MONTHLY MEMORANDA. KENT COMMEMORATION COM- TI E fall-sized Model of the intended Montmental Statue of His late R.H. the Duse of Kent being finally completed; on Wednesday, March 13th, a Deputation of the Committee had the honour of receiving the Duchess of KENT on a visit to the Sculptor's to inspect it's progress. Her Royal Highness, who was accompanied by the Princess Feodor, the Baroness Spadht, and Captain Conroy, was received with every mark of respect by the onorary Secretary and Gentlemen attending; and was pleased to express her very high gratification at the interesting nature of her Royal Highness's visit, as well as her entire approval of the very correct likeness, and spirited execution of the Model. The Statue, which is seven feet four inches high represents his late R.H. attired in his Ducal robes, over a Field Marshal's uniform, resting his right arm upon a column, upon which is depicted, in basso relievo, the eye of Providence beaming it's rays of glory over the initial letter of the late Duke's name, Edward; beneath which are his armo rial bearings and supporters. His Royal Highness's left hand grasps a roll of papers, and the toute ensemble of the figure, both as a most excellent resemblance, and as a work of art, does much honour to the talents of the Sculptor, Mr. S. Gahagan. The casting in bronze will now proceed with the least possible delay; and by the terms of his contract, the Artist is bound to have the Statue The A very extraordinary phenomena was caused in the river Thames by the gale of Wednesday morning, March 7th. As it blew from the S.W. and with extreme violence, the entrance of the tide was interrupted for several hours. About one o'clock was the time of flood, by the table, but at ten in the morning the tide was still ebbing with great rapidity at London Bridge. In consequence of this, the water in the river sank so low as to render it fordable in several places. Many persons were seen walking across, and as the bed of the river was exposed in large tracts, valuable articles which had lain there for a long period were picked up. This was the case as far out as Gravesend. The water has not been known so low for many years by several feet. Ships were seen aground in all parts of the river below London Bridge. About twelve o'clock the tide began to return, and with a rapidity proportioned to the check it had experienced, the wind having acted as a temporary dam to it's progress Sach was the force of the current, that barges and small craft in numbers were driven against each other, and sunk, or otherwise mach injured. The time of ligh water did not take place till after three o'clock. AGRICULTURAL REPORT FOR FEBRUARY. The growing Wheats stock well on the good lands of the principal Corn Districts, where a considerable breadth appears already clean hoed; on the poorer kinds a great deterioration is too evident, as the lamentable consequence of exhausted capital. In all parts large tracts of cold soil are thus thrown out of cultivation, and daily becoming waste, from a discontinuance of the necessary course of tillage. Beans and Peas are generally got in well, and those early sown plant kindly. Some Barley on tilth land is sown in Norfolk and Suffolk; but the large quantity of Turnip and Coleseed still I remaining emainin to be fed off will retard the