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Philip. Father also. This is all we find concerning Philip in and went down into the water, where Philip baptized Philip the gospel. the eunuch. Being come out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord took away Philip, and the eunuch saw no more of him. But Philip was found again at Azotus, and he preached the gospel in all the cities he passed through, till he arrived at Cæsarea in Palestine. After this, the scripture does not inform us of any particulars relating to Philip. The modern Greeks say that he went to Tralles in Asia, where he founded a church, of which he was the apostle and bishop; and where he rested in peace, after performing many miracles. The Latins, on the contrary, say that he died at Cæsarea, and that three of his daughters were there buried with him.

The upper Asia fell to this apostle's lot, where he took great pains in planting the gospel, and by his preaching and miracles made many converts. In the latter part of his life, he came to Hierapolis in Phrygia, a city very much addicted to idolatry, and particularly to the worship of a serpent of a prodigious bigness. St Philip by his prayers procured the death, or at least the disappearing, of this monster, and convinced its worshippers of the absurdity of paying divine honours to such odious creatures. But the magistrates, enraged at Philip's success, imprisoned him, and ordered him to be severely scourged, and then put to death, which some say was by crucifixion; others, by hanging him up against a pillar. St Philip is generally reckoned among the married apostles; and it is said he had three daughters, two whereof preserved their virginity, and died at Hierapolis: the third, having led a very spiritual life, died at Ephesus. He left behind him no writings. The gospel under his name was forged by the Gnostics, to countenance their bad principles and worse practices. The Christian church observes the festival of this saint, together with that of St James, on the first day of May. Euseb. lib. iii. c. 30.

PHILIP, the second of the seven deacons, was chosen by the apostles after our Saviour's resurrection. (Acts vi. 5.). This deacon, they say, was of Cæsarea in Palestine. It is certain that his daughters lived in this city (Acts xxi. 8, 9.). After the death of St Stephen, all the Christians, excepting the apostles, having left Jerusalem, and being dispersed in several places, St Philip went to preach at Samaria (id. viii. 1, 2, &c.), where he performed several miracles, and converted many persons. He baptized them; but being only a deacon, he could not confer on them the Holy Ghost. Wherefore having made known to the apostles at Jerusalem, that Samaria had received the word of God, Peter and John came thither, and the Samaritans that were converted received the Holy Ghost. St Philip was probably at Samaria when the angel of the Lord ordered him to go to the south part of the country, in the road that leads from Jerusalem to old Gaza. Philip obeyed, and there met with an Ethiopian eunuch belonging to Queen Candace, who had the care of her revenues, and had been at Jerusalem to worship God there (id. viii. 26, 27, &c.). He was then returning into his own country, and was reading the prophet Isaiah as he went along in his chariot. Philip, hearing the eunuch reading the prophet Isaiah, said to him, Do you understand what you read? The eunuch replied, How should I understand, except somebody explain it to me? He desired Philip therefore to come and sit down by him in the chariot. The passage the eunuch was reading is this: "He was led as a sheep to the slaughter, and like a lamb dumb before his shearer, so he opened not his mouth." The eunuch then says to Philip, Pray, whom does the prophet speak of in this place? Is it of himself, or of some other? Then Philip began to instruct him concerning Jesus Christ. And having gone on together, they came to a fountain; when the eunuch said to Philip, Here is water, what hinders me from being baptized? Philip told him that he might be so, if he believed with all his heart. He replied, I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. He then ordered the chariot to stop, and they both alighted VOL. XVI. Part I.


It is thought, that the eunuch converted by St Philip was the first apostle of the Ethiopians; and that the Abyssines boast of having received the Christian faith from him.


