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George's architect was sent for to build it, and I attribute its superiority to his being fully at liberty to follow his own plans. All the people took an active part in the work, and rewarded him handsomely for his very great pains. It is clear of debt. A Priestess from one of the heathen forts went and looked into the chapel; but when she saw its elegancy she ran away as in a panic, and said it was full of devils. The reason of her saying so, was, because the Heathen think that no one else is worthy of a fine building but the devil; and some of the old devil-houses, which are now among the Heathen, prove that this is their notion, as they are far more elegant than any other houses.

16th.-1 preached twice to-day in our new chapel. The congregations were crowded. August 3d. Two Roman Catholic Priests came for the first time from the Bea to Hihifo. They called upon us; but, as it wanted only a few minutes to our preaching time, I had but little conversation with them. We had the bell struck for worship as they were going down the garden. They slept in the fort, and tried to propagate the doctrines of Popery: they told the people that theirs was the only true Church, and that we possessed but a part of the Scriptures, inasmuch as our Scriptures only speak of two states beyond the grave, but theirs speak of three; namely, heaven, hell, and purgatory.


7th. I went to Teekiu, and preached. The Chief of this place is a Local Preacher and a Class-Leader, and is one of the most spiritual natives I have ever known: he lives continually in the spirit of humble, believing prayer. spent some time in the evening in trying to fortify the minds of the people against the deep-laid scheme of Popery, the Priests having called upon them on their return from Hihifo, and tried to poison the minds of some. May the Lord rebuke them! I wrapped my blanket round me, lay down, and slept about five hours, and awoke almost stiff with cold. Proceeding to Matahau, I had not gone far, when, looking back, I saw old David coming after me: when he came up, he said he wanted to have a little talk about spiritual things. We entered into conversation, and our hearts burned within us while we talked by the way. Matahau came in sight, which is about three miles from the place whence we started. Here I preached from, "Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean." Old David prayed after the

sermon, and we found it good to be there. The Lord was near to bless us. I then gave tickets to two small classes, after which I went on to Houma, and preached. This done, I came down into the heathen fortress, and had some talk with the old Chiefs, who are very friendly, but still continue to reject the truth.

September 18th.-The Romish Priests have visited us again at Hihifo: this is the third time of their coming. The first time they came, the Chiefs treated them very kindly, but told them that they did not wish them to come again; there was no need for it, as they all had embraced Christianity. in a fortnight after, treated them with a

They came again when the Chiefs degree of shyness,

and reminded them of what had been told them on their first visit, that they did not want them to come again. The following conversation ensued:

Priests. It is our duty to go and preach the Gospel to every creature.

Chiefs. We have the Gospel preached to us, and the word of God to read.

Priests. No, you have not. These men who preach to you are leading you astray they are of Mr. Wesley's religion, which took its rise only about one hundred years ago; and Mr. Wesley himself was no better man than Jovili, an impostor who was in the Navigators' Islands a few years since, and who deceived many.

Chiefs. Our religion is the religion of the Bible, and took its rise with the Bible.

Priests. Your Bible is full of errors. Chiefs. We believe our Bible to be the word of God and of truth, and are determined to abide by it.

Priests. Well, but we love your souls, and we must come to teach you; and, if you are not willing, you may prosecute us, and even kill us, if you please.

Chiefs. It is not our intention to give you so much as a wrong word; but if you are determined to come, against our minds, we can please ourselves whether or no we feed you, and give you a place to sleep in.

Priests. Very well, then let us sleep in the road or bush.

Chiefs. We will give you a place to sleep in to-night; but if you come again, you must not expect so much.

Priests. When we came the first time, we thought you the kindest of people. How is it that you are so altered? Chiefs. When you first came treated you as strangers; but, at the same time, knowing that your intention was to


come and be our Teachers, we told you
then, that we had a Teacher, and that
there was no need for you to come; and
we wished you not to repeat your visits;
but you
seem determined to force
yourselves upon us: and are we obliged
to receive you, and give you our food,
against our minds ?

A great many other things passed, which it would be tedious to mention : they went up one part of the fortress and

down another until about nine in the evening; and, no one offering them a place to sleep in, they went of their own accord, and slept in an old house in the bush. The Tonga man who had come with them from the Bea, began to be out of patience, and to contend with them he asked if this were the way of their religion, to go wandering about; and said, that the Lord had given them up to a foolish mind.


