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Caks, juniper, piñon, cedars, yellow pine, fir and spruce grow on the mountains and over large areas of the plateau country. The Coconino forest is one of the largest unbroken pine forests (about 6000 sq. m.) in the United States. Since 1898 about 86% of the wooded lands have been made reservations, and work has been done also to preserve the forest areas in the mountains in the south-east, from which there are few streams of permanent flow to the enclosing arid valleys.

1903, $40-22 in 1904, and $46.39 in 1905, the general averages for the country being $13.93, $13.23 and $13.11 respectively, for the three years. Of the total farm acreage of the state 97.6% were held in 1900 by the whites; and of these 80.2% owned in whole or in part the land they cultivated.

Stock-raising is a leading industry, but it has probably attained its full development. The over-stocking of the ranges has caused much loss in the past, and the almost total eradication of fine native grasses over extended areas. Of the neat cattle (7,042,635) almost 98 %, and of the sheep (861,761) almost 100%, were in 1900 pastured wholly or in part upon the public domain. The extension of national forest reserves and the regulations enforced by the United States government for the preservation of the ranges have put limits to the industry. In 1900 the value of live-stock represented 15.7% of the capital invested in agriculture; the value of animals sold or slaughtered for food ($3,204,758) was half the total value of all farm products ($6,997,097). Ostrich farms have been successfully established in the Salt river valley since 1893; in 1907 there were six farms in the Salt river valley, on which there were about 1354 birds; the most successful food for the ostrich is alfalfa.

Minerals.-Mining is the leading industry of Arizona. Contrary to venerable traditions there is no evidence that mining was practised beyond the most inconsiderable extent by aborigines, Spanish conquistadores, or Jesuits. In 1738 an extraordinary deposit of silver nuggets, quickly exhausted (1741), was discovered at Arizonac. At the end of the 18th century the Mexicans considerably developed the mines in the south-east. The second half of the 19th century witnessed several great finds; first, of gold placers on the lower Gila and Colorado (1858-1869); later, of lodes at Tombstone, which flourished from 1879-1886, then decayed, but in 1905 had again become the centre of important mining interests; and still later the developthe Arizona copper mines are among the greatest of the world. The Copper Queen at Bisbee from 1880-1902 produced 378,047,210 lb of crude copper, which was practically the total output of the territory till after 1900, when other valuable mines were opened; the Globe, Morenci and Jerome districts are secondary to Bisbee. Important mines of gold and silver, considerable deposits of wolframite, valuable ores of molybdenum and vanadium, and quarries of onyx marble, are also worked. Low-grade coal deposits occur in the east central part of the state and near the junction of the Gila and San Pedro rivers. Some fine gems of peridot, garnet and turquoise have been found. The mineral products of Arizona for 1907 were valued at $56,753,650;of which$51,355,687 (more than that of any otherstate) was the value of copper; $2,664,000, gold; and $1,916,000, silver. In 1907 the legislature passed an elaborate act providing for the taxation of mines, its principal clause being that the basis of valuation for taxation in each year be one-fourth of the output of the mines in question for the next preceding year.

Soil. The soils in the southern part of Arizona are mainly sandy loams, varying from light loam to heavy, close adobe; on the plateaus is what is known as "mesa" soil; and along the rivers are limited overflow plains of fine sediment-especially along the Colorado and the river Verde. These soils are in general rich, but deficient in nitrogen and somewhat in humus; and in limited areas white alkaline salts are injuriously in excess. Virgin soils are densely compact. By far the most useful crops are leguminous green manures, especially alfalfa, which grows four to seven cuttings in a year and as a soil flocculator and nitrogen-storer has proved of the greatest value. The greatest obstacle to agriculture is lack of water. Artesian wells are much used in the south-east. For the reservation of the water-partings -in the past considerably denuded by lumbermen and ranchmen -the increase of the forest areas, and the creation of reservoirs along the rivers, to control their erratic flow2 and impound their flood waste for purposes of irrigation, much has been done by the national government. The irrigated areas are only little spots along the permanent streams. In 1900 the farm area was only 2.7% of the total area of the state and only 0.31% was actually improved (including Indian reservations, 0-35%; in 1906, 0.92% was cultivated); of the land actually under crops, 88.5% was irrigated. The improved acreage more than quintupled from 1880 to 1900. The total irrigated area in 1900 was 185,000 acres and in 1902, 247,250 acres. The increase in land values by irrigation from 1890 to 1900 is estimated at $3,500,000.ment of copper mines at Jerome and around Bisbee. Several of A reservoir was begun in 1904 just below the junction of the Tonto and the Salt with capacity to store 1,330,000 acre-ft. for irrigation, and develop also an electric power sufficient to pump underground water for an additional 50,000 acres at the lowest estimate of lands lying too high for supply by gravity. Another important undertaking begun about the same time was the throwing of an East Indian weir dam (the only one in the United States) across the Colorado near Yuma, and the confinement of both sides of the lower Gila and Colorado with levees. Agriculture.-Strawberries and Sahara dates; alfalfa, wheat, barley, corn and sorghum; oranges, lemons, wine grapes, limes, olives, figs, dates, peanuts and sweet potatoes; yams and sugar beets, show the range of agricultural products. The date palm fruits well; figs grow luxuriantly, though requiring much irrigation; almonds do well if protected from spring frosts; seaisland cotton grows in the finest grades, but is not of commercial importance. The country about Yuma is particularly suited to subtropical fruits. Temperate fruits-peaches, pears, apples, apricots and small fruits-do excellently; as do all important vegetables. The fruit industry is becoming more and more important. Farming is very intensive, and crop follows crop in swift succession; in 1905 the yield of barley per acre, 44 bushels, was greater than in any other state or territory, as was the farm price per bushel on the 1st of December, 81 cents; the average yield per acre of hay was the highest in the Union in 1903, 3:46 tons, the general average being 1.54 tons,was fourth in 1904, 2.71 tons (Utah 3.54, Idaho 3.07, Nevada 3-04), the general average being 1.52 tons, and was highest in 1905, 3.75 tons, the general average for the country being 1.54 tons; and in the same three years the average value per acre of hay was greater in Arizona than in any other state of the Union, being $35-78 in 1 The San Francisco yellow pine forest, with an area of some 4700 sq. m., is the finest forest of the arid south-west.