PHILIP II. was the fourth son of Amyntas, king of LempriMacedonia. He was sent to Thebes as an hostage by cre's Biblihis father, where he learnt the art of war under Epa- otheca minondas, and studied with the greatest care the manners and the pursuits of the Greeks. He discovered, from his earliest years, that quickness of genius and greatness of courage which afterwards procured him so great a name and such powerful enemies. He was recalled to Macedonia; and at the death of his brother Perdiccas he ascended the throne as guardian and protector of the youthful years of his nephew. His ambition, however, soon discovered itself, and he made himself independent about the year 360 before Christ. The valour of a prudent general, and the policy of an experienced statesman, seemed requisite to ensure his power. The neighbouring nations, ridiculing the youth and inexperience of the new king of Macedonia, appeared in arms; but Philip soon convinced them of their error. Unable to meet them as yet in the field of battle, he suspended their fury by presents, and soon turned his arms against Amphipolis, a colony tributary to the Athenians. Amphipolis was conquered, and added to the kingdom of Macedonia; and Philip meditated no less than the destruction of a republic which had rendered itself so formidable to the rest of Greece, and had even claimed submission from the princes of Macedonia. His designs, however, were as yet immature; and before he could make Athens an object of conquest, the Thracians and the Illyrians demanded his attention. He made himself master of a Thracian colony, to which he gave the name of Philippi, and from which he received the greatest advantages on account of the gold mines in the neighbourhood. These made it a very important capture. He settled in it a number of workmen, and was the first who caused gold to be coined in his own name. He employed his wealth in procuring spies and partisans in all the great cities of Greece, and in making conquests without the aid of arms. It was at the siege of Methone in Thrace that Philip had the misfortune to receive a wound in his right eye from the stroke of an arrow. In the midst of his political prosperity, Philip did not neglect the honour of his family. He married Olympias the daughter of Neoptolemus, king of the Molossi; and when, some time after, he became father of Alexander, the monarch, conscious of the inestimable advantages which arise from the lessons, the example, and conversation of a learned and virtuous preceptor, wrote a letter with his own hand to the philosopher Aristotle, and LI begged


Philip. begged him to retire from his usual pursuits, and to dedicate his whole time to the instruction of the young prince. Every thing seemed now to conspire to his aggrandizement; and historians have observed that Philip received in one day the intelligence of three things which could gratify the most unbounded ambition, and flatter the hopes of the most aspiring monarch: the birth of a son, an honourable crown at the Olympic games, and a victory over the barbarians, of Illyricum. But all these rather increased than satiated his ambition he declared his inimical sentiments against the power of Athens, and the independence of all Greece, by laying siege to Olynthus, a place which, on account of its situation and consequence, would prove most injurious to the interests of the Athenians, and most advantageous to the intrigues and military operations of every Macedonian prince. The Athenians roused by the eloquence of Demosthenes, sent 17 vessels and 2000 men to the assistance of Olynthus; but the money of Philip prevailed over all their efforts. The greatest part of the citizens suffered themselves to be bribed by the Macedonian gold, and Olynthus surrendered to the enemy, and was instantly reduced to ruins. Philip soon after defeated the Athenians, and made a greater number of them prisoners, whom he dismissed without ransom. Of this victory, the fruit of that excellent discipline which he had established in bis army, the Macedonian phalanx had the principal honour. This was a body of infantry heavily armed, consisting commonly of 16,000 men, who had each of them a shield six feet high and a pike 21 feet long. (See PHALANX). The success of his arms, and especially his generosity after victory, made his alliance. and a peace a desirable object to the people of Athens; and as both parties were inclined to this measure, it was concluded without delay. His successes were as great in every part of Greece: he was declared head of the Amphictyonic council, and was entrusted with the care of the sacred temple of Apollo at Delphi. If he was recalled to Macedonia, it was only to add fresh laurels to his crown, by victories over his enemies in Illyricum and Thessaly. By assuming the mask of a moderator and peace-maker, he gained confidence ; and in attempting to protect the Peloponnesians against the encroaching power of Sparta, he rendered his cause popular; and by ridiculing the insults that were offered to his person as he passed through Corinth, he displayed to the world his moderation and philosophic virtues. In his attempts to make himself master of Euboea, Philip was unsuccessful; and Phocion, who despised his gold as well as his meanness, obliged him to evacuate an island whose inhabitants were as insen-, sible to the charms of money as they were unmoved. at the horrors of war, and the bold efforts of a vigilant enemy. From Euboea he turned his arms against the Scythians; but the advantages he obtained over this indigent nation were inconsiderable, and he again made Greece an object of plunder and rapine. He advanced far in Boeotia, and a general engagement was fought at Charonea. The fight was long and bloody, but Philip obtained the victory. His behaviour after the battle reflects great disgrace upon him as a man and as a monarch. In the hour of festivity, and during the entertainment which be had given to celebrate the trophies he had won, Philip sallied from his camp, and

