SMEETON, GEO. St. Martin's la. printer, Feb. 2, TODD, JOHN, Cottenham, Cambridge, butcher, THOMPSON, WM. Tottenhill, Norfolk, cattle- TOUSSAINT, CHAS. Castle-st. Leicester-sq. plum. THOMAS, WM. Bluet's-bu. Fetter-la. Holborn, TATNER, CHAS. Horton Kirby, near Dartford, WHITE, JAS. Bletchingley, Surrey, farmer, Feb. 12. [Welchman and Co. Stamford-st. Black- WARDLE, ISAAC, Nottingham, butcher, Feb. Is. WAUGH, ROB. Kingston upon-Hull, 'cabinet- WASHBURN, JOHN, Great Marlow, Buckingham. WOODWARD, THOS, Bridgwa er, Somerset, drug- WINTER, GEO. Charles-st. Middlesex-Hospital,. AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF DIVIDENDS, FROM TUESDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1821, τO TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1822. ATKINSON, P. Rathbone-pl. Oxford-st. Jan. 22. Aslıby, R. Poultry, Jan. 29. Aubrey, G. E. Manchester, Jan. 9. Burn, J. Lothbury, Jan. 5. Brown, W. Sutton at Hone, Kent, Jan. 15. Day, R. H. Tovil, Kent, Jan. 15. Dingle, J. Charlestown, Cornwall, Jan.28. King, C. M. Upper East Smithfield, Jan. 29. Kempster, T. Bouverie-st. Fleet-st. Jan. 17. Little, A. Mealsgate, Cumberland, Jan. 30. Mace, S. Norwich, Jan. 26. Masters, R. Coventry, Feb. 22. Malcom, R. Ashbourne, Derby, Feb. 5. Mackenzie, C. Caroline st. Bedford-sq. Jan. 26. Mumford, E. Liverpool, Feb. 11. Moston, J. Warrington, Lancaster, Feb. 15. Nevile, S. Leeds, Jan. 24. Nowill, J. Cheapside, Jan. 19. Noon, T. Shepton Beauchamp, Somerset, Jan. 19. Deakin, F. and Co. Deritend Mills, Hamlet of Palmer, E. T. Bedford, Jan. 19. Deritend, near Birmingham, Jan. 29. Edwards, L. O. Minories, Jan. 19. Ellis, W. Liverpool, Jan. 30. English, F. Birmingham, Jan. 30. Fincham, B. sen. and Co, Epping, Essex, Jan. 22. Fowler, D. and Co. Gracechurch-st. Jan. 22. Freeman, J. Hatton-garden, Feb. 2. Fraser, J. New co. Swithin's-la. Feb. 26. Hewett, G. Fair-Mile House, near Henley-upon- Hawkins, J. Farncomb, near Godalmin, Surrey, Haggart, J. Limehouse-hole, Jan. 26. Hall, T. Eagle-st. Red liou-sq. Jan. 12. Haigh, J. Ley-Moor, York, Feb. 2. Handley, W. Stretton-en-le-Fields, Derby, Feb. 6. Jarrett, T. Shrewsbury, Jan. 22. Jordan, P. Whitechapel, Jan. 22. Johnson, W. Heybridge, Essex, Jan. 22. Pyer, G. Newport, Monmouth, Jan. 24 Phillips, H. and Co. Birmingham, Jan. 29. Parks, T. and Co. Birmingham, Jan. 30. Priddon, E. Horncastle, Lincoln, Feb. 14. Parkinson, T. sen. and Co. Kingston-upon-Hull, Feb. 26. Phillips, B. Threadneedle-st. Feb. 5. Percy, R. Blandford Forum, and Force, J. Wim borne Minster, Dorset, Jan. qg. Richardson, G. Horncastle, Lincoln, Feb. 14. Sargent, T. Millbank-row. Westminster, Jan. 09. Feb. 1. Sykes. W. and Co. White Lion-st. Norton-falgate, Symonds, C. and Co. Watling-st. Feb. 9. Tucker, W. and Co. Shetheld, York, Jan. 28. Thorn, J. T. Plymouth, Devon, Jan. 26. Turner, T. W. Brentford, Jan. 26. Townend, R. sen. and J. R. Mitre co. Fenchurch st. Jan. 29. Tipping, T. Warrington, Lancaster, Feb. 15. Tillotson, J. Halifax, York, Jan. 26. Vice, J. Valentine-row, Blackfriar's-road, Jan. 5. Webster, J. and J. Wakefield, York, Jan. 31. 1622. Certificates. Scottish Sequestrations.