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ATKINSON, T. and Co. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Feb.


Adcock, H. W. Birmingham, Feb.26.

Alport, T. R. Birmingham, March 5.

Abbey, T. Pocklington, York, March 19.

Bailey, W. A. L. Stowmarket, Suffolk, Feb. 16.
Binns, J. and J. jun. Love, Cornwall, Feb. 16.
Bates, J. Bishop's Stortford, Hertford, Feb. ५७.
Binckes, J. M. Minories, Feb. 23.

Bullinan, I. and T. Milnthorp, Westmoreland,
Feb. 26.

Byass, H. Rayleigh, Essex. March 2.

Beale, W. Newbury, Berks, March 2.

Bradey, J. Wotton under Edge, Gloucester, Mar. 9.
Barratt, A. Newport-Pagnell, Buckingham, Mar. 12.
Clay, R. Stanford, Lincoln, Feb. 16.

Coupland, C. jun. Leeds, York, Coupland, R. Hun.
slet, Leeds, Coupland, F. Hunslet, and Coupland,
E. Saltord, Feb. 16.

Calvert, J. Tavistock Hotel, Covent-gard. Feb. 16.
Cole, J. W. Peterborough, Northampton, Feb. 19.

Crump, J. Birmingham, Feb 19.
Chamberlyn, J. Bristol, Feb. €5.

Coates. H. Bradfield, Essex, Feb. 29.

Groft, J. Kingston-upon-Bull, Feb. 26.

Croaker, C. Upper Farm, Crayford, Kent, Feb. 26.
Christie, C. Clement's-la, City, March 2.
Crossland, S. Liverpool, March 5.

Cartwright, T. Okehampton, Devon, March 9,
Donaldson, J. Friday st. March 2.

Dray, J. Great Windmill-st. Haymarket, March 9.
Davis, T. Great Barr, Stafford, March 5,
Davidson, T. and Co. Liverpool, March 9.
Epps, J. Holborn, Feb. 16.

English, E. Birmingham, March 12.
Flinn, J. Liverpool, Feb. 19.
Forster, C. F. Margate, Feb. 23.
Fossett, T. and W. Mincing-la. Feb. 29.

Flower, G. York, Feb. 26.

Fisher, F. jun. Leicester-sq. March 2.
Forbes, G. M. Liverpool, March 5.

Fiegehen, J. G. jun. Wood-st. Cheapside, March 19.

George, W. Haymarket, Feb. 16.

Gale, Q. Newgate-market, March 2.

Garrick, J. L. Mitcham, March 2.

[blocks in formation]

Jackson, R. Cannon-st. Feb. 16.

Knowles, J. Salford, Lancaster, Feb. 19.

Kay, T. Lambridge Place, Somerset, Feb. 26.
Kerwood, C. G. Johu-st. West, Edgeware-road,

Marcin 19.

Latham, R. S. Bath, Feb. 19.

Lawrence, G. Evesham, Worcester, Feb. 23.
Lapage, S. Clement's-la. Peb 23.
Lavender, J. Leominster, March 12.

Milligan, J. Liverpool, Feb. 16.
Mann, T. Raistrick, York, Feb 26.

Margetts, T. Old Woodstock, Oxford, March 8.

Moody, J. juu. Egbam, March 2.
Manson, D. Throgmorton-st March 9.
Monkhouss, R. New Shoreham, Sussex, March 9.
Moore, J. Sowerby. York, March 12.
Niblock. J. Bath, Feb. 16.

Nash, H. Oxford-st. Feb. 19.
Nicholson, W. Wakefield, York. March 5.
Northcote, H. J. Lime-st. March 9.

Newell, R. Hereford, March 12.

Pattenden, W. Brighthelmstone, Sussex, Feb. 16.

Percival, W. Liverpool, Feb. 16.

Penn, F. jun. Walthamstow, Feb. 19.
Pool, W. Smith st. Clerkenwell, Feb. 19.
Porter, J. Leading Koothing, Essex, Feb. 26.
Parsons, W. Broseley, Salop, March 9.
Powell, J. sen. Windsor, March 5.

Ricket, H. Shoreditch, Feb. 16.

Richardson, G. Horncastle, Lincoln, Feb. 18.
Rowley, M. Bear-st. Leicester-sq. Feb. 23.
Kobinson, M. A. Red-lion-st. March 2.
Shakespear, J. Fillongley, Warwick, Feb. 16.
Smith, H. Blackburn, Lancaster, Feb. 19.
Smith, S. Stayley, Chester, March 2.
Scott, O. Manchester-bu. Cannon row, Westmin-

[blocks in formation]



DONALDSON, J. and Co. Glasgow, music-sellers.