with the inhumanity of a brute, be insulted the bodies Philip. of the slain, and exulted over the calamities of the prisoners of war. His insolence, however, was checked, when Demades, one of the Athenian captives, reminded him of his meanness, by exclaiming, "Why do you, O king, act the part of a Thersites, when you can represent with so much dignity the elevated character of an Agamemnon ?" The reproof was felt; Demades received his liberty; and Philip learned how to gain popularity even among his fallen enemies; by relieving their wants and easing their distresses. At the battle of Charonea the independence of Greece was extinguished; and Philip, unable to find new enemies in Europe, formed new enterprises, and meditated new conquests. He was nominated general of the Greeks against the Persians, and was called upon, as well from inclination as duty, to revenge those injuries which Greece had suffered from the invasions of Darius and Xerxes. But he was stopped in the midst of his warlike preparations, being stabbed by Pausanias as he entered the theatre at the celebration of the nuptials of his daughter Cleopatra. This murder has given rise to many reflections upon the causes which produced it; and many who consider the recent repudiation of Olympias and the resentment of Alexander, are apt to investigate the causes of his death in the bosom of his family. The ridiculous honours which Olympias paid to her husband's murderer strengthened the suspicion ; yet Alexander declared that he invaded the kingdom of Persia to revenge his father's death upon the Persian satraps and princes, by whose immediate intrigues the assassition had been committed. The character of Philip Is that of a sagacious, artful, prudent, and intriguing monarch: he was brave in the field of battle, eloquent and dissimulating at home, and he possessed the wonderful art of changing his conduct according to the disposition and caprice of mankind, without ever altering his purpose, or losing sight of his ambitious aims. He possessed much perseverance, and in the execution of his plans he was always vigorous. He had that eloquence which is inspired by strong passions. The hand of an assassin prevented him from achieving the boldest and the most extensive of his undertakings; and he might have acquired as many laurels, and conquered as many nations, as his son Alexander did in the succeeding reign; and the kingdom of Persia might have been added to the Macedonian empire, perhaps with greater moderation, with more glory, and with more lasting advantages. The private character of Philip lies open to censure, and raises indignation. The admirer of his virtues is disgusted to find him among the most abandoned prostitutes, and disgracing himself by the most unnatural crimes and lascivious indulgencies which can make even the most debauched and the most profligate to blush. He was murdered in the 47th year of his age, and the 24th of his reign, about 336 years before the Christian era. His reign is become uncommonly interesting, and his administration a matter of instruction. He is the first monarch whose life and actions are described with peculiar accuracy and historical faithfulness. Philip was the father of Alexander the Great and of Cleopatra, by Olympias; he had also by Audaca an Illyrian, Cyna, who married Amyntas the son of Perdiccas, Philip's elder brother; by Nicasipolis a Thessalian, Nicæa, who married Cassander; by Philæna a



