PROVINCIAL OCCURRENCES. BERKSHIRE. The consecration of the new Parish Church of Windsor, has been performed by the Bishop of Salisbury. Contributions for the relief of the distressed Irish flow in with encreasing speed in this county. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. W. C. Walters, esq. B. A. of Jesus College, has been elected a Fellow of that Society.- Mr. G. Hume, and Mr. J. Chapman, scholars of King's College, have been admitted Fellows of that society The Rev. H. Pepys, B. D. Fellow of St. John's College, has been presented by the Masters and Fellows of that Society, to the Rectory of Moreton, in Essex, vacant by the death of the Rev. W. Wilson, B. D. Doctors in Divinity. The Rev. W. Ainger, of St. John's College, superintendant of the Clerical Institution, at 'St. Bee's, in Cumberland, the Rev. J. Jeffery, of St. John's College. Doctors in Physic.-C. Hewit, Esq. Downing, Professor of Med.-J. C. Badeley, Esq. of Caius College. Sir R. Anstruther, Bart. of Trinity College, has been admitted Honorary Master of Arts. has greatly declined, since every village has its shop, every road its travellers, and long credit has succeeded to ready money. A diving bell, under the direction of a sub-marine adventurer called Crusoe, has been shipped from London for Holland, to recover the cargo of a vessel sunk there twenty-two years ago. DORSETSHIRE. A few days since, fourteen antique lances, or swords, were dug up in Wetherbury Castle, Rings, near Milbourne, by some labourers who were removing a thorn bush. They are in a good state of preservation. DURHAM. The subscription entered into at Stockton for the relief of the Irish, amounts to 1381. 98. 7d His Grace the Duke of Athol, has given fifty barrels of Herrings to the Liverpool Committee for the relief of the distressed Irish. The bones of the famous horse, Eclipse, in a case, are now offered for sale at 1,000 guineas. ESSEX. Wanstead-House. -The influx of persons to view this splendid mansion during the auction, was so very great, that, on an average, there were not less than from three to five thousand daily. The furniture was of surprising magnificence, the carpets and hangings alone having cost £60,000. The family arms of Tilney and Wellesley were embroidered on all the carpets. The walls, as well as the windows, were hung with the richest Genoa velvet, with three borders of gold lace, at three guineas and a half per yard. We understand, that the three magnificent paintings in the entrance hall, are destined to decorate the walls of the principal staircase at Leeds Castle, in this county. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. A number of locusts alighted in a field at Kingswood, near Bristol, on the 18th of June. One was picked up, which measured three inches in length; it had horns shaped like those of a stag. -At Gloucester Midsummer Fair, business was remarkably flat. Sheep were rather plentiful, and were dull of sale at from threepence to fourpence per lb.-Pigs almost unsalcable. HAMPSHIRE. The sum of £158. 15s. 2d. has been subscribed at Lymington, for the relief of the Irish. The pier at Ryde is to be carried five hundred feet farther into the sea forthwith. HEREFORDSHIRE. The produce of sixteen acres of good land, in the parish of Rickmersworth (containing wheat, barley, oats, and peas, with the straw, in stacks well secured from the weather), has been sold by auction, at the very low price of 251. being 11. 118. 3d. per acre. On the 20th of June, the doors of Hereford prison were thrown open, there not being a single prisoner under confinement. HERTFORDSHIRE. A collection at Hemel Hempstead Church, for the benefit of the distressed Irish amounted to 361. 38. 31d. HUNTINGDONSHIRE. The harvest commenced early; the crops though not generally heavy are of excellent quality. KENT. Lord Petre has signified his inten NORFOLK. At his last audit, Sir G. Jerningham liberally took off 20 per cent. from the rent of his tenants. - The Lynn election was concluded on Friday, June 28, when Col. Walpole was elected by a majority of sixty-five. We understand that it is the intention of the bankers of Norwich to reduce the interest allowed by them from 3 to 24 per cent. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Earl Fitzwilliam has again made a liberal abatement of from 20 to 40 per cent. to his tenants in this county. NORTHUMBERLAND. Skipton fortnight fair, July 2, was crowded to excess with both fat beasts, sheep, and lambs; but in none of the above could last fair's prices be obtain tion of making the very liberal reduced. --The workmen employed in dig tion of 20 per Cent, upon the Impropriation tythes. His Lordship, has also given notice to his tenants, that 20 per Cent. will be allowed on the rents due on Lady-day. One hundred and seventy silver coins of Henry VII. and VIII. and Edward III. were lately found under the root of a tree, in Blackwose Field, near Hythe. LANCASHIRE. A gentleman of Loughborough has collected from the Liverpool official reports of corn, flour and meal, imported from Ireland, during the last seven weeks, the following items - Wheat, 21,344 quarters; Oats, 24,884 qrs.; Barley, 906 qrs.; Beans, 279 qrs.; Oatmeal, 984 qrs.; and Flour, 8,433 bags; and all this time the people in that country have been perishing of famine! LEICESTERSHIRE. A flock of sheep, consisting of fortynine hoggrels, were found dead in a field on the forrest, supposed to have been killed by lightning. LINCOLNSHIRE. Last month were taken from a rookery at Hemengby, near Horncastle, a couple of milk-white rooks, with white bills and legs, and without a tinge of any other colour whatever. MONMOUTHSHIRE. The remains of a Roman pavement, in a fine state of preservation, has been lately discovered in the grounds of Mr. Stokes, at Caerwent.--At Usk wool fair there was a large supply. The prices were, for coarse wool, from 11s. to 13s.; fine from 13s. to 16s. per stone, of 13lbs. The alarming practice of desertion of farms and driving off the stock is, in Monmouthshire, by no means confined to the little or insignificant farmer, or to the least fertile soils of the country. ging the foundation of the goal at Morpeth lately, found at the depth of thirteen feet from the surface, an oak tree, measuring thirty-eight feet in length, and nine feet in circumference, and perfectly sound. The skeleton of a deer's head with fine branching horns was also lately found at the same place, about fifteen feet below the surface. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. We understand that at the last rent day at Winwick, the worthy and respected rector made a return of one pound per acre, on which occasion the tenants caused a merry peal to be rung on the bells of the parish church; and spent the day with the utmost festivity and rejoicing. - Sermons have been preached and collections made at all the places of worship in Nottingham, in aid of the distressed Irish-the donations were considerable, and highly creditable to the inhabitants of that town. SHROPSHIRE. Collections to a considerable amount have been made under the King's letter in this county. At Shrewsbury Fair there was about an average supply. Fat sheep averaged 3d. and some very prime 4d. per lb. Store sheep much the same as last fair. SOMERSETSHIRE. The quartern loaf of the best wheaten bread is selling at Frome at 5d.The ladies of Melksham have formed themselves into a society for collecting articles of apparel for the distressed Irish. - Taunton fair was fully supplied with stock. The demand was unusually flat, and the prices obtained very low. STAFFORDSHIRE. Wolverhampton Fair has been but moderately supplied with cattle and sheep. Fat stock of every description The down land, which commands a view of Salisbury, is now in a state of cultivation, the guardians of the poor employing on that and other beneficial works, every able pauper. - The Rev. J. L. Bythesea, rector of Leigh, Delamore, has reduced his tithes in the course of the last three years, 45 per Cent. There are now in full bloom, in the hot-house of T. Timbrell, Esq. of Trowdridge, two plants of the Yucca Aliofolia, upwards of 8 feet in height. other alterations as he may think requisite for the save detention of his prisoners. They have also ordered