20 USC 5207. 38 USC 1729 note. Federal Employees' Retirement System, or any other retirement system for employees; (2) the term "employee" has the meaning given such term by section 2105 of such title 5; and (3) the counting of Federal annuitants shall be done on a full time equivalent basis. SEC. 1203. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, hereafter, for purposes of section 201(a) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 (relating to Federal sources of supply, including lodging providers, airlines and other transportation providers), the Eisenhower Exchange Fellowship Program shall be deemed an executive agency for the purposes of carrying out the provisions of 20 U.S.C. 5201, and the employees of and participants in the Eisenhower Exchange Fellowship Program shall be eligible to have access to such sources of supply on the same basis as employees of an executive agency have such access. CHAPTER 13 DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION COMPENSATION AND PENSIONS For an additional amount for "Compensation and pensions", $1,100,000,000, to remain available until expended. VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION MEDICAL CARE For an additional amount for "Medical care", $417,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2003: Provided, That the funds provided herein be allocated using the VERA methodology: Provided further, That for the purposes of enabling the collection from third-party insurance carriers for non-service related medical care of veterans, all Department of Veterans Affairs healthcare facilities are hereby certified as Medicare and Medicaid providers and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services within the Department of Health and Human Services shall issue each Department of Veterans Affairs healthcare facility a provider number as soon as practicable after the date of enactment of this Act: Provided further, That nothing in the preceding proviso shall be construed to enable the Department of Veterans Affairs to bill Medicare or Medicaid for any medical services provided by the Veterans Health Administration or to require the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to pay for any medical services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs: Provided further, That $275,000,000 is designated by the Congress as an emergency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, as amended: Provided further, That $275,000,000 shall be available only to the extent that an official budget request, that includes designation of the entire amount of the request as an emergency requirement as defined in the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, as amended, is transmitted by the President to the Congress. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC AND INDIAN HOUSING HOUSING CERTIFICATE FUND (RESCISSION) Of the unobligated balances remaining from funds appropriated to the Department of Housing and Urban Development under this heading or the heading "Annual contributions for assisted housing" or any other heading for fiscal year 2002 and prior years, $388,500,000 is hereby rescinded: Provided, That this rescission shall apply first to such unobligated balances under this heading or the heading "Annual contributions for assisted housing": Provided further, That any unobligated balances governed by reallocation. provisions under the statute authorizing the program for which the funds were originally appropriated may be available for this rescission subject to the first proviso. COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND For an additional amount for the "Community development fund" for emergency expenses to respond to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States, $783,000,000, to remain available until expended: Provided, That the State of New York, in cooperation with the City of New York, shall, through the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, distribute these funds: Provided further, That such funds may be used for assistance for properties and businesses (including the restoration of utility infrastructure) damaged by, and for economic revitalization directly related to, the terrorist attacks on the United States that occurred on September 11, 2001, in New York City and for reimbursement to the State and City of New York for expenditures incurred from the regular Community Development Block Grant formula allocation used to achieve these same purposes: Provided further, That the State of New York is authorized to provide such assistance to the City of New York: Provided further, That in administering these funds and funds under section 108 of title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, used for economic revitalization activities in New York City, the Secretary may waive, or specify alternative requirements for, any provision of any statute or regulation that the Secretary administers in connection with the obligation by the Secretary or the use by the recipient of these funds or guarantees (except for requirements related to fair housing, nondiscrimination, labor standards, and the environment), upon a finding that such waiver is required to facilitate the use of such funds or guarantees: Provided further, That such funds shall not adversely affect the amount of any formula assistance received by the State of New York, New York City, or any categorical application for other Federal assistance: Provided further, That the Secretary shall publish in the Federal Register any waiver of any statute or regulation that the Secretary administers pursuant to title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, no later than 5 days before Federal Register, publication. Deadline. Notification. the effective date of such waiver: Provided further, That the Secretary shall notify the Committees on Appropriations on the proposed allocation of any funds and any related waivers pursuant to this section no later than 5 days before such allocation: Provided further, That the entire amount is designated by the Congress as an emergency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, as amended. The referenced statement of the managers under the heading "Community development block grants" in title II of Public Law 105-276 is deemed to be amended by striking "$250,000 for renovation, accessibility, and asbestos remediation for the Wellstone Neighborhood Center, Wellstone, Missouri" and insert in lieu thereof "$250,000 for the St. Louis Economic Council for design, infrastructure and construction related to the Enterprise CenterWellstone in Wellstone, Missouri". The referenced statement of the managers under the heading "Community development fund" in title II of Public Law 106377 is deemed to be amended by striking "$2,000,000 is for the Louisville Community Development Bank for the Louisville Neighborhood Initiative" and inserting "$2,000,000 for neighborhood revitalization activities in Louisville, Kentucky, as follows: $170,000 to the Christian Church Homes of Kentucky for facility upgrades at Chapel House, $500,000 to the Louisville Medical Center Development Corporation for expansion of a research park, $400,000 to the Louisville Science Center for construction of a permanent exhibition, $150,000 to the New Zion Community Development Foundation for renovation of a facility, $400,000 to the Presbyterian Community Center for construction of a facility, $180,000 to the St. Stephen Family Life Center