Philip. Larissaan dancer, Aridaus, who reigned some time after Alexander's death; by Cleopatra, the niece of Attalus, Caranus and Europa, who were both murdered by Olympias; and Ptolemy the first king of Egypt, by Arsinoe, who in the first month of her pregnancy was married to Lagus. Of the many memorable actions and sayings reported by Plutarch of this prince, the following are the most remarkable. Being present at the sale of some captives, in an indecent posture, one of them informed him of it; "Set this man at liberty (says Philip), I did not know that he was my friend." Being solicited to favour a lord of his court, who was like to lose his character by a just but severe sentence, Philip refused to hearken to the solicitation, and added, "I had rather that he be disgraced than myself." A poor woman was importuning him to do her justice; and as he sent her away from day to day, under the pretence that he had no time to attend to her petition, she said to him with some warmth, "Cease then to be a king." Philip felt all the force of this reproof, and immediately gave her satisfaction.-Another woman came to ask justice of him as he was going out from a great entertainment, and was condemned. "I appeal (exclaimed she)!" "And to whom do you appeal (said the king to her)?" "To Philip fasting." This answer opened the eyes of the monarch, who retracted his sentence. If he possessed any virtue, it was principally that of suffering injuries with patience. Democharus, to whom the Greeks gave the surname of Parrhesiastes, on account of his excessive petulance of tongue, was one of the deputies whom the Athenians sent to this monarch. Philip, at the conclusion of the audience, begged the ambassadors to tell him, " if he could be of any service to the Athenians;" to which Democharus gave an insolent return, which he forgave. Having learned that some Athenian ambassadors charged him, in full assembly, with atrocious calumnies: "I am under great obligations (said he) to those gentlemen, for I shall henceforwards be so circumspect in my words and actions, that I shall convict them of falsehood." One saying of Philip, which does him less honour than those we have before mentioned, was, " Let us amuse children with playthings, and men with oaths." This abominable maxim, which was the soul and spring of his politics, gave rise to the observation, "That he was in full length, what Louis XI. afterwards was in miniature." It is well known that Philip had a person about him, who called out at times," Philip, remember that thou art mortal; " but whether we should place this to the account of his pride or his humility, it is difficult to



PHILIP V. was king of Macedonia, and son of Demetrius. His infancy, at the death of his father, was protected by Antigonus, one of his friends, who ascended the throne, and reigned for 12 years, with the title of Independent monarch. When Antigonus died, Philip recovered bis father's throne, though only 15 years of age, and he early distinguished himself by his boldness and his ambitious views. He came to the throne in the year 220 before our Saviour, and the beginning of his reign was rendered glorious by the conquests of Aratus; a general who was as eminent for his love of justice as his skill in war. But so virtuous a character could hardly fail to be disagreeable to a prince who

wanted to indulge himself in every species of dissipation Philip. and vice and indeed his cruelty to him soon displayed his character in its true light; for to the gratification of every vice, and every extravagant propensity he had the meanness to sacrifice this faithful and virtuous Athe nian. Not satisfied with the kingdom of Macedonia, Philip aspired to become the friend of Hannibal, and wished to share with him the spoils which the distresses and continual loss of the Romans seemed soon to promise. But his expectations were frustrated; the Romans discovered his intrigues; and though weakened by the valour and artifice of the Carthaginian, yet they were soon enabled to meet him in the field of battle. The consul Lavinus entered without delay his territories of Macedonia; and after he had obtained a victory over him near Apollonia, and reduced his fleet to ashes, he compelled him to sue for peace. This peaceful disposition was not permanent; and when the Romans discovered that he had assisted their formidable enemy Hannibal with men and money, they appointed T. Q. Flaminius to punish his perfidy, and the violation of the treaty. The Roman consul, with his usual expedition, invaded Macedonia; and in a general engagement, which was fought near Cynocephale, the hostile army was totally defeated, and the monarch saved his life with difficulty by flying from the field of battle. Destitute of resources, without friends either at home or abroad, Philip was obliged to submit to the mercy of the conqueror, and to demand peace by his ambassadors. It was granted with difficulty; the terms were humiliating; but the poverty of Philip obliged him to accept the condi.. tions, however disadvantageous and degrading to his dignity. In the midst of these public calamities, the peace of his family was disturbed; and Perses, the eldest of his sons by a concubine, raised seditions against his brother Demetrius, whose condescension and humanity had gained popularity among the Macedonians, and who from his residence at Rome, as an hostage, had gained the good graces of the senate, and by the modesty and innocence of his manners had obtained forgiveness from that venerable body for the hostilities of his father. Philip listened with too much avidity to the false accusations of Perses; and when he heard it asserted that Demetrius wished to rob him of his crown, he no longer hesitated to punish with death so unworthy and so ungrateful a son. No sooner was Demetrius sacrificed to credulity, than Philip became convinced of his cruelty and rashness; and to punish the perfidy of Perses, he attempted to make Antigonus, another son, his successor on the Macedonian throne. But he was prevented from executing his purpose by death, in the 42d year of his reign, 178 years before the Christian era. The assassin of Demetrius succeeded his father, and with the same ambition, with the same rashness and oppression, renewed the war against the Romans, till his empire was destroyed, and Macedonia became a Roman province. Philip has been compared with his great ancestor of the same name; but though they possessed the same virtues, the same ambition, and were tainted with the same vices, yet the father of Alexander was more sagacious and more intriguing, and the son of Demetrius was more suspicious, more cruel, and more implacable; and, according to the pretended prophecy of one of the Sybils, Macedonia was indebted to one Philip for her L12





