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in that country the exercise, not of authority, but of predominant influence. Presently the storm of anarchy subsided, violence disappeared, the balance between the revenue and the expenditure was restored, and commerce and industry, enjoying the protection of the Government, flourished in every town and village, until the whole land became the abode of plenty and contentment. Nearly the same thing has occurred in a hundred places in India, where on the frontiers the same difference is observable between the Company's territories and those of the native Chiefs, as in the valley of the Nile between the cultivated land and the desert.

"We esteem it no slight matter that, through the indefatigable exertions of our countrymen, the revolting system of T'huggee has been almost extinguished. Most persons have been rendered familiar with the organized body of murderers denominated T'hugs. They existed in nearly all parts of Hindustan and the peninsula; and were so numerous, and conducted their assassinations with so much secrecy and success, that to travel alone became an enterprise of the greatest danger. In every conceivable disguise murderers presented themselves to the wayfarer, accompanying him cheerfully and merrily until the favourable moment for action occurred, when they strangled or stabbed him. At present, even M. de Warren himself might revisit that country, and travel along the Queen's or Company's highway, without danger of the noose. Major Sleeman has almost annihilated the Brahminical disciples of Hassan Sooba, who imitate the devotees of the Old Man of the Mountain, without any of those romantic accompaniments which diffused a certain poetical air round the atrocious antagonists of the Crusaders." (Pp. 218-221.)

We quote the foregoing statements merely as referring to the condition and prospects of India, considered as one of the territories under the dominion of the British Crown. Into the political questions connected with the first acquisition

of territory, or with its subsequent enlargement, we are not going to enter, nor even to insinuate an opinion respecting the answers which would have to be given to them. What we have to do with is not the past history of British power in India, but the duties, under one aspect at least considered, to the performance of which our acqui sitions bind us. We only make one observation that might even seem to approach these subjects; and we make that for the sake of the object which we have in view. It is well known that different opinions have been expressed respecting the dealings, in former times, of the British rulers of India with the native Princes. Under those Princes, how. ever, the people themselves were in a state of complete vassalage, having little security either as to property or person. They were taxed not merely according to the necessities, but according to the will, of their masters. The case is now altered. The people of India are no longer the slaves of despotism, but the acknowledged subjects of a power which recognises the rights of the subject, as well as his obligations. Under British rule, the people of India have obtained political existence; and the testimony of all honest and observant beholders confirms the declarations we have quoted above, and proves to us that (employing the beautiful imagery of Scripture) they may sit each under his own vine, or his own fig-tree, no one making them afraid.

The effects are already becoming apparent. Human nature is essentially active; and let it once be seen that activity will not be thrown away, and it is instantly put forth,and put forth in proportion both to the certainty and the amount of the anticipated profit. Society, as composed of men acting for themselves, feeling themselves at liberty (within the limits of honesty, of course) to choose their own object, select their own means, and prosecute their work without fear of interruption,society, thus considered, is in India only in its infancy; but as the activity is great, so the growth will

be rapid. And many circumstances will contribute to promote it. On the one hand, there is a considerable variety of climate, and, therefore, of natural production, in the many countries now united under one government; and, on the other, there is the powerful stimulus applied by the intercourse with the people who have conquered their rulers, but who treat them not as slaves; and who are, they cannot avoid seeing, far, very far, in advance of themselves, in point of social civilization. Already, too, have the inhabitants of India begun to be visiters of England, and even of Europe. Nor is this a trifle. It is more to an Indian, than a visit to India would he to an Englishman. The Englishman goes to India with the map of the world in his mind,-with the geography of the world in his memory. He knows, in theory, all that he will find in practice. Till lately, and till Britain became the instructer, all was different in India. The compilers of the sacred books seem to have overlooked the possibility of geographical improvement. Science and mythology are so mixed up, that whatever gives them correct views as to the former, must show them the utter falsehood of the latter. Teach a Hindoo what an ordinary schoolboy in England would be ashamed not to know, and the entire system of his theology fades away. And this improvement is not merely speculative, nor does it depend on mere speculation. It is plain matter of fact, settled at once by a steam-voyage to England. What, then, is the real condition of the social state in India? Under British rule, especially as now exercised, in distinct reference to the light and to the decisions of public opinion, India must prosper. It cannot be otherwise. Not only is there social activity, but, to an almost unlimited extent, the materials on which social activity works, aided by the stimulus of the presence of a people whose power they have been constrained to acknowledge, and whom they feel to be their benefactors, in every point in which they are their superiors. InVOL. XXIII. Third Series.

dia has peace. Foreign wars and

civil commotions are alike undreaded. The people possess all the activities of human nature; they have the materials on which to employ them; they have leisure and security; they have the stimulating and directing example of those who, if they have conquered their Princes, have befriended themselves. India must prosper.

