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Effects of the same process by which the air of the trunk is taken Air's pres- into the mouth, the water could also be taken in, to be afterwards swallowed: but we do not find upon inquiry, that this is done by the elephant; we have always observed him to drink in the manner now described. In either way it is a double operation, and cannot be carried on any way but by alternately sucking and swallowing, and while one operation is going on the other is interrupted; whereas man can do both at the same time. Nature seems to delight in exhibiting to rational observers her inexhaustible variety of resource; for many insects, which drink with a trunk, drink without interruption: yet we do not cali in question the truth of the aphorism, Natura maxime simplex et semper sibi consona, nor doubt but that, if the whole of her purpose were seen, we should find that her process is the simplest possible for Nature, or Nature's God, is wise above our wisest thoughts, and simplicity is certainly the choice of wisdom: but alas! it is generally but a small and the most obvious part of her purpose that we can observe or appreciate. We seldom see this simplicity of nature stated to us, except by some system-maker, who has found a principle which somehow tallies with a considerable variety of phenomena, and then cries out, Frustra fit per plura quod fieri potest per pauciora.

356 Mode of

There is an operation similar to that of the elephant, keeping up, which many find a great difficulty in acquiring, viz. keepa continued. blast with a ing up a continued blast with a blow-pipe. We would blow-pipe. desire our chemical reader to attend minutely to the gradual action of his tongue in sucking, and he will find it such as we have described. Let him attend particularly to the way in which the tip of the tongue performs the office of a valve, preventing the return of the water into the pipe the same position of the tongue would hinder air from coming into the mouth. Next let him observe, that in swallowing what water he has now got lodged above his tongue, he continues the tip of the tongue applied to the teeth; now let him shut his mouth, keeping his lips firm together, the tip of the tongue at the teeth, and the whole tongue forcibly kept at a distance from the palate; bring up the tongue to the palate, and allow the tip to separate a little from the teeth, this will expel the air into the space between the fauces and cheeks, and will blow up the cheeks a little then, acting with the tip of the tongue as a valve, binder this air from getting back, and depressing the tongue again, more air (from the nostrils) will get into the mouth, which may be expelled into the space without the teeth as before, and the cheeks will be more inflated: continue this operation, and the lips will be no longer able to retain it, and it will ooze through as long as the operation is continued. When this has become familiar and easy, take the blow pipe, and there will be no difficulty in maintaining a blast as uniform as a smith's bellows, breathing all the while through the nostrils. The only difficulty is the holding the pipe this fatigues the lips; but it may be removed by giving the pipe a convenient shape, a pretty flat oval, and wrapping it round with leather or thread.

357 Nature of the land and sea

breeze in



Another phenomena depending on the principles already established, is the land and sea-breeze in the warm countries.

We have seen that air expands exceedingly by heat; therefore heated air, being lighter than an equal bulk of cold air, must rise in it. If we lay a hot stone in the


sunshine in a room, we shall observe the shadow of the Effects of stone surrounded with a fluttering shadow of different de- Air's presgrees of brightness, and that this flutter rises rapidly in a column above the stone. If we hold an extinguished candle near the stone, we shall see the smoke move towards the stone, and then ascend from it. Now, suppose an island receiving the first rays of the sun in a perfectly calm morning; the ground will soon be warmed, and will warm the contiguous air. If the island be mountainous, this effect will be more remarkable; because the inclined sides of the hills will receive the light more directly the midland air will therefore be most warmed the heated air will rise, and that in the middle will rise fastest; and thus a current of air upwards will begin, which must be supplied by air coming in from all sides, to be heated and to rise in its turn; and thus the morning sea-breeze is produced, and continues all day. This current will frequently be reversed during the night, by the air cooling and gliding down the sides of the hills, and we shall have the land-breeze.