Graham, R. and Co. Glasgow, manufacturers.

Harley, W. Glasgow, merchant.

Jackson, M. Paisley, haberdasher,

M'Nee, D. Glasgow, druggist.
M'Kay, D. Dornoch, merchant.
M'Culloch, R. Glasgow, merchant.
Reddie, J. Glasgow, merchant.



ANDREW, J. Senior, R. and Robinson, J. Manchester, manufacturers.

Aldridge, J. and Garland, J. jun. Poole, cornmerchants.

Aubrey, J. and Aubrey, J. R. Took's-co. Chancery
la. attornies.

Autey, R. North, J. and Autey, J. Mold-green,
York, fancy manufacturers.

Asher, T. and Willey, J. Newark-upon-Trent,

Bisp, D. Bowsher, L. and Harris, J. Bristol, litho-

Barrowcliffe, J. Bartowcliffe, C. and Cooke, H.
Bawtry, York, timber-merchants.
Brownhill, H. and Brownhill, B. Stockport, Ches-
ter, corn-dealers.

Braithwaite, J. and Mason, T. Liverpool, tobacco
pipe manufacturers.

Birks, A. Ogden, J. and Simpson, R. Rochdale,
Lancaster, rope-makers.

Bailey, J. and Myatt, J. Manchester, merchants.
Beebee, W. and Dale, E. Manchester, school.


Bennett, J. and Richardson, J. Chorley, Lancaster,
beer brewers

Burton, T. and Stevens, W. H. Church-stairs,
Rotherhithe, boat-builders.

Black, J. Hall, H. and Scott, A. Aberdeen.

Bedson, T. and Bishop, R. Aston, Warwick, brass.

Brown, H. Drayton, W. and Brown, C. Leicester,


Bartlett, G. and Packham, J. Thames Ditton, Sur

rey, carpenters.

Croft, J. and Croft, S. Great Eccleston, Lancaster,


Choat, J. and Turner, J. jun. High Holborn, trunk.


Clarke, S. Manchester, draper, Helm, E. Pediham,
cotton-spinner, and Heywood, W. G. Manchester,

Crosfield, G. Crosfield, J. Crosfield, J. and Giles, T.
Liverpool, sugar retiners.

Clark, C. and Clark, C. Kingston, Surrey, saddlers,
Copeland, G. and Turner, R. Manchester, linen-

Campbell, J. and Adamson, J. Hedon-in-Holder-
ness, York, surgeons.

Chaik, W. and Chalk, P. Walthamstow, butchers.
Clark, S. and Clark, J. Poole, merchants.

Croxall, T. and Hodson, J. Walsall, Stafford, coal.

Dawson, A. and Rice, E. Regent-circus, lace.


Douglas, H. A. Douglas, W. R. K. and Anderson,
S. London, merchants.


Dean, R. W. and Cooke, T. W. Bethnal-green, brewers.

Douglas, H. A. Douglas, W. R. K. and Stewart,
P. M. London, merchants.

Downward, T. sen. Downward, T. jun. and Mann,
W. Liverpool, wholesale-grocers.
Edwards, W. Wilson, T. and Starkey, T. Birming
ham, button-manufacturers.

Elliot, J. W. Gainford, and Challoner, J. Bedburn,
Durham, manufacturers of iron goods.

Ferrers, G. T. and Latus, G. King-st. St. James's, feather-bed-manufacturers.

Fiunemore, 1. and Potts, F. Birmingham, tube. manufacturers.

Fullford, H. and Chambers, T. Birmingham, linendrapers.

Forster, M. and Warner, C. P. Lime st. attornies. Fry, R. and Day, A. Tottenham-court road, linen. drapers.

Franklin, J. and Fenton, J. Dartford, Kent, chemists.

Frost, J. Dow, W. and Phillips, J. Rhodeswell, Stepney, coal-merchants.

Fox, T. and Cross, G. Blackfriar's-road, woollendrapers.

Fletcher, C. Scarr, C. and Hall, W. York, Maxspinners.

Fowle, J. and Hoile, J. Sandwich, Kent, commonbrewers.

Farrand, M. and Joseph, W. Bermondsey, window. blind manufacturers.

Gibson, W. Bradshaw, B. and Gibson, J. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, merchants.

