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Peyrere. of the Prince of Conde, who was much pleased with of excellence. 2. Because it is presumable, if the kings Peyrere, the singularity of his genius. From the perusal of St. of France possess the virtue of curing the evil or scrofu-Peyronins. Paul's writings he took into his head to aver, that Adam la, which can only afflict the bodies of the Jews; that was not the first of the human race; and, in order to they will likewise have the power of curing their obstiprove this extravagant opinion, he published in 1655 a nate incredulity, and the other inveterate diseases of book, which was printed in Holland in 4to and in their souls. 3. Because the kings of France have for - 12mo, with this title: Præadamitæ, sive exercitatio super their arms a fleur de luce; and because the beauty of versibus 12, 13, 14. cap. 15. Epistolæ Pauli ad Roma- the church is in scripture compared to the beauty of nos. This work was burnt at Paris, and the author im- lilies. 4. Because it is probable that France will be the prisoned at Brussels, through the influence of the arch- country whither the Jews shall first be invited to come bishop of Malines's grand vicar. The Prince of Conde and embrace the Christian faith, and whither they shall having obtained his liberty, he travelled to Rome in retreat from the persecution of the nations that have 1656, and there gave in to Pope Alexander VII. a so- dominion over them; for France is a land of freedom, lemn renunciation both of Calvinism and Preadamism. it admits of no slavery, and whoever touches it is free. His conversion was not thought to be sincere, at least Peyrere, after explaining his strange system, proposes a with regard to this last heresy. His desire to be the method of converting the Jews to Christianity; a mehead of a new sect is evident; and his book discovers thod, says Niceron, which will not be acceptible to mahis ambition; for he there pays many compliments to ny. He proposes to reduce the whole of religion to a the Jews, and invites them to attend his lectures. Upon bare faith or belief in Jesus Christ; taking it for granthis return to Paris, notwithstanding the earnest solicita- ed, without any shadow of proof, that "it is as difficult tions of his holiness to remain at Rome, he went again to comprehend the articles of our faith, as to observe into the Prince of Conde's service in the quality of the ceremonies of Moses.-From this scheme (says he) librarian. Some time after he retired to the seminary there would result a double advantage to the church; des Vertus, where he died the 30th of January 1676, at the reunion of the Jews, and of all those Christians who the age of 82, after the sacraments of the church had are separated from the body of the church." Peyrere, been administered to him. Father Simon says, that when when he wrote this book, was a Calvinist; but his Calhe was importuned in his last moments to retract the vinism too nearly resembled the Deism of our age. He opinion which he had formed respecting the Preada- confessed himself, that his reason for quitting the Protemites, his answer was, Hi quæcunque ignorant blasphe- stants was on account of their being the first and princimant. His having no fixed sentiments of religion is pal opposers of his book concerning the Preadamites. -supposed to proceed more from a peculiar turn of mind II. A curious and entertaining account of Greenland, than a corruption of the heart; for good nature, sim- printed in 8vo, 1647. When he was asked, on occasion plicity of manners, and humanity, seem to have formed of this work, why there were so many witches in the his character. "He was (says Niceron) a man of a north? he replied, "It is because part of the property very equal temper, and most agreeable conversation. of these pretended conjurers, when condemned to suffer He was a little too fond, however, of indulging his death, is declared to belong to their judges." III. Aa~ wit, which sometimes bordered on raillery; but he took equally interesting account of Iceland, 1663, 8vo. IV. care never to hurt nor wound the feelings of his neigh- A letter to Philotimus, 1658, in 8vo, in which he exbour. His learning was extremely limited. He knew plains the reasons of his recantation, &c. We find in nothing either of Greek or Hebrew; and yet he ven- Moreri the following epitaph of him, written by a poet tured to give a new interpretation of several passages of of his own times. the sacred volume. He piqued himself on his knowledge of the Latin; but excepting a few poets which he had read, he was by no means an adept in that language. His style is very unequal; sometimes swelling and pompous, at other times low and grovelling." Besides the work already mentioned, he has left behind him, I. A treatise as singular as it is scarce, intitled, Du rappel de Juifs, 1643, in 8vo. The recal of the Israelites, in the opinion of this writer, will be not only of a spiritual nature, but they will be reinstated in the temporal blessings which they enjoyed before their rejection. They will again take possession of the holy land, which will resume its former fertility. God will then raise up to them a king more just, and more victorious, than any of their former sovereigns had been. Now, though all this is doubtless to be understood spiritually of Jesus Christ, yet our author is of opinion, that it ought also to be understood of a temporal prince, who shall arise for the purpose of effecting the temporal deliverance of the Jews; and that this prince shall be no other than the king of France, for the following reasons, which, it is believed, will carry conviction to few minds: 1. Because the two titles of Most Christian, and of Eldest Son of the Church, are ascribed to him by way

