Select Hymns: Adapted to the Devotional Exercises of the Baptist Denomination

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Canfield & Robins, 1839 - 416 էջ

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Էջ 59 - COME, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all thy quickening powers ; Kindle a flame of sacred love In these cold hearts of ours.
Էջ 196 - SOMETIMES a light surprises The Christian while he sings; It is the Lord who rises With healing in his wings; When comforts are declining, He grants the soul again, A season of clear shining, To cheer it after rain.
Էջ 188 - GUIDE me, O Thou great JEHOVAH, Pilgrim through this barren land ; I am weak, but Thou art mighty ; Hold me with Thy powerful hand : Bread of heaven ! Feed me till I want no more.
Էջ 191 - For her my tears shall fall; For her my prayers ascend ; To her my cares and toils be given, Till toils and cares shall end.
Էջ 378 - I would not live alway ; no, welcome the tomb, Since Jesus hath lain there, I dread not its gloom ; There, sweet be my rest, till he bid me arise To hail him in triumph descending the skies.
Էջ 170 - Thy nature, gracious Lord, impart; Come quickly from above, Write thy new name upon my heart, Thy new, best name of Love.
Էջ 236 - Restraining prayer, we cease to fight ; Prayer makes the Christian's armour bright ; And Satan trembles when he sees The weakest saint upon his knees.
Էջ 49 - GO to dark Gethsemane, Ye that feel the tempter's power, Your Redeemer's conflict see, Watch with him one bitter hour ; Turn not from his griefs away, Learn of Jesus Christ to pray.
Էջ 183 - Wash out its stains, refine its dross, Nail my affections to the cross ; Hallow each thought ; let all within Be clean, as thou, my Lord, art clean.
Էջ 19 - Prince of peace ! Hail, the Sun of righteousness ! Light and life to all He brings, Risen with healing in His wings : Mild He lays His glory by, Born that man no more may die ; Born to raise the sons of earth ; Born to give them second birth.

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