-&c. Walls, T. Webber-st. Lambeth-marsh, Jan. 96. Want. T. Seamer, York, Jan. 24. Wilkocka, T. Holborn, fcb. 2. Woodhouse, J. and M. Mincing-la. Feb.. CERTIFICATES, FROM TUESDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1821, το TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1822. ADCOCK, D. Melton Mowbray, Leicester, Jan. 22. in, T. Watling-st. Feb. 2. And, A. Lemington, Hants, Feb. 3. kut, W. Luiyd's Coffee-house, Jan. 15. Rncewel, J. Leeds, Jan. 22. Bunr. N. Oxford-st. Jan. 29. Etty, W. Bitingdon, Feb. 9. Omen, C. 1. Gray's-inn-lane. Holborn, Jan. 26. lements, R. Coventry. Jan. 26. Cars, J. Lloyd's Coffee house, Jan. 29. Bois, J. and E. Copthall co. Jan. 26. Downs, W. Chead'e, Chester, Feb. 2. Dwej. J. St. John's-st. West Smithfield, Feb. 12. Emery, T. Worcester, Jan. 15. Byte, W. Cockspur-st. Charing cross, Jan. 26. Lares, J. Liverpool, Jan. 29. stt, T. Northampton, Feb. 9. Fowler, J., Feb. 12. Gunsell, R. G. and Co. Poultry, Jan. 96. Gnham, Sir R. Bart, and Co. London, Jan. 26. sen, T. jan. and Co. Lieerpool, Feb. 9. Bepel, T. South Blyth, Northumberland, Jan. 15. Hotel1, J. Bolton, Lancaster, Jan. 22. Hayret, J. Bristol, Jan. 26. Beton, L. and Co. Welbeck st. Cavendish-sq.Jan. Hashek, S. Northampton, Feb. 2. Handeword. H. Winchester-st. Broad-street, and Bilis, J. Gorwell street road, Feb. 5. Ito, N. Carlisle, Jan. 99. Kas, J. Scuicoates, York, Feb. 9. Jones, A. W. New Brentford, Feb. 12. Mathewman, R. Leeds, Jan. 29. Millar, A. Cardigan pl. Vauxhall-road. Feb. 9. Oiding, J. Old 'Change, Feb. 2. Phillips, B. Threadneedle-st. Jan. 15. Rowbottom. W. Oldham, Lancaster, Jan 26. Rowe, H. Amen-corner, Feb. 5. Robson, W. Newcastle upon Tyne, Feb. 9. Rivolta, A. Brook-st. Holborn, Feb. 12. Saintmaic, J. J. and Co. Kadcliffe-row, City-road, Jan. 19. Stanley, H. Jackhouse within Oswaldtwisle, Lan. Smith, R. Kent-street road, Southwark, Feb. 5. Tahourdin, G. Warwick-co. Holborn, Feb. 5. Wright, J. Mill-wall, Poplar, Jan. 29. Wight, S. Leadenhall-st. Feb. 2. Whatley, T. Batcombe, Somerset, Feb. 12. 19. SCOTTISH SEQUESTRATIONS, FROM TUESDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1821, TO SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1822. Murdoch, T. Falkirk, woollen-draper. DISSOLUTIONS OF PARTNERSHIP. FROM TUESDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1821, το TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1822. ANDREW, D. and Andrew, G. Micklehurst, Chester, woollen manufacturers. Ansten, R. M. and Austen, G. Tonbridge, Kent, grocers. Alen, G. and Allen, G. jun. Manchester, calen derers Archer, R. and Barratt, J. Great Wild-st. Lincoln'sion-Belds, gold and silver refiners. Amp, F. and Alsop, S. Manchester, sewing-cotton monefacturers. Berlier, N. P. and Buckler, H. P. Stonehouse, Breneand, J. dec. Trevor Ucha, Denbigh, and Bocr, H. and Monins, R. Middle Temple, London. Butler, D. and Wade, R. F. Crutched friars, jusu- Bowler, J. Bickerton, J. and Wilkes, J. C. am, Berkshire. Brooks, J. and Oughton, J. Manchester, warehouse- men. Barlow, J. Barlow, W. and Allcroft, R. Draper'sbu. London-wall, scissar-manufacturers. Redford, W. and Bedford, W. jun. Lincoln, tai. lors. N Brinton, R. Petford, J. and Petford, J. Birmingham, brass-founders. Blackman, W. and Taylor, J. Old Proad-street, plumbers. Bailey, J. Bailey, J. and Bailey, 8. Sheffield, York, merchants. Baker, J. Kingsford, S. Baker, S. N. Brent, J. Halford, R. sen. and