general sowing. The young Clovers have held a fine plant, from the mildness of the winter. The Fen countries are much relieved by the fall of the waters, so as to promise a getting-in of their Oats in due season; but their Rape and Mustard crops intended for seed, are mostly destroyed. The old Wheats, and those of superior quality of the last year's produce, being nearly exhausted, prime samples of both are sought for at an advance. The Flock masters on the Downs of Sussex and Wiltshire have hitherto had a good fall of Lambs; but on lowlands a considerable loss of ewes has been sustained, by the flush of grass feed. Store Sheep are worth rather more money. Smithfield has had a full supply of Beasts, but, being chiefly of the inferior kind, prime Beef may be stated somewhat higher. The Mutton trade is nearly stationary, at the last month's price. But little business is doing at present in Lean Stock: a few droves of Highland Scots are come on Epping Forest, for which high prices are required. The spring fairs have commenced briskly; prices for Horses of figure, for harness as well as the field, and good cart colts are bought up at an advance. The Wool markets, for all fleeces, fully sustain last month's prices. SEPT. 6. At Goruckpore, in the East Indies, Jane Grant, wife of Robert M. Bird, Esq. judge and magistrate of that place. FEB. 1. At Florence, the Right Hon. Lord Howe Browne, second son of the Most Noble the Marquis of Sligo. 11. Arthur W. Devis, Esq. R.A. aged 60. 19. At Badminton, Lord Henry Somerset, third son of the Duke of Beaufort. 24. In Stratton-street, Piccadilly, Thomas Coutts, Esq. banker, aged 87, father of the Countess of Guilford, Lady Burdett, and the Marchioness of Bute. 27. Athis seat, Shaw-place, near Newbury, Berks, aged 53, Sir Joseph Andrews, Bart. one of the deputy-lieutenants of the county of Berks. MARCH 1. In the 56th year of her age, Sarah, wife of William Blair, Esq. surgeon, of Great Russell-street, Bloonisbury. Of a decline, Mary-Jane, only daughter of John Price, of Northumberland-street, Strand. -. At Kennington, Mr. William Bonner, late chemical-accountant at Apothecaries' Hall, aged 68, and 45 years a faithful servant to the Company. At Worlington, in the county of Suffolk, Rice James, Esq. in the 79th year of his age. 4. In Dartmouth-street, Westminster, Rear-admiral Abraham Guyott, aged 75. 一. In Pall-mall, in her 60th year, the lady of Sir Scrope B. Morland, Bart. 5. At Crowsley Park, Oxfordshire, in the 64th year of his age, John Atkyns Wright, Esq. Chairman of the Quarter Sessions for the County of Oxford, and Recorder of the Corporation of Henleynpon-Thames. -. At Richmond Hill, Surrey, Jane Theresa Delafosse, relict of the Rev. Robert Mark Delafosse, LL.B. in the 65th year of her age. 10. At his seat at Canwick, aged 41, Coningsby Waldo Sibthorp, Esq. Lieutenant-Colonel of the South Lincoln Militia, and M.P. for the City of Lincoln. 一 At Merchant Tailor's School, aged 75, the Rev. T. Cherry, B.D. Vicar of Sellinge, Kent. LIST OF BANKRUPTS, FROM SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, το TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 1822. WITH THE ATTORNIES' NAMES, Extracted from the London Gazette. N.B. All the Meetings are at the Court of Commissioners, Basinghall-street, unless otherwise expressed. The Country and London Attornies' Names are between Brackets. BANKRUPTCIES SUPERSEDED. 