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We have seen above that all single valued doubly periodic meromorphic functions, with the same periods, are rational functions of two variables s, connected by an equation of the form = 42° + Az+B. Taking account of the relation connecting these variables s, z with the argument of the doubly periodic functions (which was above denoted by 2), it can then easily be seen that the theorem now proved is a generalization of the theorem proved previously establishing for a doubly periodic function a definite order. There exists a generalization of another theorem also proved above for doubly periodic functions, namely, that the sum of the values of the argument in one parallelogram of periods for which a doubly periodic function takes a given value is independent of that value; this generalization, known as Abel's Theorem, is given § 17 below.

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either of the points-z=i; thus if we put u➡ •f*(1+52)-'ds, the

For instance, the integral r dz is liable to an additive indeter minateness equal to the value obtained by a closed path about s=0, which is equal to 274; if we put = 'r'da and consider s as a § 17. Integrals of Algebraic Functions. In treatises on Integral the addition of 2ri to its argument ; we know in fact that function of u, then we must regard this function as unaffected by Calculus it is proved that if R(2) denote any rational function, z=exp (2) and is a single valued function of u, with the period 21. an indefinite integral /R(z)dz can be evaluated in terms of Or again the integral (1+)-dz is liable to an additive indeter rational and logarithmic functions, including the inverse trigono-minateness equal to the value obtained by a closed path about metrical functions. In generalization of this it was long ago discovered that if az2+bz+c and R(s,) be any rational function of s, z any integral / R(s,z) dz can be evaluated in terms of rational functions of s, z and logarithms of such functions; the simplest case is s ̄1dz or (az2+b+c) ̄dz. More generally if f(s, z) =o be such a relation connecting s, z that when is an appropriate rational function of s and a both s and z are rationally expressible, in virtue of f(s,z) =o in terms of 0, the integral /R(s,z)dz is reducible to a form /H(0)de, where H(0) is rational in 0, and can therefore also be evaluated by rational functions and logarithms of rational functions of s and 2. It was natural to inquire whether a similar theorem holds for integrals /R(s,z)dz wherein s2 is a cubic polynomial in z. The answer is in the negative. For instance, no one of the three integrals


functions of u is periodic with period, this being the function
tan (u). Next we take the integral u➡ -(1-2)-ids, agreeing that
the upper and lower limits refer not only to definite values of 2, but
to defnite values of z each associated with a definite determination
of the sign of the associated radical (1-2). We suppose 1+2.
1-2 each to have phase zero for 20; then a single closed circuit
of 2-1 will lead back to z=o with (1-2)=-1; the additive
indeterminateness of the integral, obtained by a closed path which
restores the initial value of the subject of integration, may be
obtained by a closed circuit containing both the points I in its
interior; this gives, since the integral taken about a vanishing
circle whose centre is either of the points z=1 has ultimately
the value zero, the sum

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or 2r. Thus the additive indeterminateness of the integral is of the form 2k, where k is an integer, and the function z of u, which is sin (u), has 2x for period. Take now the case


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can be expressed by rational and logarithms of rational functions where, in each case, (1-2)] is real and positive; that is, it gives of.s and 2; but it can be shown that every integral R(s,z)dz can be expressed by means of integrals of these three types together with rational and logarithms of rational functions of s and z (see below under § 20, Elliptic Integrals). A similar theorem is true when squartic polynomial in z; in fact when s2 = A(z− a) (z—b) (z-c)(z-d), putting y=s(-a), x=(z−a) ̄1, we obtain y2= cubic polynomial in x. Much less is the theorem true when the fundamental relation f(s,z) =o is of more general type. There exists then, however, a very general theorem, known as Abel's Theorem, which may be enunciated as follows: Beside the rational function R(s, z) occurring in the integral [R(s,z)dz, consider another rational function H(s,z); let (a),... (a) denote the places of the construct associated with the fundamental equation f(s, z) = o, for which H(s, 2) is equal to one value A, each taken with its proper multiplicity, and let (b1),... (bm) denote the places for which H(s, z) = B, | where B is another value; then the sum of the m integrals R(s, 2) dz is equal to the sum of the coefficients of 1 in the expansions of the function

R(s, 2) dx (H(s. 2) - B)

H(s, 2) - A where A denotes the generalized logarithmic function, at the various places where the expansion of R(3,2)dz/dt contains negative powers of. This fact may be obtained at once from the equation


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is a constant. (For illustrations see below, under 20, Elliptic Integrals.)

