. termined to do so we have one large class, which we are about to divide. A few days ago, a man who has lately renounced Heathenism, came to me, saying he wished to pull down a Pulliar temple, standing in his cocoa-nut garden. I advised him to do so immediately; and told him, if he would appoint a time, I would go and give an exhortation on the spot as soon as the image was removed. He did so; and I accordingly went; but on my arrival, I found that an old Priest was trying to prevent the destruction of the god and his house, by declaring that the land on which the temple stood belonged to Government. I therefore advised the man to defer pulling down the temple, and to produce

his deeds, and thus prevent the pos sibility of any interference on the part of Government. I have no doubt that the temple stands on the man's own property, and that the god will be thrown into the river in a day or two, They intend to build a preaching bungalo on the spot.

The Veddahs are doing very well. The Schoolmasters are at their posts, and hold meetings on the Sabbath. Mr. Philips has lately been a month among them his account is satisfactory; they were attentive to his preaching; they wished to have their children baptized; and, though several of them were sick, they manifested no desire to use devildancing or charms, as formerly, to drive the sickness away. The former was universally practised among them in cases of sickness, previously to their embrac ing Christianity.

With regard to the work in general in Batticaloa, we thank God and take courage. The people are evidently preparing for the Lord. We have little difficulties and drawbacks now and then;

but the work still goes on. May the Lord hasten the time when all the people shall believe on Christ to the saving of their souls! The general impression among the people is, that Christianity must prevail; and many of them are ashamed of their gods. For instance within the last few months, five temples have been robbed of brass, silver, and golden articles belonging to the temple-service; but not one complaint has been made to the Court; and the reason given by the persons concerned is, "We shall only be laughed at, if we go to Court." Out of two of those temples, the gods were also stolen; but the circumstance seems to create nothing but amusement, except to the Priests, whose craft is in danger. Some of the Heathens say that their temples have been going down ever since our chapel reared its head. Mrs. Stott asked a woman one day why the gods could not take care of themselves and their goods; when she replied, "They are now old and decrepit, and are worth nothing."

MISSIONS IN NEW-ZEALAND. NEW-ZEALAND.-Extract of a Letter from the Rev. J. Whiteley, dated Kawhia, February 11th, 1843.

I REGRET my inability, on the present occasion, to write so fully as I could wish, respecting my work and prospects.

My time is short, and the vessel is on the point of sailing.

I thank God I can say,

My duty is

my delight;" and the encouraging proof that I do not spend my strength for nought, and in vain, stimulates me to

"Labour on at God's command,

And offer all my works to him."

It would have done the hearts of British Christians good, could they have been with us on Christmas-day last. It was the anniversary of our chapel-opening, and we had a love-feast. The people of this Circuit are very widely scattered; but we had a sort of general muster from all parts, many coming from villages two and three days' journey distant; so that the station for several days was a busy and animating scene. The morning was ushered in by the ringing of the bell for worship, at five o'clock; and, while calling the attention of the people to the fact, in memory of which this day was kept, I was forcibly reminded of those very interesting services which I once had the privilege of enjoying with Christians in England; when, amid the frost, and snow, and chilling cold of a Christmas morning, our hearts were warmed and animated by singing and hearing of His love, who came to save a fallen world. And, blessed be God, we had something of the feeling here at the antipodes,-of the warmth, at least, without the cold; and O! to see a little holy fire among the New-Zealanders, does one's heart good. We mourn to see so little of it; but "kindled in some hearts it is," and our prayer is,

"O that all might catch the flame,

All partake the glorious bliss!" The services of the day were interesting and profitable: the love-feast was crowded and animated, and the people spoke with a pleasing readiness and ardour.

On New-Year's eve, also, we had a watch-night; and, though the New-Zealanders know little, and perhaps care less, about the value of time, yet the solemn consideration that we were met together to spend the last moments of an expiring year, which had proved the year of death to thousands, and the contemplation of our near approach to that eternity, and its awful reali

ties, for which time was given us to prepare, appeared to make a serious impression on the minds of the people; and I trust that the Lord will graciously teach them by his Spirit, that they may so number their days as to apply their hearts unto wisdom. O, this people want "line upon line, and precept upon precept!" They can count the moons, and mark the revolving seasons with regard to their cultivations and their crops; but they consider not that these seasons are hurrying them to the eternal world. "O that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would consider their latter end!"