1 JOSELIN, JOS. Smith's-bu. Southwark, rope-ma- NEWSTEAD, THOS. and Co. Hull, soap-manufacnufacturer. turers. BANKRUPTS. AVISON, JOS. Kildwick, Yorshire, butter-factor, April 16. [Alcock, Skipton; and Stocker and C. New Boswell co. Carey-st.] March 5. ANDRADE, ALEX. and Co. Lancaster, bankers, April 6, King's Arms. Lancaster. (Wilson and Co. Lancaster; and Ravenhill and Co. PrincesFt. Bank.] Feb 23. : ALVIN, KÍCH. PRICE, Elm st Gray's Inn-lane, ale brewer, April 6. (Fielder and Co. Duke st. Grosvenor.sq.) Feb. 23. ANSELL, JOHN FILKINS, Oxford, farmer, April 9, King's Head, Northleach. [Wilkins and Co. Gloucester; and Rassell and Co. Laut st. Borough.] Feb. 26. ARMSTRONG, JOHN, Reading, linen-draper, April 13. [Jones, Size-la.) March 2. ATKINSON, THOS. Manchester, shop-keeper, April 13, Star, Manchester. [Temperley, Manchester; and Adlington and Co. Bedford-row) March 2. ATKINS, JOSIAS, Hamstall-Ridware, Stafford, miller, April 20, Wolseley Arms, Wolseley Bridges Stafford. [Rodall, Clement's Inn; and Robinson. Hill-Ridware, near Lichfield.) March 9. BOUCHER, THOS. Cheltenham, cabinet-maker, April 6. [Patten, Hatton-garden.] Feh. 23. BLYTH, GEO and Co. Birmingham and Liverpool, merchants, April 6, Royal Hotel, Birmingham. [Lee and Co. Birmingham; and Alexander, Carey-st. Lincoln's Inn.) Feb. 23. BURTON, GEO. Knottingley, York, vessel-builder, April 9, Green-Dragon, Pontefract. [Wood, Pon tefract; and Fisher and Co. Thavies-inn.) Feb. 25. BYRNE, PHILIP HENRY, Bücklersbury, Man- BRETT, WM. Stone, Staffordshire, grocer, April BISHOP, EDWIN, Cheltenham, tailor, April 27, Old Swan, Cheltenham. [King and Son, Castlestreet, Holborn; and Packwood, Cheltenham.) March 16. Eur. Mag. Vol. 81. March 1822. BUTLER, PAUL, late of Little Boltou, manufactur" er, April 6 and 97, White Bear, Manchester. [Adlington and Co. Bedford-row; and Morris, Manchester.) March 16. BREWER, SAM. Alderton, Suffolk, corn-merchant, April 3, 4, and 30, Great White Horse, Ipswich. [Hine, Temple, and Pulham, Woodbridge.] March 19. CHILD, JOHN, Aldermanbury, hosier, April 6. CLOUGH, ROB. Sharpless, Lancaster, calico-prin[Hindman, Basinghall-st.) Feb. 23. ters, April 6, Bridge Inn, Bolton. [Boardman and Co. Bolton; and Adlington and Co. Bedford. row.) Feb. 23. CAKER, SIMON, Rattlesden, Suffolk, grocer, April 6, Angel, Bury St. Edmunds. [Kansom, Stowmarket; and Dixson and Sons, Gray's-inn.] Feb. 3. COSSART, JOHN, and Co. Clement's-lane, Lomhard-st. wine-merchants, April 6. [Richardson and Co. New-inn.) Feb. 23. CONGDON, THOS. Torquay, Devon, merchant, April 9, Public Rooms, East Teignmouth. [Tozer, Teignmouth; and Williams, Red Lion-square.] Feb. 26. COTTON, WM. Castle Dunnington, Leicester, baker, April 13, Blackmoor's Head, Nottingham. [Fosbrooke, Loughborough; and Fuller and Co. Carlton Chambers, Regent-st.] March 2. COLLEY, BERNARD, Posenball, Salop, farmer, April 23, Tontine, Madeley. [Bigg. Southamptonbu. Chancery-la.; and Pritchard, jun. Broseley.] March 12. COPLEY, BENJ. and Co. Doncaster, iron-founders, April 23, Guildhall, Doncaster. [Pearson, Doncaster; and Battye, Chancery-la.) March 12. CHITTENDEN, EDW. Ashford, Kent, ironmonger, April 27, Royal Hotel, Birmingham. [Swain and Co. Frederick's-pl. Old Jewry; and Webb, Birmingham.] March 16. COPLAND, WM. late of Holt, Norfolk, miller, April 1, 2, Angel, Market-pl. Norwich; April 30, New Inn, Holt. [Withers, jun. Holt; and BridDORE, FRED. Berkeley-sq. auctioneer, April 9. ger, Angel co. Throgmorton-st.] March 19. DALMAINE, GEO, Chandos-st. embroiderer, Apri [Richardson and Co. New-inn.) Feb. 26. 