The combined flow of the Salt and Verde varies from 100 to more than 10,000 cub. ft. per second.

The dam locks a narrow canyon. The height is 284 ft., the water rising 230 ft. against it. The storage capacity is exceeded by probably but one reservoir in the world-the Wachusett reservoir near Boston.

Manufactures.-The manufacturing industries are of relatively slight importance, though considerable promise attends the experiments with canaigre as a source of tannin. The Navaho and Moqui Indians make woollen blankets and rugs and the Pimas baskets. Onyx marbles of local source are polished at Phoenix. The capital invested in manufacturing industries increased from $9,517,573 in 1900 to $14,395,654 in 1905, or 51.3%, and the value of products from $20,438,987 in 1900 to $28,083,192 in 1905, or 37.4%. Of the total product in 1005 the product of the principal industry, the smelting and refining of copper ($22,761,981), represented 81-1%; it was 9.4% of all the smelting and refining of copper done in the United States in that year. The other manufactures were of much less importance, including repairs by steam railway companies ($1.320.308), the principal ones being cars and general shop construction. lumber and timber products ($960,778), and flour and grist mill products ($743,124).

Two transcontinental railway systems, the Southern Pacific and Santa Fé, were built across Arizona in 1878-1883. They are connected by one line, and a feeder runs S. into Sonora.

The railway mileage of Arizona on the 1st of January 1908 | The public school system was established in 1871. A compulsory was 1935.35 m.

Population. The population of Arizona in 1880 was 40.440; in 1890, 59,620; in 1900, 122,931 (including 28,623 reservation Indians not counted before); in 1910, 204,354. The native population is of the most diverse origin; the foreign element is equally heterogeneous, but more than half (in 1900, 14.172 out of 24,283 foreign-born) are Mexicans, many of whom are not permanent residents; after 1900, immigrants were largely mine labourers, and included Slavonians and Italians. The largest towns in 1900 were Tucson, Phoenix, which is the capital, Prescott (pop. 3559), Jerome (pop. 1890, 250; in 1900, 2861); Winslow (pop. 1890, 363; in 1900, 1305), Nogales (pop. 1900, 1761), and Bisbee. The last was an insignificant mining camp in 1880, still unincorporated in 1900, but with an estimated population of 6000 in 1904. It is crowded picturesquely into several narrow confluent ravines. Railway connexion with El Paso was established in 1902. Douglas is another growing camp. Over thirty Indian tribes are represented in the Indian schools of Arizona. The more important are the Hualapais or ApacheYumas; the Mohaves; the Yavapais or Apache-Mohaves; the Yumas, whose lesser neighbours on the lower Colorado are the most primitive Indians of the United States in habits; the Maricopas; the Pimas and Papagoes, who figure much in early Arizona history, and who are superior in intelligence, adaptability, application and character; the Hopis or Moquis, possessed of the same good qualities and notably temperate and provident, famous for their prehistoric culture (Tusuyan); the Navaho, and the kindred Apaches, perhaps the most relentless and savage of Indian warriors. All the Indians of Arizona live on reservations save the few non-tribal Indians taxed and treated as active citizens. Even the Apaches after being whipped by relentless war into temporary submission have been bound by treaties which the gifts, vices and virtues of the reservation system have tempted them to observe. The Pimas and Papagoes were early converted by the Spaniards, and retain to-day a smattering of Christianity plentifully alloyed with paganism. Apaches, Pimas, Papagoes have been employed by the United States on great irrigation works, and have proved industrious and faithful labourers. In 1900 there were 1836 taxed Indians, 26,480 reservation Indians not taxed, and in addition many friendly Papagoes unenumerated.

