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Journeés Remarquables. markable days, viz.

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1789-July 14. First insurrection of the people of Paris, capture of the Bastile.-October 5 and 6. The Parisians march to Versailles, attack and penetrate the king's palace.

1791-June 21. The king secretly leaves Paris.

1792-June 20. The populace repair to the Thuilleries and oblige the king to put on the bonnet rouge, or red cap of liberty.-August 10. Attack of the Thuilleries; dethrone ment and arrest of the king.-Sept. 2 and 3. Dreadful massacres in the prisons of Paris.

1793-Jan. 21. Execution of Louis XVI.-May 31. Triumph of Robespierre and the mountain party over the Girondins and moderate party.-Oct. 16. Execution of the queen Marie-Antoinette.

1794-July 27, or 9 Thermidor, year 2. Fall and death of Robes pierre.

1795-April 1, or 12 Germinal, year 3. Attack of the populace of Paris against the national convention.-May 22-23.—1, 2, and 3 Prarial. Another attempt of the populace, who assassinate the deputy Féraud. Oct. 5, or 13 Vendiniarre, year 4. Attack of the Convention by the sections of Paris. The assailants obliged to retire with loss.

1797-Sept. 4, or 18 Fructidor, year 5. Dissolution of the Corps Legislatif, and triumph of the Di


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1799.-June 18, or 30 Prarial, year 7. The Council of Ancients and the Council of 500 overthrow the power of the directors, Merlin, la Reveilliere-Lepaux and Rewbel.--Nov. 8, 18 Brumaire, year 8. Revolution in favour of Buonaparte.

1800----Dec. 24, 3 Nivose, year 9. Attempt against the life of the first consul, Buonaparte, by the explosion of the infernal machine.

1802 August 2. Buonaparte proclaimed first consul for life.

1804-May 18. Elevation of Buonaparte to the throne.---Dec. 2. Coronation of Napoleon and Josephine. 1810---April 2. Marriage of Napoleon with Marie Louise, archduchess of Austria.

1814---April 4.---Buonaparte signs his abdication at Fontainbleau.

May 3. Solemn entry of Louis XVIII. into Paris.

1815--March 20. Flight of Louis and return of Napoleon.--June 1. Solemn assembly in the Champ de Mai.--June 22. Second abdication of Napoleon.---July 8. Second return of Louis XVIII.

Liberaux---Liberals.---Persons supporting rational liberty in opposition to corrupt and arbitrary power.

Liberticides.--Enemies of liberty. Manége. It was in the Salle du Manege that were held the sessions of the constituent, the legislative and conventional assemblies, and in which were assembled the jacobins of 1799.

Marais --- Plaines ---Ventres. --- Designations or nick-names of the parties distinguished in the legislative assembly and national convention. The Plaines or Ventres were those, who wished to neutralize the violence of parties by keeping them nearly balanced; they opposed the Mountain party before the events of May 31, 1793, and were called the toads of the marsh, crapauds du


Maratistes-Maratists. Partisans

of Marat.

Marsellais.-The regiment from Marseilles, which was most violent in the attack of the Thuilleries on Aug. 10, 1792.

Ministeriels.--Ministerial members of the Chamber of Deputies.

Modérés. Moderate persons.— Vide Federalists.

Monarchiens. Monarchists. Those who during the republican government supported the cause of monarchy.

Montagne ou Crête.---The Mountain or Crest Party.-The most extravagant revolutionary party of the Convention, taking its name from their assuming the highest benches on the right of the hall.

Muscodins.---A muscadin is a delicate sugar-plum, flavoured with musk, and the name was given to those young persons who displayed superiority of dress to distinguish them from the sans-culottes, or raga-muffins.

Obscurantins. - Obscurers. Those who were adverse to the dissemination of knowledge and the improvements of the age.

Occulte.The term of occult, or

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Partisans de la liste civil.-Persons who are believed to have sold themselves to the court.

Patriotes de 89.---Patriots of 1789. Those who have supported the cause of the revolution from its commencement in 1789. Philosopher. Philosophers used synonymously with Liberaux.