that the "county dress," which is now to be the same as that of Lancaster, shall henceforth be worn by all men in the Castle, excepting the debtors, and those imprisoned for misdemeanors. Irons will not be placed on any before trial, excepting such as the Governor may deem refractory and dangerous. --At the York Wool Fair, the supply has been again extremely large, and the buyers numerous, but inadequate to the supply. Hog wool, from 11d. to 1s. per lb. Hog and Ewe wool, 9d. to 11d. per lb. WALES. We are happy to hear that a College, for the education of such students for the Ministry whose friends are not in affluence, is about to be erected at Lampeter, in Cardiganshire. The sum of 15,0007. three per cents, is already collected, and his Majesty has munificently sent a donation of 1000l. accompanied with a flattering letter. A Quarterly Magazine in the Welsh Lan guage, to be conducted upon the principles of the Church of England, will shortly be commenced. SCOTLAND. We understand that the Directors of the Bank of Scotland, following the example of the Bank of England, have adopted the resolution of discounting bills and notes at four per cent.The subscriptions to Mr. Owen's Experiment of Mutual Association and Co operation at Motherwell, near Lanark, amounts already to more than 50,0001. IRELAND. The Royal Dublin Society have resolved to erect a whole-length statue of the King, in marble, to commemorate the royal visit and patronage of that institution. It appears by their resolutions, that they have selected Mr. Behnes for the distinguished task.We will not shock the feelings of our readers, by quoting the instances of unparalleled distress, that now pervade every part of this starving country.The work of charity is begun in almost every part of England, and a very large sum is already subscribed to alleviate the poor inhabitants of unhappy Ireland! Jun.25 29-97 70 26 29-94 71 S. Ditto 730 02 VARIATIONS OF BAROMETER, THERMOMETER, &c. at Nine o'Clock A. M. By T. BLUNT, 1822 Mathematical Instrument Maker to his Majesty, No. 22, CORNHILL. Bar Ther. Wind. Obser. 1822 Bar Ther. S. W. Fair July 629-8361 S. Fair Wind. Obser 1822 Bar. Ther. Wind. Obser. N. E. Cldy. July 17 29-58 58 E. Rain N. Fair 18 29-66 70 27 30-08 67 N. S-W. Ditto Ditto 20 29-46 64 9. Shwy. 10 29-80 65 W. S. Ditto Shwy. S.W. Ditto July 130-08 64 N. W. Fair 12 29-30 65 S. W. Ditto 23 29-56 60 S.W. Ditto 229-89 61 N. E. Ditto 25 29-64 S. Cldy. S.W. Fair. PRICE OF SHARES IN CANALS, DOCKS, BRIDGES, WATER-WORKS, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES, INSTITUTIONS, NINES, &e.-JULY 23, 1822. NOTE.-The List of East India Shipping and Price of London Markets are omitted this month for want of room. They will appear in the next number. 3 per per Cent. Reduced Impérial ..917 34 80 .. AMERICAN FUNDS. Bank Shares... 22 7 per Cent. ....94 105 61 div. from 103 4 Bank for Account, 29th Aug. 1822 Consols for Opening, 28th Aug... 80 a BULLION. JULY 23. Portugal Gold, in Coin.. Foreign Gold, in Bars .. New Doubloons....... .......... PER OZ. £. s. d. Silver, in Bars, Standard 04 11 London, July 23. N. York, June 24. London, July 23. 3 pr. Cts. of 1812.92 81 7 pm.. 000 317 6 313 0 0.49 1813 92 8 Jan 1821 103 4 1814.92 8 104 5 107 September 21.... f. ex. Sc. Bank Shares, div. 31 1600f..c. Dec. and 30 June Reconnois. of Ligui dation divid...due Mar. 21, & Sep. 21 f...c. Exchange on Lon don, 3 months Ditto 1 ditto RUSSIAN STOCK... London, July 23, 1822. 25f..20c. 125f..40c. 6 per Cent. Inscriptions, 82.- Ex- COURSE OF EXCHANGE. div. from Amsterdam......C. F..... 12 8 Barcelona .. Ditto at Sight.............. 12 Rotterdam ............ 5 Seville 12 9 Gibraltar Antwerp 12 5 Leghorn TUES. July 23. ..... Hamburgh 37 10 Genoa 43 ................ Altona 37 11 Venice Italian liv. Paris, 3 days Sight........ 25 50 Malta Ditto 25 80 Naples 39 25 80 Palermo ............. per oz. 117d Frankfort on the Main .... 156 Lisbon 614 2 M. flo. 10 16 Oporto 52 Trieste, ditto 10. 16 Rio Janeiro 46 .... 36 Bahia 50 .. Dublin 97 97 36 EXCHEQUER BILLS. All Exchequer Bills dated prior to Oct. 1821, have been Advertised to be Paid Off. |