§ 18. Indeterminateness of Algebraic Integrals.-The theorem

that the integral ff(z)dz is independent of the path from a to

s, holds only on the hypothesis that any two such paths are equivalent, that is, taken together from the complete boundary of a region of the plane within which f(z) is finite and single valued, besides being differentiable. Suppose that these conditions fail only at a finite number of isolated points in the finite part of the plane. Then any path from a to z is equivalent, in the sense explained, to any other path together with closed

adopting a definite determination for the phase of each of the factors 2-a, s-b, 2-c, 2-d at the arbitrary point 20, and supposing the upper limit to refer, not only to a definite value of a, but also From describe a closed loop about the point =a, consisting, to a definite determination of the radical under the sign of integration. suppose, of a straight path from z to a, followed by a vanishing circle whose centre is at a, completed by the straight path from a to zo. Let similar loops be imagined for each of the points b, c, d, no two of these having a point in common. Let A denote the value obtained by the positive circuit of the first loop; this will be in fact equal to twice the integral taken from along the straight path to a; for the contribution due to the vanishing circle is ultimately zero, and the effect of the circuit of this circle is to change the sign of the subject of integration. After the circuit about 4, we arrive back at 20 with the subject of integration changed in sign; let B, C, D denote the values of the integral taken by the loops enclosing respectively b, c and d when in each case the initial determination of the subject of integration is that adopted in calculating A. If then we take a circuit from zo enclosing both a and b but not either c or d, the value obtained will be A-B, and on returning to to the subject of integration will have its initial value. It appears thus that the integral is subject to an additive indeterminateness equal to any one of the six differences such as A-B. Of these there are only two linearly independent; for clearly only A-B, A-C, A-D are linearly independent, and in fact, as we see by taking a closed circuit enclosing all of a, b, c, d, we have A-B+ C-D=0; for there is no other point in the plane beside a, b, c, d about which the subject of integration suffers a change of sign, and a circuit enclosing all of a, b, c, d may by putting 21/5 be reduced to a circuit about 0 about which the value of the integral is zero. The general value of the integral for any position of z and the associated sign of the radical, when we start with a definite determination of the subject of integration, is thus seen to be of the form uo+m(A-B)+(A-C), where m and n are integers. The value of A-B is independent of the position of so, being obtainable by a single closed positive circuit about a and bonly; it is thus equal to twice the integral taken once from a to b, with a proper initial determination of the radical under the sign of integration. Similar remarks to the function of s; in any such case H(z) is a rational function of s and a above apply to any integral / H(z)dz, in which H(z) is an algebraic quantity s connected therewith by an irreducible rational algebraic

equation f(s, 8)=o. Such an integral ƒK(s, s)ds is called an Abelian Integral.

$19. Reversion of an Algebraic Integral.—In a limited number of cases the equation u=SH(e)dz, in which H (2) is an algebraic function

of s, defines s as a single valued function of u. Several cases of this have been mentioned in the previous section; from what was previously proved under § 14. Doubly Periodic Functions, it appears that it is necessary for this that the integral should have at most two linearly independent additive constants of indeterminateness; for instance, for an integral

u-f. [(s—a) (s—b) (x−c) (8−d) (8−c) (8−√))−Ids,

there are three such constants, of the form A-B, A-C, A-D, which are not connected by any linear equation with integral coefficients, and z is not a single valued function of u.

Ja, as we easily see. If then we have any elliptic integral having algebraic infinities we can, by subtraction from it of an ential coefficients just written down, obtain, as the result, an integral without algebraic infinities. But, in fact, if J, J' denote any two of the three integrals J, J., Ja, there exists an equation AJ+BJ'+ Cfds=rational function of s, 8, where A,B,C are properly chosen constants. For the rational function

appropriate sum of constant multiples of J. Ja, J. and their differ

is at once found to become infinite for (zo, so), not for (20,-se), its
infinite part for the first point being 25/(-20), and to become
infinite for & infinitely large, and one sign of s only when these are
separable, its infinite part there being 22√, or 2√ √ when a=0.
It does not become infinite for any other pair (s, s) satisfying the
relation f(s); this is in accordance with the easily verified
+3+3√ Go-J1+J+(9688 +2018) SH=0;

==+8VQ6-J1+Jo+(9,8^+20,0) √ 4/3 =

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this is at once found, to be infinite, for finite values of s, only for (2,5), its infinite part being log (-), and for zoo, for one sign of s only when these are separable, its infinite part being log, that is log when ‡0, and log (21) when a=0. And, if f(0)=0, the integral