Halford, R. jun. Canterbury, bankers. Baxendale, J. and Dickson, L. Lancaster, surgeons. Paxter, R. and Bowker. W. Gray's-inn. Brown, W. and Ellis, W. Ludgate-st. haberdashers. Brooke, T. L. and Gillbe, H. jun. Winchester-st. merchants. Brown, S. and White, T. Hanley, Stafford, manu facturers of earthenware. Brealey, G. W. and Woollam, J. Manchester, corton-dealers. Bate, S. and Bate, J. H. Stourbridge, Worcester, wool staplers. Baker, F. and Marshall, W. Clapham rise, Surrey, potters. Brown, T. Rogers, E. Brown, R. and Brown, B. Cheapside, merchants. Bragg, G. and Baldwin, J. Birmingham, jewellers. Brunton, T. Middleton, R. D. and Brunton, W. Commercial-road, iron cable-manufacturers. Barringer, W. Walden, J. and Hancock, J. Great Ryder-st. St. James's, coal-merchants. Candler, T. W. and Suter, E. Little Bush-la. porter-merchants. Callanan, C. and Woodward, H. T. King-st. Wapping, soap boilers. Camell, R. and Morris, J. T. Bungay, Suffolk, surgeons. Collison, R. and Whitaker, I. York, stone-ma Cullen, T. and Whitfield, H. Little Bolton, Lan. caster, cotton-spinners. Dore. W. Smith, J. Moger, G. and Evans, T. Bath, bankers. Davies, W. Verrinder, C. and Davies, T. North Audlev-st. Dewe, H. T. Farmer, W. Sarjeant, W. W. and Harvey. J. London, warehousemen. Drake, G. and Drake, J. East-st. Manchester-sq. furniture brokers. Downes, J. Downes, S. and Downes, D. Macclesfield, silk throwsters. Darke, S. Church, J. T. and Darke, S. W. Redlion sq. solicitors. Diggon, R. jun. and Diggon, D. Brandon, Suffolk, saddlers. Davey, O. Davey, W. and Davey, R. Ashwater, Devon, drapers. England, E. and England, W. H. Herford, wire workers. Elias, B. and Jennings, J. B. Long-room, Customhouse, Custom-house agents. Edcisten, S. and Edelsten, J. Warrington, Lancaster, pin manufacturers. Eykyn, R. Browning, J. Eykyn, J. and Browning, W. H. Smithfield-bars, oil merchants. Edwards. J. P. Penny, T. and Butler, T. D. Liverpool, chemists. Eldershaw, F. and Ball, T. Clare-st. Clare-market, linen drapers. Friday S. and Burcard, J. R. London, merchants. Fox, D. and Goddard, F. G. Bermondsey st. pawubrokers. Freer, G. Rotton, J. Lloyd, D. Lloyd. A. and Go dall, M. Birmingham, bankers. French G. and Thorman, -, East India Chanbers, Leadenhall-st. Scotch-provision-factors. Ford, J. Byrne, P. H. and Wyert, C. Battersea, woollen-manufacturers. Fletcher, J. and kirkland, W. Ripley, Derby, common-brewers. Field, J. and Slaney, J. jun. Greenwich, brewers. Gemmill, D. and Coats, R. Rio Janeiro, commission-agents. Gregson, T. and Keighley, R. Kingston-upon-Hull, merchants. Guest, W. and Guest, J. Birmingham, merchants. Sharp, J. Liverpool, merchants. George, J. and Williams, J. Ducklington, Oxford, tilt-manufacturers. Gordon, S. and Gordon, A. Liverpool. Gladstone, J. Freeland, A. and Harris, J. Liverpool, sugar-refiners. Goskar. T. and Goskar, J. King's Lynn, Norfolk, plumbers. Green, W. H. and Thorley, W. Angel-co. Throgmorton-st. attornies. Grove, P. and Lamboll, M. Moffott-st. City-road, bookbinders. Johnson, J. and Todd, G. W. Darlington and Stockton-upon-Tees, Durham, merchants. Jacklyn, J. S. and Williams, J. sen. St. Dunstan'shill, lightermen. Johnson, J. and Edwards, J. Lower Grove, Saddle. worth, woollen-printers. Illingworth, D. and Marriner, W. Groves