La Peyrere ici gît, ce bon Israelite,
Huguenot, Catholique, enfin Preadamite:
Quatre religions lui plurent à la fois,
Et son indifference etoit si peu commune,
Qu'après quatre-vingts ans qu'il eut à faire un

Le bon homme partit, & n'en choisit pas une.
PEYRONIUS, FRANCIS DE LA, for a long time
practised surgery at Paris with such distinguished eclat,
that he obtained for himself the appointment of first sur-
geon to Louis XV. He improved this favourable situ-
ation with his majesty, and procured to his profession
those honours which had the effect to quicken its pro-
gress, and those establishments which contributed to ex-
tend its benefits. The Royal College of Surgery at
Paris was founded by his means in 1731, was enlight-
ened by his knowledge, and encouraged by his munifi-
cence. At his death, which happened at Versailles the
24th of April 1747, he bequeathed to the society of
surgeons in Paris two thirds of his effects, his estate of
Marigni, which was sold to the king for 200,000 livres,
and his library. This useful citizen also left to the so-
ciety of surgeons at Montpelier two houses, situated in


Peyronius, that town, with roo,000 livres, for the purpose of Peyrouse erecting there a chirurgical amphitheatre. He appoint

ed the same society universal legatee for the third of his effects; and all these legacies contain clauses whose sole object is to promote the public good, the perfection and improvement of surgery; for which he always solicited the protection of the court. At the time of the famous dispute between the physicians and surgeons, he entreated the Chancellor d'Aguessan to build up a brazen wall between the two bodies. "I will do so, replied the mimister, but on what side of the wall shall we place the sick:" Peyronius afterwards behaved with more moderation. He was a philosopher without any ostentation; but his philosophy was tempered by a long acquaintance with the world and with the court. The acuteness and delicacy of his understanding, joined to his natural vivacity, rendered his conversation agreeable; and all these advantages were crowned with a quality still more valuable, an uncommon degree of sympathy for those in distress. He was no sooner known to be at his estate in the country, than his house was filled with sick people, who came to him from the distance of 7 or 8 leagues round about. He had once a plan of establishing, on this spot, an hospital, to which he intended to retire, that he might devote the remainder of his life to the service of the poor.

PEYROUSE, or PEROUSE, JOHN FRANCIS GALOUP DE LA, the celebrated but unfortunate French navigator, was born at Albi in the year 1741. His father intended to train him up to a maritime life, for which purpose he sent him, when very young, to the marine school, where he became enthusiastically attached to his profession, and ambitious to emulate the fame of the most celebrated navigators.

He was appointed midshipman on the 19th of November 1756, behaving with great bravery in that station; and was severely wounded in the engagement between Hawke and Conflans, on the 20th of November 1759. The Formidable, in which he served, was taken, after a vigorous resistance; and it is probable that Peyrouse reaped some advantage from bis acquaintance with British officers.

He was promoted, on the 1st of October 1764, to the rank of lieutenant; and as he abhorred a life of ease and idleness, he contrived to be employed in six different ships of war during the peace that subsisted between Great Britain and France. In 1716 he was promoted to the rank of master and commander. In 1779 he commanded the Amazone, belonging to the squadron of Vice-admiral Count d'Estaing; and when that officer engaged Admiral Byron, the post of La Peyrouse was to carry the orders of the admiral to the whole of the line. He afterwards took the sloop Ariel, and contributed to the capture of the Experiment.

