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sale by auction. Sir Thomas Lawrence's taste was immediately struck with the merits of this picture, even in its dirty and mutilated condition; he attended the sale, and the hammer was on the point of ratifying Sir Thomas as the purchaser for four guineas, when a lynx-eyed dealer suddenly contended for the prize, and was the eventual purchaser for two hundred guineas.He took home the picture, had it cleaned and newly mounted, and in the first instance offered it for sale to his tasteful competitor, whose

property it now is, for seven hurdred guineas. The picture is said to be the finest ever painted by Rem brandt, and worth seven thousand pounds. The subject relates to Joseph and Potiphar's Wife.

CANOVA.-A portrait of this lamented Artist was painted by Mr. Jackson, R.A., during his visit to Rome, with Mr. Chantry, R.A., at the desire of the latter. - An Eagraving from this Portrait decorates the present Number of this Magazine.




A NEW Melo-drama, in three Acts, taken from the French, has been produced at this theatre, since our last account. It is called, The Two Galley Slaves; but as we can say nothing favourable of it, we will pass it over in silence.

The comedy of The Provoked Husband has been performed. It is a well-written play, but, though not destitute of sallies of wit and pleasant exhibitions of humour, is, upon the whole, very sententious and very tiresome. The comedy was well performed: Mr. Elliston appeared as Lord Townley.-The head of the Wrongheads was represented by Dowton with great humour.-Munden sustained the character of honest John Moody; and his performance was distinguished by that rich vein of humour, which is peculiarly his own.--Mrs. Davision was in the character of Lady Townley, and in her early scenes was as volatile as levity could wish; and in the scene that terminates her folly, she was as impressive as virtue could desire.Mrs. W. West supported the character of Lady Grace with considerable ability, proving, that good-natured smiles and friendly laughter were not unbecoming the simple dignity of the character.

Mr. Kean is returned to the Metropolis, and appeared, for the first time this season, in the character of

Richard the Third. The enthusiasm of his reception was extremely great. Mr. Kean's performance of this character was as powerful as ever; and the improvement of the theatre, with respect to hearing, operated much to the advantage of such a performer.

As Mr. Kean has been the best support of this theatre in seasons of adversity, we hail him now as its brightest ornament in prosperity.

Mr. Kean has also performed Othello, and of course, attracted a crowded audience. This, unquestionably, is his master-piece:-it stands perfectly isolated, unequalled, and unrivalled. Othello is the creature of circumstances; and as these circumstances vary, his emotions also change.-He who personates the Moor has to trace, through all their fearful mazes, the most viðlent passions by which the human heart can be assailed.-Love, suspicion, jealousy, hatred, horror, grief, and finally, despair, demand progressively, their separate and distinct expression. Neither is this all; in the principal scenes, the performer is not required merely to describe a single emotion, but to give soul and spirit to a painful and appalling conflict of emotions.—Mr. Kean never played the character more ably than he did on this occasion; he was in fine voice, and he imparted to the most difficult scenes

all the interest which acute discrimination, intense feeling, and appropriately varied elocution, could

bestow on them. His last scene was pre-eminently beautiful.-The character of Iago was sustained by a Mr. Young, from the Liverpool theatre. His performance was received with flattering plaudits, notwithstanding it was, altogether, a very tame and common - place piece of acting.

We must not omit to mention the first appearance of Mr. Young on these boards, in the character of Macbeth; he exhibited in strong but chaste colouring this grand moral picture of human passion and infirmity. Mr. Young was generally received with cordial approbation, and the banquet scene honoured with three rounds of ap



