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sittart moved, that the House do adjourn to Monday, August 5, when Mr. H. G. Bennet said, that he was happy to observe, that although the House had, in preceding Sessions, never attended to the wishes of the people, they had, this year, evidently been influenced considerably by the sentiments of the country. They had lessened the expenditure, and diminished the taxes, but not, he contended, to a degree sufficient; and he hoped next Session to see the work of reduction pursued much further. He congratulated the House on their having diminished the influence of the Crown, by their votes, in the case of the Postmaster-General and the junior Lords of the Admiralty; and proceeded to complain of the fact, exposed by a return made to parliament, of seventy members annually receiving between them £130,000. of the public money and which seventy members were, on all occasions, the supporters of Government. The hon. member then adverted to the very large number, and to the respectability of those, who had this Session voted for Par liamentary Reform.-Mr. Hume followed on the same side, but com

plained, that the Government had reduced the taxes, but had not reduced their expenditure. He hoped, before the next Session, to hear, that the expenditure had been reduced by £7,000,000.

MONDAY, AUG. 5.-General Gascoyne presented a petition, signed by all the respectable merchants of Liverpool, complaining of the Government, in not recognising the Independence of South America. He stated, that the Columbian States had refused to admit the vessels of countries which would not acknowledge the Independeuce of their Republics.-The General presented a similar petition from the Clothiers of Leeds.-Mr. Lushington maintained, that the Government had acted with every regard to the dignity and interests of the nation.

TUESDAY, AUG. 6.-About two o'clock, the Speaker, and the Members present, proceeded to the House of Lords, and returning, after an absence of twenty minutes, the Speaker read a copy of the Speech of his Majesty, in proroguing the Parliament (for which see the Lords.) The members then separated.


THE resolution of Government to allow the importation of East India sugars at a duty, which will bring them to about an equal price with the produce of our West India Colonies, must have the effect of convincing the West India proprietors of the great advantages of cultivation by free labourers, over the employment of slaves. We are sorry to state, that the news of the last month afford us a lamentable proof that, in spite of all the efforts of this country, and in spite of the sums we have paid to Foreign Governments, they still allow of the Slave Trade in a frightful degree. The boats of the Iphigenia and Myrmidon have attacked and captured a squadron of seven sail of Slave Traders, containing one thousand, eight hundred, and seventy

six slaves; of these two hundred died of disease after their capture; and five hundred were drowned by the upsetting of a Schooner, in a squall: so that only one thousand, two hundred of these unfortunate victims were restored to their country by the humane and gallant exertions of our officers and seamen.— The Government have appointed a Commission of Inquiry into the state of all our insular East India and West India Colonies, including the Cape of Good Hope, and as the state of manners and morals in these colonies requires amendment, this measure of Government is highly praiseworthy. Colonial produce continues much depressed in the markets, and colonial property is at as dreadfully a low ebb.


The attempt at Counter revolution, by the royal guards at Madrid, has been so easily suppressed, as to convince all persons that the sense of the great body of the Spanish peo

ple is in favour of the rational liberty imparted to them by the constitution. Bands of serviles and fanatics still infest the mountainous provinces, committing every horrid

excess in favour of what they term loyalty and religion-one of these bands of rebels has been defeated by the Militia, near Tich, in Catalonia, with the loss of six hundred men. Some thirty priests found among them were executed by martial law. The failure of the revolution at Madrid is likely to be of great use to the cause of the Liberales. The former ministry are dismissed. The insurgent guards have been sent one hundred miles from the capital; the Duke of Infantado, and the Marquis de las Amarillas have been banished, and a ministry of enlightened principles has been established under Lopes Banos. The Spanish budget exhibits the finances in a most favourable state. The sales of sequestered property have produced 80 per cent above the estimate, and the estimate made the sequestrations two thirds more than sufficient to discharge the national debt of about £50,000,000 sterling.