27. [Loftus, Furnival's Inn.) March 16. 00 DAY, HENRY, and Co. late of Tottenham-courtroad, linen-drapers, April 27. [Hewitt, Tokenhouse-yard, Lothbury.] March 16. DARKE, SAM. WALLWYN, Red Lion-sq. picturedealer, April 80. (Minchin, Verulam-bu. Gray's Inu] March 19, DAVIDSON, WM. Philpot-la, merchant, April 30. [foregson and Co. Angel-co. Throgmorton-street.] March 9. EARLE, WM. Charch-st. Rotherhithe, victualler, Aptil 6. [Saward, Paradise-row, Rotherhithe.] Feb. 23. EARLY, WM. Winchester, grocer, April 19, White Hart, Winchester. [Woodham, Winchester; and Allen, Clifford's-inn.) March 2. EDWARDS, GEO. HAY. Craven st. St. Martin in the Fields, wine-merchant, April 27. [Williams and Co. New-sq. Lincoln's Inn.) March 16. FIELD, STEPHEN, Richmond, Surrey, wine-merchant, April 9 [Gates, Cuteaton-st] F-6. 26. FAILES, JOHN, Upwell, Norfolk, farmer, April 13. [Farlow, Holborn co, Gray's-inn.) March 2. FINCH, THOS. Chiswick, common carrier, April 13. [Hubert, Clement's Inn.) March 2. FROGGATT, JOHN, jun. Bursiem, Staffordshire, druggist, April 16, Roe Buck, Newcastle-underLyne. [Preston, Burslem; and Williams and Co. Old-bu. Lincoln's-inn.) March 5. GRIFFITH, HEN. Swansea, linen-draper, April 23, Mackworth Arms, Swansea. [Price, Lincoln's Inn; and Collins, Swansea.) March 12. GLOVER, ELIZABETH, late of Hardshaw, within Windle, Lancashire, shopkeeper, April 16, 17, Fleece, St. Helen's; April 27, York Hotel, Liver. pool. [Clarke and Co. Chancery-la.; and Barnes, St. Helen's.] March 16. HARDY, MAT. and Co. Manchester, warehousemen, April 6, Bridgewater Arms, Manchester. [Higson, Manchester; and Ellis, Chancery-la.] Feb. 23. HARBIN, THOS. HENRY, Maidenhead, Devon, April 6, Seven Stars, St. Thomas Apostle, Devon. [Turner, Exeter; and Collett and Co. Chancery[a] Feb. 23. HEDLEY, JAS. and Co. Sunderland, ship-owners, April 9, Browne's 'Hotel, Lyme Regis, Dorset. [Fisher, Lyme Regis; and Beverley, Garden-co. Temple. Feb. 26. HARGRAVES, JOHN, Liverpool, miller, April 9, George, Liverpool. [Leicester, Liverpool; and Lawton, Lansdowne-pisce, Brunswick-sq.] Feb. €6. HOYLE, TIM. and Co. Irwell Spring, Lancaster, calico-printers, April 9, Star, Manchester. [Shaw and Co. John st. Bedford-row.1 Feb. 26. HORNBLOWER, WM. Stafford, iron-master, April 2, 3, and 18, Wheatsheaf, Bewdley. [Grazebrook, Stourbridge; and Jenkins and Co. New. inn.) March 2. HERBERT, EDW. TANNER, Fetter-la. oilman, April 13. (Broughton, Tokenhouse-ya.] March 2. HEMBREY, MARGARET, Lambeth-road, vic. tualler, April 16. [Chester, Melina-place.] March 5. HERBERT, PHILIP, of the ship Thalia, merchant, April 23. (Osbaldeston and Co. London. st. Fenchurch-st.] March 12. HORT, JONATHAN, late of Great St. Helens, coalmerchant, April 2 and 27. [Steel, Queen street, Cheapside] March 16. HANDFORD, WM. Tavistock, Devonshire, linendraper, April 16 and 30. [Bourdillon and Co. Bread st. March 19. HERBERT, ROB. and Co. St. Mary axe, winemerchants, April 30. [Hodgson and Co. St. Mildred's-co.] March 19. JOSEPH, ABRAHAM, Magdalen-row, Prescottst. Goodman's-fields, merchant, April 