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We are extremely happy in being able to congratulate the Manager of this Theatre on the acquisition of an actress, who will do honour to the Tragic Drama, and more especially at the present era, when the stage is destitute of actresses capable of treading in the higher walk of Tragedy. Miss Kelly is from the Dublin Theatre, and has made her debut on the London boards in the character of Juliet ; so often attempted by aspiring debutantes, and so seldom performed! In this instance the excited expectations attendant on a first appearance have been highly gratified. And it is with the greatest satisfaction we enter on the pleasing duty of giving our distant readers some idea of this fascinating and accomplished actress. Miss F. L. Kelly is only seventeen years of age, of prepossessing appearance, and of easy and elegant carriage, but her personal attractions are certainly not of the first order. Her person is of the middle size, and perhaps, therefore, more appropriate to the character of Juliet. Her countenance is intelligent, and full of health and animation, but her features are not of that marked character, which is required by the severer parts of deep tragedy, and which admits of the most flexibility and expression. Not having received

any extraordinary portion of personnal charms from nature, Miss Kelly's excellence as an actress, therefore, is the more to be commended, as arising from a fine voice and clear articulation, original conception, vigorous imagination, depth of feeling, cultivated taste, and a certain boldness of genius, that has led her to scorn imitation and trust to her own judgment, which has so happily led her to personify, not merely to enact, the character of the tender Juliet, whose heart and mind are alike absorbed in one all-subduing sentiment. Miss Kelly was particu larly happy in the banquet and balcony scenes, and in the manner in which she received the most emphatic of Romeo's protestations. When informed of Tybalt's death, her acting was extremely affecting; and her parting from Romeo was painfully touching. Throughout the whole representation she exhibits quick and acute sensibility. Miss Kelly exceeds all her predecessors in one respect particularly, instead of exhibiting the character of Juliet in a studied, reserved, and almost matronly air, which we have been accustomed to witness, she is artless, open, and youthful, placing in a prominent light, with modest confidence, the fond impatience, the querulous pettishness, of a very young girl, for the first time, very deeply

enamoured. We scarcely need to add, that Miss Kelly's performances of this character (three times a week) have been received with the unani mous applause of large audiences. Mr. Charles Kemble plays the part of Romeo, and if his excellent acting of this character were not well known to the public, perhaps it would be sufficient to say that his Romeo is worthy of such a Juliet—indeed, we think he is now surpassing his for mer fame in this character.

We have also to congratulate this Theatre on the return of Mr. Mas cready, who made his first appear ance this season in the character of Othello. He was received with enthusiastic applause by a genteel, though not numerous audience. Mr. Charles Kemble admirably represented Cassio, and Miss Foote's Desdemona was gentle, tender, and affecting, and gave us more pleasure than we expected.

Another Debutante, from Dublin, has also graced this Theatre since our last account.-Miss Lacy made her first appearance in the character of Isabella, and during the previous part of her performance, did not, we think, exhibit those powers which she so successfully exerted during the last two scenes. Her soliloquy, after she had received the ring from Biron, was delivered with great truth of nature; and the subse quent interview with him, whom she believed to have been dead, was in a very high degree affecting. The joy at his re-appearance, swiftly followed by the grief consequent on the recollection of her second marriage, was expressed with much force. Her action, her utterance,

and her countenance throughout the whole of this scene, touched the minds of her auditors most sensibly.

It was enthusiastically applauded. The scene over the dead body of Biron, and that with which the tra gedy concludes, were also finely represented. In the last two Acts, Miss Lacy displayed a mind exquisitely attuned to the tragic scene.Her feelings seem to be strongly aroused and excited. Miss Lacy has also performed the part of Mrs. Haller in The Stranger.-Her performance possessed very great merit, and disclosed traits of an acute and vigorous intellect. The little gaiety that appertains to the character was distinguished by the easy and ele gant familiarity of polished life; and the deep remorse, the incurable sorrow, of the unhappy penitent, bore the powerful impress of truth and nature. The discovery of her guilt to the Countess, and the concluding interview with her husband, were beautifully pathetic. Her performance was, throughout, honoured with the most fervent applause.Miss Lacy has also performed the character of Jane Shore, and her per formance has added considerably to her theatrical reputation. She delineated most pathetically the sor rows of the unhappy mistress of Edward. The honest passion which Gloster's proposition excites, and which calls forth a benediction on the head of Hastings, was expressed most forcibly. The whole of this scene excited fervent applause. — Mr. Charles Kemble played Hastings with much ability. His first scene with Alicia deserves the highest encomium.