Glynn, E. J. and Thomson, A. Bodmin, Cornwall, bankers.

Giles, T. Crosfield, J. Crosfield, G. and Crosfield, J. Lancaster, sugar-refiners.

Godwin, R. B. Bainbrigge, J. H. and Bennet, W. Derby, surgeons.

Heald, G. and Parker, T. Manchester, calicoprinters.

Holwell, W. Z.and Richards, J. Coach and Horsesyard, Great Titchfield st. coach-painters. Heald, W. and Pace, B. Chelmsford, maltsters. Heugh, T. and Milne, T. Dean-st. Soho, coachbuilders.

Hitchcock, T. and Hitchcock, R. Lavenham, Suffolk, brewers.

Habgood. J. Dickson, J. Lye, J. and Garrard, E. Fish-street-hill, haberdashers.

Barris, J. and Cooper, W. Kidderminster, Worcester, carpet-manufacturers.

Hingeston, J. and Osborn, J. W. Gracechurch-st. apothecaries.

Howard, J. Booth, J. Howard, T. and Howard, N. Haughton, Lancaster, hat-manufacturers.

Harley, R. and Logan, J. Liverpool, timber-mer. chants.

Hunter, A. and Adam, W. Glasgow, yarn-merchants. Holden, J. Holden, T. and Holden, R. Highlands and Royley, Lancaster, cotton-spinners.

James, R. and Drew, J. Gutter-la, silk-manufac


Jefferies, W. and Doeg, D. New Ranelagh-road,
Westminster, lead-refiners.

Ireland, T. and Sawyer, R. H. Staple-inn, attornies.
Keller, P. and Keating, T. Bristol.

Kortright, L. Grant, A. C. and Grant, R. J. London.
Kirkland, J.and Badenoch, J. Coventry, silk-manu-

Keane, D. and Barnett, W. Shrewsbury, merchants. Lyon, D. and Jones, E. Little Bolton, Lancaster, timber-dealers.

Lang, J. and Lang, W. Bolton-le-Moors, Lancaster, linen-drapers.

Laurie, T. and Baynes, T. London, sugar-refiners. Levy, J. and Hendricks, J. Leman-st. Goodman's. fields, confectioners.

Lanrie, J. and M'Nellan, J. Alloa, Scotland, brewers

Lought, M. and Shotter, S. W. Sittingbourne, Kent, chemists.

Mather, S. and Nisbet, M. A. Goswell-st. school.


Mickelthwate, J. and Mickelthwate, B. Sheffield,

York, merchants.

Monk, J. sen. Rigby, J. Fazakerley, H. and
Fisher, J. Newburgh, Lancaster, coal-merchants.
Moore, T. and Mouse, B. Nottingham, lace-manu-

MTagzart, J. and Gemmell, W. Manchester, cot-

Moore, R. T. and Farrer, R. Castle-co. Budge-row, coal-merchants.

Mason, J. and Johnson, W. Basinghall st. candle


Mayhew, J. and Lungley. S. Wakes Colne, Essex, millers.

Murray, W. Smith, A. and Burns, R. Edinburgh, bankers.

Middleton, W. and Dyer, G. Lamb's-conduit-st. hatters.

Merridew, N. and Merridew, J. Coventry, printers. Northover, J. and Milner, C. Greenwich, cattledealers.

Neighbour, J. and Watkins, W. Down-st. Piccadilly.

Nash, S. and Payne, J. Maldon, ship-owners. Oldacres, J. and Withers, G. Leicester, worstedspinners.

Oldham, T. Ravenhill, J. and Oldham, W. Barge-
yard, Bucklersbury, linen merchants.

Parker, T. Parker, R. Parker, C. and Parker, W.
Manchester, calico-printers.

Pritchard, R. and Gladstones, T. Liverpool, bread-

Palmer, R. and Shepherd, W. Marlborough.
Price, S. Ball, W. and Tunley, W.

Pritchard. R. Pritchard, R. and Pritchard, H.
bread bakers.

Pearse, J. and Brannd, G. Exeter, linen-drapers.
Power, J. and Hopkins, E. J. Queen-sq. Westmin-
ster, men midwives.

Potter, A. and Potter, T. S. Manchester.
Penson, W. and Robertson, A. Prince's st. Edin-
burgh, music-sellers.

Poore, J. and Sharp, H. West Cowes, Isle of
Wight, milliners.

Putland, E. jun. and Newman, R. Carshalton, Sur-
rey, farmers.