In 1906 the Indian population was estimated as being 14% of the whole population of Arizona, and that they are singularly lawabiding is argued from the fact that in the same year the Indians furnished only 3% of the convicts in the territorial prison.


Government and Education.-Arizona became a territory of the first (or practically autonomous) class in 1863. Her organic law thereafter until 1910 consisted of various sections of the Revised Statutes of the United States. From the beginning she had a territorial legislature. Congress retained ultimately direct control of all government, administration being in the hands of resident officials appointed by the president and Senate. Special mention must be made of the secret police, the Arizona Rangers, organized in 1901 to police the cattle ranges; they are men, trained in riding, roping, trailing and shooting," a force whose personnel is not known to the general public. The legislature repealed the law licensing public gambling in 1907, enacted a law requiring the payment of $300 per annum as licence fee by retail liquor dealers; and provided for juvenile courts and probationary control of children. In 1907 the total tax valuation of property was $77.705,251; the net debt of the territory $1,022,972, and that of counties and towns $3,123,275. The receipts of the territorial treasury for the year ending on the 30th of June 1907 were $687,386, and the disbursements for the same period were $601,568. A homestead provision (1901) exempts from liability for debts (except mortgages or liens placed before the homestead claim) any homestead belonging to the head of a family, existing in one compact body and valued at not more than $2500; such a homestead a married man may not sell, lease or put a lien on without his wife's consent. Personal property to the value of $500 is exempt from the same liability,

attendance law applies to children between 6 and 14 years of age, but it is not generally obeyed by the Mexican element of population. In 1907 there was an enrolment of 24,962 out of 33,167 children of school age; there were six high schools-three new in 1906; and the average number of school days was 128.4. In the fiscal year ending June 1907, the total receipts for schools were $697,762, and the expenditures were $701,102. Illiteracy is high, amounting in 1900 to 23.1 % of native males, above 21 years of age, and 30.5% of foreign males, principally because of the large number of Indians, Chinese, Japanese and Mexicans in the state. There are two normal schools at Tempe (1886) and Flagstaff (1899), a university at Tucson with an agricultural experiment station that has done much for the industries of Arizona; there is a considerable number of Indian schools, the largest of which are maintained by the national government, and the funds of the university come largely from the same source. The first juvenile reform school, called the Territorial Industrial school, was opened in 1903 at Benson. The territorial prison, formerly at Yuma, was abandoned for a modern building at Florence, Pinal county; and a hospital for the insane is 3 m. from Phoenix.

History. The history of the South-west is full of interest to the archaeologist. A prehistoric culture widely distributed has left abundant traces. Pueblo ruins are plentiful in the basins of the Gila and Colorado rivers and their tributarics. Geographical conditions and a hard struggle against nature fixed the character of this "aridian" culture, and determined its migrations; the onslaughts of nomad Indians determined the sedentary civilization of the cliff dwellers. A co-operative social economy is evidenced by the traces of great public works, such as canals many miles in length. The puchlos of the Gila valley are held to be older than those of the Colorado. Casa Grande, 15 m. S.E. of a railway station of the same name on the Southern Pacific railway, is the most remarkable of plain ruins in the South-west, the only one of its type in the United States. It resembles the Casa Grande ruin of Chihuahua, Mexico, with its walls of sundried puddled clay, and its area of rooms, courts and plazas, surrounded by a wall. It was already a ruin when discovered in 1694 by the Jesuit father Kino. John Russel Bartlett described it in 1854, and in 1889 Congress voted that it be protected as a government reservation; in 1892 it was set apart by the government. Excavations were made there in 1906-1907 by Dr J. Walter Fewkes. Migration was northward. The valleys of the Salt river and its affluents, the Agua Fria, Verde and Tonto, are strewn with aboriginal remains; but especially important in migrations of culture was the Little Colorado. A very considerable population must have lived once in this valley. It is represented to-day by the still undeserted habitats of Zuñi (in New Mexico) and Tusayan; the Moquis, after the Zuñis, are in customs and traditions the best survival of the ancient civilization.

Arizona north of the Gila, save for a very limited and intermittent missionary effort and for scant exploring expeditions, was practically unknown to the whites until well after the beginning of American rule. The Santa Cruz valley, however, has much older annals of a past that charms by its picturesque contrasts with the present. Arizona history begins with the arrival in Sonora in 1536 of Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca, who, although he had not entered Arizona or New Mexico, had heard of them, and by his stories incited the Spaniards to explore the unknown north in hope of wealth. Marcos de Niza, a Franciscan friar to whom the first reconnaissance was entrusted, was the first Spaniard to enter the limits of Arizona. He crossed the south-eastern corner to Zuñi in 1539, passing through the Santa Cruz valley; and F. V. de Coronado (q.v.) was led by Fray Marcos over the same route in 1540; while Hernando Alarcon explored the Gulf of California and the lower Colorado river. Members of Coronado's expedition explored the Moqui country and reached the Grand Canyon, and after this a succession of remarkable and heroic explorations followed through the century; which however accomplished little for geography, further confusing