Mill, York, cotton-spinners. Knox, A. and Wilson, W. Poland-st. tailors. Kymer, M. R. M-Taggart, J. Kymer, J. Stephenson, J. and Wood, R. brokers. Knapp. E. dec. Knapp, E. jun. and Markham, R. Winchester, bankers. More, T. and Moore, G. C. Dursley, Gloucester, Mr, R. and Miller, J. S. Poole, brewers. Marsaall, J. and Neale, W. Leicester, woolstaplers. Meland, P. and Murray, W. J. Norwich, attornies. Meats, R. and Warren, J. W. Taunton, Somerset, atmamais-at-law. Marston, R. and Day. P. Norwich, attornies. Machin, J. F. and Gill, J. S. Warwick-pl. Bedford ro, surgical instrument makers. Meirelles. A. J. Meiteiles, A. J. Sobrinho, J. da Costa Ferreira, and J. J. de Sequeira, Liverpool, March, T. and March, W. New Broad-st. merchants. MacCarthy, G. D. K. and Trollope, T. Halsted, Exsex, surgeons. Marray, M. and Murray, E. Upper Mill, Saddleworth, York, woollen printers. Mayo, W.and Clark, J. Coventry, watch-manufac turers. Naysor, J. and Small, W. James-st. Manchester-sq. painters. Norton, G. and Shuttleworth, J. Leeds, joiners. Newman, J. and Spence, T. P. Great St. Helen's, North, T. and Tilbe, W. Church-st. Blackfriar'sroad, milwrights. Pool, R. and Wesmoreland, J. Cumberland, timber-merchants. Pellatt, A. jun. and Smith, B. jun. Camberwell, Surrey, silversmiths. Perrett, J. sen. Parrett, J. juu. and Perrett, J. Leigh-st. Middlesex, tailors. Price, S. Bouts, W. and smith, N. Crooked-la. leather-se.lers. Page, J. jun, and Jacks, T. Mark-la corn-fiourfactors. Priestley, J. and Graveson, J. Halifax, York, linendrapers. Payne, J. and Rugg, J. Bristol, plumbers. nail manufacturers. Boss, F. and Ross, H. Leicester, woolstaplers. Reynolds, J. Heynolds, J. and Reynolds, R. dealers. Reynolds, J. Reynolds, J. and Reynolds, E. Woodst. Cacapside, ribbon-dealers. Redd, W. and Stand, T. Wilmot-st. Brunswicksq. hair-cutters. Rogers, J. and Rogers, G. High-st. St. Giles's, tobacco-manufacturers. Eouts, F. and Sunms, J. Wilson's-yard, Back Newrad, St. George's East, treacle-refiners. Rirhartson, D. Richardson, J. and Francis, W. Wapping, slopsellers. Kinmer, J. Beard, J. and Rimmer, W. Liverpool, coopers of tobacco. Shaw, W. and Fletcher, G. Kingston-upon-Hull, timber-merchants. Sutton, H. Halliday, T. and Russell, J. W. Fenchurch-street, sworn-brokers. Smith, W. R. B. Pond st. Hampstead, and Cock, T. No. 20, John st. Pentonville. Shepherd, S. Rixon, S. an 1 Shepherd, B. Cockspurst. cut-glass manufacturers. Strachan. C. and Murray, J. Cornhill, watch and clock makers. Staniforth, S. and Laird, W. Liverpool, rope-manufacturers. Stanbury, J. and Clark, G. London, common-car rmers. Smith, T. Vinehall, Smith. T. and Alderton, T. Battle, Sussex, carriers. Stirling, W. Stirling, J. and Home, J. Bow churchyard. Spooner, T. and Abraham, P. George yard, Lombard-st. Sapte, F. Guilemard, D. and Brand, J. Coleman-st. merchants. Stephens, B. and Biggs, M. Great Russell-st. Bloomsbury, chemists. Smith, J. and Dixon, -, Boston, Lincoln, cornmerchants. Smith, J. and Macdonald, J. Paradise-st. Finsbury, herald-chasers. Smith, C. and Reade, T. S. B. Leeds, York, merchants. Smith, C. Reade, T. S. B. Hirst, W. and Hirst, J. Stainforth, R. and Giberne, M. Old South Sea Stone, T. and Ogden, E. Manchester, brush-makers. Shaw, J. and Robinson, E. Gibraltar, merchants. Thomas, T. and