6. [Williams and Co. Gray's inn.] Feb. 29. JUDD, GEO. Farringdon, Berks, cordwainer, April 27. [A'Beckett, Broad-st. Golden-sq.] March 16. KNIGHT, JAS. Halifax, merchant, April 23, White Swan, Halifax. [Beckett, Earl-st. Blackfriars; and Scatcherd, Halifax.) March 12. KETCHER, NATH. Bradwell, Essex, shopkeeper, April 93. [Bunn, Brook-st. Holborn.] March 19. KEENE, WM. CADOGAN, Mary-le-bonne-la. farcier, April 16 and 30. (Hamilton and Co. Berwick-st. Soho.] March 19. KIRKLAND, JOSEPH, and Co. Coventry, ribandmanufacturers, April 2 and 27. [Webster and Son, Queen-st, Cheapside.] March 16. KENYON, THOS. late of Prestwich, Lancashire, flour-dealer, April 6 and 30, Spread Eagle, Hanging Ditch, Manchester. [Adlington and Co. Bedford-row; and Chew. Manchester.] March19. LARBALESTIER, JAS. Angel-co. Throguortonst. wine-merchant. April 9. [Taylor, Jewin-st. Aldersgate st. Feb 26. LEDDEN, WM. Liverpool, merchant, April 9, George, Liverpool. [Statham and Co. Liverpool; and Slade and Co. Jolin st. Bedford-row.] Feb. 26. LORD, JACOB JOHN, Plymouth Dock, spirit-seller, April 1, 9, and 13, Weakley's Hotel, Plymouth Dock. [Kirk, Plymouth Dock; and Dark and Co. Red Lion-sq.1 March 2. LEWIS, PETER ROYNON, Bath-place, New-road, fringe-manufacturer, April 20. [Wigley, Essexst. Strand.] March 9. LEA, PHILLIP HEN. Grenado-pl. Kent-ro. grocer, April 20. [Taylor, Purnival's Inn) March 9. LEPPINGWELL, KNEVIT, Croydon, linen-draper, April 2 and 27. [Willis and Co. Warnford-court, Throgmorton-st.1 March 16. LIGHTFOOT, JOHN, late of Eccleston, Lancashire, miller, April 16, 17, Fleece, St. Helen's; April 27, York Hotel, Liverpool; [Clarke and Co. Chancery-la; and Barnes, St. Helen's.] March 16. MORTON, THOS. Nottingham, lace-manufacturer, April 6, Kam, Nottingham. [Fearnhead, Not tingham: and Hurd and Co. Temple.] Feb. 25. MAYDEW, THOS. Cobridge, Stafford, blue-inagufacturer, April 13, Roe Buck, Newcastle under. Lyme. [Parker, Hanley; and Thomas, Barnard's Inn.] March 2. MANN, GEO, and JOHN, Chapel-st. Edgeware-ro. bricklayers, April 13. [Robinson and Co, Charter House-sq.1 March 2. MOUNSHER, JAS. Leonard-st. Finsbury-sq. merchant April 15. [Atcheson, Great Winchesterst.) March 2 MILLER, RICH. Minchinhampton, Gloucester, banker, April 16, Flecce, Radborough. [Stone, Tetbury; and Dax and Co. Guilford street.] March 5. MAULLIN, THOS. Dudley, Worcester, nail-ironmonger, April 23, Royal Hotel, Birmingham. [Collett and Co. Chancery-la.; and Robinson Dudley.] March 12. MOORSOM, WM. Scarborough, banker, April 1, 9, and 23, Talbot, Scarborough. [Benson, Scarbo rough; and Kearsey and Co. Bishopsgate Within.] March 12. MADDOCK, RICH. and Co. Rosemary-la. timbermerchants, April 2 and 27. [Sweet and Co. Basinghall-st. March 16. MAY, WM. Newgate st. victualler, April 27. [Clare and Co. Frederick'i-pl. Old Jewry.] March 16. MILTHORP, JOHN, Poole, Yorkshire, maltster, April 27, Court House, Leeds. [Granger, Leeds.] March 16. MILLER, CHAS. Abchurch-la. merchant, April and 30. [Sweet and Co. Basinghall-st.) March 19. OTLEY, GEO. New Bond st. tailor, April 2 and 30. [Smith and Co. Gray's Inn-pl.] March 19. PEARSON, JOHN, Manchester, joiner, April 6, Albion, Manchester. (Law and Co. Manchester; and Adlington and Co. Bedford-row.] Feb. 23. POTTER, BENJ. Manchester, cotton-spinner, April 20, Bridgewater