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820. Elliptic Integrals.-An integral of the form SR(s,s)dz,
where s denotes the square root of a quartic polynomial in s,
which may reduce to a cubic polynomial, and R denotes a
rational function of z and s, is called an elliptic integral.
To each value of z belong two values of s, of opposite sign; start- and there exists the analogous equation
ing, for some particular value of z, with a definite one of these two
values, the sign to be attached to s for any other value of z will be
determined by the path of integration for 2. When z is in the neigh- Consider now the integral
bourhood of any finite value z for which the radical s is not zero,
if we put -20, we can find s-so a power series in t, say
S=5o+Q(); when z is in the neighbourhood of a value, a, for which
s vanishes, if we put s=a+, we shall obtain s=Q(t), where Q() is a
power series in t; when z is very large and s is a quartic polynomial
in z, if we put it, we shall find = Q(); when a is very large
and s is a cubic polynomial in z, if we put =, we shall find
Q). By means of substitutions of these forms the character
of the integral /R(z, s)ds may be investigated for any position of z;
in any case it takes a form f[H+K++...+P+R+S+...Jdi
involving only a finite number of negative powers of in the subject
of integration. Consider first the particular case fsdz; it is easily
seen that neither for any finite nor for infinite values of a can negative
powers of tenter; the integral is everywhere finite, and is said to be
of the first kind; it can, moreover, be shown without difficulty that
no integral R(s, s)dz, save a constant multiple of fsdz, has this
property. Consider next, s being of the form a +44123+
wherein a, may be zero, the integral f(a.z3+2012)51dz; for any finite
but for infinite values of z its value is of the form Ar1+Q(4), where
Q) is a power series; denoting by a, a particular square root of a
when do is not zero, the integral becomes infinite for zoo for both
signs of s, the value of A being + √, or - √, according as s is
Vao.2 (1+2+...) or is the negative of this; hence the integral
J1 = f ( +ao) dz becomes infinite when z is infinite, for
the former sign of s, its infinite term being 2√. or 2√20.2,
but does not become infinite for z infinite for the other sign of s.
When do the signs of s for zoo are not separated, being obtained
one from the other by a circuit of s about an infinitely large circle,
and the form obtained represents an integral becoming infinite as
before for z∞, its infinite part being 2a, or 2√√. Similarly
if o be any finite value of which is not a root of the polynomial
f(2) to which s is equal, and so denotes a particular one of the deter-
minations of s for 2=20, the integral
52+(220)ƒ (20)

is infinite at z=0, so with an infinite part log, that is log (z—0)1,
is not infinite for any other finite value of 2, and is infinite like P for
An integral possessing such logarithmic infinities is said
to be of the third kind.
Hence it appears that any elliptic integral, by subtraction from
it of an appropriate sum formed with constant multiples of the

value of this integral is easily proved to be everywhere finite:

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wherein f'(x)=df(z)/dz, becomes infinite for z=20, 5=so, but not for
8=Zo, S-So, its infinite term in the former case being the negative of
250/(2-20). For no other finite or infinite value of is the integral
infinite. If z=0 be a root of f(z), in which case the corresponding
value of s is zero, the integral

J1 = if'(0)

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integral Ja and the rational functions of the form ()

with constant multiples of integrals such as P or P, with constant multiples of the integral u=dz, and with rational functions, can be reduced to an integral H becoming infinite only for z∞, for one sign of s only when these are separable, its infinite part being of the form A log 4, that is, A log z or A log (s). Such an integral

H=/R(2,5)dz does not exist, however, as we at once find by writing R(2,5) = P(2)+sQ(z),where P(2), Q(2) are rational functions of 2, and examining the forms possible for these in order that the integral may have only the specified infinity. An analogous theorem holds for rational functions of z and s; there exists no rational function which is finite for finite values of z and is infinite only for s=co for one sign of s and to the first order only; but there exists a rational function infinite in all to the first order for each of two or more pairs (2, s), however they may be situated, or infinite to the second order for an arbitrary pair (e,s); and any rational function may be formed by a sum of constant multiples of functions such as 5+50


and their differential coefficients.


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respectively of the first, second and third kind. Now the equation
s2 = 002++...=ao ( z − 1 ) ( z − ¢ ) ( 2 − )(z-x), by putting
y=2s(2-0)|a« (0 − ¢) (0 − ↓) (℗ −x)} ̄↓

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becomes infinite for z=0, its infinite part being, if 2-0, equal to
-[ƒ'(0)}}'; and this integral is not elsewhere infinite. In each
of these cases, of the integrals J1, J2, Ja, the subject of integration
has been chosen so that when the integral is written near its point of
infinity in the form [A+Br1+Qjdt, the coefficient B is zero,
so that the infinity is of algebraic kind, and so that, when there are
two signs distinguishable for the critical value of z, the integral
becomes infinite for only one of these. An integral having only
algebraic infinities, for finite or infinite values of z, is called an
integral of the second kind, and it appears that such an integral Of these consider the first, putting
can be formed with only one such infinity, that is, for an infinity
arising only for one particular, and arbitrary, pair of values (s, 2)
satisfying the equation f(z), this infinity being of the first order.
A function having an algebraic infinity of the mth order (m> 1),
only for one sign of s when these signs are separable, at (1) z=0,
d m-1

is at once reduced to the form y2 = 4x3 — g1x − 8) = 4 (x−es) (x —es(x —es).
say; and these equations enable us to express s and z rationally
in terms of x and y. It is therefore sufficient to consider three
elliptic integrals
y+yo dr
x-xo ay

