JAN. 25. At Edinburgh, Charles Dundas, Esq. M.P. for the county of Berks, to Mrs. Erskine, niece to the late Earl of Landerdale. 30. At St. Mary's Church, NewingtonButts, Mr. John Ebbutt, of Croydon, to Sarah, daughter of William Francis Cook, of Newington. FEB. 2. At Beddington Church, by the Rev. John Courtnay, David Walker, Esq. of Liscooly, in the county of Donegal, Ireland, to Anna, eldest daughter of William Meeke, Esq. of Beddington, Surrey. -. The Rev. T. B. S. Carwithen, vicar of Sandhurst, Berks, to Mrs. Augustus Faulkner, daughter of the late General Spry, of the Engineers. 5. At St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, by the Rev. William Wodsworth, rector of St. Peter, Sandwich, Samuel Barlow, jun. Esq. of Old Broad-street, to Mary-Ann. only daughter of William Slark, Ésq. of Clapton. 9. At St. Michael's, College-hill, by the Rev. William Henry Springet, chaplain to the Lord Mayor, William Boyd, of Shamrock Lodge, county of Down, Ireland, to Jane, eldest daughter of the Right Hon. Christopher Magnay, Lord Mayor of London. 12. At the parish-church of Adderly, in the county of Salop, by the Hon. and Rev. Henry Cust, the Hon. John Henry Knox, third son of Viscount Northland, to the Right Hon. Lady Mabela Needham, youngest daughter of the Earl of Killmorey. DEATHS. LATELY, the Rev. Dr. Hodgson, Principal of Brazennose College, and Regius Professor of Divinity in the University of Oxford, who, whilst on a visit to his Grace the Duke of Buckingham, was taken ill with a disorder in his bowels, which, baffling the power of medicine, brought him to a premature grave. Lately, in the 14th year of his age, Nicholas Charrington, second son of N. Charrington, Esq. Mile-end. Lately, at Pudlicote House, Oxfordshire, Mary-Elizabeth, wife of Jonathan Birch, Esq. Lately, after a few days illness, at Glasgow, Captain J. Aveling, of the 77th regiment, having actively served 22 years in the same regiment. Lately, at his house, at Welwyn, Herts, John Cotton, Esq. of Devonshire-street, Portland-place. Aug. 12, 1821. At Dana, Richard Owen Wynne, Esq. Second Judge of Appeal and Circuit in the Bengal Establishment. Nov. 16. At sea, Dr. Helenus Scott, M.D. many years first Member of the Medical Board of Bombay, and late of Russell-square. JAN. 29. At Maidenhead, at the advanced age of 77 years, James Payn, Esq. upwards of fifty years Recorder of that town, and Treasurer for the County of Berks. 30. At his Lordship's seat, Thornton, Essex, the Right Hon. Frances Lady Petre. FEB. 1. At Plymouth, after a short illness, Captain Sir T. Lavie, K.С.В. commanding his Majesty's ship Spencer, of 74 guns, leaving a widow and ten children. 4. At her house, in Nottingham-place, Marylebone, Mrs. Ann Frederick, relict of the late Rear-admiral Frederick, aged 72. 6. At Bootham, Yorkshire, William H. Merriman, Esq. formerly of the Royal Navy, and late of the Hon. East India Company's Service. 