I have lately paid a visit to Mr. Buddle's station at Waipa, and was greatly delighted to find him going on so well in every respect. His people, like mine, are scattered over an extensive range of country; but on the Sabbath we had a chapel well filled with very serious and attentive hearers; and it is long since I addressed congregations with more pleasure and liberty than I experienced on the morning and evening of that day. In the afternoon the people were questioned as to the morning sermon; and proved by their answers, that they had acquired the habit of retaining as well as hearing sermons. May the word preached profit them! Their progress in the Conference Catechism was also very pleasing and encouraging; and indeed, altogether, I was persuaded that Mr. Buddle was in his place, in his work, and doing it well. May he have many souls for his hire!

Last Sunday was a high day with us here. It was our quarterly-sacrament Sunday. Many from our distant villages assembled during the week, to be present with us at the Lord's table; and several, from a tribe who have long stood out against Christianity, were joined to the church of Christ by bap. tism. Thus we are from time to time encouraged by fresh conquests and fresh proofs, that the Gospel we were sent to preach to this benighted people, is indeed the "power of God." O, may it have free course and be glorified in the salvation of this people!


ALBANY.-Extract of a Letter from the Rev. H. H. Dugmore, dated
Graham's-Town, August 4th, 1843.

I PROCEED to give you a general view of the state and progress of the native department of the work here during the June quarter.

As respects the society, the favourable indications mentioned in my last have continued and the result has been, that two additional native classes have been

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formed, both of which are in a very promising state. One of them consists chiefly of persons who had formerly belonged to the society, but had wandered from the "right way," in consequence of an unfortunate affair which had caused many to stumble. They have since been brought to a better mind, have become sensible of their folly, and are now gladly and gratefully returning to God and to his church.

Some of the native classes under the care of English Leaders having become inconveniently large, it was thought a favourable opportunity for putting a plan into practice which had been some time in contemplation,-that of employing several of the natives themselves as ClassLeaders. These classes have accordingly been divided, and the native Leaders appointed, both male and female. There is reason to believe that this measure will prove very beneficial, as the new Leaders are persons of sterling piety and good sense; and possess qualifications in point of language of which the European Leaders are partially or wholly destitute.

Eleven individuals were baptized towards the close of the quarter,-adult Fingoes, all of whom had for some time given satisfactory evidence that they were fit subjects for the initiatory Christian ordinance.

The congregations still increase. That in the Kaffer chapel is already too large for the accommodation we can afford. The appointment of native out-door visiters, connected with the Kaffer school, has greatly promoted attendance on the services of the Sabbath. These men act as Local Preachers, and are very active and zealous in visiting the various establishments of Kaffers and Fingoes in the neighbourhood of the town. The chapel is usually crowded on the Lord's day, and the week-night services are also well attended.

The congregation of that class of the natives who speak the Dutch language is less steady in its increase than the other. It improves, however; and a measure recently decided upon by the General Committee of the Sunday. school will, I have no doubt, much accelerate its improvement: I allude to the erection of a new school-room for the use of that branch of the union. The present accommodations for the Dutch school are altogether inadequate to the wants of the numbers to be instructed, and the school has greatly suffered in consequence. The room about to be built, and which is to be

ready for occupation in November, will be large and commodious, and amply supply all present deficiencies in these respects. The school and congregation are composed, for the most part, of the same individuals; and the improvement of the one will tend to the increase of the other, as it will remove the common ground of complaint: "We cannot obtain instruction in your school; and herefore we do not attend your services."

The school-department in the native work being perhaps more fully identified with Missionary labour than in the English work, I have considered it a part of my duty to exercise a general oversight of the Kaffer school. In conjunction with the Superintendent of that school, I have endeavoured to introduce native agency more extensively than had heretofore been done. A number of native teachers, male and female, have been appointed, and the scholars more regularly classified. A considerable increase of numbers has taken place in the attendance at this school within the last few months.

The plan of monthly subscriptions for the Missions, which I mentioned in my last as about to be adopted, has hitherto worked well. The people cheerfully acknowledge their obligations to the Gospel, and practically prove, by their willing contributions, that they feel as well as profess.

On the whole, we have great cause for thankfulness and encouragement. We need, however, a larger baptism of the Spirit from on high. Deeper spi rituality of mind is much to be desired on the part of the native members, and a clearer experimental knowledge of the privileges and blessings of religion. The nature of its precepts, as well as their obligation, are pretty well understood, and, I believe, conscientiously acted upon; but many of those who are faithful to the duties of their calling, so far as they understand them, are, nevertheless, very deficient in their views of its enjoyments, and are, consequently, in danger of resting in a low state of piety, Our endeavours are, of course, directed against such a state of things; and there are not wanting those who second us by their personal testimony and example; but we require more of the light from above to clear the spiritual vision of those who have so long dwelt in darkness, and "the land of the shadow of death."

We still need, as I know we still have, the continuance of your prayers on

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