Page images

Fig. 44.

Fig. 39.

and 49.

t, place the four upright legs of the table, of what height you please, so that the height of the two next the eye, at o and p, shall be terminated by a straight line u v drawn to the point of distance P. This done, make the leaf M of the table an oblong square, perspectively equal and parallel to the oblong square q rst on which the feet of the table stand. Then shade the whole, as in the figure, and the work will be finish


If the line 1 17 were prolonged to the right and left hand, and equally divided throughout (as it is from I to 17), and if the lines which are drawn from p and P to the right and left hand sides of the plate were prolonged till they came to the extended line I 17, they would meet it in the equal points of division. In forming large plans of this sort, the ends of slips of paper be pasted to the right and left edges of the sheet on which the plan is to be formed.


Of the Anamorphosis, or reformation of distorted images. By this means pictures that are so mishapen, as to exhibit no regular appearance of any thing to the naked eye, shall, when viewed by reflection, present a regular and beautiful image. The inventor of this ingenious device is not known. Simon Stevinus, who was the first that wrote upon it, does not inform us from whom he learned it. The principles of it are laid down by S. Vauzelard in his Perspective Conique et Cylindrique; and Gaspar Schott professes to copy Marius Bettinus in his description of this piece of artificial magic.

It will be sufficient for our purpose to copy one of the simplest figures of this writer, as by this means the mystery of this art will be sufficiently unfolded. Upon the cylinder of paper, or pasteboard, ABCD, fig. 44. draw whatever is intended to be exhibited, as the letters IHS. Then with a needle make perforations along the whole outline; and placing a candle, G, behind this cylinder, mark upon the ground plane the shadow of them, which will be distorted more or less, according to the position of the candle or the plane, &c. This being done, let the picture be an exact copy of this distorted image, let a metallic speculum be substituted in the place of the cylinder, and let the eye of the spectator have the same position before the cylinder that the candle had behind it. Then looking upon the speculum, he will see the distorted image restored to its proper shape. The reformation of the image, he says, will not easily be made exact in this method, but it will be sufficiently so to answer the purpose.

Other methods, more exact and geometrical than this, were found out afterwards: so that these pictures could be drawn by certain rules, without the use of a candle. Schott quotes one of these methods from Bettinus, another from Herigonius, and another from Kircher, which may be seen in his Magia, vol. i. p. 162, &c. He also gives an account of the methods of reforming pictures by speculums of conical and other figures.

Instead of copying any of these methods from Schott or Bettinus, we shall present our readers with that which Dr Smith hath given us in his Optics, vol. 1. p. 250, as no doubt, the best, and from which any person may easily make a drawing of this kind. The same description answers to two mirrors, one of which, fig. 39. is convex, and the other, fig. 40. is concave.


In order to paint upon a plane a deformed copy ABCDEKIHGF of an original picture, which shall appear regular, when seen from a given point O, elevated above the plane, by rays reflected from a polished cylinder, placed upon the circle in p, equal to its given base; from the point R, which must be supposed to lie perpendicularly under O, the place of the eye, draw two lines Ra, Re; which shall either touch the base of the cylinder, or else cut off two small equal segments from the sides of it, according as the copy is intended to be more or less deformed. Then, taking the eye, raised above R, to the given height RO, somewhat greater than that of the cylinder, for a luminous point, describe the shadow ae kf (of a square, fig. 39. or parallelogram standing upright upon a e Fig-39 as a base, and containing the picture required) anywhere behind the arch np. Let the lines drawn from R to the extremities and divisions of the base a, points f, g, h, i, k, and the arch of the base in l, m, b, c, d, e, cut the remotest part of the shadow in the n, o, p; from which points draw the lines AF, m BG, n CH, o DI, p EK, as if they were rays of light that came from the focus R, and were reflected from the base in p; so that each couple, A, / R, produced, may cut off equal segments from the circle. Lastly, Transfer the lines la f, m bg, &c. and all their parts in the same order, upon the respective lines / AF, m BG, &c. and having drawn regular curves, by estimation, through the points A, B, C, D, E, through F, G, H, I, K, and through every intermediate order of points; the figure ACEKHF, so divided, will be the deformed copy of the square, drawn and divided upon the original picture, and will appear similar to it, when seen in the polished cylinder, placed upon the base In p, by the eye in its given place O.

The practical methods of drawing these images seem to have been carried to the greatest perfection by J. Leopold, who, in the Acta Lipsiensia for the year 1712, has described two machines, one for the images to be viewed with a cylindrical, and the other with a conical mirror. The person possessed of this instrument has nothing to do but to take any print he pleases, and while he goes over the outlines of it with one pen, another traces the anamorphosis.

By methods of this kind, groves of trees may be cut, so as to represent the appearance of men, horses, and other objects from some one point of view, which are not at all discernible in any other. This might easily be effected by one person placing himself in any particular situation, and giving directions to other persons what trees to lop, and in what manner. In the same method it has been contrived, that buildings of circular and other forms, and also whole groups of buildings, consisting of walls at different distances and with different positions to one another, should be painted so as to exhibit the exact representation of particular objects, which could only be perceived in one situation. Bettinus has illustrated this method by drawings in his Apiaria.