7. At his house in Howland-street, in the 74th year year of his age, Richard Wroughton, Esq. This Gentleman long and deservedly held a conspicuous station on the London Stage. Mr. Wroughton possessed a sound understanding, and had observed the world with a discerning eye. His talents as an actor were not of the very highest order, but were in the next degree, and, in the prime of his life, he occasionally appeared with great credit in first-rate characters. He was of the OLD SCHOOL, as it is now styled, meaning the School of Garrick and of Nature, which entirely overturned that cold and pompous style so highly praised by Colley Cibber, who, however, had published his apology many years before Garrick appeared, and whom at last, though with much reluctance, he admitted to be the true Actor of Nature. Mr. Wroughton was much respected for his theatrical talents, at a time when Garrick, Barry, and Smith, were high in public favour. His performance of Darle mont, in the play of "Deaf and Dumb," was equal in conception and effect to any theatrical performance that we ever witnessed, and the late Mr. Fox declared that he had never seen such acting since the days of Garrick. The truth is, that the good sense of Mr. Wroughton induced him to keep his eye steadily upon human life, and to study attentively the nature of the character which he was to perform. Hence he was totally free from those trickerics of gesture, and that affected mixture of the terrific and the familiar, which have degraded the stage of late years, and which, while they captivate the ignorant and vulgar, can only make the judicious grieve." Mr. Wroughton was a model of integrity in private life, and all who consulted him might safely depend upon the suggestions of his knowledge, prudence, and experience. As a companion he was humourous and well-bred, with something of a satirical smartness that gave point to what he said, and his conversation was always enlivened by anecdotes, which he related with force and effect, but without any obtrusion or parade. He was highly esteemed by a large circle of friends, and has left an amiable and accomplished widow to lament the loss of a pleasant companion and affectionate protector. LIST OF BANKRUPTS, FROM SATURDAY, JANUARY 26, το TUESDAY, FERRUARY 19, 1822. WITH THE ATTORNIES' NAMES, Extracted from the London Gazette. N.B. All the Meetings are at the Court of Commissioners, Basinghall-street, unless otherwise expressed. The Country and London Attornies' Names are between Brackets. SUPERSEDED. HAVILAND, R. Cirencester, Gloucester, rectifier. SUMMERSETT, J. Shorsted, Kent, farmer. WATSON, P. Liverpool, merchant. BANKRUPTCIES BUTCHER, O. Burnham Westgate, Norfolk, farmer. GRAY, J. Bishopsgate-street Within, silversmith. BANKRUPTS. ALLSUP, CHS. High Holborn, hatter, March 9. ASPELL, JOHN, Manchester, check-inanufacturer, ALDERSON, JOHN, Liverpool, oil-merchant, ATKINSON, MICHAEL, Fulbeck. Lincoln, money- AXFORD, THOS. Abingdon, Berks, wine merchant, March 26, Crown and Thistle, Abingdon. [Nelson, Essex-st. Strand; and Graham, Abingdon.] Feb. 12. ANDREWS, THOS. W. Stamford, Lincoln, cabi- BOND, WM. Houndsditch, wafer-manufacturer, 26. BANTLING, JAMES, Cumberland-st. St. Mary-lebone, carpenter, March 9. [Williams and Co. Gray's-Inn-pl. Gray's Inn.) Jan. 26 BURGIE, JAMES, Mark