SIERRA-LEONE.-Extract of a Letter from the Rev. Thomas Dove,
dated April 3d, 1844.

ON Wednesday last we held our Quarterly Meeting: a gracious influence rested upon us while we were together; we all seemed to feel the importance of the great work in which we are engaged. But our feelings were mingled both with pleasure and pain ;-with pleasure, that upwards of three thousand of the sons and daughters of Ham had been gathered into the fold of Christ, and were enjoying the advantages of Christian communion among us; and moreover that there is such a spirit of inquiry in the colony, together with so many doors opening before us; but with pain, that the labourers, amid such an abundant harvest, are so few, and that even some of the few are likely, through sickness, brought on by excessive labour, and exposure to the rays of a vertical sun, either to fall in the ranks, or to be obliged to quit the field. Such thoughts are too painful for me.

Our Institution begins to assume a very pleasing aspect: the young men are soundly converted to God, except one, and he appears to be seeking the same blessing with great earnestness. Our societies and congregations are greatly on the increase; consequently,

our chapels in some places are becoming too small. We are building a plain substantial stone chapel at Kroo-town. Mr. Scott, the Colonial Surveyor, has given us a large quantity of stone for the purpose, and we are trying to do it with as little expense to the Society as possible. Mr. Raston is labouring successfully at York; and Mr. Amos, though greatly enfeebled, is doing all he can at Hastings, Wellington, &c.

We occasionally preach in the open air in the cool of the evening. Many have given up their idols, and have joined the society. Mr. James Will, a liberated African, preaches in the Aku language, in the open air, to listening multitudes, with extraordinary effect. Mr. Crowther, of the Church Missionary Society, is doing the same, which greatly astonishes the Aku people.

Thank the Lord, Mr. Badger, Mrs. Dove, and myself, are tolerably well in health; but what we are to do, I know not. Mr. and Mrs. Quick dread the thought of leaving, particularly as they are so well fixed at our Institution at King Toms. We hope you will send us some help soon, that we may prosecute the duties connected with our great work in this part of the world.

Subsequently to the date of this letter, Mr. and Mrs. Quick were under the necessity of desisting from their useful labours in SierraLeone, and have returned to this country.



HAYTI.-Extract of a Letter from the Rev. Mark B. Bird,
dated Port-Republicain, June 19th, 1844.

IN my last, reference was made to our French primary and Protestant school, with regard especially to the great diffi

culties with which it had to struggle. I am thankful to say, that this truly im portant and increasingly-interesting in

stitution is daily gaining ground in the confidence of the public; so that our numbers are continually augmenting. My visits and applications to the inhabitants of this city in behalf of the school, have not been in vain; about fifty have given their names as subscribers, and there is every probability that the general expenses of the school will be met by public liberality. The municipal body, also, under whose special patronage and encouragement the school was established, and who, in consequence of circumstances over which they had no control, were considerably in arrears in their noble subscription of one hundred dollars a month, are now beginning to pay up all arrears; and in addition to this, the present Government has voted fifty dollars a month as a subscription towards the support of the establishment; and this has been done with expressions of regret that the present state of affairs would not allow of a more liberal contribution. For all these encouragements we are truly thankful, and earnestly pray that they may be continued.

But our success has created a want which forces us to look to the land of noble souls, the land of our fathers. We are in want of a school-room, and a small one would be useless. Three hundred children in a hot climate require plenty of room, and plenty of air; and if we build, I certainly think we ought to keep this number in view; for we are now nearly two hundred, and the school is continually increasing.

Suffer me to remind you of the peculiar importance of such an institution, in such a community; let me also add that there is a remarkable desire on the part of parents in this city for the edu

cation of their children, and they wish that education to have a special reference to sound moral principle. These parents, although not of our communion, have the utmost confidence in your Missionaries, who have the entire management of the school. Nor is the confidence of the public shown by simply sending children, but also by contributing willingly to its support. All therefore that we now ask, is help in the building of a school-house. I beg respectfully and earnestly to urge this important subject upon the attention of the Committee.

