there is no demand in the market. There has been little doing in Bonded Oats, and no purchases whatever of Barley are reported. INDIGO. There is no alteration in the prices since the sale at the IndiaHouse. The public sale at Liverpool this week attracts some attention, and it is probable there will be some fluctuation here after the event as to price, &c. is ascertained. TALLOW. - The price of yellow candle Tallow is advanced to 47s. At Petersburgh the quotation has risen from 110 to 120 roubles. HEMP.- The demand for Hemp, which has been brisk and extensive, has rather subsided; the nearest quotation to-day is 391. 10s. SILK. The sale at the India-House has gone off considerably higher than the prices of the last sale. TOBACCO.-The arrivals are considerable, but the purchases continue confined to small parcels for immediate consumption; the market is exceedingly heavy. SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF TRADE. The Secretary to the SOCIETY of GUARDIANS for the PROTECTION of TRADE by Circulars has informed the Members thereof, that Several bills dated " LONDON," are now in negociation, purporting to be drawn by MICHAEL COMPORT, on, and to be accepted by Ellis, Williams, and Co. of Oxford-street; the acceptance to which, on being presented, turns out to be a forgery, Messrs. Ellis, Williams, and Co. (who have left Oxford-street some time) having no knowledge of, nor dealing with, any person of that name. JOHN DAVISON, (formerly mentioned) lately kept a baker's shop, the corner LIST OF PATENTS. TO DAVID MUSHET, of Coleford, Gloucestershire, Ironmaker; for an improvement or improvements in the making or manufacturing of iron from certain slags or cinders, produced in the working or making of that metal. Dated August 20, 1822. TO WILLIAM MITCHELL, of Glasgow, Silversmith; for a process whereby gold and silver plate, and other plate formed of ductile metals, may be manufactured in a more perfect and expeditious manner than by any process, which has hitherto been employed in such manufacture. Dated August 24, 1822. TO THOMAS SOWERBY, of Bishopwearmonth, in the county of Durham, Merchant; for a chain, upon a new and improved principle, suitable for ships' cables, and other purposes. Dated August 29, 1822. TO ROBERT VASIER, of ChasewaterMine, Kenwyn, Cornwall, Civil Engineer; for an improvement in the compounding of different species of metals. Dated September 3, 1822. TO HENRY BURGESS, of Miles-lane, Cannon-street, London, Merchant; for certain improvements on wheel carriages. Dated September 3, 1822. LIST OF BANKRUPTS, FROM SATURDAY, SEPT. 21, το TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1822: WITH THE ATTORNIES' NAMES. Extracted from the London Gazette. N.B. All the Meetings are at the Court of Commissioners, Basin ghall-street, unless otherwise expressed. The Attornies' Names are between Paren thesis. BANKRUPTCIES SUPERSEDED. Rix, G. Rix, C. and Rix, G. Manifold-place, Newington-butts, corn-merchants. Richards, M. Hythe, Hampshire, ship-builder Harris, J. Bristol, lithographer BANKRUPTS. Allwood, C. Walcot, Somersetshire, confec. tioner, Oct. 18, 19, and Nov. 16, Castle and Ball Inn, Bath. (Isaac Marshfield, Gloucestershire; and Stephen, G. Broad-street Buildings. Braithwaite, W. Leeds, manufacturer, Oct. 15, 16, and Nov, 5, Court-house, Leeds. (Makinson, Middle-temple; and Foden, Leeds Butcher, W. Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, mercer, Oct. 8, 9, and Nov. 12, Swaninn, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire. (Hall & Co. New Boswell-court, Carey-street; and Maw, Mansfield Bradford, G. and A. Paradice, Bristol, brokers, Oct. 7, 21, and Nov. 16, White-lion, Bristol, (Williams & Co. Lincoln's-inn; & Browne and Co. Broad-street, Bristol Burrow, T. Kendal, Westmoreland, grain-merchant, Oct. 31, and Nov. 1, and 23, King'sarms-inn, Kendal. (Addison, Verulambuildings; and Wilson, Kendal Blackband, G. Gonsall, Staffordshire, grocer, Oct. 28. 29, and Nov. 26. (Hicks, Gray's. inn-sq.; and Brookes, Newport, Shropshire Bolton, E. Birmingham, victualler. Oct. 28, 29, and Nov. 26, Hen and Chickens Hotel, Birmingham. (Long and Co. Holborn-ct. Gray's-inn; and Smith & Co. Birmingham Chapman, G. Old Bond-street, fruiterer, Sept. 28. Oct. 19, and Nov. 5. (Swain and Co. Frederick's-place, Old Jewry Cuff, J. Regent-street, Westminster, jeweller, Oct. 18, 19, and Nov, 5. (Mayhew, Chancèry-lane Chandler, J. Jewry-street, Aldgate, flour-factor, Oct. 5, to Nov. 23 Clark, W. Maiden-lane, Covent-garden, sodawater-manufacturer, Oct. 19, Nov. 2, & 26. (Jones and Co. Great Marlborough-street Eveleigh, T. Devonshire-street, Qucen square, linen-draper, Sept. 21, to Oct. 31 Everth, J. Pinner's-hall, merchant, Oet: 12, 19, and Nov. 9. (Martindale, Bedford-place, Russell-square Fletcher, T. Queenhithe, coal-merchant, from Oct. 5, to Nov. 23 Franieys, S. and T. P. Liverpool, marble-masons, Oct. 28, 29, and Nov. 16, George-inn, Liverpool. (Topham, Castle-st. Liverpool; Adlington and Co. Bedford-row Frost, J. sen. Bridlington Quay, Yorkshire, corn-merchant, Oct. 22, 23, and Nov. 26, Great-hotel, Bridlington-quay. (Wardell, Pridlington-quay, and Grace, Birchin-lane Fenner, T. and J. Why, Holborn-hill, laeeman, Oct. 22, 29, & Nov. 26. (Smith, Barnard'sinn, Holborn, and Bethnal-green Gray, J. Kingston, Surrey, linen-draper, Oct, 12, 26, and Nov. 19. (Reardon and Ca Corbet-court, Gracechurch-street Gregg, T. R. and R. Phene, jun. Watling-street, wholesale-confectioners, from Oct. 12, to Nov. 30 Hart, S. G. Harwich, merehant. Oct 8, 12. and Nov. 12. (Saunders & Co. Upper Thames street Herbert, T. jun. Great Russell-street, Bloomsbury, auctioneer, Oct. 22, 26, and Nov. 16. (Hewitt, Tokenhouse-yard, Lothbury Howarth, J. C. Bath, dealer, Oct. 10; 24, and Nov. 19. White-lion-inn, Thontas-street, Bristol. (Adlington and Co. Bedford-re and Scrace, Bath Handscomb, J. H. Newport Pagnell. Bucks, lace-merchant, Oct. 26, 29, and Nov. 295. (Jupp and Co. Carpenter's Hall, Loudon Wall Hulton. W. jun. Chowbent, Lancashire, moneyscrivener, Oct. 31, Nov. 5, and 26, Bridgeim, Bolton-le-Moors. (Adlington and Co. Bedford-row; and Boardman and Co. Bulton le-Moors Jacks, T. Bishopsgate, without, flour-factor, Oct. 12, 26, and Nov. 16. (Lee, Threecrowns-court, Southwark Johnston, J. High-street, Wapping, grocer, Oct. 19, Nov. 2. and 23. (Smith and Co. Austin Friars Leigh, J. Jeffery's-square, St-Mary-axe, mer chant, from Aug. 17, to Oct. 5 Lacey, R. Lyncombe and Widcombe, Somersetshire, builder, Oct. 3, 10, and Nov. 9, Whitelion-inn, Thomas-street, Bristol, (Adlington and Co. Bedford row; and Scrare, Bath Lane, W. Alderton, Gloucestershire, cow-dealer, Oct. 23, 24, and Nov. 