la. carpenter, March 9, [Leigh. Charlotte-st. Mansion-House.) Jun. 26. BOWRING, JOHN GODWIN, Fenchurch-ba. broker, March 12. [Kearsey and Co. Bishopsgatest.] Jan. 29. BUTCHER, JAS. Alphamstone, Essex, maltster, March 12, Red Lion, Colchester. [Daniels and Co. King's-Arm's-yard, Coleman st.; and Colchester.] Jan. 29. BAKER, THOS. Wolverhampton, Stafford, mercer March 16, Whiston Cross, Salop [Wood, Wool verhampton; and Williams and Co. Old Buildings, Lincoln's-Inn.] Feb. 2. BRAMWELL, JAS, Leadenhall-st. hatter, March 16. [Shelton and Co. O'd Bailey.j Feb. 2. BLACKLEE, DAN. Cambridge, bricklayer, March 19, Hoop, Cambridge. [Chevell, Cambridge; and Farlow, Gray's Inn.) Feb 5. BULLOCK, JOHN, Leadenhall st. grocer, March 23. [Smith and Co. Hatton-co. Threadneedle-st.] Feb. 9. BILSBOROUGH, BEN. Lower Merton, Surrey, COLLING, WM. KELLOWAY, Liverpool, picture. dever, March 16, at the Office of Mr. Mawdstey. Lent-st. Liverpool. (Mawdsley, Liverpool; and Wheclet, Castle st. Holborn.] Feb. 2. CHINNOCK, RICH. Frome Selwood, Somerset, balder, March 16, Red Lion, Wolverton, Somer. [Jeyes, Chancery la.; and Seymour, Frome.] CAPON, JOS, Strand, batter, March 19. (Mr. M Mirkael, South Sea Chambers, ThreadneedleR. Fb. 5. Fel CONTE. HEN. Church-st. Bethnal-green, cabinetmaker, March 93. [Clift, Holborn-co. Gray's Jan Feb. o. CURLING, WM. Shadwell High-st. slopseller, March 29. [Unwins, High-st. Shadwell.] Feb. 9. COLLINS, FRANCIS WM. Dorset-pl. Claphammar, corn and coal-merchant, March 9, 9, and Anil 2. [Reeves, Furnival's Inn, Holborn.] Fr. 19. DVE RICH. Peckham, wheelwright, March g. Dixon, St. Swithin's-la. Lombard-st.] Jan 25. DENT, ANTHONY, Size-la. merchant, March 19. Krarepy and Co. Bishopseate-st. Jan. 20. DICKER, GEORGE, Dawlish, Devon, bui'der, March 16, Subscription Rooms, Exeter. [Brat. Old Broad-st.; and Bratton, Exeter.] Fa DANKEY, WM. Bristol, Brewer, March 30, White Harr. Bristol. [Dix, Symond's Inn, Chancery-la. oni Frankie, Bristol) Feb. 16. EDMONDS, EDW. Newport, Monmouth, draper. March 9. Bosia Tavern, Bristol. [Messrs. E. and J. Daniel, Bristol; and Pearson, Pump-co. Temple.1 Jan. 26. FARMER, GEO. jan. Birmingham, roller of mes tals, March 16, Royal Hotel, Birmingham. [Holme and Co. New Inn; and Meredith, Birmingham.] Feb. 5. GREEN, CHARLES, Leather-la. Holborn, victualler, March 9. (Vandercom and Co. Bush-la. Canmen-st. Jan. 26. GREEN, WM. jun. Exmouth-st. Clerkenwell, ironmonger, March 12. [Jones and Co. Mincing-la.] Jan. 19. GILL, M. Skipton, York, haberdasher, March 16. 「Pownall and Co. Old Jewry.] Feb.2. GREY, CHAS. Oxford-st. horse-dealer, March 23. Pa, Coleman-st.] Feb. 9. GRIFFITHS, THOS. Oxford-st. jeweller, March 2, and 96. Appleby and Co. Grav's Inn.) Feb. 19. GRAY, THOS. THOMPSON, Wardour-st. Soho, coal dealer, March 26. Feb. 12. [Ewington, Hertford.] GILBERT, JOHN, and CO. Bristol, commissionmerchants, March 1.92, and April 2. Commercial Forms, Bristol. [Evans, Hatton-garden; and Haberfe'd, Bristol. Feb. 19. HOWARD, JAS. Norwich, butcher, March 12, Norfolk Hotel, Norwich. [Simpson and Co. Norwich; and G. T. and R. Taylor, Featherstone-bu. Holborn.] Jan. 