The continental papers complain of the spirit of liberty pervading the lower classes, and of its having developed itself even in the Russian armies on the Turkish frontier. If the governments of the continent do not guide this spirit to moderate and rational results, the effects may be dreadful; and we may have revolutions as terrific as that of France. It is observed that fires of an alarming nature are continually breaking out all over Germany. The French budget represents their finances as highly prosperous. A court is sitting at Colmar, to try General Berton and his associates in his wild and undigested attempt at revolution.— The Cordon Sanitaire is still kept up on the Spanish Frontier. The debates in the Chamber of Deputies are very stormy, but the ultra ministry command large majorities on all occasions. The Congress is about to open near Vienna, to which the Sovereigns are repairing.

The cause of the Greeks prospers beyond the expectations of the most sanguine friends of liberty:-all the ancient Peleponesus, with the Isthmus, Attica, Boeotia, Locris, Phocis, Doris, Aetolia, and Acarnania, with a part of Thessaly and Epirus, are

in possession of the Greeks; in short from the southern Cape Matapan, the Tenarium promontorium of the ancients, to the river Vardar, (the ancient Axius) including all Greece except Macedonia, is now rescued from the Turks, who hold only a few strong forts and fortresses in the mountainous districts of Epirus. The forfeited possessions of the Turks are so large, that the Greeks pay their soldiers in land at the rate of one acre per month each man. The Greek fleet, by means of fire ships, has destroyed a part of the Turkish navy at Scio. The Turkish Admiral, who committed such dreadful atrocities on the Sciotes, was blown up in his ship of one hundred and thirty guns. Three ships were sunk, and seven frigates stranded.-Sixteen ships from Constantinople have been captured by the Greeks, who have now the undisputed superiority of the Archipelago, and the Ionian seas.

The Portuguese Government with a liberality and good sense highly to their credit, have acknowledged the independence of Columbia. Bolivar has defeated the Royalists in a great pitched battle, whilst Paez has captured from them the fort of Mirador de Solano, commanding their only remaining possession of Porto Cabello. The Congress of the Brazils have met, and have placed the Prince on the throne as Emperor of the Brazils, which is tantamount to declaring a thorough independence of the mother country. Mr. Zea, the Minister from the Columbian Republic to the European Governments, has been favourably received by the first commercial and political characters of England. The following countries of South America may now be considered to all intents and purposes, as free and independent common-wealths:

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Four hundred and eighty-five thousand square leagues contain 4,365,000 square miles, and are equal to 2,793,600,000 English acres; and this extent of territory is exclusive of the immense provinces of the Brazils, and of Amazon. and Patagonia.

The influence which the liberation of so prodigious a tract of country, and of so large and increasing a population, will have upon the affairs of Europe is incalculable. Iturbide, who has made himself sovereign of Mexico, is not likely to meet with acquiescence in his usurpation, on the part of the Republicans.-Our exports to Columbia alone have doubled since the year 1817.

The Commissioners, appointed under the Treaty of Ghent to survey

and agree upon a boundary line between the territories of the United States and the American Colonies of Great Britain, have terminated their labours, and, after a four days' conference, have amicably agreed upon a line of Demarcation.

At Bombay a weekly newspaper, in the Bengalee language, has been published; and a fine teak built eighty-gun ship has been launched from the Dock-yard, at Calcutta.




Domestic Telegraph.-This is a very superior invention to bells, though they are not without their use. It is intended to convey orders to servants, which they can instantly execute, without the usual loss of time in going to receive a verbal command. Mr. Pearson, the inventor, a resident at Boston, conceived the possibility of surmounting the difficulties, that walls and distance opposed to his success, and of preventing the necessity of speech. The master is obeyed as promptly and as punctually as possible, and the servant, certain of understanding his orders, need not fear the effects of want of memory. Mr. Pearson's telegraph consists of two dials, divided in the same manner, each of the needles is subject to the same movement at the same time, and over the same space. The communication of the movement, from one needle to the other, was the only difficulty in this mechanical problem; this obstacle has been ingeniously surmounted. One of the dials is placed in the master's room, and can be made an elegant decoration; the other in any situation most convenient to servants.


one of the divisions, which can be . multiplied at pleasure, represents an order by an understood sign or figure; the master points the needle of his dial to the sign or command he wishes to be obeyed, and that instant the signal is repeated on the dial fixed up for the servants' use. This telegraph is easily constructed and of very trifling expense.