Our society at Port-Republicain is, I am thankful to say, upon the whole, encouraging. Some of our good old French Protestants have died; several members of the English society have left the country; and our numbers have by this means been diminished; but two or three young people have lately joined the French society, who are promising in their general character: our congregations, too, at the French services, keep up well; but we want a visitation from on high, we want an outpouring of the Spirit.

The country is quiet; but it cannot be said to be in a settled state. I sincerely hope, however, that there is now nothing more than a sort of subsiding effervescence of past circumstances. There can be no doubt that President Guerrier means well to his country, and his influence is great. May God Almighty overrule all things for the best!

Mr. Hartwell is still with us in the capital, for want of an opportunity to go to his Circuit, there not being any communication between the French and Spanish parts of the island.


OUR friends will be glad to see the following communication from our respected and beloved Missionary, Mr. Fraser :

JAMAICA.-Extract of a Letter from the Rev. Edward Fraser,
dated Montego Bay, April 23d, 1844.

I BEG to transmit a short extract from my journal of the past quarter. Our labours upon long-established stations, though immensely multiplied, and, it may be, important, have so little of the interest which attends an opening Mission, that it requires some effort with our own minds to reconcile us to the act of transmitting a record of them.

January 3d, 1844.-We had a meeting for children in Montego-Bay chapel.

Mr. Hann came from a neighbouring Circuit to help me, and under his address several of the little ones showed strong marks of real feeling.

12th. I was not a little troubled at the prospect of going to Kingston, to be at the annual District-Meeting, although personal considerations as to health, and cheerfulness, the sight of friends, &c., might make the journey agreeable. The Circuit horses are indiferent, which

would compel me to set out a Sunday earlier than if I had better ones. Then the only Local Preacher in the town fell sick, and I knew not how to leave the people. Just then, the General Superintendent thought of sending Mr. Taylder, one of the newly-arrived Missionaries, to remain in my absence. I started quickly after hearing of this relief, and crossed Mr. Taylder on the way.

13th. In company with some other Missionaries, I reached St. Ann's-Bay, and was compelled to halt for the night.

Sunday, 14th.-As our horses would have better pasturage a little further on, at Beechamville, the whole party had agreed to rise and proceed before the dawn, so as to avoid Sunday-travelling as much as possible. I, however, kept a pony, and stayed behind the rest, for the purpose of offering my service, and redeeming a Sabbath for preaching where it might be acceptable. I found the

opportunity I sought, and was thankful for it. In the way onward, after service, I discovered the house where lay a sick friend and fellow-Christian, whom I greatly desired to visit. Thus attention to one duty put me in the way of another.

I should have shot over this house, if I had proceeded this morning without preaching.

17th. We reached Kingston. Frightful ravages of the late fire are to be seen here; and, what is distressing, little or no rebuilding going on. It is painful to look at people smitten down. To see them unable to rise, is more painful.

18th. Our District-Meeting began; the Rev. Robert Young, a Visiter from the Committee, presiding. We had a good prayer-meeting for a commence


21st. Sunday being come, I had to stand where I had often stood before, in Coke-chapel pulpit. "I was with you in weakness and fear and much trembling." At night I preached for one of the London Missionary Society's Minis


28th.-Having no call this Sabbath, I rested, desiring that God would teach me by his Ministers whom I should hear that day, how to improve my active Sabbaths.

February 4th.-On my way from Kingston back to my own Circuit, I preached at Watsonville for Mr. Savery. We had a good congregation and a pleasing people. Their behaviour in the chapel, and after the service, was remarkably proper. A number of classes were met under the trees around the chapel, to some of which I went and

offered my service to call the papers. This they took in such a way as gave me additional reason to think that the people here are distinguished for a mild spirit and sweet manners.

7th. I arrived at Montego-Bay, the journey being all safe and agreeable. It was not in vain to seek God's blessing before setting out. I found Mr. Tayl der well, and preached in his stead at night.

11th. At Montego-Bay I preached twice, and administered the Lord's supper. After the morning service I gave some account of the state of our Jamaica Missions generally, and appealed earnestly to the people on behalf of our Soci ety's funds, for maintaining the work of God in the earth.

13th. I rode with Mr. Taylder to Blue-Hole Estate. It was crop-time, and we could only expect the members to come at intervals during the day, that we might speak to them individually, and renew their society-tickets. Some gave us satisfaction; but others had shown a quarrelsome spirit, which seems to be the evil of the place.

