: WEEKLY STATEMENT OF THE LONDON MARKETS, From the 27th of May, to the 24th of June, 1822, both Inclusive. Average Price of Muscovado Sugars: Exclusive of the Duties of Custom paid or payable thereon on the Importation thereof into Great Britain, Computed from the Returns made in the Week ending May 27, is 34s, per cwt. | June 3, is 37s, per cwt. | June 10, is 31s. per ewt. | June 17, is 30s. 11d. 1 SEASON, 1821–22. EAST INDIA SHIPS, With their Managing Owners, Commanders, Principal Officers, Surgeons, Pursers, Time of coming afloat, Sailing, &c. 27th June, 1822. VARIATIONS OF BAROMETER, THERMOMETER, &c. at Nine o'Clock A. M. By T. BLUNT, 1822 Bar. Ther. Mathematical Instrument Maker to his Majesty, No. 22, CORNHILL. S. W. Rain June 6 30-12 71 Jun.17 30-15 60 S-W. Fair 27 29-98 60 PRICE OF SHARES IN CANALS, DOCKS, BRIDGES, ROADS, WATER-WORKS, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES, INSTITUTIONS, MINES, &c. May 25th, 1822. Messrs. WOLFE and EDMONDS, No. 9, 'Change-Alley, Cornhill. When 3 per cent Stock is 78 and under 79. single life of 35 receives for 100l. Stock 550 average-rate 100l. money 6 13 9 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 and upwards All the intermediate ages will receive in proportion, Reduction National Debt and Government Life Annuity Office, Bank Street, Cornhill. COURSE of EXCHANGE, from the 28th May to the 25th June, 1822. : L All EXCHEQUER BILLS dated prior to August, have been advertised to be paid off. On application to whom, the original documents for near a century past may be referred to. : INDEX TO VOLUME LXΧΧΙ. AGRICULTURAL Report, 84, 180, American Population, 437. Morals, 305, 406, 502. 470, 568, 469, 567, Dividends, 88, 184, 283,373, Barometer, variations of, 95, 191, 287, Battle, description of, 225. Bird called the Honey-Eater 437. Birth of the Dimple, Poetry, 332, Boat of the Stars, Poetry, 112. Book Worm, the, 146. British Gallery, 153. Brighton, description of, 314. Bullion, prices of, 91, 191, 287, 387, 487, 585. Byron's Lord, Sardanapalus, the Two Fos- 401. Canal Shares, &c. prices of, 95, 191, 287, Civic Register, 79, 176, 278, 369, 464. Conversazioné 2, 98, 194, 292. Craniology, 24. Criticism, Essay on Pope's Art of, 12, December Tale, 17. Drury Lane Theatre, Giovanni in Ire- East Bourne, Description of, 226, |