and embellishing rather than clearing up its mysteries. All this has left traces in still living myths about the early history of the South-west. Early in the 17th century considerable p progress had been made in Christianizing the Pimas, Papagoes and Moquis. Following 1680 came a great Indian revolt in New Mexico and Arizona, and thereafter the Moquis remained independent of Spanish and Christian domination, although visited fitfully by rival Jesuits and Franciscans. In 1732 (possibly in 1720) regular Jesuit missions were founded at Bac (known as an Indian rancheria since the 17th century) and at Guevavi. The region south of the Gila had already been repeatedly explored. In the second half of the century there was a presidio at Tubac (whose name first appears 1752) and some half-dozen pueblos de visita, including the Indian settlement of Tucson.

A few errors should be corrected and some credit given with reference to this early period, The Inquisition never had any jurisdiction whatever over the Indians; compulsory labour by the Indians was never legalized except on the missions, and the law was little violated; they were never compelled to work mines; of mining by the Indians for precious metals there is no evidence; nor by the Jesuits (expelled in 1767, after which their missions and other properties were held by the Franciscans), except to a small extent about the presidio of Tubac, although they did some prospecting. Persistent traditions have greatly exaggerated the former prosperity of the old South-west. The Spaniards probably provoked some inter-tribal intercourse among the Indians, and did something among some tribes for agriculture. Their own farms and settlements, save in the immediate vicinity of the presidio, were often plundered and abandoned, and such settlement as there was was confined to the Santa Cruz valley. From about 1790 to 1822 was a period of peace with the Apaches and of comparative prosperity for church and state. The fine Indian mission church at Bac, long abandoned and neglected, dates from the last decade of the 18th century. The establishment of a presidio at Tucson in 1776 marks its beginning as a Spanish settlement.

The decay of the military power of the presidios during the Mexican war of independence, the expulsion of loyal Spaniards --notably friars--and the renewal of Apache wars, led to the temporary abandonment of all settlements except Tubac and Tucson. The church practically forsook the field about 1828. American traders and explorers first penetrated Arizona in the first quarter of the 19th century. As a result of the Mexican War, New Mexico, which then included all Arizona north of the Gila, was ceded to the United States. California gold discoveries drew particular attention to the country south of the Gila, which was wanted also for a transcontinental railway route. This strip, known as the "Gadsden Purchase " (see GADSDEN, JAMES), was bought in 1854 by the United States, which took possession in 1856. This portion was also added to New Mexico. The Mexicans, pressed by the Apaches, had, in 1848, abandoned even Tubac and Tamacácori, first a visita of Guevavi, and after 1784 a mission. The progress of American settlement was interrupted by the Civil War, which caused the withdrawal of the troops and was the occasion for the outbreak of prolonged Indian wars. Meanwhile a convention at Tucson in 1856 sent a delegate to Congress and petitioned for independent territorial government. This movement and others that followed were ignored by Congress owing to its division over the general slavery question, and especially the belief of northern members that the control of Arizona was an object of the pro-slavery party. A convention held in April 1860 at Tucson undertook to" ordain and establish," of its own motion, a provisional constitution until Congress should "organize a territorial government." This provisional territory constituted all New Mexico south of 34° 40' N. Officials were appointed and New Mexican legislation for the Arizona counties ignored, but nothing further was done. In 1861 it was occupied by a Texan force, declared for the Confederacy, and sent a delegate (who was not admitted) to the Confederate congress. That body in January 1862 passed a formal act organizing the territory, including in it New Mexico, but in May 1862 the Texans were driven out by a Union force from California. By

act of the 24th of February 1863 Congress organized Arizona territory as the country west of 109° W. long. In December an itinerant government sent out complete from Washington crossed the Arizona line and effected a formal organization. The territorial capital was first at Prescott (1863-1867), then at Tucson (1867-1877), again at Prescott (1877-1889), and finally at Phoenix (since 1889).

There have been boundary difficulties with every contiguous state or territory. The early period of American rule was extremely unsettled. The California gold discoveries and overland travel directed many prospecting adventurers to Arizona. For some years there was considerable sentiment favouring filibustering in Sonora. The Indian wars, breeding a habit of dependence on force, and the heterogeneous clements of cattle thieves, Sonoran cowboys, mine labourers and adventurers led to one of the worst periods of American border history. But since about 1880 there is nothing to chronicle but a continued growth in population and prosperity. Agitation for statehood became prominent in territorial politics for some years. In accordance with an act of Congress, approved on the 16th of June 1906, the inhabitants of Arizona and New Mexico voted on the 6th of November 1906 on the question of uniting the territories into a single state to be called Arizona; the vote of New Mexico was favourable to union and statehood, but these were defeated by the vote of Arizona (16,265 against, and 3141 for statehood). In June 1910 the President approved an enabling act providing for the admission of Arizona and New Mexico as separate states.