PHILIP, M. Julius, a Roman emperor, of an obscure family in Arabia, from whence he was surnamed Arabian. From the lowest rank in the army he gradually rose to the highest offices; and when he was made general of the prætorian guards, he assassinated Gordian, to make himself emperor. To secure himself on the imperial throne, he left Mesopotamia a prey to the continual invasions of the Persians, and hurried to Rome, where his election was universally approved by the senate and the Roman people. Philip rendered his cause popular by his liberality and profusion; and it added much to his splendour and dignity, that the Romans during his reign commemorated the foundation of their city; a solemnity which was observed but once every 100 years, and which was celebrated with more pomp and more magnificence than under the preceding reigns. The people were entertained with games and spectacles; the theatre of Pompey was successively crowded during three days and three nights; and 2000 gladiators bled in the circus at once, for the amusement and pleasure of a gazing populace. His usurpation, however, was short. Philip was defeated by Decius, who had proclaimed himself emperor in Pannonia; and he was assassinated by his own soldiers near Verona, in the 45th year of his age, and the 5th of his reign. His son, who bore the same name, and who had shared with him the imperial dignity, was also massacred in the arms of his mother. Young Philip was then in the 12th year of his age, and the Romans lamented in him the loss of rising talents, of natural humanity, and endearing vir

rise and consequence among nations, and under another usurpation. Philip, after the fatigues of the war, hy Philip.
Philip she lamented the loss of her power, her empire, way of relaxation gave himself up entirely to pleasure
and her dignity.
and dissipation. Tired of his wife Bertha, and fond of
Bertrade, spouse of Foulques count of Anjou, he carried
her off from her husband. Having, in 1093, legally
annulled his own marriage under the pretext of barren
ness, and Bertrade's marriage with the count of Anjou
having been set aside under the same pretext, Philip and
she were afterwards solemnly married by the bishop of
Beauvais. This union was declared void by Pope Ur-
ban II. a Frenchman by birth, who pronounced the sen-
tence in the king's own dominions, to which he had
come for an asylum. Philip, fearing that the anathe-
mas of the Roman pontiff might be the means of exciting
his subjects to rebellion, sent deputies to the pope, who
obtained a delay, during which time he was permitted
to use the crown. To know what is meant by this per-
mission, it is necessary to recollect, that at that period
kings appeared on public solemnities in royal habit,
with the crown on their heads, which they received
from the hand of a bishop. This delay was not of long
duration. Philip was excommunicated anew in a coun-
cil held at Poictiers in 1100; but in the year 1104,
Lambert bishop of Arras, legate of Pope Pascal II. at
last brought him his absolution to Paris, after having
made him promise never to see. Bertrade more; a pro-
mise which he did not keep. It would appear that the
afterwards approved their marriage; for Suger in-
forms us, that their sons were declared capable of suc-
ceeding to the crown. Philip died at Melun the 29th
of July 1108, aged 57 years, after having witnessed the
first crusade, in which he declined taking any part. His
reign, which comprehends a period of 48 years, was the
longest of any of his predecessors, excepting that of Clo-
tarius, and of all who came after him, except those of
Louis XIV. and Louis XV. It was distinguished by
several great events; but Philip though brave in battle,
and wise in counsels, was no very excellent character.
He appeared so much the more contemptible to his sub-
jects, as that age abounded with heroes. Philip is not
the first of the French monarchs (as is commonly ro-
ported), who, in order to give the greater authority to
his charters, caused them to be subscribed by the officers
of the crown; for Henry I. had sometimes done the
same before him.