Thomas, J. Oxford-st. woollendrapers. Trower, G. and Slater, J. Great Eastcheap, warehousemen. Totterdell, R. and Totterdell, J. Portsea, woollendrapers. Tracey, T. and Tracey, H. J. George-st, Bethnalgreen, dyers. Thornley, J. and Beckton, J. Manchester, manu facturers. Turner, W. and Royle, V. P. New-st. Dorset-sq. surgeons. Tillett, J. and Fowler, A. Norwich, whitsters. Upton, J. and Upton, J. Sedbergh, York, cottonspinners. Von Dadelszen, G. M. and Stoppel, H. W. Fenchurch-st. merchants. White, W. and Turnor, B. Parker-st. Drury-la. chair-manufacturers. Walmsley, T. and Walmsley, J. Salford, Lancaster, manufacturers. Wilson, J. and Moore, A. Milk-st. Cheapside, silkmanufacturers. Woollin, J. Middleton, W. Hodgson, M. A. and Hodgson, E. Sheffield, York, factors. Wilson, R. and Hastweil, J. Busir lane, wine-merchants. Wharton, J. and Armitage, A. Scarborough, sailcloth-manafacturers. Warren, T. and Warren, W. Truro, Cornwall, attornies. Walker, J. and Bedford, J. Leeds, chemists. Whales, N. and Litchfield, J. Bethnal-green, car NEW PATENTS. THOMAS PARKIN, of Skinner-street, Bishopsgate-street, Middlesex, Merchant; for an improvement or improvements in printing. Dated Nov. 24, 1821. WILLIAM BAYLIS, jun. of Painswick, Gloucestershire, Clothier; for a machine for washing aud cleaning clothes. Dated Nov. 27, 1821. THOMAS MOTLEY, of the Strand, Middlesex, Patent Letter Maker and Brass Founder; for certain improvements in the consturction of candlesticks or lamps, and in candles to be burnt therein. Dated Nov 27, 1821. ROBERT BILL, of Newman-street, Mary-leBone, Middlesex, Esq. for an improvement in the construction of certain descriptions of boats and barges. Dated Dec. 5, 1821. CHARLES BRODERIP, of London, Esq. now residing in Glasgow; for various improvements in the construction of steam engines. Dated Dec. 5, 1821. HENRY RICKETTS, of Phoenix Glass Works, Bristol, Somersetshire, Glass Manufacturer; for an improvement in the art or method of making or manufacturing glass bottles, such as are used for wine, porter, beer, or cyder. Dated Dec. 5, 1821. WILLIAM WARCUP, of Dartford, Kent, Engineer,; for certain improvements upon a machine for washing linen cloths, cotton cloths, or woollen cloths, whether in the shape of piece goods, or of any article made up of linen cloth, cotton cloth, of woollen cloth. Dated Dec. 10, 1821. WILLIAM HORROCKS, of Portwood-withinBennigton, in the county of Chester, Cotton Manufacturer; for an improvement in the construction of looms for the weaving of cotton or linen cloth by power, commonly called power loom. Dated Dec. 14, 1891. JAMES WINTER, of Stoke-under-Hamdon, Somersetshire, Gentleman; for certain improvements in a machine for sewing and pointing leather gloves with neatness much superior to that which is effected by manual labour. Dated Dec. 19. 1821. SAMUEL BRIERLEY, of Salford, Manchester, Lancashire, Dyer; for an improved method of preparing raw silk, and cleansing the same for the purpose of dying and manufacturing. Dated Dec. 19, 1821. JOHN GLADSTONE, of Castle Douglas, in the stewartry of Kircudbright, and county of Galloway, North Britain, Engineer and Millwright; for an improvement or improvements in the construction of steam vessels, and mode of propelling such vestels by the application of steam or other powers. Dated Dec 20, 1821. JULIUS GRIFFITH, of Brompton-crescent, Middlesex, Esq.; for certain improvements in steam carriages, and which steam carriages are capable of transporting merchandize of all kinds, as well as passengers, upon common roads, without the aid of horses. Partly communicated to him by foreigners residing abroad. Dated Dec. 20, 1821. LONDON MARKETS, JAN. 11th, 1822. COTTON.