for renovation of a facility, and $200,000 to the United Crescent Hill Ministries for renovation of a facility". The referenced statement of the managers under the heading "Community development fund" in title II of Public Law 106377 is deemed to be amended by striking "$1,000,000 for the Community Action Agency of Southern New Mexico, Inc. for construction of a regional food bank and supporting offices" and insert in lieu thereof "$1,000,000 for the Community Action Agency of Southern New Mexico for construction, purchase, or renovation and the equipping of a regional food bank and supporting offices". The referenced statement of the managers under the heading "Community development fund" in title II of Public Law 10773 is deemed to be amended by striking "$400,000 to the City of Reading, Pennsylvania for the development of the Morgantown Road Industrial Park on what is currently a brownfields site" and insert in lieu thereof "$400,000 for the City of Reading, Pennsylvania for the development of the American Chain and Cable brownfield site". The referenced statement of the managers under the heading "Community development fund" in title II of Public Law 10773 is deemed to be amended by striking "$750,000 for the Smart Start Child Care Center and Expertise School of Las Vegas, Nevada for construction of a child care facility" and insert in lieu thereof "$250,000 for the Smart Start Child Care Center of Las Vegas, Nevada for construction of a child care facility and $500,000 for Expertise, Inc. of Las Vegas, Nevada for job training". The referenced statement of the managers under the heading "Community development fund" in title II of Public Law 10773 is deemed to be amended by striking "$3,000,000 for the Louisville Community Development Bank for continuation of the Louisville Neighborhood Initiative" and inserting "$3,000,000 for neighborhood revitalization activities in Louisville, Kentucky, as follows: $250,000 to the Bridgehaven Mental Health Agency for planning and development of a facility, $600,000 to the Cable Life Community Enrichment Corporation for construction of a facility, $350,000 to Catholic Charities for renovation of a facility, $500,000 to the Center for Women and Families for an affordable housing program, $100,000 to the Clifton Cultural Center for renovation of a historic building, $200,000 to Harrods Creek Community Development for construction of a facility, $200,000 to the James Taylor Memorial Home for facility improvements, $600,000 to the Kentucky Art and Craft Foundation for renovation of a facility, and $200,000 to the Shelby Park Neighborhood Association for facility construction". The referenced statement of the managers under the heading "Community development block grants" in title II of Public Law 106-74 is deemed to be amended with respect to the amount made available for the City of Hollister, California by striking "to the City of Hollister, California for the construction of a new fire station" and inserting "to the Monterey County, California Economic Development Agency for a mobile animal slaughter processing unit". The unobligated amount appropriated in the third paragraph under the heading "Community development block grants" in chapter 8 of title II of the Emergency Supplemental Act, 2000 (Public Law 106-246; 114 Stat. 565), as subsequently made available under the heading "Community development fund" in chapter 13 of Division A of the Miscellaneous Appropriations Act, 2001 (H.R. 5666 (excluding section 123), 106th Congress, as enacted into law by Public Law 106-554; 114 Stat. 2763D-42), for a grant to the County of Richmond, North Carolina, shall remain available until September 30, 2003, for development and construction of the Richmond County Industrial Park. The referenced statement of the managers under this heading in title II of Public Law 106-377 is deemed to be amended by striking "$300,000 for Upper Darby Township, Pennsylvania to assist residents with homes that are sinking due to soil subsidence" and insert in lieu thereof "$300,000 for Upper Darby Township, Pennsylvania to assist residents with homes that are sinking due to soil subsidence and for the development of a recreation area, including parking, at Shadeland Avenue". The referenced statement of the managers under this heading in Public Law 107-73 is deemed to be amended by striking "$150,000 to Winchester County, Virginia for the historic restoration of the Winchester County Courthouse" and inserting "$150,000 to Frederick County, Virginia for the historic restoration of the Old Frederick County Courthouse in Winchester, Virginia". The referenced statement of the managers under this heading in Public Law 107-73 is deemed to be amended with respect to the amount made available for Family Focus by striking "Family Focus" and inserting "the Weissbourd-Holmes Family Focus Center" and by striking "Evansville" and inserting "Evanston". The referenced statement of the managers under this heading in Public Law 107-73 is deemed to be amended by striking "$100,000 for Morristown Neighborhood House for the infrastructure improvements to the Manahan Village Resident Center Childcare facility in Morristown, New Jersey" and inserting "$100,000 to the Somerset Valley YMCA Childcare Center in Somerset County, New Jersey for capital improvements". The referenced statement of the managers under this heading in Public Law 107-73 is deemed to be amended by striking "$600,000 to the Reuben Lindh Family Services in Minneapolis, Minnesota for facilities rehabilitation" and inserting in lieu thereof "$350,000 to the Plymouth Christian Youth Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota for facilities rehabilitation and $250,000 to Migizi Communications in Minneapolis, Minnesota to repair and renovate its Family Education Center". HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAM (RESCISSION) Of the funds made available under this heading in Public Law 107-73, $50,000,000 are rescinded from the Downpayment Assistance Initiative. HOUSING PROGRAMS RENTAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE (RESCISSION) The limitation otherwise applicable to the maximum payments that may be required in any fiscal year by all contracts entered into under section 236 of the National Housing Act (12 U.S.C. 1715z-1) is reduced in fiscal year 2002 by not more than $300,000,000 in uncommitted balances of authorizations of contract authority provided for this purpose in appropriations acts: Provided, That up to $300,000,000 of recaptured section 236 budget authority resulting from the prepayment of mortgages subsidized under section 236 of the National Housing Act (12 U.S.C. 1715z-1) shall be rescinded in fiscal year 2002. INDEPENDENT AGENCIES DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SCIENCES For an additional amount for "National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences", $8,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2003, to carry out activities set forth in section 311(a) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980, as amended, and section 126(g) of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 in response to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States: Provided, That the entire amount is designated by the Congress as an emergency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, as amended: Provided further, That the entire amount shall be available only to the extent an official budget request that includes |