It may appear a bold assertion to say, that the very short sketch now given of the art of perspective is a sufficient foundation for the whole practice, and includes all the expeditious rules peculiar to the problems which most generally occur. It is, however, true, and the in


telligent reader will see, that the two theorems on which the whole rests, include every possible case, and apply with equal facility to pictures and originals in any position, although the examples are selected of perpendicular pictures, and of originals referred to horizontal planes, as being the most frequent. The scientific foundation being so simple, the structure need not be complex, nor swell into such volumes as have been published on the subject: volumes which by their size deter from the perusal, and give the simple art the appearance of intricate mystery; and by their prices, defeat the design of their authors, viz. the dissemination of knowledge among the practitioners. The treatises on perspective acquire their bulk by long and tedious discourses, minute explanations of common things, or by great numbers of examples; which indeed do make some of these books valuable by the variety of curious cuts, but do not at all instruct the reader by any improvements made in the art itself. For it is evident that most of those who have treated this subject have been more conversant in the practice of designing than in the principles of geometry; and therefore when, in their practice, the cases which have offered have put them on trying particular expedients, they have thought them worth communicating to the public as improvements in the art; and each author, fond of his own little expedient, (which a scientific person would have known for an easy corollary from the general theorem), has made it the principle of a practical system-in this manner narrowing instead of enlarging the knowledge of the art; and the practitioner tired of the bulk of the volume, in which a single maxim is tediously spread out, and the principle on which it is founded kept out of his sight, contents himself with a remembrance of the maxim (not understood), and keeps it slightly in his eye to avoid gross errors. We can appeal to the whole body of painters and draughtsmen for the truth of this assertion; and it must not be considered as an imputation on them of remissness or negligence, but as a necessary consequence of the ignorance of the authors from whom they have taken their information. This is a strong term, but it is not the less just. Several mathematicians of eminence have written on perspective, treating it as the subject of pure geometry, as it really is; and the perform ances of Dr Brook Taylor, Gravesande, Wolf, De la Caille, Emerson, are truly valuable, by presenting the art in all its perspicuous simplicity and universality. The works of Taylor and Emerson are more valuable, on account of the very ingenious and expeditious constructions which they have given, suited to every pos. sible case. The merit of the first author has been universally acknowledged by all the British writers on the subject, who never fail to declare that their own works are composed on the principle of Dr Brook Taylor; but any man of science will see that these authors have either not understood them, or aimed at pleasing the public by fine cuts and uncommon cases; for without exception, they have omitted his favourite constructions, which had gained his predilection by their universality, and attached themselves to inferior methods, more usually expedient perhaps, or inventions (as they thought) of their own What has been given in this article is not professed to be according to the principles of Dr Brook Taylor, because the principles are not peculiar to him, but the necessary results of the theory itself, and incul

cated by every mathematician who had taken the trouble to consider the subject. They are sufficient not only for directing the ordinary practice, but also for suggesting modes of construction for every case out of the common track. And a person of ingenuity will have a laudable enjoyment in this, without much stretch of thought, inventing rules for himself; and will be better pleased with such fruits of his own ingenuity, than in reading the tedious explanation of examples devised by another. And for this purpose we would, with Dr. Taylor, "advise all our readers not to be contented with the scheme they find here; but, on every occasion, to draw new ones of their own, in all the variety of cir cumstances they can think of. This will take up more time at first, but they will find the vast benefit and pleasure of it by the extensive notions it will give them of the nature of the principles."

The art of perspective is necessary to all arts where there is any occasion for designing; as architecture, fortification, carving, and generally all the mechanical arts; but it is more particularly necessary to the art of painting, which can do nothing without it. A figure in a picture, which is not drawn according to the rules of perspective, does not represent what is intended, but something else. Indeed we hesitate not to say, that a picture which is faulty in this particular, is as blameable, or more so, than any composition in writing which is faulty in point of orthography or grammar. It is generally thought very ridiculous to pretend to write a heroic poem, or a fine discourse, upon any subject, without understanding the propriety of the language in which we write; and to us it seems no less ridiculous for oneto pretend to make a good picture without understanding perspective: Yet how many pictures are there to be seen, that are highly valuable in other respects, and yet are entirely faulty in this point? Indeed this fault is so very general, that we cannot remember that we ever have seen a picture that has been entirely without it; and what is the more to be lamented, the greatest masters have been the most guilty of it. Those examples make it to be the less regarded; but the fault is not the less, but the more to be lamented, and deserves the more care in avoiding it for the future. The great occasion. of this fault, is certainly the wrong method that is generally used in educating of persons in this art: for the young people are generally put immediately to drawing; and when they have acquired a facility in that, they are put to colouring. And these things they learn by rote, and by practice only; but are not at all instructed in any rules of art. By which means, when they come to› make any designs of their own, though they are very expert at drawing out and colouring every thing that offers itself to their fancy; yet for want of being instructed in the strict rules of art, they do not know how to govern their inventions with judgment, and become guilty of so many gross mistakes; which prevent themselves, as well as others, from finding that satisfaction they otherwise would do in their performances. To correct this for the future, we would recommend it to the masters of the art of painting, to consider if it would not be necessary to establish a better method for the education of their scholars, and to begin their instructions with the technical parts of painting, before they let them loose to follow the inventions of their own uncultivated imaginations.