(2) 8=2, (3) z=0, is given respectively by (52) ̄ J. (1) ̄J.,

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F(u,v) = [('(]-(u)—•(v);

it is at once seen, from the differential equation, to be such that OF/du=0F/ov; it is therefore a function of u+v; supposing Ju+v<R we infer therefore, by putting v=o, that

• (u+v) = 1 [ *' (u) = ¿'(' ') ])* −。(u)—•(v).

By repetition of this equation we infer that if u,... u, be any arguments each of which is in absolute value less than R, whose sum is also in absolute value less than R, then (u1 + . . . +u) is a rational '(,); and hence, if u<R,

function of the 2n functions (u),


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•(u) = H[• (#). • (4)].

where H is some rational function of the arguments (u/n), p'(u/n). | In fact, however, so long as lu/n<R, each of the functions (u/n), '(u/n) is single valued and without singularity save for the pole at u=0; and a rational function of single valued functions, each of which has no singularities other than poles in a certain region, is also a single valued function without singularities other than poles in this region. We infer, therefore, that the function of u expressed by is single valued and without singularities other than poles so long as [u]<nR; it agrees with 4(u) when [u]<R, and hence furnishes a continuation of this function over the extended range u<nR. Moreover, from the method of its derivation, it satisfies the differential equation ['(u)]2 = 4[¢(u)]3 − g(u)-g3. This equation has therefore one solution which is a single valued monogenic function with no singularities other than poles for any finite part of the plane, having in particular for u=0, a pole of the second order; and the method adopted for obtaining this near u=0 shows that the differential equation has no other such solution. This, however, is not the only solution which is a single valued mero morphic function, all the functions (u+a), wherein a is arbitrary, being such. Taking now any range of values of u, from #=0, and putting for any value of u, x=4(u), y='(u), so that y2=4x3-g2x-gs, we clearly have

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dx (Tm))

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then E, are respectively (v) and (v); for this equation leads to an expansion for -xo in terms of vuo, and only one such expansion, and this is obtained by the same work as would be necessary to expand (v) when v is near to us; the function (u) can therefore be continued by the help of this equation, from v=uo, provided the lower limit of 1-xo necessary for the expansions is not zero in the neighbourhood of any value (xo,yo). In fact the function (u) can have only a finite number of poles in any finite part of the plane of u; each of these can be surrounded by a small circle, and in the portion of the finite part of the plane of u which is outside these circles, the lower limit of the radii of convergence of the expansions of (u) is greater than zero; the same will therefore be the case for the lower limit of the radii -xol necessary for the continuations spoken of above provided that the values of (, ) considered do not lead to infinitely increasing values of v; there does not exist, how ever, any definite point (0,7%) in the neighbourhood of which the integral de increases indefinitely, it is only by a path of infinite

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length that the integral can so increase. We infer therefore that if (7) be any point, where n2 = 4§3 — gz§—gs, and v be defined by (*) dx ($,7) y'

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then (v) and = '(v). Thus this equation determines (E, n) without ambiguity. In particular the additive indeterminatenesses of the integral obtained by closed circuits of the point of integration are periods of the function (u); by considerations advanced above


it appears that these periods are sums of integral multiples of two which may be taken to be

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these quantities cannot therefore have a real ratio, for else, being periods of a monogenic function, they would, as we have previously seen, be each integral multiples of another period; there would then be a closed path for (x,y), starting from an arbitrary point (x,y), other than one enclosing two of the points (e,0), (2,0), (e1,0), (∞, ∞), which leads back to the initial point (xo, yo), which is impossible. On the whole, therefore, it appears that the function (u) agrees with the function (u) previously discussed, and the discussion of the elliptic integrals can be continued in the manner given under § 14, Doubly Periodic Functions.

§ 21. Modular Functions.-One result of the previous theory is the remarkable fact that if

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where y=4(x-e1)(x—er)(x—es), then we have

e1 =(}w)2+Σ'{[(m+})w+m'w']~2-[mw+m'w']~°}, and a similar equation for es, where the summation refers to all integer values of m and m' other than the one pair m=0, m'o. This, with similar results, has led to the consideration of functions of the complex ratio w'/w.