In the year 1782, La Peyrouse was sent with the Sceptre of 74 guns, and two frigates of 36 guns each, with some troops and field-pieces on board, to destroy the English settlements in Hudson's Bay, which was easily accomplished, as nothing was found on shore to oppose the smallest force. Having destroyed the settlements, he learned that some of the English had fled at his approach into the woods. He generously left them provisions and arms to defend themselves against the savages.


In the year 1785, he was appointed to the command Peyrouss of some ships employed in a voyage round the world, which unfortunately proved his last. Of this voyage, as far as it was accomplished, full accounts have been already published, from which it is manifest that Peyrouse was admirably qualified to discharge such a trust. He was an experienced and skilful seamen ; a man of mathematical and physical science, uncorrupted by that false philosophy which disgraced many of his attend. ants, and capable of the utmost perseverance in every commendable pursuit. To these excellent qualities he added caution and courage, with a disposition truly benevolent towards the savages whom he visited. Most of the calamities attendant on the voyage, with the exception of the last, were occasioned by the disobedience of his officers, or their neglecting to follow his advice.

The last dispatches of this great and truly excellent man were dated from Botany Bay, February 7. 1788; and since that period, no account of him has been received which is entitled to the smallest credit.

PEZAY, N. MASSON, MARQUIS OF, born at Paris, very early applied himself to the study of letters, and afterwards went into the army. He was made a captain of dragoons; and had the honour of giving some les sons on tactics to the ill-fated Louis XVI. Being appointed inspector general of some coasting vessels, he repaired to the maritime towns, and executed his commission with more care and attention than was to have been expected from a votary of the muses. But as, at the same time, he showed too much haughtiness, a complaint was brought against him to the court, and he was ba nished to his country seat, where he died soon after, in the beginning of 1778. He was the intimate friend and companion of Dorat. He had studied, and successfully imitated, his manner of writing; but his poems have more delicacy, and are less disfigured with trifling conversations of gallantry. He has left behind him, 1. A translation of Catullus, which is not much esteemed. 2. Les Soirées Helvetiennes, Alsaciennes, et Franc-Comtoises, in 8vo, 1770; a work very agreeably diversified, full of charming landscapes, but written with too little accuracy. 3. Les Soirées Provençales, in manuscript, which are said to be nowise inferior in merit to the fore

going ones. 4. La Rosiere de Salency; a pastoral in three acts, and which has been performed with success on the Italian theatres. 5. Les campagnes de Mailebois, in 3 vols 4to, and a volume of maps.

PEZENAS, a place in France about 24 miles from Montpelier. The soil about it is sandy. The rock is limestone. The fields are open, and produce corn, wine, and oil. There are to be seen at this place the extensive ruins of a castle, which formerly belonged to the Montmorency family. This strong fortress was hewn out of the rock on which it stands, and appears to have been complicated and full of art. The walls are lofty, and above 8 feet in thickness. The rock, which is perpendicular, is a mass of shells, such as turbinites, oysters, cockles, with a calcareous cement. From hence the circumjacent plain, decked with luxuriant verdure, and shut in by rugged mountains, affords a most delightful prospect. E. Long. 3. 35. N. Lat. 43. 18.

PEZIZA, CUP-MUSHROOM, a genus of plants of the natural order of fungi, belonging to the cryptogamia class. See BOTANY Index.



PHACA, a genus of plants belonging to the diadelphia class; and in the natural method ranking under Phaedrus the 22d order, Papilionacea. See BOTANY Index. PHÆA, in Antiquity, a famous sow which infested the neighbourhood of Cromyon. Theseus destroyed it as he was travelling from Trozene to Athens to make himself known to his father. Some imagine that the boar of Calydon sprang from this sow. According to some authors, Phaa was a woman who prostituted herself to strangers, whom she murdered, and afterwards plundered.

PHÆACIA, one of the ancient names of the island Corcyra. Phæaces the people, who were noted for their indolence and luxury.

PHÆDON, a disciple of Socrates, who had been seized by pirates in his youth; and the philosopher, who seemed to discover something uncommon in his countenance, bought his liberty for a sum of money. Phædon, after Socrates's death, returned to Elis his native country, where he founded a sect of philosophers who composed what was called the Eliac school. The name of Phædon is affixed to one of Plato's dialogues.