Prêtres Assermentés. Sworn Priests.---The clergy who swore fidelity to the civil constitution of the church, enacted in 1791.

Prêtres Insermentés ou réfractaires. -Non juring clergy..The opposite to the preceding.

Queue de Robespierre.---Remnants of Robespierre.-Those of the Robespierre party who survived the revolution of 9 Thermidor, year 2. Réaction.---Triumph of any opposition whatsoever.


Revolutionaires. Revolutionists. ---The most extravagant partisans of the revolution.

Sans-Culottes.---Breechless or raga-muffin.---A term of derision applied to the revolutionists, but which they afterwards bore with exultation. Septembriseurs.---Septemberists.--The participators in those massacres which took place in Paris on Sept. 2 and 3, 1792.

Suspects. Suspected persons. Those whom the Republicans imagined to be hostile to the principles of the Revolution.

Terreur de 1793.-Terror of 1793. -A Name applied to the ferocious Government of Robespierre.

Terreur de 1815 and 1816.-Terror of 1815 and 1816.-Terms meant to designate the injustice and oppression practised against the Liberal party in those years.

Terrorists.-Partisans of Robespierre, Marat, and the Mountain leaders.

Theophilanthropes.-Theo-philanthropists.-Members of a Sect, professing deism and the love of their fellow-creatures. It was established by Le Paux, Member of the Executive Directory. All were eligible to the priesthood.

Thermidoriens.-Those who overthrew Robespierre on the 9th Thermidor, year 2.

Ultras. A name assumed by those who carry the attachment to absolute monarchy to the utmost excess.

Vendéens.-Vendeans.-The simple and bigoted peasantry of the Department of La Vendée, who rose en masse in 1793, 1794, and 1795, and fought against the Republican troops with enthusiasm.— They avoided robbery, and all the criminal excesses of the Chouans.

Vendemiairistes.-Those of the Sections of Paris, who attacked the Convention on the 13th Vendemiaire, year 4.

Ventre.-Belly.-The middle of the Hall or Chamber of the Legislature. (Vide Centre.)

Verdets-Verdet is a poisonous drug, something similar to verdigrise. The term of verdet is applied to secret organisations, supposed to exist in central provinces of France, and ready to be brought into action against the government, if opportunity occurred.

Volontaires Nationaux.-National Volunteers.-Those who enrolled themselves in favour of the Revolution, before the levée en masse, from the age of 18 to 25, proclaimed Aug. 3, 1793.

Volontaires Royaux.-Royal Volunteers.-Young men who volunteered to precede the King for his protection. They were very few

until after the second Restoration.

Voltigeurs de Louis XIV.-A name given in reproach to the number who now exact rewards from the Court, for long and persevering loyalty, but whose loyalty was never heard of, until the Court had the ability to give.

Votans.-Voters.-Members of the National Convention, who voted for the death of Louis XVI.



The lunatic, the lover, and the poet, are of imagination all compact. Midsummer's Night's Dream.

(Continued from Vol. 81, page 52.)

I AWOKE amidst a scene of nature so fresh and beautiful-a scene so luxuriant, so soft, so varied, and in places so sublime and magnificent, that man and all his turbulent passions were erased from my recollection, and I felt my heart glow with every soft and delightful emotion, as I passed through this sequestered vale of innocence and peace. "But," said I to my guide, "what numerous and fantastic beings are those, whom I behold through yonder vista to which we are approaching? Their dress is of every possible hue and fantasy. The beings themselves seem of a more aerial nature than the common herd of mankind.-Observe their strong and sudden transition; some, at one moment, are ecstatically gamboling in mirth and joy, and, instantly after, sinking into the most profound melancholy. Some are embracing each other with affection, and pledg ing the most exalted and persevering friendship, and, instantly after, with out any apparent cause, they are stinging each other like wasps, or scratching each other like cats.Some appear to have fancies and conceits of the most ridiculous description, and suddenly start from them into ideas of the utmost sublimity." "That small group, so trite, so pretty, and trim in their appear ance, are the French poets; they are indifferent to the Moderns, but pay obsequious attention to the Ancients, who are just as indifferent to them. Those poets who are seated in the gloomiest shades of Ossa and Pelion, singing extravagant songs of wonder to audiences of children, old beldames, and robbers, are the poets of Germany, whilst those charming but often outré figures, scattered through every region of the valley, are the more southern neighbours of Italy." I had passed through this lunar Tempe into a region more stern, but with an atmosphere most beautifully serene. I knew it to be the region