Arms, Manchester. [Edge, Manchester; and Milne and Co. Temple.] March 9. PARSONS, JOHN, Swaffham, Norfolk, linen-draper, April 20, Norfolk Hotel, Norwich. [King, Serjeant's Inn, Fleet-st.; and Millard, Norwich.] March 9. POOLE, RICH. Leeds, grocer, April 23, Sessions 16. PARKER, THOS. Camerton, Somersetshire, mealman, April 27, White Lion, Bath. [Turner, Bath; and Price, New-sq. Lincoln's Inn.] March 16. RUSSELL, JAS. Rochester, wine-merchant, April 6. [Rippon, Great Surrey-st. Blackfriars'-road.] Feb. 23. RAWE, WM. Padstow, Cornwall, mercer, April 9, Commercial Inn, Padstow. (Brown, Padstow; and Thompson and Co. Gray's Inn-sq.] Feb. 26. RICKARDS, JON. Dursley, Gloucestershire, clothier, April 16, Old Bell, Dursley. [Vizard and Co. Dursley; and Vizard and Co. Lincoln's-innfields.] March 5. RICHARDSON, MARMADUKE, Kirkoswald, Cumberland, butcher, April 23, Blue Bell, Carlisle. [Lowdon and Co. Clement's Inn; and Hudson and Co. Carlisle.) March 19. ROSE, JOHN, Ibstock, Leicestershire, grocer and baker, April 3, 4, and 27, White Hart, Ashby-dela Zouch. (Long and Co. Gray's Inu; and Dewes, Ashby-de-la-Zouch) March 16. ROSE, MAT. Packington, Leicestershire, farmer, SMITH, JOHN, North-st. Westminster, tailor, SWIFT, JOHN and THOS. Huddersfield, mer- 26. SOWERBY, PETER, sen. and jun. Liverpool, SALTER, THOS. Geist, Norfolk, farmer, April 9, SQUIRE, LOVELL EARITH, Huntingdon, tanner, STEEL, JOHN EMSCOTT, Warwickshire, timber- STEVENS, DAN. GUTTRIDGE, Harlow, Essex, linen-draper. [Evans, Hatton-garden.) Marcho SAVAGE, JOHN, Broadway, Worcester, pig-dealer, April 5, and 20, White Hart, Broadway. [Tayler and Co. Gray's Inn; and Griffiths, Chipping Camden.1 March 9. SHERWIN, WM. THOS. Paternoster-row, book seller, April 20. [Tilson and Co. Coleman street.] SCANDRETT, WM. St. Clement, Worcester, SCOTT, WM. jun. Norwich, confectioner, April 17, TUCKER, JOHN HODGES, Jermyn st. chemist, TAYLOR. WM. Great Yarmouth, surgeon, April 6, Feb. 23. TOMLINSON, JOHN and JOSEPH, High Hesketh, THOMPSON, JOHN, South Shields, ship-owner, TURTON, WM. Westbromwich, Stafford, iron- TICKELL, THOS. West Bromwich, iron-master, April 9, 10, and 30, Royal Hotel, Birmingham. [Norton and Co. Gray's Inn-sq.; and Spurrier and Co. Birmingham.) March 19. VERTUE, SAM. Great Yarmouth, merchant, April 6, 8, and 23 Black Lion, Great Yarmouth. (Sayers and Co. Great Yarmouth; and Swain and Co. Frederick's-pl. Old Jewry.] March 12. VAILL, WM. jun. Prockworth, Gloucestershire, WOOD, JOS. Rugeley, Stafford, miller, April 9, WOOLCOCK, JOHN, Truro, Cornwall, draper, DIVIDENDS, FROM SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, TO TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1822. ANDERSON, J. West Smithfield, March 16. Brickwood, J. S. Stoke Newington, April 6. : Gale, J. Paternoster-row, March 16. Gilbert, R. T. Stockbridge, April 1. Hurndall, J. Bristol, March 30. Hurndall, J. and Co. Bristol, March 95. Mellish, T. Kent-road, March 29. Douglas, T. London, March 16. Dawson, R. Norwich, April 4. Dudman, R. and C. Jérusalem Coffee-house, March Phillips, A. and Co Salters-hall-co. April 2. 30. Evans, G. Aberdare, April 4. Flowers. J. G. Leadenhall-st. March 16. Ridout, J. P. Bridport, March 16. Smallpage, J. Leeds, April 1. Grinshead, C. and Co. Hershain, March 15. Yates, S. Wood-st. March 23. Friday, K. jun. Isleworth,, March 16, |