The new Emperor has deferred giving any decision on several ques

tions which were submitted to him, relative to the state of Christianity, and of its introduction into his dominfons. He has, however, expressly forbidden the admission of Christian Missionaries. It is, nevertheless, to be hoped, that these orders will not be more rigorously put in force than under the late Emperor. We have also reason to believe, that they will not extend to the religious who reside at the astronomical college of Pekin, as they do not endeavour to make proselytes, and merely afford spiritual assistance to the Christians residing in the capital.


The city of Cydonia, which has been surprised and destroyed by the Turks, possessed some excellent establishments of public utility, particularly á college and a rich library. The barbarians set fire to the entire city, so that stones and bones are now the only monuments of its late grandeur.


Captain Kotzebue, in his voyage of Discovery, has precisely ascertained the elevation of the gigantic mountains of the Sandwich isles, which had so often excited the admiration and astonishment of navigators. They are as follows.

Island of Owyhee.
Merino Roa-toises 2482,4
Merino Kaah do. 2180,1
Merino Wororai do. 1689,1

Isle of Mowee, The highest summit-toises 1669,1


Mahomet-Ali-Pacha, desirous of promoting the progress of civilization throughout the provinces subject to

his dominion, has ordered an establishment to be founded in Egypt, on the plan of the French Lyceums. At the head of this interesting establishment, he has placed Noureddin Effendi, a Mussulman, who, from having received an European education, is peculiarly qualified for the appointment. The efforts of the viceroy to promote the arts and sciences, cannot be too highly praised; and there is reason to believe that the counsels of the French Consul general, M. Drouetti, the labours of the French engineer, M. Pascal Coste, who is charged with the direc tion of the canal of Mahmoudieb, will form a new epoch in the history of the regeneration of the land of the Pharaohs. To those ingenious Frenchmen will be added, M. Basili Fakr, a learned Arabian translator of many French works of Voltaire, Rollin, Fenelon, Beccaria, Volney, &c. He is now completing a translation of the history of Alexander the Great. Hadgi Othman, a learned and philosophic Musselman, who is now at Paris, by order of his master, to acquire a knowledge of the French literature and science, is also to be of the number to whom the revival of learning in Egypt is to be intrusted.

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The Emperor of Russia desirous that criminals, who, repenting of their transgressions, reform their lives either early or late, may be able to enter into society, (even in case of transportation for life into the province of Siberia,) and also with a view to remove the temptation, to which they are exposed, of returning to their evil courses, in consequence of the brand which it has been usual to fix upon them, and which always exposes them to public disgrace, has abolished for ever the custom of branding.

M. de Struve, Russian Counsellor of State in Hamburgh, has engaged such as have made the history of Russia their particular study, to send him in formation on the following subject, which is elucidated neither by his torians nor by the voluminous collec.

tion of Muratori. cles, from the year 1130, and 1134, speak of a Posadnic, of Novogorod, whom they name Petrillo, and who seems to have possessed a high reputation. From his name, however, it would appear, that he was not a Russian, and that he was, in all probability, an Italian. On the other hand the Constitution, or Statutes of Novogorod, and their relation with this Prince, seem to oppose this conjecture. M. de Struve has caused this question to be inserted in the literary Journals of Germany.

The Russian Chroni

Shortly will be published, at St. Petersburgh, a German translation of a work, written in the Mogul language, entitled, The History of the Moguls. By Ssauany Tsatsan, Chungtaidschi.This translation will be accompanied by an Introduction and Notes, by Isaac Jacob Schmidt.


In consequence of the proposition from the Government of Poland being approved by the Emperor, Mr.Sebastian Ciampi is appointed the active Corres pondent in Italy, by the Committee of Public Instruction and Worship. He is to collect all the information than can be found in the records of Rome, or any other town in Italy, relating to the civil or ecclesiastical history of Poland: Mr. Ciampi retains his Canonship of Warsaw, and his title of Professor of the University in that town. He will usually reside at Florence.


A new philological journal, entitled, Miscellanea maximâ parte critica, will shortly be published at Hildesheim; its contributors are some of the most distinguished men in Germany. Messrs. Secbode, Herman, Passon, Poppo, Osan, Ahlevardt, Raden, Bardili, Schleusner, &c. are of the number. Four numbers, each consisting of twelve leaves, will be published annually. This collection will be enriched with unpublished notes by Saumaise, Clericus, Reinesius, and with various read. ings from ancient manuscripts. The price of the Journal is about 17s. 6d. per annum.