BIBLIOGRAPHY.-For the Colorado river and the Grand Canyon see those articles; for the Sonoran boundary region, Report of the Boundary Commission upon the Boundaries between the United States and Mexico (3 vols., Washington, 1898-1899, also as Senate Document No. 247, vols. 23-25, 55 Congress, 2 Session); for the petrified forest of the Painted Desert, L. F. Ward in Smithsonian Institution Annual Rep., 1899; for the rest of the area, various reports in the U.S. Geological Survey publications, bibliography in Bulletin Nos. North American Fauna, No. 3 (1890), No. 7 (1893); U.S. Biological 100, 177.-FAUNA and FLORA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Survey, Bulletin No. 10 (1898); publications of the Desert Botanical Laboratory at Tucson; also titles under archaeology below, particularly Bandelier's "Final Report."-CLIMATE, SOIL, Service, Arizona, monthly reports, annual summaries; Arizona AGRICULTURE: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Climate and Crop Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletins.-MINERAL INDUSTRIES: U.S. Geological Survey publications, consult bibliographies; The Mineral Industry, annual (New York and London).-GOVERNMENT: Arizona Revised Statutes (Phoenix, 1887); Report of the Governor of Arizona Territory to the Secretary of the Interior, annual.-ARCHAE OLOGY: An abundance of materials in the Annual Report, U.S. Bureau of Ethnology for different years; consult also especially A. F. A. Bandelier, "Contributions to the History of the Southof America, Papers, American Series, vol. 5 (Cambridge, 1890); western Portion of the United States," in Archaeological Institute Final Report of Investigations among the Indians of the Southwestern United States," ib. vols. 3 and 4 (Cambridge, 1890–1892); other material may be found in Smithsonian Institution, Annual Report, 1896, 1897, &c, and many important papers by J. W. Fewkes, F. W. Hodge, C. Mendeleff and others in the American Anthropologist and Journal of American Ethnology.-HISTORY: H. H. Bancroft, History of Arizona and New Mexico (San Francisco, 1887): A. F. A. Bandelier, "Historical Introduction to Studies among the Sedentary Indians of New Mexico," in Archaeological Institute of America, Papers, American Series, vol. 1 (Boston, 1881); The Gilded Man (El Dorado) and other Papers (New York, 1893); G. P. Winship. "The Coronado Expedition," in U.S. Bureau of Ethnology, 14th Annual Report (1892-1893), pp. 339-613, with an abundant literature the early history of the Spanish South-west are fully exposed in the to which this may be the guide. The traditional errors respecting works of Bancroft and Bandelier, whose conclusions are supported by E. Coues, On the Trail of a Spanish Pioneer, Francisco Garcés (2 vols. New York, 1900).

ARJUNA, in Hindu mythology, a semi-divine hero of the Mahabharata. He was the third son of Pandu, son of Indra. His character as sketched in the great epic is of the noblest kind. He is the central figure of that portion of the epic known as the Bhagwad-gita, where he is represented as horrified at the impending slaughter of a battle and as being comforted by Krishna.

ARK (a word common to Teutonic languages, cf. Ger. Arche, adapted from the Lat. arca, chest, cf. arcere, to shut up, enclose), a chest, basket or box. The Hebrew word tebah, translated in the A.V. by "ark," is used in the Old Testament (1) of the box made


of bulrushes in which Pharaoh's daughter found the infant Moses | (Exodus ii. 3), and (2) of the great vessel or ship in which Noah took refuge during the flood (Genesis vi.-ix.).

Noah's Ark. According to the story in Genesis, Noah's ark was large enough to contain his family and representatives of each kind of animal. Its dimensions are given as 300 cubits long, 50 cubits broad and 30 cubits high (cubit= 18-22 in.). It was made of "gopher" wood, which has been variously identified with cypress, pine and cedar. Before the days of the "higher criticism" and the rise of the modern scientific views as to the origin of species, there was much discussion among the learned, and many ingenious and curious theories were advanced, as to the number of the animals and the space necessary for their reception, with elaborate calculations as to the subdivisions of the ark and the quantities of food, &c., required to be stored. It may be interesting to recall the account given in the first edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica (1771), which contained a summary of some of these various views (substantially repeated up to the publication of the eighth edition, 1853). "Some have thought the dimensions of the ark as given by Moses too scanty. . . and hence an argument has been drawn against the authority of the relation. To solve this difficulty many of the ancient Fathers and the modern critics have been put to miserable shifts. But Buteo and Kircher have proved geometrically that, taking the cubit of a foot and a half, the ark was abundantly sufficient for all the animals supposed to be lodged in it. Snellius computes the ark and Dr Arbuthnot to have been above half an acre in area .. if we come to a calcucomputes it to have been 81,062 tuns . . . lation the number of species of animals will be found much less than is generally imagined, not amounting to a hundred species of quadrupeds, nor to two hundred of birds. . . . Zoologists usually reckon but an hundred and seventy species in all." The progress of the "higher criticism," and the gradual surrender of attempts to square scientific facts with a literal interpretation of the Bible, are indicated in the shorter account given in the eighth edition, which concludes as follows:-" the insuperable difficulties connected with the belief that all the existing species of animals were provided for in the ark, are obviated by adopting the suggestion of Bishop Stillingfleet, approved by Matthew Poole, Pye Smith, le Clerc, Rossenmüller and others, that the deluge did not extend beyond the region of the earth then inhabited, and that only the animals of that region were preserved in the ark." The first edition also gives an engraving of the ark (repeated in the editions up to the fifth), in shape like a long roofed box, floating on the waters; the animals are seen in separate stalls. By the time of the ninth edition (1875) precise details are no longer considered worthy of inclusion; and the age of scientific comparative mythology has been reached.