12, Hop-pole-im, Tewkesbury, (Winterbottom, L.. Tewkesbury; and Bousfield, Chatham-place Martin, J. Oakham, Surrey, wheelwright, Oct. 5, 26, and Nov. 9. (Walter, Mitre-chambers, Fenchurch-street May, W. Wellington-place, Goswell-st. baker, Oct. 5, 26, and Nov, 9. (Dacre, Palsgraveplace, Temple Musson, V. Gidling-street, Bermondsey, baker, Oct. 12, 19, and Nov. 9. (Wilkinson, New North street, Red-lion-square Mabson, Kelsale, Suffolk, farmer, Oct. 21 Middleton, J. T. Stone, Staffordshire, coachproprietor, Oct. 21, 22, and Nov. 12, at the Office of Messrs. Wheatley and Co. Stone. (Barber, Fetter-lane; and Wheatley and Co. Stone Norris, T. Bishopstone, Wilts, shoe-maker, from Oct. 12, to Oct. 19 Oldfield, R. S. Kingston-upon-Hull, merchant, Oct. 18, 19, and Nov. 16, King's Coffeehouse, Kingston-upon-Hull. (Shaw, Elyplace, Holborn; and Richardson, Hull Papps, G. North-street, Lambeth, horse-dealer, from Oct. 15, to Dec. 3 Prideaux, P. C. Plymouth, timber-merchant, Sept, 27, Oct, 4, and Nov. 5, Royal-hotel. Plymouth. (Squire, Plymouth; & Wright, King's-bench-walk, Temple Paltrey, W. Hinchwieke, Gloucestershire, Oct, 18, 19, and Nov. 16, Royal-hotel, Cheltenham. (Tan, Stow-on-the-Wold, Glostersh.; and Pritchard, Earl-street, Blackfriars Pearson, T. Walford, Staffordshire, malster, Oct. 25, 26, and Nov. 23, Bell and Bear Inn, Stow. (Harvey and Co. Lincoln's-innfields; Hubbard and Co. Cheadle, Staffords. Rix, G. Rix, C. and Rix, G. late of Manifoldplace, Newington-butts, corn-merchants, from Oct. 1, to Oct. 12 Spencer, W. Swansea, Glamorganshire, papermaker, Oct. 17, 18, and Nov. 9, at the Public Rooms, on the Burrows, Swansea. (Price, Lincoln's-inn; and Collins, Swansea DIVIDENDS, FROM SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, TO TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1822. Boyers, J. jun. Wansford, York, Oct. 23 Byass, H. Raleigh, surgeon, Oct. 26 Hudson, W. St. George's-terrace, Bayswater, Boyes, G. F. Anlaby, Kingston-upon-Hull, Oct. 23 Hyde, D. Waltham-Abbey, Essex, Oct. 8 Baker, T. Wolverhampton, Oct. 22 Browne, W. T. Liverpool, Oct. 23 Blackburn, W. Bedford, Lancashire, Nov. 2 Browne, J. & J. Gregson, Charles-street, Gros venor-square, Oct. 29 Bryan, W. L. & R. G. Gunnel, Poultry, printers, Oct. 26 Bural, J. Swansea, Oct. 31 Booth. T. Newark-upon-Trent, Notts. and A. Booth, Notting. tallow-chandlers, Nov. 14 Barton, J. Blackburn, Lancashire, Oct. 30 Brennand, T. Bread-street, Cheapside, Nov. 2 Bishop, J. Broad-st. Bloomsbury, horse-dealer, Nov. 2 Collier, T. Newport, Salop, liquor-merchant, Harrison, J. Sandwich, Kent, Nov. 18 Haggart, J. Limehouse-hole, victualler, Nov. 2 Jopson, W. Liverpool, turpentine-distiller, Nov. 5 Knight, T. Chipping Sodbury, Gloucester, Nov. 4 Leech, J. & J. Hinchcliff, Cateaton-street, Nov. 5 Smith, J. F. Regent-street, linen-draper, from Tye, E, Sibton, Suffolk, farmer, Oct. 21, 22, and Wake, R. B. Morton, Lincolnshire, timber-mer- Webber. J. Bath, currier, Oct. 18, 19, and Nov. 19, White-lion-inn, Bath. (Makinson, Middle-temple; and Hellings, Bath Wheeler, J. jun. Abingdon, Berks, grocer, Nov. 1, 2, and 23, Crown-and-thistle-inn, Abingdon. (Nelson, Essex-street, Strand; and Graham, Abingdon- Watson, G. B. Rock Lodge, Durham, corn- Yates, W. Yate and Pickup Bank, Lancashire, Yates, G, Eccleshill, Lancashire, dealer, Nov. ship-owner, Oct. 19 Oct. 21 Cropper, T. Warrington, Lancashire, Oct. 25 Oct. 29 Clay, R. Stainford, Lincolns, scrivener, Oct. 29 Drake, J. Lewisham, Kent, mastermariner, Nov. 5 Elgie, W. Ruwarp, Yorkshire, Nov. 5 French, R. Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, Oct. 24 facturers, Oct. 26 Good, P. P. Clapton, insurance-broker, Oct. 26 Gough, J. Bath, painter, Nov. 4 Grant, William, Oxford-street, broker, Nov. 5 Oct. 22 Melhuish, G. Crediton, Devon, Oct. 24 & 31 Oct. 26 M'Nair, Abchurch-lane, merchant, Oct. 26 Nov. 2 Mawhood, R. jun, Wakefield, Yorkshire, moneyscrivener, Nov. 11 Pritchard, J. D. Tipton, Staffordshire, Oct. 28 and Nov. 4 Pritchard, W. & E. Bevan, Bristol, Nov. 4 Robinson, M. A. Red Lion-st. Holborn, Nov. 5 Thomas, D. Carmarthen, grocer, Oct. 28 Townsend, J. Ludgate-hill, laceman, Oct. 8 Tabrum, R. & J. Barron, Walbrook, Nov. 5 Vincent, J. Regent-street, victualler, Oct. 26 Walters, J. Studham, Hertfordshire, Oct: 5 White, J. Tarporley, Cheshire, inn-keeper, Nov.5 Webb, George, Cornhill, dealer, Oct. 26 Wilkinson, W. Norton-hammer, Derby, Nov 1 Williams, S. Bristol, apothecary, Nov. 4 Watson, H. Bolton-le-Moors, druggist, Nov. 5 White, S. U. Edingley Cotton-mills, Nottingham, Nov. 6 Young, G. New Sarum, Wilts, grocer, Nov. 7 INSOLVENCY REGISTER. Notice of opposition to the discharge of any prisoner must be entered in the book at the office, 33, Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, three clear days, exclusive of Sunday, before the day of hearing. The schedules are filed and may be inspected every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, between the hours of ten and four, up to the last day for entering opposition. LONDON. Petitions to be heard at the Justicehall, Old Bailey, 15th Nov. at nine. Brockhill, John, of Chatham, of the Kent-road, of Spencer-street, St. George's in the East, last of Deptford, boot and shoe-maker Brooke, John, of Nusterton, Nottinghamshire, of Hull, of Barton, Lincolnshire, butcher, last of Beverley, stable-keeper Burdett, John, ot 107, Aldersgate-street, of 27, Barbican, last of Red Cross-street, laceman. Burdord, John, of Sugar Loaf-court, Leadenhall-street, porter, last of White Lion-street, Goodman's-fields, fruiterer and green-grocer, last of Sugar Loaf-court, Leadenhall-street, porter Clayton, Oliver, of Galway, Ireland, wine-merchant Dalton, Elizabeth, of Swansea, shop-keeper Fenn, Samuel, of 29, Bell-street, Mary-le-bone, baker Hammond, Levi, of 21, King-street, last of 18, Young-street, Kensington, bricklayer Johnson, Samuel, of Shuckton Manor-house, near Mugginton, Derbyshire, farmer Jones, George, of Edmonton, chandler-shopkeeper Kemp, John Eley, of the Grange, Worth, Sussex, farmer Orpin, Charles, of Upper Thornhaugh-street, Tottenham-court-road, grocer and cheesemonger, last of Portland-place, New-road, painter and glazier Streeter, William, of Marlborough-place, Southampton-street, Camberwell, bricklayer and plasterer Sutton, William Samuel, of the White Hart, White Hart-yard, Drury-lane, victualler, of Stratford, Essex, last of 9, Kent-place, Old Kent-road, oilman Taberman, John Raymond, of Coal Harbourstreet, Hackney-road, last of Caroline-place, Wilmore-gardens, Kingsland-road, merchant's clerk (sued as John Raymond Tableman.) Tasker, Thomas, of 113, York-street, Commercial-road, grocer and Coal-dealer