PHILIP, a native of Acarnania, physician to Alexander the Great. When that monarch had been suddenly taken ill, after bathing in the Cydnus, Philip undertook to remove the complaint, when the rest of the physicians believed that all medical assistance would be ineffectual. But as he was preparing his medicine, Alexander received a letter from Parmenio, in which he was advised to beware of his physician Philip, as he had conspired against his life. The monarch was alarmed; and when Philip presented him the medicine, he gave him Parmenio's letter to peruse, and began to drink the potion. The serenity and composure of Philip's countenance, as he read the letter, removed every suspicion from Alexander's breast, and he pursued the directions of his physician, and in a few days recovered.

There were, besides, a vast number of persons of this name in antiquity, and many of them were very emi



PHILIPI. king of France, succeeded his father Henry I. in 1060, when but eight years of under the regency and guardianship of Baudouin V. count of Flanders, who discharged his trust with zeal and fidelity. He defeated the Gascons who were inclined to revolt, and died, leaving his pupil 15 years of age. This young prince made war in Flanders against Robert, Baudouin's younger son, who had invaded Flanders, which belonged to the children of his elder brother. Philip marched against him with a numerous army, which was cut to pieces near Mount Cassel. Peace was the consequence of the victory, and the conqueror quietly enjoyed his

PHILIP II. surnamed Augustus, the conqueror and given of God, son of Louis VII. (called the younger), king of France, and of Alix, his third wife, daughter of Thibault, count of Champagne, was born the 22d of August 1165. He came to the crown, after his father's death in 1180, at the age of 15 years. His youth was not spent like that of the generality of other princes; for, by avoiding the rock of pleasure on which so many are apt to split, his courage thereby became the more lively and intrepid. The king of England seemed willing to take advantage of his minority, and to seize upon a part of his dominions. But Philip marched against him, and compelled him, sword in hand, to confirm the ancient treaties between the two kingdoms. As soon as the war was ended, he made his people enjoy the blessings of peace. He gave a check to the oppressions of the great lords, banished the comedians, punished blasphemies, caused the streets and public places of Paris to be paved, and annexed to that capital a part of the adjacent villages. It was enclosed by walls with towers;


and the inhabitants of other cities were equally proud to fortify and embellish theirs. The Jews having for a long time practised the most shameful frauds in France, Philip expelled them from his kingdom, and declared his subjects quit with them; an action unjust, contrary to the laws of nature, and consequently to religion. The tranquillity of France was somewhat disturbed by a difference with the count of Flanders, which was however happily terminated in 1184. Some time after he declared war against Henry II. king of England, and took from him the towns of Issoudun, Tours, Mans, and other places. The epidemical madness of the crusades then agitated all Europe; and Philip, as well as other princes, caught the infection. He embarked in the year 1190, with Richard I. king of England, for the relief of the Christians in Palestine, who were oppressed by Saladin. Those two monarchs sat down before Acre, which is the ancient Ptolemais; as did almost all the Christians of the east, while Saladin was engaged in a civil war on the banks of the Euphrates. When the two European monarchs had joined their forces to those of the Asiatic Christians, they counted above 300,000 fighting men, Acre surrendered the 13th of July 1191; but the unhappy disagreement which took place between Philip and Richard, rivals of glory and of interest, did more mischief than could be compensated by the suc cessful exertions of those 300,000 men. Philip, tired of these divisions, and displeased with the behaviour of Richard his vassal, returned to his own country, which, perhaps, he should never have left, or at least have seen again with more glory. Besides, he was attacked (say historians) with a languishing disorder, the effects of which were attributed to poison; but which might have been occasioned merely by the scorching heat of a climate so different from that of France. He lost his hair, his beard, and his nails; nay, his very flesh came off. The physicians urged him to return home; and he soon determined to follow their advice. The year after, he obliged Baudouin VIII. count of Flanders to leave him the county of Artois. He next turned his arms against Richard king of England, from whom he took Evreux and Vexin; though he had promised upon the holy gospels never to take any advantage of his rival during his absence; so that the consequences of this war were very unfortunate. The French monarch, repulsed from Rouen with loss, made a truce for six months; during which time he married Ingelburge, princess of Denmark, whose beauty could only be equalled by her virtue. The divorcing of this lady, whom he quitted in order to marry Agnes daughter of the duke of Merania, embroiled him with the court of Rome. The pope issued a sentence of excommunication against him; but it was taken off upon his promising to take back his former wife. John Sans-terre succeeded to the crown of England in 1199, to the prejudice of his nephew Arthur, to whom of right it belonged. The nephew, supported by Philip, took up arms against the uncle, but was defeated in Poictou, where he was taken prisoner, and afterwards murdered. The murderer, being summoned before the court of the peers of France, not having appeared, was declared guilty of his nephew's death, and condemned to lose his life in 1203. His lands, situated in France, were forfeited to the crown. lip soon set about gathering the fruit of his vassal's crime. He seized upon Normandy, then carried his