Price, T. and Wetton. J. Coventry, silk-dyers.
Pinney, F. and Watkin, J. Liverpool.

Parker, J. sen. and Parker, J. jun. Chandos-st.

Covent-garden, victuallers.

Paulton, W. and Bartlam, E. Worksop, Nottingbam, schoolmasters.

Peacock, T. and Wardle, T. Northallerton, York, linen-drapers.

Ritson, J. and Gibson. J. Liverpool, general-mer. chants.

Richardson, T. and Wardle, J. Orange-st. Leices
ter-sq. carpenters.

Rowlinson, J. and Huddleston, J. Warrington,
Lancaster, attornies.

Richardson, E. Richardson, J. Wherlings, J. and
Brown, W. Old Bailey, hay-salesmen.

Richards, G. and Richards, J. Bridport, Dorset,

Rogers, J. and Shaw, R. Nottingham, hosiers. Reddall, R. A. and Osborn, J. coal and timber merchants.

Sloan, T. Bath, and Clark, S. Plymouth, linendrapers.

Shiffner, G. and Blackburne, G. Mark-la. winemerchants.

Snepp, T. and Pointer, H. Cheltenham, wine-mer,

Spink, B. and Webster, T. Sheffield, York, joiners.
Simon, J. and Simon, W. Liverpool, druggists.
Steel, W. and Smith, W. A. Liverpool, plumbers.
Sharples, W. Leather, J. jun. and Dickinson, T.

Liverpool, timber-merchants.

Shirley, D. and Shirley, T. Lime-st. wine-merchants.

Spyer, J. and Spyer, S. Alie-st, Goodman's fields.
Senior, G. and Beaumont, J. Dalton, York, fancy

Schofield. J. and Lester, J. Bath, timber-merchants,
Sawer, J. and Sawer, T. Exeter, rectifiers.
Tillett, J. and Towler. A. Norwich, whitsters.
Vachell, C. jun. and Vachell, W. Cardiff, Glamor-
gan, druggists.

Vardon, T. and Baker, E. St. Helen's-pl. mer-

Wells, D. and Seward, A. Bull's-head-co. Newgate. st. lacemen.

Wilson, M. Weldon, H. and Leathes, N. L. S. tea-

Williamson, E. and Williamson, W. Lowdham,
Nottingham, bleachers.

Waugh, J. and Waugh, C. T. Rochdale, woollen-

Wastie, R. and Frost, J. Smart's-bu. High Holborn, coachsmiths.

Weight, H. and Armitage, C. Manchester, manufacturers.

Wood, A. and Dunning, B, Whitby, York, mile liners.


PIERRE ERARD, of Great Marlborough-street, Middlesex, Musical Instrument Maker; for cortain improvenients on piano-fortes and other keyed musical instruments. Communicated to him by a certain foreigner residing abroad. Dated Dec. 22,


GEORGE LINTON, of Gloucester-street, Queensquare, Middlesex, Mechanist; for a method of impelling machinery without the aid of steam, water, wind, air, or fire. Dated Dec. 22, 1821.

RICHARD ORMROD, of Manchester, Lancashire, Iron-founder; for an improvement in the mode of heating liquids in boilers, and thereby accelerating and encreasing the production of steam. Communicated to him by a certain person residing abroad. Dated Jan. 7.1992.

RICHARD SUMMERS HARFORD, of Ebbw Vale Iron-works, Aberystwith, Monmouthshirt, Iron-master; for an improvement in that depart. ment of manufacture of iron commonly called puddling. Dated Jan. 9, 1822.

JAMES HARRIS, of St. Mildred's-court, Lon. don, Tea-dealer for an improvement in the manufacture of shoes for horses and other cattle. Dated Jan. 9, 1822.

WILLIAM RAVENSCROFT, of Serle-street, Lincolu's-inn, St. Clement's Danes, Middlesex, Peruke-maker; for a forensic wig, the curis whereof are constructed on a prisciple to supersede the necessity of frizzling, curling, or using hard pomatum, and for forining the curls in a

way not to be uncurled, and also for the tails of the wig not to require tying in dressing, and further the impossibility of any person untying them. Dated Jan, 14, 1522.

DAVID LORESCHAM, of Newman-street, Oxford-road, Musical Instrument Maker, and JAMES ALLWRIGHT, of Little Newport-street, Middlesex, Cheesemonger; for an improved keyed musical instrument, comprising in itself many qualities nenever hitherto produced in one instrument, and possessing those qualities in clearness of sound, quality, distinctness, forte piano, delicacy of touch, and shake in the key or notes, by increasing to forte and decreasing to piano at the will of the performer. Communicated by a foreigner residing abroad. Dated Jan. 24, 1822.