But Indian prosperity must advance under peculiar circumstances. Wealth and leisure, however variously distributed, will be distributed extensively; and the Indian who has wealth to expend, and leisure to occupy, will naturally have his eye fixed on the example of his European governors and superiors. British habits in India are modified by the climate; and thus will they be more easily imitated. It will be seen that the British owe their position to superior knowledge; and education, therefore, will become more general. European literature is becoming more and more accessible to the higher classes, at least, of our Indian fellow-subjects. Now, if even the corrupted forms of truth have not been able to keep possession of the minds of the educated in countries like Spain, and Portugal, and Italy; if the errors which in some sort seem hallowed by their connexion with truth, and which are rendered far less gross than if the error were unmixed, unmitigated, are nevertheless seen to be errors where the light and activities of literature are experienced, and the very truth is rejected along with them; if advancing knowledge leads to infidelity, as in Romanist countries it does; what must be its tendencies in a country where error is so gross, so entire,-and where the systems of religion, hitherto held fast, not only oppose the first principles of argumentation, so that they cannot bear up against the movements of thought when it becomes enlightened, and vigorous, and independent, but are likewise equally opposed to the more obvious rudiments of science, physical and historical? Hinduism cannot exist in a mind even moderately acquainted MAY, 1844.

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with astronomy, and geography, and chemistry, and history. The phan tasms of the Hindoo pantheon and mythology can only be painted on the mind in a state of complete darkness. Even imperfect light renders the figures indistinct; and if the shutters are opened, and sunshine be admitted, they entirely disappear. There is a great danger that Heathenism should have its place occupied by infidelity. And this is a more serious matter than many would suppose. Infidelity, considered only in theory, and generally, never furnishes good subjects to an empire. It contributes nothing to either the purity or the stability of society. The Christian patriot will, therefore, always look to the possibility of its existence with dread; and will endeavour to guard against its occurrence in any of the shapes which it may assume. But politically, and perhaps even morally, considered, its worst shape is that which is derived from the modern French school. It tends to make man, individually, an intellectual animal, a refined voluptuary, devoted to the pleasures of sense, unable to appreciate life according to its true value, and, therefore, regardless of it; hard-hearted when quiet, ferocious when disturbed. And its social tendencies are of the most mischievous character. Its immediate products are the seeds of insurrection, and its triumphs are found in the wildest storms of anarchy, and in reigns of terror. And if, through our neglect, India should receive the lessons of infidelity, it will be the infidelity of the modern French school; and thus, having sinned against the Lord, we may be sure that our sin will find us out, and itself supply the instruments of a fearful punishment.

We have said, sinned against the Lord. The establishment and spread of British dominion in India point to a providential interference which cannot be mistaken. Our sovereignty there is God's gift; and such a gift was not bestowed to swell the pride of national greatness, or gratify the cravings of national ambition. Sent there by Providence, we have a


work of Providence to perform; and what that is, no one can fail to understand who remembers what are now the nature and character of the divine government of mankind. "The government is upon His shoulders. Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end." The Mediator is Sovereign. All power is committed to him in heaven and earth, and he must reign till he hath put all enemies under his feet. God's design is, that all mankind should be enlightened and influenced by the Gospel. earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord." All the movements of Providence are directed to the accomplishment of this purpose as their great result. "The zeal of the Lord of hosts shall perform this." It follows, therefore, that especially where large territories, yet heathen, are intrusted, and that by a remarkable concurrence of circumstances, to a Christian people, the design of this particular result of the divine administration is, that all proper means be employed, earnestly, constantly, and, as far as is possible, in proportion to the object sought to be secured, and to the difficulties which may oppose themselves, to diffuse the light and energy of the Gospel throughout the whole range to which the providential indication points.

Whether Britain has endeavoured thus heartily to fulfil this evident obligation, is a question easily answered,-answered, indeed, whenever a Missionary map of India is inspected. Something, certainly, has been done; and, if compared with the apathy which existed a century ago, perhaps, we might say, much has been done. But no one can look at the wide-ranging territory, and its teeming population, submitted to the sovereignty of Britain, and at the few-and-far-between stations of the different Missionary Societies, and say that such an effort has been made as the providential obligation requires. Every section of Christ's church in England is concerned in this; for the obligation is a Christian, not a sectional, one. Each section, while

acknowledging that the others, holding the Head, are members of the same spiritual body, yet is of opinion that some important portions of truth are held particularly by itself; and this persuasion should add to the general obligation, the force of the argumentum ad hominem. We think we are, in these respects, more right than others: it is, then, our duty to employ our utmost efforts in Missionary under. takings, that what we believe to be truth more clearly, or more consistently, may by our instrumentality be promoted.

Thus should the Wesleyan section of the visible church in Eng. land reason, and reason in regard to India. By God's blessing, though the Wesleyans are far from being an affluent people, their Missionary Society has been enabled to take an honourable position among the other Missionary Societies in the country.