The art of painting, taken in its full extent, consists of two parts; the inventive, and the executive. The inventive part is common with poetry, and belongs more properly and immediately to the original design (which it invents and disposes in the most proper and agreeable manner) than to the picture, which is only a copy of that design already formed in the imagination of the ar tist. The perfection of this art of painting depends upon the thorough knowledge the artist has of all the parts of his subject; and the beauty of it consists in the happy choice and disposition that he makes of it: And it is in this that the genius of the artist discovers and shows itself, while he indulges and humours his fancy, which here is not confined. But the other, the executive part of painting, is wholly confined and strictly tied to the rules of art, which cannot be dispensed with upon any account; and therefore in this the artist ought to govern himself entirely by the rules of art, and not to take any liberties whatsoever. For any thing that is not truly drawn according to the rules of perspective, or not truly coloured or truly shaded, does not appear to be what the artist intended, but something else. Wherefore, if at any time the artist happens to imagine that his picture would look the better, if he should swerve a little from these rules, he may assure himself, that the fault belongs to his original design, and not to the strictness of the rules; for what is perfectly agreeable and just in the real original objects themselves, can never

appear defective in a picture where those objects are exactly copied.

Therefore to offer a short hint of thoughts we have some time had upon the method which ought to be followed in instructing a scholar in the executive part of painting: we would first have him learn the most common affections of practical geometry, and the first elements of plain geometry and common arithmetic. When he is sufficiently perfect in these, we would have him learn perspective. And when he has made some progress in this, so as to have prepared his judgment with the right notions of the alterations that figures must undergo, when they come to be drawn on a flat, he may then be put to drawing by view, and be exercised in this alone with perspective, till he comes to be sufficiently perfect in both. Nothing ought to be more familiar to a painter than perspective; for it is the only thing that can make the judgment correct, and will help the fancy to invent with ten times the ease that it could do without it.

We earnestly recommend to our readers the careful perusal of Dr Taylor's Treatise, as published by Colson in 1749, and Emerson's published along with his Optics. They will be surprised and delighted with the instruction they will receive; and will then truly estimate the splendid volumes of other authors, and see their frivolity.



PERSPECTIVE is also used for a kind of picture or painting, frequently seen in gardens, and at the ends of galleries; designed expressly to deceive the sight by representing the continuation of an alley, a building, landscape, or the like.

Aerial PERSPECTIVE, is sometimes used as a general denomination for that which more restrictedly is called aerial perspective, or the art of giving a due diminution or degradation to the strength of light, shade, and colours of objects, according to their different distances, the quantity of light which falls upon them, and the medium through which they are seen; the chiaro obscu ro, or clair obscure, which consists in expressing the different degrees of light, shade, and colour of bodies, arising from their own shape, and the position of their parts with respect to the eye and neighbouring objects, whereby their light or colours are affected; and keeping, which is the observance of a due proportion in the general light and colouring of the whole picture, so that no light or colour in one part may be too bright or strong for another. A painter, who would succeed in aerial perspective, ought carefully to study the effects which distance, or different degrees or colours of light, have on each particular original colour, to know how its hue or strength is changed in the several circumstances that occur, and to represent it accordingly. As all objects in a picture take their measures in proportion to those placed in the front, so, in aerial perspective, the strength of light, and the brightness of the colours of objects close to the picture, must serve as a measure, with respect to which all the same colours at several di


stances must have a proportional degradation in like cir- Perspec


Bird's eye view in PERSPECTIVE, is that which supposes the eye to be placed above any building, &c. as in the air at a considerable distance from it. This is applied in drawing the representations of fortifications, when it is necessary not only to exhibit one view as seen from the ground, but so much of the several buildings as the eye can possibly take in at one time from any situation. In order to this, we must suppose the eye to be removed a considerable height above the ground, and to be placed as it were in the air, so as to look down into the building like a bird that is flying. In representations of this kind, the higher the horizontal line is placed, the more of the fortification will be seen, and vice versa.

PERSPECTIVE Machine, is an instrument by which any person, without the help of the rules of art, may delineate the true perspective figures of objects. Mr Ferguson has described a machine of this sort, of which he ascribes the invention to Dr Bevis.

Fig. 45. is a plan of this machine, and fig. 46. is a Fig 45. representation of it when made use of in drawing distant and 46. objects in perspective.

In fig. 45. a bef is an oblong square board, represented by ABEF in fig. 46. x and y (X and Y) are two hinges on which the part c d (CLD) is moveable. This part consists of two arches or portions of circles cm! (CML) and d n (DNL) joined together at the top (L), and at bottom to the cross bar de (DC), to which one part of each hinge is fixed, and the other



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