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By the Bishop of Exeter. Deacons.-W.H. Arundel, B.A. Caius College; Charles Melhuish, B.A. and Thos. Ainger, B.A. St. John's College; and T. B. Murray, B.A. Pembroke College.

Priests. Wm. Grylls, M.A. Trinity College; and E. D. Rhodes, M. A. Sid. ney College.

By the Bishop of Chester. Deacons.-R. Wood, B.A. Corpus Christi College; J. Winn, B. A. St. John's College; P. Legh, B.A. Trinity College; and T. Hinde, B.A. Jesus College.

Priests.-A. J. Lockwood, B.A.Jesus College; J. Bruce, St. Peter's College; and T. B. Pooley, B. A. Christ's College. The Rev. S. Redhead has been appointed to the vicarage of Claverley.


A new cast-iron bridge is erecting over the canal between Chester and Liverpool, at Canghall, similar to the Mollington bridge.


In the course of working the tin mines of Cornwall, buckets without hoops, cut out of the solid timber, and picks formed with great labour out of the horns of the fallow deer, have been



A parcel of common land, forty-five acres, situate on Weddiker Rigg, has this year produced 721 stocks of oats more than last year.-Potatoes have been sold at Whitehaven market, at 1d. per stone. The apples in this county are very fine and large, some measuring from twelve to fourteen inches in circumference, and weighing 15 ounces. Forty-nine pounds of fine mutton has been sold at Whitehaven for eight shillings! scarcely 2d. per lb.


We are happy to learn that the profits of the Ladies' Repository, after

payment of all expenses, amount to £100. 12s. 6d. which sum has been laid out amongst the different trades-people in the town of Derby, by the direction of the Ladies' patronesses, in the purchase of materials for clothing the distressed Irish.


The Rev. John Cummins has been promoted to the rectory of Rackenford. -Mr. Honeywell, a respectable farmer, in the neighbourhood of Kingsbridge, has now apples enough on seventy trees to make seventy hogsheads of cider.


A seam of coal, six feet three inches in thickness, was come at lately in the new colliery at Hetton, at a depth of 109 fathoms, or 654 feet, which it is hoped will amply reward the owners of the colliery for the spirited manner with which they have entered into and prosecuted the undertaking. -The will of an officer who was killed in a late engagement between Lord Cochrane and a Spanish fleet, was lately proved in the Consistery Court of Durham. This testamentary document, which the unfortunate officer carried in his breast pocket, has been pierced in two different places by the fatal sword which terminated his existence, and it is also slightly marked with his blood.


A portrait of Petrarch's Laura, by Simon Memmi, has been lately sold for eighty-five guineas, at Wanstead House. The catalogue, speaking of it, says, "By the inscription on the back, it appears, that this beautiful picture was painted by Memmi, for his friend Petrarch, who mentions it in his fiftyeighth ode, and again in the eightyninth. After the death of Petrarch, it was taken to Arquer, and, in 1374, the Florentine Republic sent it to Bocaccio, who also notices it in his Epistles. After the death of Bocaccio, it passed into the hands of Chilimi, from whom it was bought." The auctioneer, perhaps, does not know that the learned dispute whether there ever was such a person as Laura-she is supposed to have existed only in the poet's brain.


A pear-tree, of the jarganel species, growing in a garden near Gloucester, which bloomed in the spring, and since produced a fine crop of fruit, now presents a singular spectacle of a second blossom of a most beautiful appearance. -The wife of Mr. C. Rowe, of Exe

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There is now growing in a garden belonging to a gentleman of the dockyard, Sheerness, a species of the gourd genus, the seed of which was brought from Van Dieman's land, in the Dromedary store ship. It is called by the natives of that island, toparra, and bears a beautiful white flower. The gourd is in the form of a bell, measuring ten inches in length, and nineteen in circumference. It is considered a great curiosity, and probably the only one that ever arrived to perfection in this country.


twenty years. Time has diminished nothing of the splendour of this ancient festival, which is enhanced in value by the rarity of its recurrence, and of which the inclinations of the native inhabitants, resident and non-resident, dispose them to say, esto perpetua.


There is now an apple-tree belonging to Mr. White, glazier, of Boston, in full blossom, which has this year borne fruit also one which has only been planted about two years, in the garden of Mr Weetes, of Skirbeck, which produced apples this season, and has now blossomed again - The Earl of Bristol has returned to his Lincolnshire tenants 20 per cent. at his late audit, held at Sleaford.


The Rev. W. Thursby, M.A. of Oriel College, Oxford, has been elected to the vicarage of All Saints, Northampton, void by the death of the Rev. C. H. Tuffnell - The Rev. J. Watson, D.D. curate of Acle, Norfolk, has been instituted to the livings of Ringstead-cum-Denford, void by the death of the Rev. Charles Proby, on the presentation of T. Burton, Esq. of Yarmouth.