breadth and height (roughly 1.2 by 75 metres). It was lined
within and without with gold, and through four golden rings were
placed staves of acacia wood, by means of which it was carried.
A slab of the same metal (the so-called "mercy-seat," kappōreth,
The latter, however,
Gr. hilasterion) covered the top, and this was surmounted by two
Cherubim (Ex. xxv. 10-22, xxxvii. 1-9).
are not mentioned in earlier passages (Deut. x. 1, 3), and would
naturally increase the weight of the ark, which, according to
2 Sam. xv. 29, could be carried by two men.

The ark was borne by the Levites (Deut. x. 8), and the latest narratives amplify the statement with a wealth of detail characteristic of the post-exilic interest in this order. (See LEVITES.) An interesting passage relating the commencement of an Israelite was hailed with the cry," Arise, Yahweh, let thine journey vividly illustrates the power of the sacred object. As the ark started, enemies be scattered, let them that hate thee flee from before thee," and when it came to rest, the cry again rang out," Return, O Yahweh, to the myriads of families of Israel" (Num. x. 33-36). This saying appears to imply a settled life in Canaan, but both affirm the warlike significance of Yahweh and the ark. Thus it is the permanent pledge of Yahweh's gracious presence; it guides the people on their journey and leads them to victory. It is no mere receptacle, but a sacrosanct object as much to be feared as Yahweh himself. To presume to fight without it was to invite defeat, and on one notable occasion the Israelites attempted to attack their enemy north of Kadesh without its aid, and were defeated (Num. xiv. 44 sq.). There are many gaps in its history, and although at the crossing of the Jordan and at the fall of Jericho the ark figures prominently (Josh. iii. sq., vi. sq.), it is unaccountably missing in stories of greater national moment. Once it is found at Bethel (Judges xx. 27 sq.). It is met with again at Shiloh, where it is under the care of Eli and his sons, descendants of an ancient family of priests (1 Sam. ii. 28; cp. Josh. xviii. 1). After a great defeat of Israel by the Philistines it was brought into the field, but was captured by the enemy. The trophy was set up in the Philistine temple of Ashdod, but vindicated its superiority by overthrowing the god Dagon. A plague smote the city, and when it was removed to Ekron, pestilence followed in its wake. After taking counsel the Philistines placed the ark with a votive offering upon a new cart drawn by two cows. The beasts went of their own accord to Beth-shemesh, where it remained in the field of a certain Joshua. Again a disaster happened through some obscure cause, and seventy of the sons of was removed to the house of Abinadab of Kirjath-jearim, who Jeconiah were smitten (1 Sam. vi. 19, R.V., margin). Thence it consecrated his son to its service (1 Sam. iv.-vii. 1). For many disappears from history; neither Saul nor even Samuel, whose years the ark remained untouched-apparently forgotten. Shiloh youth had been spent with it, takes any further thought of it. After a remarkable period of obscurity, the ark enters suddenly into the history of David (2 Sam. vi.). Some time after the capture of Jerusalem the ark was brought from Baal-Judah, but at the threshing-floor of Nacon (an unintelligible name) Abinadab's son Uzzah laid hands upon it and was struck down for his impiety. On this account the place is said to have received the name Perez-Uzzah ("breach of Uzzah "). It was taken into the house of Obed-edom the Gittite (i.e. of Gath), and brought a blessing upon his house during the three months that it Ark of the Covenant, Ark of the Revelation, Ark of the Testimony, remained there. Finally the king had it conveyed to the city are the full names of the sacred chest of acacia wood overlaid of David, where a tent was prepared to shelter it. Once at with gold which the Israelites took with them on their journey into Jerusalem, it seems to have lost its unique value as the token of The foundation of the Palestine. The Biblical narratives reveal traces of a considerable Yahweh's presence; its importance was apparently merged with development in the traditions regarding this sacred object, and that of the Temple which Solomon built. those which furnish the most complete detail are of post-exilic capital would pave the way for the belief that the national god date when the original ark had been lost. The fuller titles of the had taken a permanent dwelling-place in the royal seat. The prophets themselves lay no weight upon the ark as the central ark originate in the belief that it contained the (bérith) or testimony" ('eduth), the technical terms for the point of Jerusalem's holiness: The real Deuteronomic code docs Decalogue (q.v.); primarily, however, it would seem to have been not mention it, and to Jeremiah (iii. 16) it was a thing of no consecalled "the ark of Yahweh" (or "Elohim"), or simply "the quence. Later, in the age of the priestly schools, the ark received ark." The word itself (ārōn) designates an ordinary chest (cp. much attention, although it must obviously be very doubtful how Gen. 1. 26; 2 Kings xii. 10), and the (late) description of its appear-far a true recollection of its history has survived. But nowhere ance represents it as an oblong box 24 cubits long, 1 cubits in is any light thrown upon its fate. The invasion of Shishak, the