99. HAMPSON, ROB. and THOS. Liverpool, cornmerchants, March 12. George, Liverpool. [Format. Liverpool; and Perkins and Co. Holborn-co. Gray's Inn.] Jan. 29. BULILEY, RICH. Lamby, York, dealer, March P. White Horse, York. [Parker, Selby; and Wizlesworth, Gray's Inn-sq.) Jan. 29. JOS. Rezent et. Piccadilly, tailor, March 16. Jure Jeronen st. Piccadilly.] Feb. 2. HAY SAM. Upper Lisson-st. Lissom-green, carPesmer, March 23. [Carlon, High-st. Mary-leRicet BAMES, RICH. Tottenham Court-road, linen. March 13. [Hewett, Tokenhouse-yard.] Pisg HEMMING, JOHN, Upton, Oxford, dealer, March 26, Bull, Burford, [Newmarch, Windrush; and King, Serjeant's Inn, Fleet-st] Feb. 12. HERRINGTON, JOHN. Fareham, Southampton, mercer, March 25, Red Lion, Fareham. [Hicks and Co. Bartlett's-bu.; and Prior, Fareham.] Feb. 19. HOBSON, RICH. Maidstone, haberdasher, March 2. and 30. (Ashurst, Sambrook co. Basinghall-st.] Peb. 16. JACKSON, WM. GRANGER, and CO. Great Surrey-st. Surrey, linen-drapers, March 16. [Jones, Size la.j Feb. 2. JARVIS, THOS, Adderbury, Oxford, fellmonger, March 16, King's Arms, Deddington, Oxford. [Chilton, Chancery-la.; and Churchill and Co. Deddington) Feb.2. JABET, RICH. Birmingham, printer, March 16, Woolpack, Birmingham. [Meyrick and Co. Red Lion-sq. London; and Short, Solihull.] Feb. १. JOSELIN, JOS. jun. Smith's bu. Southwark, ropemanufacturer, March 23. [Turner, Lincoln's Inn fields.] Feb. 9. JUDD, ROB. RYMELL, and CO. Birmingham, dealers, March 26, Royal Hotel, Temple-row, Birmingham. [Clarke and Co. Chancery-la.; and Tyndall and Co. Birmingham.] Feb. 12. JOHNSON, MATTHEW, Leeds, woollen-clothmerchant, March 9, and 26, Court House, Leeds. [Wilson, Greville-st. Hatton-garden; and Smith and Co. Trinity-la Leeds.] Feb. 12. KNIBBS, JOHN HANS, Lloyd's Coffee-house, in. surance-broker, March 9. [Passmore, Warnford co. Throgmorton-st.) Jan. 26. KNIGHT, JOHN, Barton-under-Needwood, Staf. ford, draper, March 26, White Hart, Burton-uponTrent, Stafford. [Cookney, Castle-st. Holborn; and Osborne, Burton-upon Trent, Staffordshire.] Feb. 12. KENDALL, JOS. Mile end, cow-keeper, March 30, [Burnley and Co. Church to. Walbrook.] Feb. 16. LILLEY, NATH. Leeds, linen-manufacturer, March 9. Bay Horse, Knaresborough. [Holme and Co. Newinn; and Richardson and Co. Knaresborough.] Jan. 26. LIDBETTER, THOS, of Southwick, Sussex, corn. merchant, March 9, Old Ship, Brighthelmstone. [Gregson and Co. Angel co. Throgmorton-st.; and Bellingham, Brightnelmstone.) Jan. 26. LILWALL, RICH. Pembroke, malster, March 18, 19, and April 2, Green Dragon, Pembroke. [Bow. ring, Pembroke; and Bell and Co. Bow Church yard.] Feb. 10. MILORED, THOS. DAN. Size la. merchant, March 19. [Kearsey and Co. Bishopsgate-st.] Jan. 29. MACKIE, JOHN, Watling-st. merchant, March 12. [Tomlinson and Co. King's Arın's-yard, Colemanst.) Jan. 20. MAXWELL, WM. Lancaster, draper, March 1, 2, and 23, George, Liverpool. Pickford, Liverpoo! and Blackstock and Co. King's Bench-walk, Temple.] Feb. 9. MORGAN, GEO. MEDOWS, Queenhithe, Upper MORTON, JOHN, Parsons-st. Ratcliffe-highway, victualler, March 9, and 30. [Oakley and Co. Martin's-la. Cannon st.) Feb. 16. MANNING, THOS. Foulsham, Norfolk, grocer, March 13, 14, and Aprils, Castle, Norwich. [Longdill and Co. Gray's Inn square; and Beckwith, Norwich.] Feb. 19. MELANSCHEG, GEO. Strand, Furrier, March 5. 