PHÆDRA, in fabulous history, was a daughter of Minos and Pasiphae; she married Theseus, by whom she was the mother of Acamas and Demophoon. They had already lived for some time in conjugal felicity, when Venus, who hated all the descendants of Apollo, because he had discovered her amours with Mars, inspired Phædra with the strongest passion for Hippolytus the son of Theseus, by the amazon Hippolyte. This passion she long attempted to stifle, but in vain; and therefore, in the absence of Theseus, she addressed Hip polytus with all the impatience of desponding love. He rejected her with horror and disdain. She, how ever, incensed by the reception she had met, resolved to punish his coldness and refusal; and at the return of Theseus she accused Hippolytus of attempts upon her virtue. He listened to her accusation; and without hearing Hippolytus's defence, he banished him from his kingdom, and implored Neptune, who had promised to grant three of his requests, to punish him in an exemplary manner. As Hippolytus fled from Athens, his horses were suddenly terrified by a sea monster, which Neptune had sent on the shore; and he was thus dragged through precipices and over rocks, trampled under the feet of his horses, and crushed under the wheels of his chariot. When his tragical end was known at Athens, Phædra confessed her crime, and hung herself in despair, unable to survive one whose death her extreme guilt had occasioned. The death of Hippolytus, and the infamous passion of Phædra, is the subject of one of the tragedies of Euripides and of Seneca. She was buried at Træzene, where her tomb was still to be seen in the time of the geographer Pausanias, near the temple of Venus, which she had built to render the goddess favourable to her incestuous passion. Near her tomb was a myrtle, whose leaves were full of small holes, which, it was reported, Phædra had done with a hair pin, when the vehemence of her passion had rendered her melancholy and almost desperate. She was represented in a painting in Apollo's temple at Delphi, as suspended in the air, while her sister Ariadne stood near to her, and fixed her eyes upon her.

PHÆDRUS, an ancient Latin writer, who composed five books of fables, in iambic verse. He was a

Thracian; and was born, as there is reason to conclude, Phaedrus some years before Julius Cæsar made himself master of the Roman empire. How he came into the service of Phaeton, Augustus is not known: but his being called Augustus's freedman in the title of the book, shews that he had been that emperor's slave. The fables of Phædrus are. valued for their wit and good sense, expressed in very pure and elegant language; and it is remarkable that they remained buried in libraries altogether unknown to the public, until they were discovered and published by Peter Pithou, or Pithoeus, a learned French gentleman, toward the close of the 16th century.

PHÆNOMENON, in philosophy, denotes any remarkable appearance, whether in the heavens or earth, and whether discovered by observation or experiment.

PHAETON, in fabulous history, was the son of the Sun, or Phoebus and Clymene, one of the Oceanides.. He was son of Cephalus and Aurora, according to Hesiod and Pausanias; or of Tithonus and Aurora, according to Apollodorus. He is, however, more gene-rally acknowledged to be the son of Phoebus and Cly-mene. He was naturally of a lively disposition, and a handsome figure. Venus became enamoured of him, and entrusted him with the care of one of her temples.This distinguishing favour of the goddesa rendered him vain and aspiring; and when Epaphus, the son of Io, had told him, to check his pride, that he was not the son of Phoebus, Phaeton resolved to know his true origin, and at the instigation of his mother he visited the palace of the sun. He begged Phoebus, that if he really were his father, he would give him incontestable proofs of his paternal tenderness, and convince the world of his legitimacy. Phoebus received him with great tenderness, and swore by Styx to grant whatever he requested as a proof of his acknowledging him for his The youth boldly asked the direction of the chariot of the sun for one day. His father, grieved and surprised at this demand, used all his arguments to dissuade him from the rash attempt; but all was in vain : and being by his oath reduced to submit to his obstinacy, entrusted him with the reins, after he had directed him how to use them. The young adventurer was however soon sensible of his madness. He was unable to guide the fiery steeds; and loosing the reins, Jupiter, to prevent his consuming the heavens and the earth, struck him with a thunderbolt, and hurled him from his seat into the river Eridanus or Po. His sisters Phaëthusa, Lambetia, and Phoebe, lamenting his loss upon its banks, were changed by the gods into black poplar trees; and Cycnus king of Liguria, also grieving at his fate,. was transformed into a swan.


