From the 29th of April, to the 27th of May, 1822, both Inclusive. Average Price of Muscovado Sugars. Exclusive of the Duties of Custom paid or payable thereon on the Importation thereof into Great Britain, Computed from the Returns made in the Week ending May 6, is 348. per cwt. | May 13, is 34s, per cwt. | May 20, is 348. 71d. per cwt. | May 27, is 328. SEASON, 1821-22. EAST INDIA SHIPS, With their Managing Owners, Commanders, Principal Officers, Surgeons, Pursers, Time of coming afloat, Sailing, &c. 1st May, 1822. 1822 Bar Ther. Wind. Obser. 1822 VARIATIONS OF BAROMETER, THERMOMETER, &c. at Nine o'Clock A. M. By T. BLUNT, Mathematical Instrument Maker to his Majesty, No. 22, CORNHILL. Bar. Ther. Wind. Obser. 1822 Bar. Ther. Wind. Obser. S. W. Fair May 7 29-70 60 27 20 72 44 N. E. Rain May 18/29-96 65 NE. Fair 19 30-07 71 PRICE OF SHARES IN CANALS, DOCKS, BRIDGES, ROADS, WATER-WORKS, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES, INSTITUTIONS, MINES, &c. May 25th, 1822. Rate of Government Life Annuities, payable at the Bank of England. When 3 per cent Stock is 78 and under 79. single life of 35 receives for 100%. Stock 550 average-rate 100%. money 6 13 9 40. 45 50 55. 60 65 70 75 and upwards All the intermediate ages will receive in proportion, Reduction National Debt and Government Life Annuity Office, Bank Street, Cornhill. Foreign Gold, in Bars. 3 17 10000 Sliver in Bars Standard000-04 11 JAMES WETTENHALL, SWORN-BROKER. 3 15 03 14 0 £. s. d. All EXCHEQUER BILLs dated in the month of June, 1821, and prior thereto, have been advertised to be paid off. N. B. The above Table contains the highest and lowest prices, taken from the Course of the Exchange, &c. originally published by John Castaign, in the year 1718, and now published, every Tuesday and Friday, under the authority of the Committee of the Stock Exchange, by JAMES WETENHALL, Stock-Broker, No. 15, Angel-court, Throgmorton-street, London ; On application to whom, the original documents for near a century past may be referred to. EUROPEAN MAGAZINE, JUNE, 1822, With a Portrait of J. T. BARBER BEAUMONT, Esq. F. A.S. Essays on the Genius of the English of the Life of Lorenzo de Medici, Poets. No.IV. Milton, [Concluded) 495 The Fortunes of Nigel, by the Au Aphorisms, Opinions, &c. 502 thor of Waverley, &c. Lines on the Anniversary of a be Literary Intelligence loved Friend, by Mrs. Opie...... 504 New Publications... 551 My Godmother's Legacy; or, the Art of Consoling, [Concluded] ...... Song by Mrs. Opie The Imperishable One... 510 Covent Garden ......... 556 The Metamorphoses of Life, [Con cluded] Madame Catalani's Concert. 558 4 |