18th. I preached at Beecham to a good congregation, from, "I fear lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ." This passage occur. red to me because of a report that the simple people of one estate in this neigh bourhood had been troubled by a visit from some Myal men. But the people of this quarter generally have shown themselves, again and again, proof against the progress of Myalism.

20th. I began renewing tickets to the society in Montego-Bay, and experienced a blessing in the spirit of faith and charity excited by our mutual conversation.

25th. I went to Mount Edmondson. The chapel was filled at an early hour: the Sunday-school met twice, and the attendance was large. After the morn ing preaching, about ten persons came to be admitted into the society on trial: two or three military men were among the number. But that scripture is too applicable here, "As yet He [the Holy Spirit] was fallen upon none of them." We do not get to the mark of plain, palpable conversions of heart; and the demon of drunkenness is hardly kept at bay. O God, make bare thine


27th. I was greatly comforted this morning on a visit to an old African Leader, and by the discovery of “the

wisdom and the spirit" with which she guides her class. I had met this class while the Leader was absent, being sick at home, and passed some laudatory remarks on their punctuality in making little penny contributions towards the maintenance of their church. They left me silently, and repaired in a body to their Leader's house. The following is her account of the conversation which then occurred:-" Dem no get in house before dem shout, Leadah, Minisa gi we praise!' Directly me top dem, and say, 'Sit down till we praise God fuss; den me hear what you hab to say. All you walk upright! So Minisa praise you, so God praise you: no tiuk you get to heaben 'cause Minisa praise you God's praise.""


28th. I went up to Mount Ward, which is now included in the MontegoBay Circuit. And so I am likely to have more care and not less labour this year with colleagues, than I had last year without any. Mr. Mansie's health is indifferent; yet he is very commendably resolved to do his best in public labours, and there is good hope that with this more healthy station and judicious self-treatment he will become stronger. Mount Reece and

Coke's View are the two secondary stations with Mount Ward. The chapels at both these places are in poor condition. That at Coke's View, especially, is falling down; but the people are intending to build another like it, of rods and trash.

JAMAICA.-Extract of a Letter from the Rev. James Atkins, dated Port-Morant, St. Thomas in the East, May 17th, 1844.

WE are, I am happy to report, making some progress in our Circuit. On Good-Friday we laid the foundationstone of a new chapel at Airy Castle. This place is situated about half-way between Bath and Port-Morant: it is a township of considerable extent, and continues rapidly to increase. We have secured two acres of the best land in the most central situation, and as it is thickly covered with cocoa-nut trees, we shall have an abundant supply of oil for our evening services there. We have upwards of a hundred members living close round the chapel; but they will continue to meet in class for the present at Bath or Port-Morant, as we are not anxious to form the society until the chapel is finished.

At Dalvey our new chapel, fifty feet by thirty, with a vestry seventeen feet square, was opened for divine service on Good-Friday; and on Easter-Sunday the society was formed, which continues rapidly to increase. Every Lord's day the chapel and vestry are crowded to excess, and yet there are scores standing

outside. This place is one of considerable importance, and will of itself very soon support a Missionary. The society has been composed chiefly by a division of the Rocky-Point society. Sixty or eighty belonged to Bath, and from one to two hundred have been reclaimed from the world and sin. "Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us."

"Thou only, Lord, the work hast done,

And bared thine arm in all our sight,
Hast made the reprobates thine own,
And claim'd the outcasts as thy right."

The society now consists of about five hundred members; and if we had but the means to set about an immediate enlargement of the chapel, it would, there is no doubt, greatly increase, as many are kept away because we have not sufficient room.

As to the piety of our old members, I hope it is becoming more and more scriptural and solid. Our attendants on sacramental occasions are more numerous than they have been; which regard as a good sign.


It will be seen from the following letter, that this important Mission is in an encouraging state :

DEMERARA.-Extract of a Letter from the Rev. W. L. Binks, dated
George-Town, June 3d, 1844.

By the kind protection of that Being "whom winds and seas obey," I arrived in safety at George-Town, Demerara, on

the 27th of May, in the possession of good health and spirits. I had a hearty welcome from both Mr. Biggs and Mr.

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