The poets say, that while Phaeton was driving the chariot of his father, the blood of the Ethiopians was. dried up; and their skin became black; a colour which is still preserved among the greatest part of the inhabitants of the torrid zone. The territories of Libya were also, they tell us, parched up, on account of their too great vicinity to the sun; and ever since, Africa, unable to recover her original verdure and fruitfulness, has exhibited a sandy country and uncultivated waste. According to those who explain this poetical fable, Phaeton was a Ligurian prince, who studied astronomy, and in whose age the neighbourhood of the Po was visited with uncommon heats..


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PHAETON, a genus of birds belonging to the order of anseres. See ORNITHOLOGY Index.

PHAGEDÆNA, in Medicine, denotes a corroding


PHAGEDENIC MEDICINES, those used to eat off proud or fungous flesh; such as are all the caustics.

PHAGEDENIC Water, in Chemistry, denotes a water make from quicklime and sublimate; and is very efficacious in the cure of phagedenic ulcers. To prepare this water, put two pounds of fresh quicklime in a large earthen pan, and pour upon it about ten pounds of rain-water; let them stand together for two days, stirring them frequently: at last leave the lime to settle well, then pour off the water by inclination, filtrate it, and put it up in a glass bottle, adding to it an ounce of corrosive sublimate in powder; which from white becomes yellow, and sinks to the bottom of the vessel. The water being settled, is fit for use in the cleansing of wounds and ulcers, and to eat off superfluous flesh, and especially in gangrenes; in which case may be added to it a third or fourth part of spirit of wine. PHALÆNA, the MOTH, a genus of insects belonging to the order of lepidoptera. See ENTOMOLOGY Index.

PHALANGIUM, a genus of insects belonging to the order of aptera. See ENTOMOLOGY Index.

PHALANGOSIS, in Surgery, is a tumour and relaxation of the eyelids, often so great as to deform the eye, and considerably to impede vision. Sometimes the eyelid when in this state subsides or sinks down, occasioned perhaps either by a palsy of the muscle which sustains and elevates the eyelid, or else from a relaxation of the cutis above, from various causes. But in the paralytic or relaxed case, the use of cordial and nervous medicines must be proposed internally; and outwardly, balsam of Peru and Hungary water are to be employed. If all these fail, the remaining method of cure is to extirpate a sufficient quantity of the relaxed cutis. PHALANX, in Grecian antiquity, a square battalion of soldiers, with their shields joined and pikes crossing each other; so that it was next to impossible to break it.

The Macedonian 'phalanx is supposed by some to have had the advantage in valour and strength, over the Roman legion. Its number was 8000 men. But the word phalanx is used for a party of 28, and several other numbers; and even sometimes for the whole body of foot. See LEGION.

PHALANX is applied, by anatomists, to the three rows of small bones which form the fingers. See ANATOMY Index.


PHALARIS, a remarkable tyrant, born at Crete, where his ambitious designs occasioned his banishment he took refuge in Agrigentum, a free city of Sicily, and there obtained the supreme power by stratagem. The circumstance which has chiefly contributed to preserve his name in history is his cruelty; in one act of which he gave, however, an example of strict justice. It is thus related: Perillus, a brass-founder at Athens, knowing the cruel disposition of Phalaris, contrived a new species of punishment for him to inflict on his subjects. He cast a brazen bull, bigger than the life, with an opening in the side to admit the victim; who being shut up in the body, a fire was kindled under it to roast them to death; and the throat was so contrived, that

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their dying groans resembled the roaring of a bull. The Phalaris artist brought it to the tyrant, expecting a great reward. Phalaris admired the invention and work manship, but ordered the inventor to be put into it to make the first trial. In allusion to which, Ovid says, Neque enim lex æquior ulla,

Quam necis artifices arte perire sua.