Thompson, Robert, of Woolsthorp, near Grantham, last of Deeping St. James, near Market-Deeping, Lincolnshire, victualler and cattle-jobber West, William, of Maidstone, fruiterer and horse-dealer Williams, Richard, of Bath, tailor. COUNTRY. Shire-hall, Shrewsbury, 14th Nov. at eleven. Bayley, Thomas, of Preston-Brockhurst, last of A Messenger has arrived at the Foreign Office from the Duke of Wellington, his Majesty's Representative at the Congress at Verona; but the particulars have not transpired. Letters from Vienna state that the Emperor Alexander will return to his dominions sooner than was expected. He has already caused it to be announced at Petersburgh, that he expects to arrive there in a month at the farthest, having renounced the intention of travelling to Rome and Naples. Lord Liverpool and the Chancellor of the Exchequer have determined to submit to Parliament, as one of their first measures of Finance, a plan for converting the old four per cent annuities into three and a half per cent. The result of a similar operation with respect to the fives, last year, occasions this experiment. It is reported that the present intention of Ministers is to defer the meeting of Parliament until February, unless some unexpected occurrence should in the mean time occasion a change in their determination. Lord Amherst is appointed Governor-General of India. A grand mews is building at Pimlico in the room of those at Charing-cross, most of which, owing to the new street that is to face St. Martin's church, being obliged to be pulled down. It commences at the stables known by the name of the Duke of York's, and will proceed considerably higher than the Riding-house, which is to come down. The termination of the new mews will be very close to the palace at Pimlico. A great space of the garden is required for it. 1 St. Paul's Cathedral will, through the whole of the ensuing winter, be brilliantly illuminated with gas-lights, whenever it shall be necessary, during divine service. The candlesticks and chandeliers, by the help of which it has been hitherto partially lighted up, have been suffered to remain in case of accidents, but no use is otherwise intended to be made of them. The pipes have been some time since laid down, and traversing the cript, ascend into the choir and body of the church where they are concealed by passing through the centre of eight elegant pillars of gilt brass, the summits of which are each furnished with three large burners. Four more pillars of a similar description, but of greater magnitude, adorn the railing in front of the altar; and by the brilliancy of the light they will afford, supersede the necessity of continuing the pair of tall wax tapers which hitherto have stood upon the altar. NORTHUMBERLAND HOUSE, Strand. -The repairs and improvements are all expeeted to be completed ere Christmas-day. The workmen have been obliged to under-pin the whole of the edifice. The grand marble staircase is completed; next to that of Chesterfield House, it will be the finest thing of the kind in London. The upholders are expected to complete the interior decoration by the 24th of March; and in the month of May a grand fête is expected to be given. His Grace is also making great improvements at Alnwick Castle. Sion is finished. English newspapers may now be sent to India at an expense of only |