16, and April 2. [Pearce and Co. Swithin's-la.] Feb. 10. NIBLETT, FRANCIS, St. Mary axe, milliner, March 9. [Warrand, Mark la.] Jan. 26. NEWMAN, CHARLES, Brighton, dealer in coach lamps, March 16. [Bennett, Tokenhouse-yard.] Feb. 2. PASSMORE, JOHN, Farnham, Surrey, linen-draper, March 9. [Durant, Poole; and Holme and Co. New Inn.] Jan. 26. POLLEY, WM. Providence-pl. Walworth-common, rope-manufacturer, March 9. [Orme, Churchrow, Stepney.] Jan. 26. PYNE, WM. HEN. Nassau-st. Soho, publisher, March 16. [Van Sandan, Nicholas-la. Lombardst.] Feb. PROWSE, THOS. Axbridge, Somerset, surgeon, March 16, Commercial Rooms, Bristol. [Edmunds, Exchequr Ottice of Pleas, Lincoln'a Inn; and Russell, Bristol.] Feb. 2. PILSBURY, LEWIS, Stafford, nurseryman, March 19, at the Office of P. Seckerson, Stafford. [Wright, King's Bench Walk, Temple; and Seckerson, Stafford.) Feb 5. PITSTOW, JOHN, Earl's Colne, Essex, miller, March 19, Red Lion, Colchester. [Andrew, Great Coggersball, Essex; and Wilson, King's Bench Walk, Temple.] Feb. 5. PORTER, SAM. London, Stationer, March 23. [Vizard and Co. Lincoln's Inn-fields.] Feb. 9. PARKER, JOHN, and CO. Birchin-la. merchants, March 23. [Lane and Co. Lawrence Pountneypl.] Feb. 9. POWNALL, JAS. EDW. Lambeth, money-scrivener, March 23. [Gaines, Caroline-st. Bedford. sq.] Feb. 9. PRICE, JAS. Little Malvern, Worcester, dealer, March 13, 14, and 40, Crown, Worcester. [King, Serjeant's Inn. Fleet-st.; and Clarke, Uptonupon-Severn, Worcestershire.] Feb. 16. RIDGWAY, RICH. BOWLING HUNTER, St. Alban's-pl. St. James's, wine-merchant, March 9. [Allen, Commercial Sale-rooms, Mincmg la.] Jan. 26. RUSSELL, HENRY, and CO. St. Martin's co. Charing cross, cabinet makers, March 19. [Parton, Bow Church-yard, Cheapside.] Jan. 29. ROPER, ANN, Gosport, Southampton, brewer, March 16, Star, Gosport. (Hewson, Gosport; and Dyne, Lincoln's Inn-fields.) Feb. 2. RIGHTON, JOB, Chapel-en-ie Frith, Derby, dealer, March 2, 4, and April 2, Red Lion, Beaton Norris, Lancaster. [Back, Church-yard-co Temple; and Lingard and Co. Heaton Norris.] Feb. 19. SMITH, ADAM, King-st. Uicapside, Scotch-factor, March 9. [Batsford, Horsleydown-la. Southwark. Jan. 26. SAMPSON, DAVID WOODHOUSE, Giltspur st. tea-dealer, March 9. [Gellibrand, Austin-friars.] Jan. 26. STEAD, WM. Soyland, York, merchant, Pack Horse, Huddersfield, and March 19, Castle of York, York. [E. Stephenson and Co. Holmfirth, York; and Battye, Chancery-la.J Feb. 5. SYLVESTER, THOS. Witney, Oxford, currier, March 19, at the house of R. Bartram, Oxford. [Bigg, Southampton-bu. Chancery-la] Feb. 5. SHARPE, W'M. Coleorton, butcher, March 4, 5, and 23, Queen's Head, Ashby-de-la Zouch. [Piddocke, Ashby de la-Zouch and Baxter, Gray's Inn-place.] Feb. 9. SHIRLEY, JOHN, Moreton in the Marsh, Glouces ter, baker, March 4, 5, White Hart, Broadway, Worcester, and 23, White Hart, Evesham, Worcester. [Taylor and Co. Gray's Inn; and Griffiths, Chipping