It is easy to see that the series for B(u), u2+E'[(u+mw+m'w') ?— (mw+m'w')], is unaffected by replacing w, w' by two quantities . equal respectively to pw+qw'. p'w+g'w', where p, q, p'q' are any integers for which pq'-p'q=1; further it can be proved that all substitutions with integer coefficients = pw+qw', !! = p'w+q'w', wherein pq'-p'q=1, can be built up by repetitions of the two particular substitutions (=-w', '=w), (!=w, N'=w+w'). Consider the function of the ratio w/w expressed by. h = P({w')/B(w);

it is at once seen from the properties of the function B(u) that by the two particular substitutions referred to we obtain the corre sponding substitutions for h expressed by k' = 1/h, h'=1-h;

thus, by all the integer substitutions N=pw+qw', s= =p'w+q'w', in which pq'-p'q=1, the function h can only take one of the six values h, 1/h, 1—h. 1/(1 − h), h/(h−1), (h−1)/h, which are the roots of an equation in @,

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the function of T, ='w, expressed by the right side, is thus unaltered by every one of the substitutions r'= p+qr P. 9, p', q' are integers having pq'—p'q=1. If the imaginary part , of 7, which we may write rptio, is positive, the imaginary part of r', which is equal to o(pq' - p′q) /\ ( p + qp)2+gol, is also positive; suppose to be positive; it can be shown that the upper half of the infinite plane of the complex variable r can be divided into regions, all bounded by arcs of circles (or straight lines), no two of these regions overlapping, such that any substitution of the kind under consideration, r' = (p' +qr) / (p+qr) leads from an arbitrary point r, of one of these regions, to a point r' of another; taking p+io, one of these regions may be taken to be that for which =}<p<}, p+o>1, together with the points for which p is negative on the curves limiting this region; then every other region is obtained from this so-called fundamental region by one and only one of the substitutions (p'+g'1)/(p+qr), and hence by a definite combination of the substitutions T' = −1/T, T′ = 1+r. Úpon the infinite half plane of 7, the function considered above,

[B2(}w)+P( }w)B( }w′)+V2(}w')]

2(+) === B2 (w) B2 ( j w ) [ B ( } w ) + B( {w T

is a single valued monogenic function, whose only essential singu. those for which r' is any real rational value; the real axis is thus a larities are the points r' (p+q'r)/(p+qr) for which, namely line over which the function z(7) cannot be continued, having an essential singularity in every arc of it, however short; in the fundamental region, (r) has thus only the single essential singularity, assigned complex value just once, the relation (r)=2(1) requiring, r=ptio, where ; in this fundamental region 2(7) takes any as can be shown, that is of the form (p'+g'r)/(p+qr), in which P. q. p, q' are integers with pq'-p'q=1; the function 2(r) has thus a similar behaviour in every other of the regions. The division of the plane into regions is analogous to the division of the plane, in the case of doubly periodic functions, into parallelograms; in that case we considered only functions without essential singularities, and in each of the regions the function assumed every complex value twice, at least. Putting, as another function of r. J(r) = 2(7) [2(7) — 1], it can be shown that J(r)=0 for exp (37), that (r) = 1 for r=i, these being values of on the boundary of the fundamental region; like 2(r) it has an essential singularity for r=p+io, o = +∞. In the

theory of linear differential equations it is important to consider the inverse function (J), this is infinitely many valued, having a cycle of three values for circulation of J about J=0 (the circuit of this point leading to a linear substitution for r of period 3, such as '-(1+1)), having a cycle of two values about J1 (the circuit leading to a linear substitution for r of period 2, such as r'), and having a cycle of infinitely many values about J= (the circuit leading to a linear substitution for which is not periodic, such as 1+). These are the only singularities for the function r(J). Each of the functions

[J(+)], [J(+)-1], [-(1)+ 2 B ( )w'))2. -(1)w')) beside many others (see below), is a single valued function of r, and is expressible without ambiguity in terms of the single valued function of T.

7(7)=exp (117) 11, [1-exp (2ixnr)],




Σ (-1) exp [(3m2+m)ixr).

It should be remarked, however, that (7) is not unaltered by all the substitutions we have considered; in fact

n(-r ̄1) = (-ir)in(r), n(1+r)=exp(11⁄2 iz)n(1).

The aggregate of the substitutions r'=(p+qr)/(p+qr), wherein P. q. p. are integers with pq-p'q=1, represents a Group; the function (), unaltered by all these substitutions, is called a Modular Function. More generally any function unaltered by all the substitutions of a group of linear substitutions of its variable is called an Automorphic Function. A rational function, of its variable h, of this character, is the function (1-h+h)-(1-h) presenting itself incidentally aboye; and there are other rational functions with a similar property, the group of substitutions belonging to any one of these being, what is a very curious fact, associable with that of the rotatits of one of the regular solids, about an axis through its centre, which bring the solid into coincidence with itself. Other automorphic functions are the double periodic functions already discussed; these, as we have seen, enable us to solve the algebraic equation y=4x-gx-gs (and in fact many other algebraic equations, see below, under $23, Geometrical Applications of Elliptic Functions) in terms of single valued functions x = P(u), y=- B'(u). A similar utility, of a more extended kind, belongs to automorphic functions in general; but it can be shown that such functions necessarily have an infinite number of essential singularities except for the simplest cases.