of Philosophy. I met Berkeley and Hume walking arm in arm, and in conversation profound and earnest, but remarkably placid and quiet.— I observed, that they both realised their theories by their practice, for the surrounding objects being spiritual, they walked through trees, or rocks, or buildings, without hurt or inconvenience.-"But what," said I to my guide," are those little curling mists of impurity, which sully the serenity of the air, and proceed from the mouths of those two beings, who are so petulantly following the Prelate and his friend, without in the least disturbing them ?"-" Those," replied my guide,

66 are the shades of pseudo-philosophers, or rather of bigoted or mercenary disputants, who have wished to attach the charge of impiety and of moral delinquency to philosophical error-or, rather, to a mere difference in philosophical speculation. Of those two shades who are following Berkeley and Hume, and looking, occasionally, at the quiet spirits of Priestley, of Hartley, and others, the first is the spirit of Beattie,—a vapid and shallow professor, who vainly holds on high his Essay on Truth, but the book is so enveloped in a mist of plagiarism, of vulgarity, and of folly and malignity, that the sacred name of Truth is defiled by his touch. He was offered a quiet retreat in the vale of Tempe, where, among the poets, he might have been moderately respected; but, mistaking his forte, he rushed into the grove of Philosophy, as if it were the arena of the gladiator.-His companion is a spirit of deeper views and sounder powers; and, although less vulgar and vituperative, is equally illiberal and prejudiced:-it is the shade of Dr. Reid.-On the left, is the spirit of Des Cartes, performing perouettes, and thus illustrating his theory of Vortices, and reversing his Cogito ergo sum.""-Near him, was Father

Malebranche, writing an Essay upon Absurdities; and Montaigne was laughing in his sleeve at his ingenious, and at his mystic countryman. -Ptolemy was profoundly searching for his Primum Mobile, and his first and second Chrystalline Heavens, whilst Tycho Brahe was roving in search of his Firmament of the Fixed Stars.-Aristotle, Democritus, and Epicurus, were engaged in their disputes with the schoolmen, their successors, about substantial forms, and the theory of perception; and Boscovich, with his Germans, had an immense lunar microscope, searching for the mathematical points, or primary particles of matter.

Removed from these, were a countless mass of squalid, sallow beings, poring over alembics, contriving chemical combinations to create the precious metals. These, I knew, to be the adepts; and, thought I to myself, happy had it been for many, had their search after gold been as guiltless. This, I perceived, was the abode only of theorists, visionaries, and idle speculators; the souls of Newton, of Locke, of Bacon, of Socrates, and of Seneca, had been transported to a planet of a more exalted description.

Further on, I beheld the place of refuge of the mighty founders of sects, and the establishers of creeds. -Zoroaster, Mahomet, and others, stood forth conspicuously amidst popes, and priests of many persuasions. Here was transacted the work of religious extermination, as well as of religious persecutions-the sanguinary wars on the Unitarians-the massacre of St. Bartholomew's-the burnings, and various executions of our Henries, and of Mary and Edward of England, and of the innumerable persecuting priests and princes of the Continent.-I beheld the interior of inquisitions, with the instruments of torture, and the suffering victims. This scene suddenly vanished, and left nothing to my view but a barren field, deluged with human blood. "What," said I to my guide, "is the meaning of this sudden change of scene?" "The actors of such tragedies," replied the spirit, "have their plea of insanity and infatuation allowed to a very trifling extent. They are permitted to appear in the moon only one day in the year, when their souls, having acted the deeds

of persecution and tyranny they performed on earth, are wafted to the fiery planet Mercury, where they undergo the torments they inflicted upon others.