For a comparative study of the occurrence of the ark in the various deluge myths, in the present edition, see DELUGE; COSMOGONY; BABYLONIA AND ASSYRIA.

The Ark of the Law, in the Jewish synagogue, is a chest or cupboard containing the scrolls of the Torah (Pentateuch), and is placed against or in the wall in the direction of Jerusalem. It forms one of the most decorative features of the synagogue, and often takes an architectural design, with columns, arches and a dome. There is a fine example in the synagogue at Great St (X.) Helens, London.


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capture of Jerusalem by Joash (2 Kings xiv. 13.14), the troublous |
reign of Manasseh, the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchad-
rezzar, have found each its supporters. The wild legends of
its preservation at the taking of Jerusalem (2 Macc. ii. and else-
where) only show that the popular mind was unable to share the
view that the ark was an obsolete relic. More poetical is the
tradition that the ark was raised to heaven, there to remain
till the coming of the Messiah, a thought which embodies the
spiritual idea that a heavenly pledge of God's covenant and
faithfulness had superseded the earthly symbol.'

A critical examination of the history of the Israelite ark
renders it far from certain that the object was originally the
peculiar possession of all Israel. Many different traditions have
gathered around the story of the Exodus, and the ark was not the
only divinely sent guide or forerunner which led the Israelites.
Its presence at Shiloh, and its prominence in the life of Joshua,
support the view that it was the palladium of the Joseph tribes,
but the traditions in question conflict with others. The account
of the commencement of the ark's journey associates it with
Moses and his kin (Num. x. 29 sqq.)—that is, with the south
Palestinian clans with which the term "Levites" appears to be
closely connected. (See LEVITES.) A distinct movement direct
into Judah is implied by certain old traditions (see CALEB), but
this is subordinated to the more comprehensive account of the
journey round by the east of the Jordan. (See EXODUS, THE.)
The narratives in 1 Sam. iv.-vi. stand on a plane by themselves,
and the gap between them and 2 Sam. vi. has not been satis-
factorily fixed. But it is not certain that the two belong to the
same cycle of tradition; Kirjath-jearim and Baal-Judah are
identified only in later writings, and the behaviour of Saul's
daughter (2 Sam. vi. 15 sqq.) may conceivably imply that the ark
was an unknown object to Benjamites. It is of course possible
that the ark was originally the sacred shrine of the clans which
came direct to Judah, and that the traditions in 1 Sam. iv.-vi.,
Josh.iii. sqq. are of secondary origin, and are to be associated with
its appearance at Shiloh, the fall of which place, although attri-
buted to the time of Samuel, is apparently regarded by Jeremiah
(xxvi. 6) as a recent event. Of these two divergent traditions, it
would seem that the one which associates it with the kin of Moses
and David may be traced farther in those late narratives which
connect the ark closely with the Levites and even attribute its
workmanship to Bezalel, a Calebite (Ex. xxxi. 2; 1 Chron.
ii. 19 sqq.). The tradition in Psalms cxxxii. 6 of the search for the
ark at Jaar (Kirjath-jearim) and Ephratah is not clear; but a
comparison with 1 Chron. ii. 50 seems to show that it recognized
the "Calebite" origin of the ark.

See, on this, S.A.Cook, Critical Notes on O. T. History (Index s.v.),
and, for other views, Kosters, Theol. Tijd. xxvii. 361 sqq.; Cheyne,
Encyc. Bib. Ark "; G. Westphal, Yahwes Wohnstätten, pp. 55 sqq.,
85 sqq. (Giessen, 1908).

Whether the ark originally contained some symbol of Yahweh
or not has been the subject of much discussion. Thus, it has been
held that it contained stone fetishes (meteoric stones and the
like) from Yahweh's original abode on Sinai or Horeb. As the
palladium of the Joseph tribes, it has even been suggested that
the bones of Joseph were treasured in the ark. Others have
regarded it as an empty portable throne, or as a receptacle for
sacred serpents (analogies in Frazer, Pausanias, iv. pp. 292, 344).
That it contained the tables of the law (Deut. x. 2; 1 Kings viii. 9)
was the later Israelite view, and the subsequent development is
illustrated in Heb. ix. 4. It is enough to decide that the ark
represented in some way or other the presence of Yahweh and
that the safety of his followers depended upon its security
(analogies in Frazer, Paus. x. p. 283). The Semitic world affords
many examples of the belief that a man's religion was part of his
political connexion and that the change of nationality involved
1 Cp. Rev. xi. 19, and W. R. Smith, Old Test. in Jew. Church,
Index. For later traditional material, see Buxtorf, De Arca Foederis
(Basel, 1659).