The modular function J(r), considered above, unaltered by the group of linear substitutions = (p'+g'r)/(p+qr), where p, q, P', q' are integers with pq-p'q-1, may be taken as the independent variable x of a differential equation of the third order, of the form I-a? 1- B2, – =-3(-)--+-- §2 + a2 + b2 - ‚2 - 1 2(x-1)+ 2x(x-1) 2x2 where s'ds/dx, &c., of which the dependent variable s is equal to 7. A differential equation of this form is satisfied by the quotient of two independent integrals of the linear differential equation of the second order satisfied by the hypergeometric functions. If the solution of the differential equation for s be written s(a,B,y,x). we have in fact 7=s(}, }, 0, J). If we introduce also the function of r given by


2B({w')+P({w) λ= B({w')−P(}w)'

we similarly have 7=s(0, 0, 0, X); this function A is a single valued function of r, which is also a modular function, being unaltered by a group of integral substitutions also of the form (p+qr)/(p+q), with pq'-p'q=1, but with the restriction that p' and 9 are even integers, and therefore p and q' are odd integers. This group is thus a subgroup of the general modular group, and is in fact of the kind called a self-conjugate subgroup. As in the general case this subgroup is associated with a subdivision of the plane into regions of which any one is obtained from a particular region, called the fundamental region, by a 1 rticular one of the substitutions of the subgroup. This fundamental region, putting rptio, may be taken to be that given by-1<p<I, (p+1)2+o2 > }. (p− } )2 +o>, and is built up of six of the regions which arose for the general modular group associated with J(7). Within this fundamental region, A takes every complex value just once, except the values which arise only at the angular points r =0, T=∞,T=-1 and the equivalent point =1; these angular points are essential singularities for the function (r). For X(7) as for J(7), the region of existence is the upper half plane of 7, there being an essential singularity in every length of the real axis, however short.

λ=0, 1, ∞,

If, beside the plane of r, we take a plane to represent the values of A, the functions(0, 0, 0, λ) being considered thereon, the values of belonging to the interior of the fundamental region of the 7-plane considered above, will require the consideration of the whole of the A-plane taken once with the exception of the portions of the real axis lying between- and o and between 1 and +, the two sides of the first portion corresponding to the circumferences of the

7-plane expressed by (p+1)2+o2 = }, (p−})2 + o2 = 1, while the two sides of the latter portion, for which A is real and >1, correspond to the lines of the 7-plane expressed by p=1. The line for which is real, positive and less than unity corresponds to the imaginary axis of the 7-plane, lying in the interior of the funda mental region. All the values of r = 5(0, 0, 0, λ) may then be derived from those belonging to the fundamental region of the r-plane by making à describe a proper succession of circuits about the points A=o, X=1; any such circuit subjects to a linear substitution of the subgroup of considered, and corresponds to a change of r from a point of the fundamental region to a corresponding point of one of the other regions.

§ 22. A Properly of Integral Functions deduced from the Theory of Modular Functions.-Consider now the function exp(2), for finite values of z; for such values of z, exp (2) never vanishes, and it is impossible to assign a closed circuit for z in the finite part of the plane of z which will make the function λ= exp(2) pass through a closed succession of values in the plane of X having λ=o in its interior; the function s[0,0,0, exp (3)], however z vary in the finite part of the plane, will therefore never be subjected to those linear substitutions imposed upon (0,0,0,X) by a circuit of A about A=0; more generally, if (2) be an integral function of s, never becoming either zero or unity for finite values of 2, the function λ=4(2), however z vary in the finite part of the plane, will never make, in the plane of λ, a circuit about either Ao or λ=1, and s(0,0,0,X), that is [0,0,0,(z)], will be single valued for all finite values of ; it will moreover remain finite, and be monogenic. In other words, s[0,0,0,0(2)] is also an integral function-whose imaginary part, moreover, by the property of s(0,0,0, λ), remains positive for all finite values of z. In that case, however, explis[0,0,0,0(2)]} would also be an integral function of z with modulus less than unity for all finite values of z. If, however, we describe a circle of radius R in the z plane, and consider the greatest value of the modulus of an integral function upon this circle, this certainly We can infer therefore increases indefinitely as R increases. that an integral function (2) which does not vanish for any finile value of z, takes the value unity and hence (by considering the function A-1(z)) takes every other value for some definite value of z; or, an integral function for which both the equations (z) = A, ø(z) = B are unsatisfied by definite values of z, does not exist, A and B being arbitrary constants.

