EUROPEAN MAGAZINE. AUGUST, 1822: WITH A PORTRAIT OF GIOVANNI BELZONI, ESQ., THE PARLIAMENTARY REGISTER Foreign Political Digest 164 164 165 167 170 Foreign Review. Commentaries on Plutarch's Lives, by Her- Aquatic Herbs of Jever and Eastern Friese- On the Treatment of the Poor. -Of Italian Travels to the Lake of Como, by D. Ber- Select Works of Mirabeau 146 147 148 150 Letters on Walachia, &c. by F. Recordon 151 nies, by A. Billiard • LONDON: Published for the Proprietors, BY LUPTON RELFE, 13, CORNHILL, And Sold by all the Booksellers. [TWO SHILLINGS.] TO THE PUBLIC. ALTHOUGH five hundred Copies of the last Number of this Magazine were printed in addition to the usual quantity, the whole impression has been found unequal to the demand; and the Proprietors regret that they did not further anticipate the success that has attended the elegant Engraving of " PSYCHE" and their improvements in general. Their Subscribers, however, are respectfully informed that, the Proof Impressions of the PSYCHE, with a Mythological account of her history, are nearly ready for publication. On account of circumstances, which it would be tedious and unnecessary to detail, these Proors are far more elegantly executed and faithful to the original than the Engravings inserted in the last month's Magazine, although they were superior to any thing of the kind that ever appeared in this or any other Magazine. The PROOFS on India paper, with descriptive letter press on imperial quarto paper and hot-pressed, will be published at the latter end of the present month; dedicated to His Grace the Duke of Bedford. Price 7s. 6d. TO CORRESPONDENTS. The following communications shall appear as soon as possible: Posthumous Vanity On the Advantages of Literary Correc tion Titian's Picture ( On Poetical Resemblance Humanitati Amicus Translation by Alexis Claribel, or the King's Daughter. We have returned the following articles to our publisher, which their respective Authors may receive on application; Sketches by Sea and Land Remarks on the Higher Ranks of So ciety Lines on Chelsea College Patterdale Scraps, No. I. Victim of Superstition Walk to Wilsdon Youth Remarks on Garth's Dispensary Lines to H-n with a withered rose On Servility Lines on Friendship Lines to *** by a constant Reader Eliza; or, the Convicts Lines to N ** by Half-existence Lines by Cantabrigiensis On Pugilism, by W. T. W. The Schoolmaster Pierce Egan and Lord Byron 1 ERRATA IN OUR LAST NUMBER. Page 21, read, " que l'insurrection est organizée à Londres, l'armée séduite, et un gouvernement provisoire formé chez le Lord Mayor." - Page 43, for " Cette," read "cette." London Published for the Proprietors of the European Masazine by Lupton Relfe 13. Cornhill, Nep. 19 15 22. EUROPEAN MAGAZINE, AND LONDON REVIEW. AUGUST 1822. MEMOIR OF GIOVANNI BELZONI, Esq. WITH A Retrospect of his "Operations and recent Discoveries within the Pyramids, Temples, Tombs and Excavations in Egypt and Nubia; and of a Journey to the Coast of the Red Sea, in search of the ancient Berenice; and another to the Oasis of Jupiter Ammon." MR. BELZONI is a native of the city of Padua, and descended from a Roman family, which resided there many years. The disturbed state of Italy, in 1800, obliged him to leave that country, a circumstance which led him to visit different parts of Europe. His family, though not rich, sent him some occasional remittances; but, unwilling to be a burthen to them, he contrived to support himself by the knowledge which he had acquired in various branches, particularly hydraulics,a science from which he derived considerable advantages, and which ultimately led to his visiting Egypt. In 1803 he arrived in England, and married shortly after. He remained here nine years, and having a natural propensity for travelling, he resolved on making a tour through the South of Europe, and visited Portugal, Spain, and Malta, whence he embarked for Egypt in 1815, where he remained to 1819. The discoveries which he made in this country, and Nubia, are the subject of a work which he has published since his arrival in England. He was chiefly led to engage in this work, in consequence of the many erroneous accounts which had been given to the public, after his opera tions and discoveries in Egypt. The work is written in a simple, pleasing, and perspicuous style, though it may seem to want that nerve, copiousness of expression and power of language, which seldom, if ever, characterize the style of an author who writes in a foreign tongue. The want of these higher beauties, however, is more than compensated, by the importance of the matter, and the plain, unaffected simplicity of manner in which the author communicates his thoughts. Though he had many causes of complaint against certain individuals, he seldom gives way to the language of indignation. His reason always presides over his feelings, but his feelings are not the less strong, nor his sense of injury less poignant and acute. As his travels in Egypt and Nubia form the most interesting part of his own life, we have, for the satisfaction of our readers, given a history in miniature of the most important transactions in which he was engaged, during his residence in these countries. By this means, we make them, at once, acquainted with the history of his life, and the substance of the work which he has laid before the public. Mr. Belzoni sailed from Malta on the 19th of May, 1815, and |