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The bark is composed of two substances; the parenchyma or pulp, which is the principal part, and a few woody fibres. The parenchyma is exceedingly porous, and has a great resemblance to a sponge; for it shrivels considerably when dried, and dilates to its former dimensions when infused in water. These pores or vessels are not pervious, so as to communicate with each other; but consist of distinct little cells or bladders, scarcely visible without the assistance of the microscope. In all roots, these cells are constantly filled with a thin watery liquor. They are generally of a spherical figure; though in some roots, as the bugloss and dandelion, they are oblong. In many roots, as the horse-radish, peony, asparagus, potato, &c. the parenchyma is of one uniform structure. But in others it is more diversified, and puts on the shape of rays, running from the centre towards the circumference of the bark. These rays sometimes run quite through the bark, as in lovage; and sometimes advance towards the middle of it, as in melilot and most of the leguminous and umbelliferous plants. These rays generally stand at an equal distance from each other in the same plant; but the distance varies greatly in different plants. Neither are they of equal sizes in carrot they are exceedingly small, and scarcely discernible; in melilot and chervil, they are thicker. They are likewise more numerous in some plants than in others. Sometimes they are of the same thickness from one edge of the bark to the other; and some grow wider as they approach to the skin. The vessels with which these rays are amply furnished, are supposed to be air-vessels, because they are always found to be dry, and not so transparent as the vessels which evidently contain the sap.

In all roots there are ligneous vessels dispersed in different proportions through the parenchyma of the bark. These ligneous vessels run longitudinally through the bark in the form of small threads, which are tubular, as is evident from the rising of the sap in them when a root is cut transversely. These ligneous sap-vessels do not run in direct lines through the bark, but at small distances incline towards one another, in such a manner that they appear to the naked eye to be inosculated; but the microscope discovers them to be only contiguous, and braced together by the parenchyma. These braces or coarctations are very various both in size and number in different roots; but in all plants they are most numerous towards the inner edge of the bark. Neither are these vessels single tubes; but, like the nerves in animals, are bundles of 20 or 30 small contiguous cylindrical tubes, which uniformly run from the extremity of the root, without sending off any branches or suffering any change in their size or shape. In some roots, as parsnep, especially in the ring next the inner extremity of the bark, these vessels contain a kind of lymph, which is sweeter than the sap contained in the bladders of the parenchyma. From this circumstance they have got the name of lymph ducts.

These lymph-ducts sometimes yield a mucilaginous lymph, as in the comfrey; and sometimes a white milky glutinous lymph, as in the angelica, sonchus, burdock, scorzonera, dandelion, &c. The lymph-ducts are supposed to be the vessels from which the gums and balsams are secerned. The lymph of fennel, when exposed to the air, becomes a clear transparent balsam; and

that of the scorzonera, dandelion, &c. condenses into a gum.

The situation of the vessels is various. In some plants they stand in a ring or circle at the inner edge of the bark, as in asparagus; in others, they appear in lines or rays, as in borage; in the parsnep, and several other plants, they are most conspicuous towards the outer edge of the bark; and in the dandelion, they are disposed in the form of concentric circles.

The wood of roots is that part which appears after the bark is taken off, and is firmer and less porous than the bark or pith. It consists of two distinct substances, viz. the pulpy or parenchymatous, and the ligneous. The wood is connected to the bark by large portions of the bark inserted into it. These insertions are mostly in the form of rays, tending to the centre of the pith, which are easily discernible by the eye in a transverse section of most roots. These insertions, like the bark, consist of many vessels, mostly of a round or oval figure.

The ligneous vessels are generally disposed in collate ral rows running longitudinally through the root. Some of these contain air, and others sap. The air-vessels are so called, because they contain no liquor. These airvessels are distinguished by being whiter than the others.

The pith is the centrical part of the root. Some roots have no pith, as the stramonium, nicotiana, &c.; others have little or none at the extremities of the roots, but have a considerable quantity of it near the top. The pith, like every other part of a plant, is derived from the seed; but in some it is more immediately derived from the bark for the insertions of the bark running in betwixt the rays of the wood, meet in the centre, and constitute the pith. It is owing to this circumstance, that, among roots which have no pith in their lower parts, they are amply provided with it towards the top, as in columbine, lovage, &c.

The bladders of the pith are of very different sizes, and generally of a circular figure. Their position is more uniform than in the bark. Their sides are not mere films, but a composition of small fibres or threads ; which gives the pith, when viewed with a microscope, the appearance of a piece of fine gauze or net-work.

We shall conclude the description of roots with observing, that their whole substance is nothing but a congeries of tubes and fibres, adapted by nature for the absorption of nourishment, and of course the extension and augmentation of their parts.

Fig. 9. A transverse section of the root of wood as it appears to the naked eye.



CCCCXX worm- fig. 9.

Fig. 10. A section of fig. 9. magnified. AA, the Fig. 1. skin, with its vessels. BBBB, the bark. The round holes CCC, &c. are the lymph-ducts of the bark: All the other holes are little cells and sap-vessels. DDD, parenchymatous insertions from the bark, with the cells, &c. EEEE, the rays of the wood, in which the boles are the air vessels. N. B. This root has no pith.

3. Of the Trunk, Stalk, or Stem.] In describing the trunks of plants, it is necessary to premise, that whatever is said with regard them applies equally to

the branches.

The trunk, like the root, consists of three parts, viz. the bark, wood, and pith. These parts, though substantially the same in the trunk as in the root, are in many cases very different in their texture and appearance.

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