Farren, Mr. William, Memoir of, 99. on the Continent, 439. Folkstone, Description of, 35. Fortunes of Nigel, Review of, 533. Freemasonry, 438. Museum at Prague, 340. Foreign Births, Marriages, and Deaths, Newhaven, Description of, 227. 375, 472, 570. Frontispiece, Description of, 8: Gazettes, London, 80, 177, 278, 371, 467, Night, Poetry, 307. Notice to Correspondents, 390, 490. siah," "" The Creation, Paris Monthly Review, 341. Haymarket Theatre, -School for Scandal, Parliamentary Register, 174, 275, 366,459, 565. Theatre, at Odessa, 536. -Beggars' Opera, 557. Hastings, Description of, 224. Home, Poetry, 420. 559. of, 45. Poetry, 20, 26, 34, 38, 112, 113, 131, 152, 429, 434, 515,509, 520, 528. Prisoners of Mount St. Michael, Poetry, 26. Provincial Occurrences, 377, 475. 574. Report of the Society for Protection of Roscoe's Illustrations of the Life of Lo- Russian Discoveries, 437. Rye, Description of, 223. Sandgate, Description of, 36. Seaford, Description of, 227. Scottish Sequestrations, 89, 186, 284, 470. Scotland, 385, 483, 582. Sierre Leone, 438. Sketches from Nature, 408. Sonnets, 152, 153. Songs by Mrs. Opie, 410, 425, 509. Sorrow's Joys, Poetry, 34. Specimens of the German Lyric Poets, Review of, 156. Spence's, Miss, Old Stories, Review of, 449. Steam Boats, 341. Stocks, Prices of, 96, 192, 288, 389,488,586. Sugar, Prices of, 93, 198, 286, 386,485,583. Surry Theatre.-Pirate-Sir Arthur, or, the Irish Chief, 78. REVIEW OF BOOKS. BYRON's (Lord) Sardanapalus, the two Milman's Martyr of Antioch, 264. Foscari, and Cain, 58. Fortunes of Nigel, 543. Italy, a poem, 159. James's Naval History of Great Britain, 343. Lyndsay's Dramas of the AntientWorld, 256. Madaline, by Mrs. Opie, 345. May you Like it, 163. Memoirs of George II. by the Farl of Or ford, 353. Pirate, by the Author of Waverley, 45. Roscoe's Illustrations of the Life of Lo- M'Dermot's Critical Dissertation on Taste, Specimens of the German Lyric Poets, 156. EUROPEAN MAGAZINE, JULY, 1822: Embellished with an Engraving of the PSYCHE, a Statue executed by R. WESTMACOTT, Esq. R.A., for His Grace the Duke of Bedford, and exhibited at the Royal Academy, Somerset House: ALSO, A Portrait of WILLIAM ROSCOE, Esq., Author of the History of Lorenzo THE period is now arrived, at which the Proprietors of the EUROPEAN MAGAZINE promised to commence their improvements, and they invite their Readers to compare the present Number with any which has preceded it, more especially with those published previously to the commencement of the last Volume. While they endeavour to direct the attention of their Readers to what they consider the more prominent improvements, they are anxious to assure them, that they aim at much higher excellence. The superior manner in which their Engravings are executed, of which the PsyCHE in the present Number is a faithful specimen, justifies the Proprietors in asserting that, considering the low price at which this Magazine is sold, it is superior to any other Periodical Publication. The Review department has undergone a considerable alteration. Instead of only three or four, the present Number contains notices of twenty publications, Foreign and Domestic. This alteration, it is hoped, will be particularly acceptable; as it supplies a void constantly experienced by those who are skilled in foreign languages, and who wish to enlarge the circle of their acquaintance with the living authors of the European Continent. Many Readers, perfectly familiar with the works of Klopstock, Ariosto, Voltaire, Camöens, Cervantes, and other early modern authors, are wholly ignorant of the writings of contemporaries, who are shedding the lustre of genius over the countries that produced those illustrious men. A knowledge of the excellent works daily issuing from the continental press will, it is hoped, not only be a source of pure and elegant pleasure, but will tend to remove that selfish egotism too often apparent in those, who exclusively confine their attention to the productions of their own country. The Portraits, in future, will be confined to characters, whose names will descend with honour to posterity; the aim of the present Proprietors being a general encouragement to great actions, by paying a just homage to extraordinary virtue, or transcendent genius. The Frontispieces will also be more worthy of attention: they will not be confined to Engravings of Buildings and Landscapes, which appear in a thousand shapes and places, but will frequently present to the public those higher works of Art, that not only immortalize the artist and the patron, but raise man higher in the scale of intellectual excellence. By these exertions, added to improvements in the literary department, the present Proprietors of the EUROPEAN MAGAZINE hope to be instrumental in disseminating more widely a refined and correct taste for the Fine Arts, and elegant Literature in general; well knowing that, the more the public mind is embued with genuine taste, the more it is susceptible of real happiness and the blessings of rational liberty. dedicisse fideliter artes Emollet mores, nec sinit esse feros. TO CORRESPONDENTS.. A Subscriber, who wishes the dates to be placed to the Marriages and Deaths, should calculate the space they would occupy; he would then see the impossibility of being obliged, without the sacrifice of more important matter. A Letter from a Gentleman near Pocklington is received. We are sorry we cannot insert " Sketches by Sea and Land." The Note from W. T. W. shall be attended to. Under consideration, A Fragment from Adolescens. Lines, &c. from A Con stant Reader.-On the Advantages of Literary Correction. &c. &c. |