107-138 To require the valuation of nontribal interest ownership of Feb. 6, 2002 subsurface rights within the boundaries of the Acoma Indian Reservation, and for other purposes. 107-139. To amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to establish Feb. 8, 2002 fixed interest rates for student and parent borrowers, to extend current law with respect to special allowances for lenders, and for other purposes. 107-140. To amend title 18 of the United States Code to correct a Feb. 8, 2002 107-141 Asian Elephant Conservation Reauthorization Act of 2002 107-142 Pacific Northwest Feasibility Studies Act of 2002 ............... 107-143 Recognizing the 91st birthday of Ronald Reagan ...... 107-144. To designate the facility of the United States Postal Serv- 107-145.... To designate the facility of the United States Postal Serv- Feb. 14, 2002 ..... ice located at 39 Tremont Street, Paris Hill, Maine, as the "Horatio King Post Office Building". 107-146. To designate the United States Post Office located at 60 Feb. 14, 2002 ..... 107-152. Congratulating the United States Military Academy at Mar. 14, 2002 ..... West Point on its bicentennial anniversary, and com- mending its outstanding contributions to the Nation. To encourage the negotiated settlement of tribal claims To extend the period of availability of unemployment as- sistance under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act in the case of victims of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 107-156 To extend the authority of the Export-Import Bank until Mar. 31, 2002 ..... PUBLIC LAW DATE 107-158. To amend Public Law 107-10 to authorize a United States Apr. 4, 2002 PAGE 107-159. To amend the Act entitled "An Act to authorize the leas- Apr. 4, 2002 ....... 122 107-160. To designate the facility of the United States Postal Serv- Apr. 18, 2002.... ice located at 3698 Inner Perimeter Road in Valdosta, 107-162. To designate the facility of the United States Postal Serv- Apr. 18, 2002... 125 107-163... To designate the facility of the United States Postal Serv- Apr. 18, 2002 ... 126 ice located at 310 South State Street in St. Ignace, Michigan, as the "Bob Davis Post Office Building". 107-164.... To designate the facility of the United States Postal Serv- Apr. 18, 2002 ..... 127 ice located in Harlem, Montana, as the "Francis Bardanouve United States Post Office Building". 107-165. To designate the facility of the United States Postal Serv- Apr. 18, 2002 ..... 128 ice located at 3131 South Crater Road in Petersburg, Virginia, as the "Norman Sisisky Post Office Building". 107-166. To designate the facility of the United States Postal Serv- Apr. 18, 2002..... 129 ice located at 125 Main Street in Forest City, North Carolina, as the "Vernon Tarlton Post Office Building". 107-167. To designate the facility of the United States Postal Serv- Apr. 18, 2002 ..... 130 ice located at 375 Carlls Path in Deer Park, New York, as the "Raymond M. Downey Post Office Building". 107-168. To extend the authority of the Export-Import Bank until May 1, 2002...... 131 To make technical amendments to section 10 of title 9, May 7, 2002 107-170.... To extend for 8 additional months the period for which May 7, 2002 ....... 133 Hematological Cancer Research Investment and Edu- May 14, 2002 107-173. Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act of May 14, 2002..... 543 Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and May 15, 2002.... 566 107-175 ... To designate the Federal building located in Charlotte May 17, 2002..... 576 Amalie, St. Thomas, United States Virgin Islands, as the "Ron de Lugo Federal Building". 107-176... To designate the Federal building located at 143 West May 17, 2002 ..... 577 Liberty Street, Medina, Ohio, as the "Donald J. Pease 107-177. To designate the Federal building and United States May 17, 2002 ..... 578 courthouse located at 501 Bell Street in Alton, Illinois, PUBLIC LAW DATE 107-178... To designate the Federal building and United States May 17, 2002 107-179. To require a report on the operations of the State Justice May 20, 2002 107-180... Criminal Justice Coordinating Council Restructuring Act May 20, 2002 of 2002. PAGE 579 580 581 .... 107-181... Clergy Housing Allowance Clarification Act of 2002........ 107-182 To redesignate the Federal building located at 3348 South Kedzie Avenue, in Chicago, Illinois, as the "Paul Simon Chicago Job Corps Center". 