۱ VARIATIONS OF BAROMETER, THERMOMETER, &c. at Nine o'Clock A.M. By T. BLUNT, Mathematical Instrument Maker to his Majesty, No. 22, CORNHILL. 1609 Bar. Ther.١١ 35 26 29.71 40 27:29.89 34 281900740 Jan. 25 29.74 1829 Bar. Ther. Wind Obser. 1822 Bar. Ther. Wind Obser. SW Fair Feb. 14 30.00 45 Wind. Obser. SW Rain N Fair SW Ditto SW Ditto W Ditto SW Ditto 17 30.14 18.30.30 19 30.25 W Ditto 52 SW Ditto SW Ditto 11:30.01 46 W Ditto 94 $130.18 35 30:30.21 Feb. 129.64 9-29.59 40 45 SW Rain PRICE of SHARES in CANALS, DOCKS, BRIDGES, ROADS, WATER-WORKS, FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES, INSTITUTIONS, MINES, &c. Feb. 21st, 1822. Rate of Government Life Annuities, payable at the Bank of When 3 per cent. Stock is 78 and under 79. single life of 35 receives for 100l. stock 5 5 0 average-rate 100l. money 6 13 9 All the intermediate ages will receive in proportion. Reduction National Debt and Government Life Annuity Office, Bank-street, Cornhill. COURSE of the EXCHANGE, from Jen. 22, to Feb. 22, 1822, both inclusive. The above Table contains the highest and lowest prices. JAMES WETENIHALL, SWORN BROKER. Printed by Joyce Gold, 105, Shoe Lane, London, 월 76 76 5 87 96107 7616 26 23776월 월 76 5187호 월 96층 월 107 28 19 19τέ To 7 96층 월 107월 19 29/239 87676 5 87 30 Holiday 961017 DAILY PRICES OF STOCKS FROM JANUARY 25, TO FEBRUARY 23, 1822, BOTH INCLUSIVE. 1822, Bank SperCt3perCq3pCt. 4perCt 5perCt., Long Irish Imp. Days. Stock. Reduc Consol Consol Consol Navy. Anns. 5per C13 per Ct. Jan. 25 2371 7612 75 India So.Sea OldSo. NwSo. 4 per cent. 2 per Day Cons, Stock. Stock Sea An Sea An. Ind. Bon. Ex. Bills, for Acct. 84 6pr. 764 6pг. 76 8143878 Omnium, 80s 81 pr. 4s 2344 81spr. 6pr. 76 238 78s 80pr. 4s Gpr. 70 5 31238 76 76 5 96층 107 19 299 8 77spr 7s 5pr. 76 77s 74pr. 5s 7pr. 764 76spr 5s 7pr. 76 2 52424 77층 7 777 88 97월 총 107 191 19 79s 77pr. 5s 8pr. 76 Z 7 79s 77pr. 7s 10pr. 77호 6242 4 16 4 79s 77pr. 9s 7pr. 77 7242 98 79pr. 6s 8pr. 77 1438343842 6242 17777 884987 106월 9242 7777 987 106 5 19 20 15 79s 78pr. 5s 10pr. 71 520,19 15 52019 -59 9pr. 774 ᄒ 77spr. 5s 10pr. 77 3 13/243 75 76 77 88 984 105 520 15 77spr. 5s 10pr. 77 14243 78 77초 89 98 106 5420, 420 77spr. 5s 10pr. 774 か onk 77s 76pr. 58 77s 75pr. 5s 9pr. 78 77 74s 76pr. 6s 4pr 78 745 66pr. 4s 7pr. 784 4 20 248 21247 79487898 198 10342001 643 61 pr. fs 4pr. 78 22 248 249 78 978 97층 897 56pr. 1s 5pr. 78 23748 249 78 94 78 90 98 78 104 3203 588 50pr. par 4pr. 78 4438 AllEXCHEQUER BILLS dated in the month of April, and prior thereto, have been advertised to be paid off. On application to whom, the original documents for near a century past may be referred to. EUROPEAN MAGAZINE, MARCH, 1822. With a Portrait of the late Rev. VICESIMUS KNOX, D.D. the Nature and Principles of Taste 259 Courses of Exchange................287 ..287 Milman's Martyr of Antioch ........264 | Prices of Stocks..... Lyndsay's Dramas of the Ancient English Opera House. Mr. Mathews at Home ..........273 Parliamentary Register ...275 Civic Register ...278 London Gazettes .... .278 Monthly Memoranda.. ...279 Births ..280 Marriages ..280 Deaths ..280 London: PRINTED FOR THE PROPRIETORS, AND PUBLISHED BY LUPTON RELFE, 13, CORNHILL: (Where Communications for the Editor are requested to be addressed, Post paid.) AND SOLD BY ALL THE BOOKSELLERS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. Eur. Mag. Vol. 81. March 1822. Cc THE present number of this Work being the first published under the new Proprietorship, it is incumbent upon us to state, that every connexion between the family of the late Mr. ASPERNE and the EUROPEAN MAGAZINE is now finally and entirely closed. It is more peculiarly our duty to mention this, because many of our friends' communications continuing to be addressed to the name of ASPERNE, a considerable portion of them have never come into our hands at all; and we have thus been equally deprived of the honour of acknowledging our Correspondents' polite attentions, and of availing ourselves of their kind assistance. Any apparent neglect, therefore, under such circumstances, of which we entreat our friends to believe us perfectly innocent, will, we are assured, be most readily