A similar theorem can be proved in regard to the values assumed by the function (2) for points z of modulus greater than R, however great R may be, also with the help of modular functions. In general integral function not to assume every complex value an infinite terms it may be stated that it is a very exceptional thing for an

number of times.

function s(a, B, Y, A) is a single valued function of rs(0, 0, 0, 1); Another application of modular functions is to prove that the for, putting (r-i)/(1+i), the values of 'which correspond to the singular points λ=0, 1, ∞ of s(a, B, y, A), though infinite in number, all lie on the circumference of the circle [r'] = 1, within which therefore s(a, B, v, x) is expressible in a form ar'". More generally any monogenic function of A which is single valued save for circuits of the points λ=0, 1, ∞, is a single valued function of S(0, 0, 0, X). Identifying A with the square of the modulus in Legendre's form of the elliptical integral, we have.r = iK'/K, where dt

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functions such as λa, (1-x)'. [X(1−X)]', which have only A=0, 1, as singular points, were expressed by Jacobi as power series in geist and therefore, at least for a limited range of values of r, as single valued functions of r; it follows by the theorem given that any product of a root of λ and a root of 1-A is a single valued function of 7. More generally the differential equation day ,dy

=0 x(1-x)+[r(a+B+ 1 ) x ) = x2 - aßy = (

may be solved by expressing both the independent and dependent variables as single valued functions of a single variable r, the expres sion for the independent variable being x=λ(r).

$23. Geometrical Applications of Elliptic Functions.-Consider any irreducible algebraic equation rational in x,y,f(x,y) =0, of such a form that the equation represents a plane curve of order n with n(n-3) double points; taking upon this curve -3 arbitrary fixed points, draw through these and the double points the most general curve of order n-2; this will intersect

fin n(n-2)-n(n−3)—(n−3)=3 other points, and will contain homogeneously at least (n-1)n-} n (n−3) − (n − 3)=3 arbitrary constants, and so will be of the form λ+1+22+ = 0, wherein As, As, · ... are in general zero. Put now =1/6, n=/ and eliminate x,y between these equations and f(x,y) =o, so obtaining a rational irreducible equation F(n) =0, representing a further plane curve. To any point (x,y) of ƒ will then correspond a definite point (§,7) of F.

For a general position of (x,y) upon f the equations •1(x',y′)/4(x',3'), = 41(x,y)/o(x,y), dz(x′,y')/o(x′,y') = •z(x,y)/p(x,y). subject to f(x,y) =0, will have the same number of solutions (x,y); if their only solution is x'=x, y=y, then to any position (7) of F will conversely correspond only one position (x,y) of f. If these equations have another solution beside (x,y), then any curve λ$+λ11+λ¿$20 which passes (through the double points of f and) through the n-2 points of ƒ constituted by the fixed n-3 points and a point (xo,yo), will necessarily pass through a further point, say (xo'yo'), and will have only one further intersection with f; such a curve, with the n-2 assigned points, beside the double points, of f, will be of the form we tuikt... =0, where μ2, pay... are generally zero; considering the curves +0, for variable, one of these passes through a further arbitrary point of f, by choosing t properly, and conversely an arbitrary value of determines a single further point of f; the co-ordinates of the points of ƒ are thus rational functions of a parameter, which is itself expressible rationally by the co-ordinates of the point; it can be shown algebraically that such a curve has not (n-3)n but }(n−3)n+1 double points. We may therefore assume that to every point of F corresponds only one point of f, and there is a birational transformation between these curves; the coefficients in this transformation will involve rationally the co-ordinates of the n-3 fixed points taken upon f, that is, at the least, by taking these to be consecutive points, will involve the co-ordinates of one point of f, and will not be rational in the coefficients of ƒ unless we can specify a point of f whose coordinates are rational in these. The curve F is intersected by a straight line as+on+c=0 in as many points as the number of unspecified intersections of f with ap+bo1+co=0, that is, 3; or F will be a cubic curve, without double points.

Such a cubic curve has at least one point of inflection Y, and if a variable line YPQ be drawn through Y to cut the curve again in P and Q, the locus of a point R such that YR is the harmonic mean of YP and YQ, is easily proved to be a straight line. Take now a triangle of reference for homogeneous co-ordinates XYZ, of which this straight line is Y=o, and the inflexional tangent at Y is Z=0; the equation of the cubic curve will then be of the form

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where (o) denotes the point of inflection.