victorious arms into Maine, Anjou, Touraine, Poictou, Philip. and brought those provinces, as they anciently were, under the immediate authority of his crown. The English had no other part left them in France, but the province of Guienne. To crown his good fortune, John his enemy was embroiled with the court of Rome, which had lately excommunicated him. The ecclesiastical thunder was very favourable for Philip. Innocent II. put into his hands, and transferred to him, a perpetual right to the kingdom of England. This king of France, when formerly excommunicated by the pope, had declared his censures void and abusive; he thought very differently, however, when he found himself the executor of a bull investing him with the English crown. To give the greater force to the sentence pronounced by his holiness, he employed a whole year in building 1700 ships, and in preparing the finest army that was ever seen in France. Europe was in expectation of a decisive battle between the two kings, when the pope laughed at both, and artfully took to himself what he had bestowed upon Philip. A legate of the holy see persuaded John Sans terre to give his crown to the court of Rome, which received it with enthusiasm. Then Philip was expressly forbid by the pope to make any attempt upon England, now become a see of the Roman church, or against John who was under her protection. Meanwhile, the great preparations which Philip had made, alarmed all Europe; Germany, England, and the Low Countries, were united against him in the same manner as we have seen them united against Louis XIV. Ferrand, count of Flanders, joined the emperor Otho IV. He was Philip's vassal; which was the strongest reason for declaring against him. The French king was nowise disconcerted; his fortune and his courage dis sipated all his enemies. His valour was particularly conspicuous at the battle of Bouvines, which was fought on the 27th of July 1214, and lasted from noon till night. Before the engagement, he knew well that some of his nobles followed him with reluctance. He assembled them together; and placing himself in the midst of them, he took a large golden cup, which he filled with wine, and into which he put several slices of bread. He ate one of them himself, and offering the cup to the rest, he said, "My companions, let those who would live and die with me follow my example." The cup was emptied in a moment, and those who were the least attached to him fought with all the bravery that could be expected from his warmest friends. It is also reported, that after showing the army the crown that was worn by sovereigns upon these occasions, he said, "If any one thought himself more worthy than he was to wear it, he had only to explain himself; that he should be content it were the prize of that man who should display the greatest valeur in battle.” The enemy had an army of 150,000 fighting men; that of Philip was not half so numerous; but it was composed of the flower of his nobility. The king run great hazard of his life; for he was thrown down under the horses feet, and wounded in the neck. It is said 30,000 Germans were killed; but the number is probably much exaggerated. The counts of Flanders and Boulogne were led to Paris with irons upon their feet and hands; a barbarous custom which prevailed at that time. The French king made no conquest on the side of Germany


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