Campden.) Feb. 9. SMITH, ROB. Humburton, York, dealer, March 23, Crown, Boronghbridge. [Spence, Thread. needle-st.; and Hirst, Boroughbridge.] Feb. 9. STEVENS, JOS. Stafford, wine-merchant, March 23, [Leigh, Charlotte-row, Mansion House.] Feb. 9. SWANN, THOS. Wardour st. eating-house-keeper, March 23. [Richardson, Golden-sq.] Feb. 9. SMITH, JOHN, Russell-co. Drury-la. tavern DIVIDENDS, FROM SATURDAY, JANUARY 26, TO TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1822. AUBREY, G. E. Manchester, Feb. 4. Almond, W. jun. New Bridge, Calstock, Cornwalt, keeper, March 9. and 26. [Scargill, Freemason'sco. Cornhill.] Feb. 12. SMALL, THOS. Alnwick, Northumberland, common-brewer, March 18, 19, and 30, White Swan, Alnwick. [Meggison and Co. Verulam bu. Gray's Inn; and Kerr and Co. Alnwick.) Fcb 16. SMITH, WM. Griffin-st. Shadwell, dealer, March 5. and 30. [Grace, London-st. Feuchurch-st.] Feb 16. TANTON, WM. Prince Edward's Island, North America, merchant, March 9. Weakley's Hotel, Plymouth Dock. (Raine and Co. Temple; and Elworthy, Plymouth Dock.] Jan. 26. THOMPSON, CUTHBERT, Deans, Durbam, cattle-jobber, March 9, George, Newcastle-uponTyne. [Bell and Co. Bow Church-yard; and Dawson. Newcastle.1 Jan. 26. THORNLEY, JOS. Cheetham Hill, Manchester, hat-manufactuter, March 19, Palace Inn, Manchester. [Makinson, Temple; and Makinson, Manchester.] Feb. b. THOMPSON, JOHN. Carlisle, manufacturer, March 26, Blue Bell, Carlisle. (Mounsey and Co. Car. lisle; and Mounsey and Co. Stapie Inn.] Febite. TOMLINSON, RICH. J. Bristol, oil of vitriol manufacturer, March 1, and 26, Bush Tavern, Bristol. [Clarke and Co. Chancery-la.; and Cooke and Co. Bristol.] Feb 12. THRELFALL, HEN Blackburn, Lancaster, draper, March 7, and 8. Old Bull, Backburn, and so, Kings Arms, Lancaster. [Neville and Co. Blackburn and Mitne and Co. Temple.) Feb. 16. TAYLOR, JOHN, Frant, Sussex, dealer, March 9, and 30. Jones and Co. Mincing-la.l Feb 16. TUTIN, RALPH, Chandos st Covent garden, cheesemonger, March 30. [Hutchinson, Crown-co. Threadneedle-st.1 Feb. 16. URMSON, JOHN, Liverpool, ship-chandler, March 6, 7, and 26, George, Dale-s. Liverpool. [Gandy, Lord-street-Chambers, and Clare, Chorley-st. Liverpool; and Chuster, Staple Inn.] Feb. 12. WILLIAMS, WILLIAM, Langbourn-chambers, Fenchurch st. March 9. [Birket, Cloak-la.] Jan. 26. WHITE JOHN, Great Winchester st. stationer, WASKROUGH, MATHEW, Camberwell, stationer, 26. WELLS, JOS. St. Michael, Winchester, grocer, March 19. Fleur-de-lis, St. Michael. [Stevenson and Co. Lincoln's Inn; and Lampard, Manchester.] Feb. 5. WILLIAMS, ERASMUS, Liverpool, joiner, March 6, 7, and 96, Star and Garter, Paradise-st. Liver. pool. [Blackstock and Co. Temple; and Bardswell, Romilly-co. Drury la. Liverpool.] Feb. 12. WILSON, JOS. Ely, Cambridge, miller, March 26, Hoop, Cambridge. [Peacocke, Cambridge; and Robinson, Half moon-st. Piccadilly.) Feb. 12. WILKINSON, WM. and Co. Bell-co. Mincing la. wine merchants, March 12, and 50. [Clarke, Warnford-co. Throgmorton-st.] Feb. 16. WATKINS, JOS. JAS. New Crane, Shadwell, butcher, March 2, 9, and 30. [Townson, Ratcliffe. higliway.] Feb. 