- The Cotton market is withqut briskness, yet considerable purchases continue to be made privately, without the particulars as to price, &c. transpiring; the sales since our last are entirely of East India descriptions: viz. 460 Bengal, 5d. a 64d. in bond.-120 Surat, 6d. a 6 d. in bond-The arrivals, from the 4th to the 10th inst. inclusive; - New York, 235.-Berbice, 44.-The letters from Liverpool received this morning state the Cotton market heavy. SUGAR.-The Sugar market has been steady all the week: buyers come forward freely, but from the small quantity of Muscovades on show, they are unable to purchase, except at higher prices, which, in some instances, have been acceded to: Sugars have every appearance of advancing; the holders are exceed ingly firm, and evince no inclination to effect sales. There has been a considerable business done in refined goods, particularly in the low description; the prices have improved: the quantity on hand is quite inconsiderable. By public sale yesterday, Havannah sugars went 2s. a 3s. lower the any previous prices: 297 chests were brought forward, -White, middling quality, 36s. a 37s. 6d.; ordinary, 34s. a 36s.-Yellow and brown, 24s. a 24s. 6d. This forenoon 3800 bags Bourbon sugars were brough forward by public sale: a small proportion sold at the reduction of 2s, a 3s. per cwt. the remainder was taken in.-Yellow, fine, 21s. 6d. and 22s.; middling and ordinary, 16s. a 195,-Brown, 17s. a 17s, od. COFFEE.- There was a considerable public sale yesterday, the Demerara and Berbice, Jamaica, and Dominica coffee sold 2s. a 4s. per cwt. higher, St. Dominigo at the advance of Is. a 2s.; some of the latter in bags sold at 102s.; a considerable parcel was withdrawn at 101s. 6d.: fine ordinary Havannah, 104s. 6d.; good ordinary brown, 101s. 6d. The public sale this forenoon consisted of 72 casks British Plantation, 182 bags St. Domingo coffee; the latter, ordinary, was with. drawn at 101s.; the former, chiefly Demerara and Berbice, sold at the previous prices, good middling 126s. and 127s, The Coffee market has still every appearance of a further Improvement. RUM, BRANDY, and HOLLANDS.There have been considerable purchases of Rum; the prices are a shade higher. The sales this week have not been confined to the lower descriptions of Jamaica or Leewards, the stronger qualities have been in demand, and may be quoted 1d. per gallon higher.--Brandies are exceedingly heavy, and are offered at prices considerably lower, without felicitating sales.Geneva may be quoted at a small reduction. OILS. The prices and demand for Whale Oil has improved. Seed Oils are also higher. TALLOW. There has been very little business done lately in foreign Tallow; the prices are however at a small improvement; to-day yellow candle Tallow 45s. and 45s. 6d. The Town market is quoted 475. which is the same as last week. |