LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS CONTAINED IN THIS VOLUME PUBLIC LAW 108-1 DATE To provide for a 5-month extension of the Temporary Ex- Jan. 8, 2003 PAGE 3 108-2 Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal Jan. 10, 2003 5 108-3 National Flood Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of Jan. 13, 2003 7 108-4 Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal Jan. 31, 2003 8 Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal Feb. 7, 2003 9 108-6 108-7.... 108-8 To authorize salary adjustments for Justices and judges of Feb. 13, 2003 To improve the calculation of the Federal subsidy rate Recognizing the 92d birthday of Ronald Reagan 108-10 Do-Not-Call Implementation Act 108-11 Emergency Wartime Supplemental Appropriations Act, Apr. 16, 2003 108-12. To reinstate and extend the deadline for commencement Apr. 22, 2003 108-13 To rename the Guam South Elementary/Middle School of Apr. 22, 2003 ..... 613 108-14. To designate the Federal building located at 290 Broad- Apr. 23, 2003 ... 614 way in New York, New York, as the "Ted Weiss Federal Feb. 20, 2003 11 555 To designate the facility of the United States Postal Serv- Apr. 23, 2003 623 624 108-22 ...... Gila River Indian Community Judgment Fund Distribu- May 14, 2003.... 696 tion Act of 2003. vii |