2 But see Budde, Expos. Times (1898), pp. 398 sqq.; Theolog. Stud.
u. Krit. (1906), pp. 489-507. The possibility must be conceded that
there were several arks in the course of Hebrew history and that
separate tribes or groups of tribes had their own sacred object.

change of cult. He who leaves his land to enter another, leaves his
god and is influenced by the religion of his new home (1 Sam.
xxvi. 19; Ruth i. 16 sqq.), but strangers know not "the cult of the
God of the land" (2 Kings xvii. 26). No nation willingly changes
its god (Jer. ii. 11), and there are means whereby the follower of
Yahweh may continue his worship even when outside Yahweh's
land (2 Kings v. 17). When a people migrate they may take
with them their god, and if they conceive him to be a spiritual
being who cannot be represented by an image, they may desire a
symbolical expression of or, rather, a substitute for his presence.
Accordingly the conception of the ark must be based in the first
instance upon the beliefs of the particular clans or tribes whose
sacred object it was.

See further, W. R. Smith, Religion of the Semites, p. 37; Schwally,
Kriegsaltertümer, i. p. 9: Revue biblique (1903), pp. 249 sqq.; and on the
Hastings' Dict. Bible, v. p. 628; A. R. S. Kennedy, Century Bible:
ark, generally, in addition to the literature already cited, Kautzsch,
Samuel (Appendix); E. Meyer, Die Israeliten, Index s.v. "Lade":
and R. H. Kennett, Enc. of Rel. and Ethics. (S. A. C.)

ARKANSAS, a river of the United States of America, rising
in the mountains of central Colorado, near Leadville, in lat.
39° 20′ N., long. 106° 15′ W., and emptying into the Mississippi,
at Napoleon, Arkansas, in lat. 33° 40′ N. Its total length is
about 2000 m, and its drainage basin (greater than that of the
Upper Mississippi) about 185,000 sq. m. It is the greatest
western affluent of the Missouri-Mississippi system. It rises in a
pocket of lofty peaks at an altitude of 10,400 ft. on a sharply
sloping plateau, down which it courses as a mountain torrent,
dropping 4625 ft. in 120 m. At Canyon City it passes out of the
Rockies through the Grand Canyon of the Arkansas; then turn-
ing eastward, and soon a turbid, shallow stream, depositing its
mountain detritus, it flows with steadily lessening gradient and
velocity in a broad, meandering bed across the prairies and low-
lands of eastern Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma and Arkansas,
shifting its direction sharply to the south-east in central Kansas.
The Arkansas ordinarily receives little water from its tributaries
save in time of floods. In topography and characteristics and in
the difficulties of its regulation the Arkansas is in many ways
typical of the rivers in the arid regions of the western states.
The gradient below the mountains averages 7.5 ft. per mile
between Canyon City and Wichita, Kansas (543 m.), about 1-5 ft.
between Wichita and Little Rock (659 m.), and 0-65 of a foot from
Little Rock to the mouth (173 m.). The shores are sand, clay or
loam throughout some 1300 m., with very rare rock ridges or
rapids, and the banks rise low above ordinary water. The waters
are constantly rising and falling, and almost never is the discharge
at any point uniform. Every year there are, normally, two
distinct periods of high water; one an early freshet due mainly
to the heavy winter rainfall on the lower river, when the upper
river is still frozen hard; the other in the late spring, due to
the setting in of rains along the upper courses also, and to the
melting of the snow in the mountains. The lowest waters are
from August to December. In the summer there are sometimes
violent floods due to cloud-bursts. Everywhere along the river
there is a never-ending variation of velocity and discharge, and
an equally ceaseless transformation of the river's bed and
contour. These changes become revolutionary in times of flood.
All these characteristics are accentuated below Little Rock. The
depth of water at this point has been known to vary from 27 ft.
to only half-a-foot, and the discharge to fall to 1170 cub. ft. per
second. There is often no more than 1.5 ft. of water, and far below
Little Rock a depth of 3 ft. on crossings is not infrequent. In
many places there are different channels for high and low water,
the latter being partly filled by each freshet, and recut after
each subsidence; and the river meanders tortuously through the
alluvial bottom in scores of great bends, loops and cut-offs. It is
estimated that the eating and caving of the shore below Little
Rock averages 7-64 acres per mile every year (as against 1-09
acres above Little Rock). By way of the White river cut-off the
Arkansas finds an additional outlet through the valley of that
river in times of high water, and the White, when the current
in its natural channel is deadened by the backwaters of the
Mississippi, finds an outlet by the same cut-off through the valley

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