ITALY. Although all accounts concur as to the pacific intentions of the Congress at Verona, and therefore no war will be waged against the liberties of Spain, yet it does not appear that the unhappy state of Italy is likely to be permanently benefited by the labours and cares of so many Emperors and Kings. They do not appear to meet at Ve

rona with any intention of ameliorating the condition of the subjected Italians. All accounts concur in representing the country as being plundered and oppressed in the most savage manner by the Austrians. The prisons are crowded with persons suspected of being Carbonari: no rank, no virtue respected. The Marquis Visconti has been six months

ill in the prison at Milan, and yet they refused to allow his wife to attend on him. The Countess Confalioneri was threatened with imprisonment, because she refused to inform against her husband! The lady of an advocate at Modena was confined five months, for having courageously swallowed a little piece of paper, which she thought might compromise her husband, when his house was searched for papers by the police. No man is safe who has Voltaire, Locke, or Rousseau in his library. All the Lancasterian schools are suppressed, literary institutions, schools of rhetoric, and even agricultural societies, abolished. The funds belonging to Academies for promoting the Fine Arts are partly confiscated.

The eruption of Mount Vesuvius on the 21st and 22d of October, was the most tremendous known since 1794, when the town of Torre del Greco was partly destroyed. A new crater opened; the air was darkened for days with showers of ashes; and torrents of lava, both from the old and new craters, a mile broad, poured forth upon the adjacent country, and laid waste 100 acres of land. At night, the blaze of fire from three or more cones, is described as being awfully grand, and the roaring of the mountain was tremendous. The lava set fire to and consumed a forest at Trebase. The people of all the towns adjacent were in the utmost consternation, and universally fled their habitations, taking their most valuable goods. At Naples itself, on the 25th, though the fire seemed spent, yet such was the state of the atmosphere in consequence of the wind blowing the ashes from Vesuvius, that it was dark at mid-day, and umbrellas were absolutely neces


SPAIN.-General Morillo fled from Madrid, on learning that the judge appointed to investigate the transactions of the 7th of July was about to summon him. He was, however, arrested in his flight in the village of Zurza, three leagues from the frontiers of Portugal. The Alcaide of the village arrested him on account of his having no passport. He was conveyed to Placentia, on his way back to Madrid; where he will most probably be brought to Eur. Mag. Vol. 82.

trial, as the affair of the 7th of July is still the subject of investigation; and the Fiscal, Senor Paredos, has issued writs of arrest against all the late ministers, who are nick-named the pasteleros (the pastry-cooks.)

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General Espinosa has stormed and captured the Fort of Trati, the principal post of the rebels after Urgel. Quesada, the insurgent general, has been defeated and his corps destroyed at Los Arcos. He afterwards passed the Pyrenees, an almost solitary fugitive, and as soon as he reached Bayonne, he went to the house of the Commander-in-chief of the French army of observation.

The following is the official account of the capture of Castelfollit, a strong-hold of the rebels, garrisoned by 500 men :

"At last, after seven days' siege, and a very obstinate resistance, Castelfollit is, with all its forts, in the possession of the constitutional troops.

FRANCISCO ESPOZ Y MINA. "Head-quarters, Heights ofCastelfollit, "Oct. 24, 3 o'clock, A.M."

The rebels attempted to recover Castelfollit, and in consequence a great battle was fought on the 26th ult. between D'Erolles and Mina, at Tora, near Castelfollit, in which the former was signally defeated. The number of the Army of the Faith is said to have amounted to 5,000 men. -The Barcelona Gazette states the battle to have cost Mina comparatively few men.