The celebrated geographer, Mannert, professor at Landshut, has recently published the second part of the second division of his Geography of the Greeks and Romans. It contains every information relative to Brittany. This second edition is a completely original work; a deep research and study of the ancients has led the learned German to real and important discoveries. Even in its present unfinished

state, his work is invaluable as a study of antiquity.

The Emperor has offered one thousand ducats in gold to the author of the best work on the construction of windmills, whether he be a native or a foreigner.

M. Emmanuel Steudel, of Esslingen, in the territory of Wurtemberg, invented last year portable grates, by which food may be dressed much more conveniently and agreeably than in the usual manner. It saves half the time, and two-thirds of the fuel generally employed. There is a particular description given of it in No. 190 of the Universal Indicator of Southern Germany, which our brief limits will not permit us to extract.

An important work on the monuments of ancient Germans and Romans is on the eve of publication, by Cotta, a bookseller at Stuttgard. The execution of it was entrusted to Doctor Dorow, a learned antiquary, and Aulic Counsellor, at Bonn, by the Russian government. The same author has already published A Collection of German and Roman Antiquities; but the two works have nothing in common. The Prince of Hardenberg, chancellor of Prussia, established a particular administration, for the purpose of pre. serving the German and Roman antiquities found in the different countries that lie along the Rhine, and also of re-uniting, classing, and giving descriptions of them. Doctor Dorow is president of this institution, and the present work is the first-fruit of the situation which he holds. It will form a folio volume of about one hundred pages, with thirty-five drawings, engraved or lithographed. The first division, comprising the ancient German monuments of Westphalia, will contain among others, a drawing of the celebrated mass of stones, known by the name of Eostræ rupes, or rupes Picarum, in the country of Lippe-Detmold. These isolated and gigantic rocks served the ancient Germans in their religious worship. They are apparently the altars on which Tacitus says that the tribunes and Roman generals were sacrificed after the battle of Arminius. · Vestiges of sacrifice are still found around these monuments. When the inhabitants of this country became converted to the Christian religion in subsequent times, their devotion prompted them to efface the recollection of paganism by a colossal in bas relief, cut into this very rock, and representing the descent of the cross. It is perhaps the most ancient work of

the kind that exists in Germany. Its composition is not less extraordinary than its execution. Another remarkable monument is the Teuteubourg, or Teutobourg, an entrenchment in whose stone ramparts no trace of mortar can be discovered. It was here that Quintillius Varus suffered his famous defeat. Each drawing will be accompanied with a brief description, entirely founded upon facts. The second division of this work will comprehend Roman monuments. It will contain, in the first place, pieces of architecture which have been recovered from the subterranean ruins turned up in 1818, by the Count de Solms-Laubach, in the environs of Bonn. The drawings are executed under the direction of the archi tect 'Hundeshagen; secondly, figures of bronze, engraved stones, vases of different kinds, and the different coins and medals which have been recovered at the same time; thirdly, other ancient remains, found also in the environs of Bonn. The price of the work, which will be succeeded by other volumes, is eight florins, or about 15s.


M. Van Geel, to whom we are indebted for the statue of Civilis, has just finished that of the Colossal Lion, which is to be placed on the heights of Waterloo: it is M. Vander Straëten, who is now rebuilding the palace of the States general at Brussels, to whom the public is indebted for the conception and design of this monu


The art of Lithography is progressively improving in the hands of M. Jobard, who has just published his fifth number of the Voyage pittoresque dans les pays bus.


The Typographical Society of Classical Italian Authors have resolved to publish all the classical literature of the eighteenth century, of which fiftytwo volumes, in octavo, have already appeared. In this interesting collec tion are inserted, the Treatise of Dominico Guglielmini, Della Natura De Fiumi, together with the Notes of Eustachio Manfredi; the best Comedies of Goldoni; a Selection from the works of Gaspazo Gozzi; the works of Cesare Beccaria; and the Annals of Italy, by Muratori. Though the title of classic is too liberally bestowed on some of these authors, the choice of the works is so generally good, that it must ensure the success of the collection,

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