This is the Lord's doing; and adoringly grateful ought the Wesleyans to be, that such is the case. But, considering the position thus occupied by the Wesleyan Missionary Society, considering, also, the important character of those views of religious doctrine which the Wesleyans have been led to take,-it becomes a question more than ordinarily serious, Should not more be done by the Wesleyans for India? And if what is really a primary obligation may be strengthened, and obedience to it stimulated, by subordinate considerations, may not this addition be made to the question,-Should not more be done for India by the Wesleyans, seeing that Puseyism is labouring for supremacy there? Let each reader of these remarks decide for himself, what answer he thinks the questions ought to receive.



(To the Editor of the Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine.)

In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, those Christians known in history by the name of Vaudois, Waldenses, and Albigenses, who condemned the corruptions by which the Church was everywhere infected, penetrated through the Alps, and established themselves in various parts of Italy. In 1231, Pope Gregory IX. published a furious Bull against them, ordering that they should be sought out, and delivered over to the secular arm to be punished. This Bull was also sent by the Pope to the Archbishop of Milan, with an injunction to see it executed in his diocess.

of which many of their brethren emigrated to that part. Soon the neighbourhood assumed a new appearance; villages rose in every direction; the hills resounded with the bleating of flocks, and the valleys were covered with corn and vines. The prosperity of the new settlers excited the envy of the surrounding villagers. The Priests also observed, that although these strangers regularly paid tithes, according to their agreement with the proprietors, yet they practised none of the ceremonies usual at the interment of the dead, had no images in their chapels, did not go in pilIn 1370, some of the Vaudois, grimage to consecrated places, and being straitened in their own terri- had their children educated by fotories, came into Italy in search of reign teachers. Hence they began a convenient settlement. Having to raise the cry of heresy against discovered in Calabria, within the these simple and inoffensive people. modern kingdom of Naples, a dis- But the landlords, gratified to see trict uncultivated, and thinly peo- their grounds improved, and to repled, they bargained with the pro- ceive large rents for that which had prietors of the soil; in consequence formerly yielded them nothing,

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About the year 1558, the Pope sent two Monks to suppress these Waldensian Churches, or to bring them into subjection to the Church of Rome. These Monks, on their first arrival, assumed an air of great gentleness. Having assembled the inhabitants of Santo Xisto, they told them that they had not come for the purpose of hurting any one; but merely to warn them, in friendly way, against hearing any teachers but those appointed by the Bishop; that if they would dismiss those who had led them astray, and live in future according to the rules of the Roman Church, they had nothing to fear; but if they acted otherwise, they would incur the punishment of heretics, and expose themselves to the loss of property and of life. The Monks then appointed a time for the celebration of mass, which they required all present to attend. But, instead of complying with this injunction, the inhabitants in a body quitted the town, and retired to the woods; leaving behind them only a few aged persons and children.

Hereupon the Monks went to La Guardia; and, having assembled the inhabitants, told them that their brethren of Santo Xisto had renounced their erroneous opinions, and gone to mass; exhorting them to follow so dutiful and wise an example. The poor, simple people, crediting this report, and alarmed at the danger held out, complied; but no sooner did they ascertain the truth, than they resolved instantly to leave the place, with their wives and children, and to join their brethren, who had taken refuge in the woods : a resolution from which they were with difficulty diverted,

by the representations and promises of the Lord of the soil. Meanwhile, the Monks procured two companies of foot-soldiers to be sent into the woods, who hunted the inhabitants of Santo Xisto like beasts of prey; and, having discovered their lurking-places, fell on them with cries of Murder them! murder them!" Some of the fugitives took refuge on a mountain; and, having secured themselves, demanded a parley with the Captain. After entreating him to take pity on them, their wives, and children, they said, that they and their fathers had inhabited that country for some ages, without giving any one cause to complain; that if they could not be allowed to remain in it any longer, without renouncing their faith, they hoped they would be permitted to withdraw to some other country; that they would go, by sea or by land, to any country that their superiors might be pleased to appoint; they would engage not to return; and that they would take with them only what was necessary for their support on their journey; for they would rather part with their property than do violence to their consciences. They implored him to withdraw his men, and not oblige them reluctantly to defend themselves, as they could not answer for the consequences, should they be driven to extremities. Instead of listening to this reasonable offer, the Captain ordered his men to advance by a Larrow pass; upon which those on the hill attacked them, killed the greater part, and put the rest to flight.


The Papal party immediately resolved to revenge on the whole body this unpremeditated act of resistance on the part of a few. The Monks wrote to Naples, that the country was in a state of rebellion; upon which the Viceroy despatched several companies of soldiers to Calabria; and, to gratify the Pope, he followed them in person. On his arrival, by the advice of the Inquisitors, he caused a proclamation to be made, delivering up Santo Xisto to fire and sword; and, by another proclamation, he offered

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