forgiven; and we have now to request that all future favours may be addressed personally to us, ALFRED BEAUCHAMP, at our new Office, No. 13, Cornhill, to which, we confidently trust, no similar mishap will ever again occur. D. F. has our renewed thanks for his renewed attentions; though we apprehend *that some little time must elapse before we bring his reinforcements into action. Our rhyming friend in Cullum-street, who feels so sensitive about our profaning the name of Enort, by introducing it into our Conversazioné, is most respectfully informed, that the appellation of the God of Poetry is never spelled Appollo, and that his lordship of Byron's daughter's name is Ada. We have just learned that several letters in this Gentleman's writing have been again returned to the Post Office, because sent unpaid: Is our worthy Correspondent incorrigible? or, can he not spare his Valet to deliver them personally? The kind notice of Angelina would be a feather in the plume of any EDITOR, and ALFRED BEAUCHAMP is to the service of the fair too deeply bound, not to feel honoured by her regard, and anxious to evince his sense of it, by an immediate compliance with her valuable suggestions. We have perused with all the requisite care and attention Philander's three *volumes of Rhymes, written, as he assures us, and as we most conscientiously believe, "entirely out of his own head!" and though we doubt not but that there may be many brilliant passages, and novel ideas, and much deep reasoning and powerful poetry; yet, after most patiently reading through all the seventeen thousand, three hundred and thirty five lines, we regret that we have been so unfortunate as not to discover them. We shall, however, not fail transmitting our worthy Correspondent the earliest intelligence of our success, should we hereafter be lucky enough to meet with any thing worth notice. The very disinterested benevolence of Philanthropos in so warmly recommending "Mr. Baker's Patent Guns with Spring Locks," would be much more efficiently exerted by applying to our Publisher, who will readily inform him of the terms of Advertising on the Cover; as we admit no puffs direct in that portion of the work under our controul, except our own; and we need not Mr. B.'s valuable firelocks to enable us " to teach the young idea how to shoot."-If his guns will not go off without assistance, Philanthropos' letter is very much at his service for wadding. We are sorry to say that B. cannot be in our next;-His-that is if B. be a Gentleman, His verses are really worse and worse. Mercator's Tracts on the Dry Rot will not suit our Miscellany: we have a very great antipathy to all dry subjects, and are by no means tractable. We much regret having left ourselves so little space to do justice to the entreaty we have received in behalf of "THE LONDON ORPHAN ASYLUM;" but though our pleading will be brief, it will, we very anxiously hope, not fail to be successful. This valuable charity was founded under the immediate auspices of the late benevolent Duke of KENT, in the year 1813, and H. R. Hss's last donation was paid to it only three days preceding his lamented decease. The objects of the Institution are to provide an home, and food, and education for those Orphans, whose relatives have seen better days; but who are themselves too often bereft of all other refuge, and deprived of all other resource. Though the ASYLUM at present contains nearly 150 Children, 14 only could be admitted at the last Election, out of a list of 91 Candidates, from the inadequacy of the Society's funds to meet the numerous claims upon it's beneficence. A vast extra expense being also incurred from the Institution's present accommodations being merely temporary, a considerable advance has already been made towards a building fund, for new and more commodious premises. It is in behalf of this Charity, that we now appeal to the public liberality. It is in behalf of the most unprotected of human beings, the destitute and friendless Orphan, that we now entreat the public sympathy; and it would be an impeachment of the best feelings of our country's philanthropy, for a moment to fear that our appeal will be in vain. |