107-183... To name the chapel located in the national cemetery in May 29, 2002 ..... 585 107-184... To name the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical and May 29, 2002 586 107-185. To extend eligibility for refugee status of unmarried sons May 30, 2002 and daughters of certain Vietnamese refugees. 587 590 107-186 .... To extend the authority of the Export-Import Bank until May 30, 2002 ..... 589 June 14, 2002. 107-187... Gerald B. H. Solomon Freedom Consolidation Act of 2002 107-188... Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002. 107-189. Export-Import Bank Reauthorization Act of 2002............ 107-190 To designate the United States Post Office building located at 3101 West Sunflower Avenue in Santa Ana, California, as the "Hector G. Godinez Post Office Building". 107-191 June 10, 2002 To designate the facility of the United States Postal Serv- June 18, 2002.... 711 107-192.... To designate the facility of the United States Postal Serv- June 18, 2002.... 712 107-193. To designate the facility of the United States Postal Serv- June 18, 2002.... 713 ice located at 3719 Highway 4 in Jay, Florida, as the "Joseph W. Westmoreland Post Office Building". 107-194 To designate the facility of the United States Postal Serv- June 18, 2002 714 107-195 Auction Reform Act of 2002 ...... 107-196 Mychal Judge Police and Fire Chaplains Public Safety Of June 24, 2002 719 ficers' Benefit Act of 2002. To implement the International Convention for the Sup- June 25, 2002 .... 721 Small Business Paperwork Relief Act of 2002 To amend title 31 of the United States Code to increase June 28, 2002 107-200... Approving the site at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, for the de- July 23, 2002 PUBLIC LAW 107-201 107-202 Support of American Eagle Silver Bullion Program Act..... Benjamin Franklin Tercentenary Commission Act......... 107-203. To provide for an independent investigation of Forest Service firefighter deaths that are caused by wildfire entrapment or burnover. 107-204.... Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 107-205... Nurse Reinvestment Act ....... 107-206 ... 2002 Supplemental Appropriations Act for Further Recov- 107-207... Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2002 107-210... Trade Act of 2002 ...... Aug. 21, 2002..... 1051 107-212.... Guam Foreign Investment Equity Act 107-213. To redesignate certain lands within the Craters of the Aug. 21, 2002..... 1052 Moon National Monument, and for other purposes. 107-214.... Long Walk National Historic Trail Study Act Aug. 21, 2002 ..... 1053 107-215... Booker T. Washington National Monument Boundary Ad- Aug. 21, 2002..... 1054 justment Act of 2002. 107-216.... James Peak Wilderness and Protection Area Act.................. 107-217. To revise, codify, and enact without substantive change certain general and permanent laws, related to public buildings, property, and works, as title 40, United States Code, "Public Buildings, Property, and Works". Aug. 21, 2002 ..... 1055 107-218... Tumacacori National Historical Park Boundary Revision Aug. 21, 2002 ..... 1328 Act of 2002. 107-219 .... To rename Wolf Trap Farm Park as "Wolf Trap National Aug. 21, 2002..... 1330 Park for the Performing Arts", and for other purposes. 107-220.... To amend the Public Health Service Act to redesignate a Aug. 21, 2002..... 1332 facility as the National Hansen's Disease Programs Center, and for other purposes. 107-221... Fort Clatsop National Memorial Expansion Act of 2002 .... 107-222 .... To amend title X of the Energy Policy Act of 1992, and for other purposes. Aug. 21, 2002..... 1333 Sept. 18, 2002.... 1340 107-223... To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to issue right- Aug. 21, 2002 ..... 1338 of-way permits for natural gas pipelines within the boundary of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. 107-224 John F. Kennedy Center Plaza Authorization Act of 2002 107-225. To redesignate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 900 Brentwood Road, NE, in Washington, D.C., as the "Joseph Curseen, Jr. and Thomas Morris, Jr. Processing and Distribution Center". Flight 93 National Memorial Act... 107-226 107-227 107-228 .... 107-229 To designate the facility of the United States Postal Serv- Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 2003 Sept. 24, 2002 .... 1345 Sept. 30, 2002.... 1350 |