16. WILSON, GEO. Bett st. Ratcliffe-highway, brewer, March 12, 29, and April 2. [Cranch, Union co. Broad-st.] Feb. 19. Andrews, J. St. George's Lodge, Manchester, Mar. 0. Asquith, T. otherwise T. G. and D. Bermondsey, and Mellish, T. New Kent road, Feb. 26. Alport, T. R. Birmingham, March 9. Archer, A. Great Chapel-st. Soho, March 5. Anderson, A. Saltera-hall-co. Cannon-st. March 16. Avery, J. Barnstaple, Devon, March 16. Balihe, G. and Co. Finsbury-pl. Feb. 2. Futton, W. sen, and jun. Paternoster-row, Feb. 26. Bryant, J. Austin-friars, Feb. 16. Baines, E. Leicester, Feb. 15. Bessey, R. G. Austin-friars, Feb. 16. Browne, J. R. New-road, St. Pancras, Feb. 5. Barn. J. Lothoury, Feb. 19. Bysh, J. Paternoster-row, Feb. 23. Beli, W. Horncastle, Lincoln, Feb. 25. Brown, E. and Co. Blackburn, March 8. Crave, S. and H. S. Stratford, Essex, Feb.23. Chillingworth, T. Redditch, Worcester, March 18. Coates, J. Worcester, feb. 13. Jones, J. Mount-st. Lambeth, and Jones, J. H. Johnson, W. Heybridge, Essex, Feb. 23. Jent, T. Piccadilly, Feb. 16. Jones, A. W. New Brentford, Feb. 9. Jackson, H. Great Prescot-st. Goodman's-fields, Johnston, J. Queen-st. Cheapside, March 2. Ker, T. Strand, Feb. 23. Coibeck, T. Westhouse, York, Feb. 23. Cross, W. Lombard-st. Feb. 5. Docker, J. Great Ru-sell-st. Covent-garden, Mar. 23. Morris, E. Redditch, Worcester, March 18. Douil, A. sen. William-st. Black-friars, Feb. 26. MacDonnell, M. and Co. Broad-st. March 16. Dawson, R. Norwich, Feb. 16. Nichol, J. and W. Old Jewry, March 2. Esbe, F. and Co. Bury-co. St. Mary-axe, Feb. 19. Nichols, J. Earsham. Norfolk, Feb. 12. Needes, J. Brick-la. Spital-fields, March 9. Ockley, V. Terrington, Norfolk, March 4. Park, D. Dudbridge, Gloucester, Jan. 29. Park. R. jun. Portsea, Southampton, Feb. 9. Evershed, W. Touley-st. Southwark, March 12. Groning, R. Broad-street-bu. Jan. 15. Gerton, S. Wood st. Cheapside, Feb. 2. Gompertz, A. Great Winchester-st. Feb. 19. Grinsted, C. and Co. Horsham, Sussex, March 15. Hand.ey, W. Stretton-en-le-Fields, Derby, Feb. 6. Hannington, S. Putney, Surrey, Feb. 5. Hall. J. Chatham, Kent, Feb. 2. Hornby, B. Bernard st. Foundling Hospital, Feb. 5. Hardisty, G. and Co. Bedford-co. Covent-garden, Feb. 5. Hailstone, W. Mildenball, Suffolk, March 9. Hooper, J. Southwark, Feb. 9. Hacket, J. Brecdon-on-the-Hill. Leicester, March 4. Hardley, W. Stretten-en-le-Field, Derby, March 4. Hancock, W. Bury St. Edmund's, Suffolk, Feb. 18. Hanne, J. Bath, Feb. 23. Hutchinson, W. St John's-st. Feb. 96. Humphreys, S. Charlotte st. Portland-pl. Feb. 19. Eur. Mag. Vol. 81. Fcb. 1822. Palmer, E. T. Bedford, Jan. 22. Richardby, J. Durham, Feb. 21. Roper, W. P. London, March 3. Read, E. and Co. Great Russell-st. Bloomsbury, Reynolds, T. Highworth, Wilts, Feb. 21. Sinith. H. W. Bird's-bu. Islington, Feb. 19. Slater, J. Market-st. Millbank-st. March 2. Stratham, P. and Co. Pall mall, March 2. Summer, C. C. Hillingdon, near Uxbridge, Mar. 12. Thurkle G. M. New-street-sq. Fetter-la. Feb. 5. Thompson, 1. Keekle Grove, Cumberland, Mar. 1. Wilson, W. R. Crown-co. Broad st. Feb. 26. Wisbey, J. Thaxted, Essex, March 1. B |