WEEKLY STATEMENT OF THE LONDON MARKETS, FROM THE 24TH OF DECEMBER, 1821, το THE 21ST OF JANUARY, 1822, BOTH INCLUSIVE. Exclusive of the Duties of Customs paid or payable thereon on the Importation thereof into Great Britain Computed from the Returns made in the Week ending Dec. 26, is 318. gd. per cwt. | Jan. 2, is 30s. 74d. per cwt. | Jan. 9, is Sis. 1014. per cwt. | Jan. 16, is 31s. 101d. per cwt, SEASON, 1821–22. EAST INDIA SHIPS, With their Managing Owners, Commanders, Principal Officers, Surgeons, Pursers, Time of coming afloat, Sailing, &c. 20th December, 1821. VARIATIONS OF BAROMETER, THERMOMETER, &c. at Nine o'Clock A.M. 1921 By T. BLUNT, Mathematical Instrument Maker to his Majesty, No. 22, CORNHILL. Ват. Тhеr. Wind. Obser. Doc. 9724 42 1892 8 Rain Jon. SE Ditto 40 ميوه 92743 441SW Ditto Bar. Ther. Wind Obser. 1822 Bar. Ther. Wind Obser. Jan. 14 30.17 45 W Fair NE Ditto 319.91 40 W Fair 5 29.83 56 649.86 35 799.87 34 8129.35 34 930.04 N Fair 16 30.14 34 35 30.22 33 W Dito SW Ditto Ditto 1930.14 36 NW Ditto W Ditto 15/30.14 45 W Ditto 395 94 49.14 41 NE Kain PRICE OF SHARES in CANALS, DOCKS, BRIDGES, ROADS, WATER-WORKS, FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES, INSTITUTIONS, MINES, &c. Jan. 14th, 1822. Rate of Government Life Annuities, payable at the Bank of England. When 3 per cent. Stock is 76 and under 77. single life of 35 receives for 100l. stock 5 4 0 average-rate 100l. money All the intermediate ages will receive in proportion. Reduction National Debt and Government Life Annuity Office, Bank-street, Cornhill. COURSE of the EXCHANGE, from Dec. 24, 1821, tv Jen. 22, 1822, both inclusive. New Dollars.... The above Table contains the highest and lowest prices. JAMES WETENIIALL, SWORN BROKPR. 26 Holiday 21234 Stock. Reduc Consol Consol Consol Navy. Anns. 5perCt 3 per Ct. DAILY PRICES OF STOCKS FROM DECEMBER 25, 1821, TO JANUARY 25, 1822, BOTH INCLUSIVE. Bank 3per Ct 3perCt3/pCt. 4perCt 5perCt. Long Trish Imp. Omoium. India Stock. Dec. 25 Holiday 28 76 57 757 95 4 86월 월 95 1941 19층 29 234 575 76 8695 197 76 5 56 95 여 19층 10%1. Days. 19 237층 7676 21236 22 237 23776476 23237 7676 196층 107 78 182384 238 76 76 76층 총 754 87696 6 76 76 5 37 96 24237 76월 월 754 687호 월 96층 25 All EXCHEQUER BILLS dated prior to January 1821, have been advertised to be paid off. N. B. The above Table contains the highest and lowest prices, taken from the Course of the Exchange, &c. originally published by John Castaign, in the year 1718, and now published, every Tuesday and Friday, under the authority of the Committee of the Stock Exchange, by JAMES WETENIIALL, Stock-Broker, No. 15, Angel-court, Throgmorton-street, Londor; On application to whom, the original documents for near a century past may be referred to, |