But in the rear of these were numbers of human beings, that excited my attention. They often appeared destitute of any superiority of intellect, and still more often were they destitute of probity and feeling; but an assumption of superiority, joined to a courtly dignity of manners, made them pass for the very first order of moral and intellectual beings. I observed, however, on a more minute inspection, that their manners, although highly polished, were destitute of that simplicity and ingenuous freedom, which evince a good heart, and an openness of purpose-the only sources of really good breeding. These people were all professing the most devoted affection to each other, whilst, under concealment, they were either totally indifferent, or even trying every means to circumvent and effect each other's ruin. One man, pre-eminent amongst them, had delighted two of his friends by his cordiality of manner, and by. his vehement assurances of regard; immediately they left him, they both fell into an abyss, which he had just previously opened for their destruction. Smiles, vows, and caresses were artfully mixed with slander, circumvention, and deadly hate, so that the place seemed a scene of apparent security and beauty, whilst danger and destruction were lurking in every possible direction.-"This,' said my guide, seeing my surprise and indignation, "is the region reserved for courtiers and statesmen. View," said he, "those scaffolds streaming with blood, the victims of their machinations, or the sacrifices made to court intrigue or party spirit; or view," said he, "the squalled manufacturer, the blighted peasant, and the wasted produce, the effect of their tortuous systems of policythe mere offsprings of their vanity, conceit or narrow calculations of self-interest. The philosopher is a noble being, and his systems comprise the good of all his species; the statesman is a petty creature, whose treaties and policy only aim at tricking other nations out of some immediate or partial advantage. View," said my guide, "that robed minister

of justice, he is condemning to death two persons of noble mein; they are convicted by a strained construction of an old law; they are guiltless of crime; but they are obnoxious to the Court, and the judge's ambition is a peerage. See that trembling wretch waiting humbly in the great man's anti-chamber for what is his duehe loses his suit whilst that gay and prosperous villain, who passes by him with contempt, has just obtained from the minister a princely gift in requital of his subserviency. From this region of statesmen proceed all causes of commands, that produce the carnage and battles which you beheld on your arrival in this planet." "Stop," cried I, " for heaven's sake let me see no more-hide the mirror. of human life from my aching eyes, lest sympathy and feeling for my fellow creatures cease within me. When," cried I, "will man reject prejudice, and, moderating passions by philosphy and reason, live in love and kindness with those around him? When will man be independent in spirit? When will he be merciful and just?"

Full of thought at the scenes I had beheld, 1 wandered from my spiritual guide; and, anxious to re

turn to my native earth, I assisted my Gallic companion to refit his aerial machine, and filling our balloon with the purest of the Lunar atmosphere, taken from the regions of poetry and philosophy, we entered the car; and rapidly ascended to an immeasurable height, when getting within the influence of the earth's attraction, we were drawn towards our planet with prodigious velocity, and at length descended upon the surface of the sea. We were in imminent danger, until we were picked up by an English fisherman, who, informing us that we were in the English channel, landed me on the coast of Kent, and then steered over to France with my Gallic companion. I immediately set off to my native Wales, resolved to shun the checkered maze of life, and to spend my days in diffusing knowledge and benevolence through my native valley.

I related my voyage and adventures to my worthy mother, who, after her surprise and terror at my expedition had subsided, calmly observed," how very stupid it was of us not to see that the dream clearly foretold your going up to the skies in a balloon,"


Set to Music by Mr. Kiellmark. "Thou art the giddiest youth alive," My mother cries, and hastes to chide me; But I can well her frowns survive, While thy dear glances n'er deride me. And I can at her censure smile, Though daily I more erring be, So thou art conscious all the while I err because I gaze on thee.


Why thus neglect thy usual tasks ?" My mother says with just reproving :

I could reply when'er she asks,

"Because I've learnt the task of loving."

Because life's only business now

Is, Mary, by thy side to be

Then fondly watch thy pensive brow,

And strive to win one smile from thee.

My only care to make thine light,

My only toil to cheer thy sorrow,
My only hope to hear each night,
"Dear Edwin, come again to-morrow!"

While these sweet words encrease my zeal,
All other claims will fruitless be;
What heart but must resistless feel

The power of pity, love, and thee.

D. E. W.


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