It thus appears that the co-ordinates of any point of a plane curve, f, of order n with (n-3)n double points are expressible as elliptic functions, there being, save for periods, a definite value of the argument u belonging to every point of the curve. It can then be shown that if a variable curve, 4, of order m be drawn, passing through the double points of the curve, the values of the argument a at the remaining intersections of with f, have a sum which is unaffected by variation of the coefficients of o, save for additive aggregates of the periods. In virtue of the birational transformation this theorem can be deduced from the theorem that if any straight line cut the cubic y2=4x3-g2x-ga, in points (u), (u2), (us), the sum +2+ua is zero, or a period; or the general theorem is a corollary from Abel's theorem proved under 17, Integrals of Algebraic Functions. To prove the result directly for the cubic we remark that the variation of one of the intersections (x,y) of the cubic with the straight line y=mx+n, due to a variation &m, in in m and ", is obtained by differentiation of the equation for the three abscissae, namely the equation


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that x+x+x=1m2, and hence is {(y1—y)/(x1~x;)}2; so that we have another proof of the addition equation for the function (). From this theorem for the cubic curve many of its geometrical properties, as for example' those of its inflections, the properties of inscribed polygons, of the three kinds of corresponding points, and the theory of residuation, are at once obvious. And similar results hold for the curve of order n with (n-3)n double points.

§ 24. Integrals of Algebraic Functions in Connexion with the Theory of Plane Curves.-The developments which have been explained in connexion with elliptic functions may enable the reader to appreciate the vastly more extensive theory similarly arising for any algebraical irrationality, f(x,y) =0.

The algebraical integrals R(x,y)dx associated with this may as before be divided into those of the first kind, which have no infinities, those of the second kind, possessing only algebraical infinities, and those of the third kind, for which logarithmic infinities enter. Here there is a certain number, p, greater than unity, of linearly independent integrals of the first kind; and this number is unaltered by any birational transformation of the fundamental equation f(x,y)=0; a rational function can be constructed with poles of the first order at +1 arbitrary positions (x,y), satisfying f(x,y) =0, but not with a fewer number unless their positions are chosen properly, a property we found for the case p= 1; and p is the number of linearly independent curves of order n-3 passing through the double points of the curve of order n expressed by f(x,y) =o. Again any integral of the second kind can be expressed as a sum of integrals of this kind, with poles of the first order at arbitrary positions, together with rational functions and integrals of the first kind; and an integral of the second kind can be found with one pole of the first order of arbitrary position, and an integral of the third kind with two logarithmic infinities, also of arbitrary position; the corresponding properties for p=1 are proved above. There is, however, a difference of essential kind in regard to the inversion of integrals of the first kind; if u=/R(x,y)dx be such an integral, it can be shown, in common with all algebraic integrals associated with f(x,y) =0, to have linearly independent additive constants of indeterminateness, the upper limit of the integral cannot therefore, as we have shown, be a single valued function of the value of the integral. The corresponding theorem, if SR.(x,y)dx denote one of the integrals of the first kind, is that the equations determine the rational symmetric functions of the p positions (x1,y1), SR.(x1,y1)dx1+..........+S Ri(x,,¥p)dxp=Ui, it is thus necessary to enter into the theory of functions of several (x,y) as single valued functions of the p variables, u,... Up: independent variables; and the equation f(x,y) =0 is thus not, in this way, capable of solution by single valued functions of one variable. That solution in fact is to be sought with the help of automorphic functions, which, however, as has been remarked, have, for p>I, an infinite number of essential singularities.

825. Monogenic Functions of Several Independent Variables.— A monogenic function of several independent complex variables u1, . . . u, is to be regarded as given by an aggregate of power series all obtainable by continuation from any one of them in a manner analogous to that before explained in the case of one independent variable. The singular points, defined as the limiting points of the range over which such continuation is possible, may either be poles, or polar points of indetermination, .or essential singularities.

function is expressible as a quotient of converging power scries in A pole is a point (u,. . u) in the neighbourhood of which the -u(0)

vanish at(u),

of these the denominator series D must u), since else the fraction is expressible as a power series and the point is not a singular point, but the numerator series N must not also vanish at (u),... u)), or if it does, it must be possible to write D-MD,, N=MNo, where M is a converging power series vanishing at ( u”, "....), and No is a converging power series, in (u-u,...up-u), not so vanishing. A polar point of indetermination is a point about which the function can be expressed as a quotient of two converging power series, both of which vanish at the point. As in such a simple case as (Ax+By)/ (ax+by), about x=0, y=0, it can be proved that then the function can be made to approach to any arbitrarily assigned value by (°) (0) making the variables u1,...u, approachtou by a proper path. It is the necessary existence of such polar points of indetermination, which in case p>2 are not merely isolated points, which renders the theory essentially more difficult than that of functions of one variable. An essential singularity is any which does not come under one of the two former descriptions and includes very various possibilities. A point at infinity in this theory is one for which any one of the variables u1, ... u, is indefinitely great; such points are brought under the preceding definitions by means

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