Balaguer, another fortified post of the insurgents, has fallen into the hands of Mina, the constitutional general. The Army of the Faith marched out by one gate as the conqueror entered by another. The rebel regency, in consequence, has quitted Urgel, and removed to Puycerda, close to the French territory. It is supposed that Mina must have entered at Seo d'Urgel, because the families of the Marquis of Mataflorida and of the Governor of Urgel, had arrived with all their effects at Mirra, a village of Catalonia, near to the French frontiers. Alarm is at its height in the Army of the Faith, the soldiers deserting by hundreds, and the troops at Puycerda were shut up in barracks under the fear of a general desertion. In order 3 L

"to convince foreigners of the heroic patriotism of the Spanish people," the augmentation of the army proposed by the Minister (30,000 foot, and 7,000 horse) was voted unanimously.

GREECE. Accounts from Semlin, of November 2, quote advices from Larissa of October 18th, stating that a corps of 8000 Albanians, whom Chourschid Pacha had posted in advance of Larissa, the capital of Thessaly, deserted in a body to the Greeks, and left Chourschid in such a situation, that he was obliged to abandon Larissa. The intelligence from Arta of the same date, is also favourable to the Greeks. The tribes of Albanians in that neighbourhood had declared for the cause of liberty, and when the Pacha of Arta was defeated by Prince Marocordato and shut up in Arta, they rose, and joined the Greek besiegers.

Letters from Trieste state, that a considerable corps of Grecian troops had penetrated into the southern parts of Thessaly, where they attacked and entirely defeated the Turkish army commanded by Chourschid Pacha, who, by the able conduct of the Grecian general, Bozzaris, was afterwards forced to take refuge in Macedonia.

The Turks at Athens have lately pulled down a part of the celebrated Parthenon, for the sake of the lead which is employed in the junction of the stones; and the ground is, in consequence, strewed with fragments of sculpture and architecture. What masters for Greece are those barbarians!

FRANCE. The rumour of a war between this country and Spain, has been the cause of most ruinous fluctuations in the funds of the principal countries in Europe. The panic, however, has been dispelled by the pacific accounts of the Congress at Verona; which is at any rate too wise to enter into a crusade against Spanish liberty under present eircumstances. And however the French Army of observation may appear to threaten the Spanish frontier, no hostile measures can be undertaken against Spain, without immediate personal danger to Ferdinand; and a very little political sagacity is requisite to foretel, in case of such an event, the entire removal of the Bourbons of France as well as of Spain.

A number of French and German officers have lately returned to Marseilles from the Morea. They all agree in rendering tribute to the heroism of the Greeks, but declare they were obliged to leave that peninsula from the severe privations they underwent ; having frequently had nothing more than a piece of black bread and a few olives to subsist upon for several days together. They had many rencounters with the Turks, in most of which the latter evinced a considerable degree of cowardice, although better armed and equipped than their opponents. During the last few months upwards of 600 French and Germans have taken their passage from this port for the Morea; and there are now upwards of 400 Germans on their way for the same purpose, the first division of which has arrived. The necessary means for their journey are supplied by the subscriptions set on foot for assistance of the Greeks.

In the elections the Royalists have been eminently successful. M. Ber jamin Constant is not re-elected, but in his place another opposition candidate, a M. Rousseau, to whom Ministers gave their aid. The department of the North, which elects eight Deputies for the Colleges of Arrondissement, and had seven Liberals in the last session, will not have one in the present. In the last session the second series had fortyfour Liberals; in the next they will not have more than a dozen. M. de la Fayette has been returned.

Bayonne is crowded with Spanish emigrants, who continue to arrive in great numbers, but they still consist of priests and monks, with very few men of landed property.

On the 19th November, the Tribunal of Correctional Police condemned M. Benjamin Constant to one month's imprisonment, a fine of 500 franes, and costs, for his letter in answer to the personal calumnies of M. Maugin, Procureur du Roi at Poitiers.

On the 20th, the trial of Colonel Fabvier, Colonel Deutzel, Marque (medical student) and M. Latouche, charged with an attempt to release from prison the four youths lately executed at Paris, was concluded. Colonel Deutzel admitted his intention to have liberated them, but de nied any share in the execution of

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