The end of this detestable tyrant is differently related; but it is very generally believed, with Cicero, that he fell by the hands of the Agrigentines; and, as some suppose, at the instigation of Pythagoras. Ovid tells us, that his tongue- was cut out; and that he was then put into the bull to perish by the same slow fire by which means he had murdered so many before. Others say that he was stoned to death; and all agree that his end was violent. He reigned, Eusebius says, 28 years; others say 16. After all, there is great uncertainty both as to his life, death, and history. Many of the circumstances related of him, as they are collected by Mr Boyle, depend upon the authenticity of those epistles which go under the name of the tyrant; and which have been justly questioned, and with great probability rejected, as the spurious production of some modern suphist. See BENTLEY, p. 177. col. 2.

PHALARIS, or Canary-grass, a genus of plants belonging to the triandria class. See BOTANY Index. PHALERÆ, among the ancient Romans, were military rewards bestowed for some signal act of bravery. Authors do not agree whether the Phalera were a suit of rich trappings for a horse, or golden chains something like the torques, but so formed as to hang down to the breast and display a greater profusion of ornament. The last opinion appears to have the greater prevalence, but perhaps both are true.


PHALEREUS (Nepos), a village and port of A. thens; this last neither large nor commodious, for which reason Themistocles put the Athenians on building the Piræus; both joined to Athens by long walls. Phalereus lay nearer the city (Pausanias). Demetrius Phalereus, the celebrated scholar of Theophrastus, was of this place; to whom the Athenians erected above 300 statues; which were afterwards destroyed by his enemies, on his flight to Ptolemy king of Egypt (Strabo). Here Demosthenes was wont to declaim, to accustom his voice to surmount the noise and roaring of the sea; a just and lively emblem of popular assemblies.

PHÁLEUCIAN VERSE, in ancient poetry, a kind of verse consisting of five feet; the first of which is a spondee, the second a dactyl, and the three last trochees.

PHALLUS, the MOREL, a genus of plants of the order of fungi, and belonging to the cryptogamia class. See BOTANY Index.

PHALLUS, among the Egyptians, was the emblem of fecundity. It was very fervently worshipped by women, especially by those who were barren. This custom was introduced among the Greeks; and festivals in honour of it were called phaluca. See MYSTERIES, No 38, &c. Among the Hindoos, a similar emblem called lingam is used, and for similar purposes. See HINDoos, N° 4.

PHALTI, or PHALTIEL, son of Laish. He married Michal, after Saul had taken her from David; but David afterwards took her away from Phalti (1 Sam. xxv. 44. 2 Sam. iii. 15.). Some interpreters are of opi


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Egypt and Arabia Petræa; or, according to Ptolemy, Phara at a promontory situated between the Sinus Heroopolites and Elaniticus of the Red sea; where Ismael is said to have dwelt. In Hebrew it is Paran, and in most interpreters; Pharan, Septuagint and Vulgate. Pharanite, the people (Ptolemy), Paran or Pharan, the name of the wilderness in its neighbourhood, adjoining to Cadesh.

Phaki nion Phalti did not meddle with Michal all the time she continued in his house, for fear that both of them should incur the penalty of death, to be inflicted on adulterers (Levit. xx. 10.), because Michal had not been legally divorced; but these reasons are frivolous. Saul looked upon David as a rebel to his king, and an outlaw, whose goods and wives belonged to him, and which he could absolutely dispose of. He would not have given Michal to Phalti, nor would he have received her, if he had not thought he might use her as his wife. If Michal had no children by Phalti, by whom then were those children that the scripture says she had, since it is known she had none by David? see 2 Sam. xxi. 8. and vi. 23.

PHANATIC, or FANATIC, a visionary; one who fancies he sees spectres, spirits, apparitions, or other imaginary objects, even when awake; and takes them to be real. See PHANTASY and FANATIC.

Such are phrenetics, necromancers, hypochondriac persons, lycanthropi, &c. See PHRENETIC, HYPOCHONDRIAC, LYCANTHROPI,

Hence the word is also applied to enthusiasts, pretenders to revelation, new lights, prophecies, &c. See ENTHUSIAST, and SECOND Sight.