The Rev. S. H. Savory, A.M. has been instituted to the vicarage of Houghton Juxta Harpley, in this connty, on the presentation of the Marquis Cholmondeley. From the Norfolk Agricultural Report we learn, that the wall-fruit and grapes are almost every where abundant; the latter nearly as

There is an apple-tree growing in the garden of Mr. T. Bevington, at Omer Green, Thornton, near Crosby, of which the stem is only eighteen inches high, good as in some seasons we find them

but the branches of which (supported by a frame) extend over a circle of forty-five yards in circumference. This tree has borne an extraordinary quantity of fruit. At Ulverston, apples have been sold at the same price as potatoes, viz. three-pence per hoop. Within the last six years, the money expended by the trustees of the Liverpool Docks, in the article of labour only, amounts to the extraordinary sum of 374,0001.- Preston Guild. The festivities consist of a grand musical festival, races, plays, &c. &c. This singular festival, so perfectly unique, that there is no other of the kind in the kingdom, is of the standing of five centuries. It appears from the record of the borough, that there have been twenty guilds in five hundred years; that in the two first centuries they were held at irregular periods, but that since that time, beginning with the reign of Henry VIII. they have been celebrated regularly without intermission, every

in hot-houses.. Wheats are of a superior quality. Barley perhaps not more than two-thirds of a crop, and the quality inferior to that of last year. Peas and beans better than was at one time Turnips falling off from the depredaexpected, but not an average crop.

tions of grubs and wire-worms.


An annual exhibition for the promotion of the fine arts, is about to be opened in Newcastle.


Two carrots were lately drawn from the garden of Mr. Hind, of Mansfield, which weighed four pounds, one of them measured, in length sixteen inches and in circumference ten inches. -At Newark, apples have been sold in the street at three-pence per peck. An apple has been lately gathered in the garden of Mr. C. Greasley, of Sneinton, measuring twelve inches and a half, and weighing eleven ounces.


The Rev. Thomas Bessland, B.A. of Balliol College, is appointed chaplain to the Right Hon. Lord St. Helens.


The Rev. F. De Veil Williams has been promoted to the rectory of Abdon -Patron, the Earl of Pembroke.


Woolpit fair has been numerously attended. There was a very large shew of colts, which met with ready sale, at advanced prices. There were but few good horses, but what there were, sold well. Business, upon the whole, more brisk than has been wit nessed for some time. Some fishermen belonging to the port of Ipswich, have lately caught, at the mouth of the harbour, that singular fish, the squalus squatina, of Linnæus. It has generally five rows of teeth, but the present, being young, had but three. It has five spiracles on each side of the neck, and two spouting holes placed behind the eyes. It was four feet six inches in length, and weighed 99lbs. It is a native of the European Seas, and is reported to be fierce and dangerous.


At Warwick fair the supply of fat beasts was rather smaller than usual, and as the buyers were more numerous, the whole were disposed of; prices may be quoted at from 3ad. to 5d. per Ib. A great number of sheep were penned, but the sales were dull, and the prices obtained were somewhat lower than at the late fair.


: The markets of Worcester have been abundantly supplied with hops. The average prices were from 45s. to 63s. a few inferior were lower, and some fine fetched 67s. Nothing is doing in old hops, the prices of which are nominal.


: The Lord Chancellor has been pleased to present the Rev. John Baines Graham, M.A. fellow of Queen's College, Cambridge, to the vicarage of Holy Trinity, Micklegate. The harvest, which is now completed in the different districts in the vicinity of York, will be little more than half an average crop. The crop of wheat, oats, and barley are very light.The Doncaster St. Leger this year has been a fortunate event for betting men. The Yorkshire cognoscenti had strangely missed their calculation upon this race. The four first favourites were amongst the last horses. The winner, Theodore, was thought less of than any one in the race, and 100 to 1 was

refused. So much for North-country trial matches, when the first, second, and third horses were scarcely named in the race. Many thousands have changed owners on this occasion.


The labours of the Society for improving the skill of the working mechanics of Edinburgh, founded in April, 1821, have already been attended with great success. -The Commissioners who are appointed to enquire whether the Boards of Customs and Excise in Scotland may not be dispensed with, and their duties be transferred to a Central Board in London, will begin their investigation in a few days. Some of them are already arrived, and the remainder of the Commissioners will be in Edinburgh in a short time. A party of more than 100 of the townsmen and country gentlemen entertained Mr. Hume at dinner, in Anderson's, New Inn, Aberdeen,Alexander Bannerman, Esq. in ihe Chair. There is now to be seen at present, in the garden of Thos. Davidson, of Cushat-hill, a second crop of pease growing upon the stalks, which bore abundantly in July. The straw had become pale and withered, and was about to be removed from the ground, when, to the astonishment of the family, it began to exhibit the verdure and luxuriance of spring, and is now loaded with blossoms and young pease.-Herring have been so plentiful in Inverness market, that they sell a dozen, sixteen, and even twenty excellent herrings for a penny.


We understand that the Noblemen and Gentlemen, friends to the general amelioration of the condition of this country, and to the modification of the tithe system, have it in contemplation to give a public dinner to the Duke of Devonshire, when he passes through Dublin, on his return to England.-His Grace's noble and disinterested conduct, in respect of tithes, and his constant advocacy of Ireland, deserve respect and gratitude. So rare an accomplishment is the knowledge of music in Ireland, that in the town of Strabane, a piano-forte cannot be tuned without sending to Raphoe for the organist ; and the music master of a respectable boarding - school, at Coleraine, comes every third week from Belfast, which

is more than 50 miles distant. What an opening for a Colony of Germans! For the state of the Irish harvest, see Agricultural Report.



Final Arrangement for the Season, 1821, 1822.

By T. BLUNT, Mathematical Instrument Maker to his Majesty, No. 22, CORNHILL.

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Wind. Obser. 1822 Bar. Ther. Wind. Obser. 1822 Bar. Ther. Wind. Obser

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S. W.
S. W.


Sept.5 30-00


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630-02 60



17 30-10 54

N.W. Ditto

27 29-62 60

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