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Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Her Britannick Majesty ;

Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon and concluded the following Articles:

I. Exchange and Conveyance of Correspondence.


A direct and regular communication shall be maintained between the General Post Office of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the General Post Office of the Kingdom of Denmark, for the transmission of letters and packets between the two Kingdoms, as well as for the transit and colonial correspondence which they shall think proper to forward to each other, or which shall be transmitted through the said States.

The exchange of correspondence shall take place, on the part of the United Kingdom, by the Post Office in London, and on the part of Denmark, by the Danish Post Office at Altona; but other Offices may be fixed upon for the exchange of correspondence, when such a measure shall be deemed expedient by the two Post Offices, for instance, the Post Office at Glückstadt; in case the two Post Offices should consider it expedient that the exchange of correspondence should take place by the Post Office in Glückstadt, instead of, as heretofore, by the Post Office at Altona.


The transmission of the correspondence shall take place twice a week, by means of the steam-boats carrying on the packet service between London and Hamburgh, so long as the Government of the United Kingdom shall deem it expedient to maintain this communication.

The expenses of embarking or disembarking the mails in the Elbe, and also that incurred for conveyance between the Elbe and any port

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A similar British rate of sixpence on each single letter shall be charged on all letters originating in Denmark, and addressed to the United Kingdom.

En lignende Britisk Porto af 6 Pence for hvert enkelt Brev skal svares af alle Breve, der, kommende oprindeligen fra Danmark, ere adresserede til det Forenede Kongerige.


Letters originating in Denmark and addressed to the United Kingdom, as well as letters originating in the United Kingdom and addressed to Denmark, shall be subject (when the postage is collected in Denmark) to the varying rates of postage laid down in the Table annexed to the present Convention, and which shall in no case amount to a larger sum than sixpence sterling for every single letter not exceeding half an ounce, and so on in proportion, according to the scale of postage now in operation in the United Kingdom.

The Danish rate, however, when collected in the United Kingdom, shall be the uniform rate of fourpence sterling for each single letter, and so on, according to the scale before mentioned; which charge, together with that of sixpence, the British postage, shall be combined into one uniform rate of tenpence sterling.


With respect to letters above the weight of a single letter, which is fixed at half an ounce in the United Kingdom, and at one loth in Denmark, the two Offices shall employ the scale of progression now in operation in the United Kingdom, as follows, viz.:

For every letter not exceeding
ounce, one rate.

Above but not exceeding 1
ounce, two rates.

Above 1 but not exceeding 2
ounces, four rates.
Above 2 but not exceeding 3
ounces, six rates.

Above 3 but not exceeding 4
ounces, eight rates.

And so on, two rates being added for every ounce or fraction of an


Breve, der, kommende oprindeligen fra Danmark ere adresserede til det Forenede Kongerige, saavelsom Breve, der, kommende oprindeligen fra det Forenede Kongerige, ere adresserede til Danmark, skulle, naar Portoen hæves i Danmark, være underkastede en Porto, der varierer efter det, i den Conventionen vedlagte Tabel, angivne Forhold, og som, i intet Tilfælde, skal belöbe sig til en höiere Sum end 6 Pence Sterling for hvert enkelt Brev, der ikke overstiger en halv Unze i Vægt, og saa fremdeles, i stigende Forhold, overeenstemmende med den for Tiden, i det Forenede Kongerige, gjeldende Scala.

Derimod skal den Danske Porto, naar den oppebæres i det Forenede Kongerige,være en eensformig Porto af 4 Pence Sterling for hvert enkelt Brev, og saa fremdeles, overeenstemmende med den ovennanförte Scala; hvilken Porto, i Forening med den til 6 Pence fastsatte Britiske Porto, skal udgjöre et samlet eenssamlet_eensformigt Portobelöb af 10 Pence Sterling.


Med Hensyn til Breve af over et enkelt Brevs Vægt, hvilken er fastsat i Danmark til eet Lod og, i det Forenede Kongerige til Unze, skulle de tvende Postcontoirer iagttage den, for Tiden i det Forenede Kongerige brugelige, stigende Scala, saaledes som fölger.

For et Brev, der ikke veier meer
end Unze, enkelt Porto.
For et Brev, der veier over Unze,

men ikke over 1 Unze, dobbelt

over 1 Unze, men ikke over

Unzer, 4 dobbelt Porto; over 2 Unzer, men ikke over 3 Unzer, 6 dobbelt Porto; over 3 Unzer, men ikke over 4

Unzer, 8 dobbelt Porto;

Og saa fremdeles, med Tillæg af dobbelt Porto for hver enkelt Unze eller

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The rate of transit postage to be taken by the Post Office of the United Kingdom, on letters posted in or addressed to Denmark, conveyed direct by packet boat or private ship, passing through the United Kingdom to or from its colonies and possessions, and to or from foreign countries, shall be that which is now or shall hereafter be taken upon letters between the United Kingdom and such colonies and foreign countries respectively, in addition to the rate of sixpence sterling per half-ounce, and so on in proportion, the postage which is to be charged between the United Kingdom and Denmark.

The colonial or foreign rate, however, is to be calculated from or to the port of departure or arrival of the packet.

When such transit letters are not

III. Transit-Breve.


Den Transit-Porto, som det Forenede Kongeriges Postbestyrelse har at beregne sig af Breve, der ere afsendte fra, eller adresserede til Danmark, og befordres directe med Paketbaad eller privatSkibsleilighed, for at passere igjennem det Forenede Kongerige, til eller fra sammes Colonier og Besiddelser, som ogsaa til eller fra fremmede Lande, skal være den samme, som nu bliver, eller for Fremtiden maatte blive hævet, af Breve imellem det Forenede Kongerige og respective hine Colonier og fremmede Lande, i Tillæg til den Porto af 6 Pence for en halv Unze og saa fremdeles i stigende Forhold, der ovenfor er fastsat for Breve imellem Danmark og det Forenede Kongerige.

Colonial-Portoen eller den fremmede Porto skal imidlertid beregnes til eller fra den Havn, hvor Paketten ankommer eller hvorfra den afgaaer. Naar saadanne Transit-Breve ikke

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