PHANTASIA was the daughter of Nicarchus of Memphis in Egypt. It has been supposed that she wrote a poem on the Trojan war, and another on the return of Ulysses to Ithaca, from which compositions Homer copied the greatest part of his Iliad and Odyssey, when he visited Memphis, where they were deposited.

PHANTASM, a term sometimes used in a synonymous sense with idea, or notion retained in the mind, of an external object.

PHANTASMAGORIA, an optical deception. See SCIENCE, Amusements of.

PHANTASY, or FANCY, the Imagination; one of the powers of the mind, by which the species of objects received by the external organs of sense are retained, recalled, further examined, and either compounded, or divided: See IMAGINATION; and METAPHYSICS, Part I. Chap. ii. Or it is that internal sense whereby the ideas of absent things are formed, and represented to the mind as if they were present. In melancholics and madmen this faculty is very strong, representing many extravagant and monstrous things, and framing its images as lively as those of sensation: whence the visions and deceptions those persons are liable to.

PHANUEL, of the tribe of Asher, the father of a holy widow and prophetess called Anna, who was in the temple when our Saviour was presented there by his rents (Luke ii. 36, 37, 38.).


PHAON, a young man of Mytilene, in the island of Lesbos, received from Venus, as fable reports, an alabaster vase filled with an essence which had the virtue of conferring beauty. He had no sooner anointed his body with it than he became the most beautiful of men. The ladies of Mytilene fell desperately in love with him; and the celebrated Sappho threw herself down a precipice because he would not encourage her passion. He is said to have been killed by a husband who surprised him with his wife. We have in Ovid a letter from Sappho to Phaon, which Mr Pope has translated into English verse.

PHARA, in Ancient Geography, a village between VOL. XVI. Part I.

PHARE, in Ancient Geography, a town of Achaia in Peloponnesus, on the river Pierus, 70 stadia from the sea, and to the south of Patræ 150 stadia. Another, of Crete (Pliny); a colony from the Phare of Messenia (Stephanus). A third Phare, or Phere (Strabo, Ptolemy); Phara, -a, (Polybius); a town of Messenia, on the river Nedo (Strabo); on the north side of the Sinus Messenius, and to the north-west of Abea. An ciently read Pharis in Homer (Pausanias, Statius), though now read Phare. Pharife is the name of the people.

PHARAMOND is the name which is given by the generality of historians to the first king of France. He is said to have reigned at Treves, and over a part of France, about the year 420; and to have been succeeded by his son Clodion: but the account which is given of these two princes is very uncertain. It is probable Pharamond was properly no more than a general of an army, the head of a military society of Franks, who were masters of their persons and their fortunes. Gregory of Tours seems to have been of this opinion. "It is not generally known (says he) who was the first king of the French. Sulpitius Severus, who mentions several things respecting that nation, takes no notice of its first monarch; he only says that it had generals." Be that as it may, the institution of the famous Salique law (so named from the Salians the most illustrious of the Franks) is generally attributed to Pharamond. "This law fixed the punishment of crimes, and various points of police. There is no just ground for believing that it expressly settled the right of succession to the crown; it only says, that, with relation to the Salic land, women have no share of heritage, without restricting it to the royal family in particular; for all those were generally called Salic lands, which were.held by right of conquest; and it is easy to conceive that a nation of soldiers, whose general was their king, would not submit to be governed by a woman. custom, supported by the principles of the nation, came in time to be the established law of the kingdom." (See M. Abbé Millot, Elem. de l'Histoire de France, tom. i.).

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PHARAOH, a common name of the kings of Egypt. Josephus says, that all the kings of Egypt, from Minæus the founder of Memphis, who lived several ages before Abraham, have always had the name of Pharaoh, down to the times of Solomon, for more than 3300 years. He adds, that in the Egyptian language the word Pharoah signifies a king; and that those princes did not assume this name but when they ascended the throne, at which time they quitted also their former name. From hence it comes to pass, says Josephus, that Herodotus names none of the kings of Egypt after Minæus the builder of Memphis, though he had 330 kings for his successors, because they had all the name of Pharaoh; but because this name did not pass to women also, he names an Egyptian queen Nicaule who + Ii succeeded

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