ALEXANDER GORDON, of London, and DAVID GORDON, of Edinburgh, Esquires; for certain improvements and additions in the construction of lamps, and of compositions and materials to be burned in the lamps, and which may be also burned in other lamps. Dated Jan. 14, 1822.

DAVID GORDON, of Edinburgh, Esquire; for certain improvements and additions to steam packets and other vessels, part of which improvements are applicable to other naval and marine purposes. Dated Jan. 14, 1822.

AUGUSTUS APPI EGATH, of Duke-street, Lett's Town, Lambeth, Surrey, Printer; for certain improvements in printing machines. Dated Jan. 14.


LONDON MARKETS, FEB. 15th, 1822.

COTTON. The purchases since our last are entirely confined to East India descriptions, chiefly parcels of the late sale: the particulars are-540 Bengal, 54d. a öld. in bond.-720 Surat, 64d. a 7d. in bond. The arrivals, from the 8th to the 14th instant, inclusive:-Pernambuco, 971.-Charleston, 50.


SUGAR. The demand for Muscovades has lately been rather languid; the good qualities fully maintain the late prices; the inferior have in some few instances been purchased a shade lower. To-day there is however rather an improvement in the request. The fine parcels of refined goods have been in languid request, and the few sales lately are at prices 6d. a 1s. lower; inferior goods are scarce, and fully maintain the late currency. In Foreign Sugars no sales by private contract are reported, yet, the enquiries after the Havannah descriptions have been considerable. By public sale this forenoon, 97 chests Havannah Sugar went at high rates for the sound: good white 41s. middling 37s. a 30s.; 250 bags fine brown

Bourbon were taken in at 20s. 6d.

COFFEE. The public sale of Coffee yesterday consisted of 101 casks 56 bags British Plantation, 163 casks 260 bags Foreign; the former went off rather heavily, but at prices fully supporting the late

advance; the latter consisted of a parcel of fine ordinary Cuba, small bean but rather foxy, and sold 108s. 6d.and.109s. 6d.; the remainder, good Domingo in hhds. and bags, which chiefly sold at 107. 6d. and 100s. There were no public sales of Coffee this forenoon, and very little business doing by private contract: there were more sellers than buyers.

RUM, BRANDY, and HOLLANDS.There was considerable business done yesterday in rums, but to-day the request is not so brisk: the estimated sales within two days are 500 puncheons; the late punched prices are fully maintained.-Brandy and Geneva are unvaried.

OILS.-Whale Oil is higher; there is a considerable request, and the advance in Tallow has also the effect of improving the market. - Seed Oils are rather lower.

TALLOW. - The Tallow market remains in the same uncertain state as lately stated: for yellow candie Tallow, 59s. 6d. 59s. and 588. are reported; we believe 58s. 6d. the nearest quotation. Within two days there have scarcely been any purchases, as the buyers have given their attention to the inferior and Soap Tallows, of which the quantity sold is considerable at an advance of Is. a 2s. The town market is to day 56s, which is 1s. higher than last week.



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[blocks in formation]


4 10 0

4 12 6


Hams, Westphalia...


Bacon, Wiltshire, per stone

-, Irish


York, per cwt.

Tailow, per cwt.

Candles, Store, per doz...

Ditto, Moulds..

Soap, Yellow, per cwt...

Ditto, Mottled

Ditto, Curded...








4 10 a 412

S40 a 400

40 6 0 0



00a 00



95a 4 0

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]



0 0





00a 00

[ocr errors]



4 10 0

113 0



Exclusive of the Duties of Customs paid or payable thereon on the Importation thereof into Great Britain Computed from the keturns made in the Week ending

Jan. 23, is 318. 104d. per cwt. | Jan. 30, is 338. 21d. per cwt. | Feb, 6, is 52s. 44d. per cwt. | Feb. 13, is

325. 91d. per cwL.

[blocks in formation]

With their Managing Owners, Commanders, Principal Officers, Surgeons, Pursers, Time of coming afloat, Sailing, &c.

4 Earl of Balcarras

1 Sir David Scott

3 Duke of York

3 Buckinghamshire

3 London

3 Canning...

Marquis of Huntly

5 Lady Melville

8 Princess Amelia..

6 Prince Regent

General Hewitt

23d February, 1822.

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