It is owing to the same cause that we have a circu- Circulation tion of air in mines which have the mouths of their of air in shafts of unequal heights. The temperature under ground mines. is pretty constant through the whole year, while that of the atmosphere is extremely variable. Now, suppose a mine having a long horizontal drift, communicating between two pits or shafts, and that one of the shafts terminates in a valley, while the other opens on the brow of a hill perhaps 100 feet higher. Let us farther suppose it summer, and the air heated to 65°, while the temperature of the earth is but 45°; this last will be also the temperature of the air in the shafts and the drift. Now, since air expands nearly 24 parts in 10,000 by one degree of heat, we shall have an odds of pressure at the bottom of the two shafts equal to nearly the 20th part of the weight of a column of air 100 feet high (100 feet being supposed the difference of the heights of the shafts). This will be about six ounces on every square foot of the section of the shaft. If this pressure could be continued, it would produce a prodigious current of air down the long shafts, along the drift, and up the short shaft. The weight of the air acting through 100 feet would communicate to it the velocity of 80 feet per second: divide this by 20, that is, by 4.5, and we shall have 18 feet per second for the velocity: this is the velocity of what is called a brisk gale. This pressure would be continued, if the warm air which enters the long shaft were cooled and condensed as fast as it comes in; but this is not the case. It is however cooled and condensed, and a current is produced sufficient to make an abundant circulation of air along the whole passage; and care is taken to dispose the shafts and conduct the passages in such a manner that no part of the mine is out of the circle. When any new lateral drift is made, the renewal of air at its extremity becomes more imperfect as it advances: and when it is carried a certain length, the air stagnates and becomes suffocating, till either a comrounication can be made with the rest of the mine, or a shaft be made at the end of this drift.

As this current depends entirely on the difference of temperature between the air below and that above, it must cease when this difference ceases. Accordingly, in the spring and autumn, the miners complain much of stagnation; but in summer they never want a current from the deep pits to the shallow, nor in the winter 5 A 2


Effects of a current from the shallow pits to the deep ones. It Air's pres- frequently happens also, that in mineral countries the chemical changes which are going on in different parts of the earth make differences of temperature sufficient to produce a sensible current.


359 The nature of what is called the

It is easy to see that the same causes must produce a current down our chimneys in summer. The chimney is colder than the summer air, and must therefore condense it, and it will come down and run out at the doors and windows.

And this naturally leads us to consider a very important effect of the expansion and consequent ascent of air draught in by heat, namely the drawing (as it is called) of chimchimneys. neys. The air which has contributed to the burning of fuel must be intensely heated, and will rise in the atmosphere. This will also be the case with much of the surrounding air which has come very near the fire, although not in contact with it. If this heated air be made to rise in a pipe, it will be kept together, and therefore will not soon cool and collapse: thus we shall obtain a long column of light air, which will rise with a force so much the greater as the column is longer or more heated. Therefore the taller we make the chimney, or the hotter we make the fire, the more rapid will be the current; or the draught or suction, as it is injudiciously called, will be so much the greater. The ascensional force is the difference be tween the weight of the column of heated air in the funnel and a column of the surrounding atmosphere of equal height. We increase the draught, therefore, by increas ing the perpendicular height of the chimney. Its length in a horizontal direction gives no increase, but, on the contrary, diminishes the draught by cooling the air before it gets into the effective part of the funnel. We increase the draught also by obliging all the air which enters the chimney to come very near the fuel; there fore a low mantle-piece will produce this effect; also filling up all the spaces on each side of the grate. When much air gets in above the fire, by having a lofty mantle-piece, the general mass of air in the chimney cannot be much heated. Hence it must happen that the greatest draught will be produced by bringing down the mantle-piece to the very fuel; but this converts a fire-place into a furnace, and by thus sending the whole air through the fuel, causes it to burn with great rapidity, producing a prodigious heat; and this producing an increase of ascensional force, the current becomes furiously rapid, and the heat and consumption of fuel immense. If the fire-place be a cube of a foot and a half, and the front closed by a door, so that all the air must enter through the bottom of the grate, a chimney of 15 or 20 feet high, and sufficiently wide to give passage to all the expanded air which can pass through the fire, will produce a current which will roar like thunder, and a heat sufficient to run the whole inside into a lump of glass.

All that is necessary, however, in a chamber fire place, is a current sufficiently great for carrying up the smoke and vitiated air of the fuel. And as we want also the enlivening flutter and light of the fire, we give the chimney-piece both a much greater height and width than what is merely necessary for carrying up the smoke, only wishing to have the current sufficiently determinate and steady for counteracting any occasional tendency which it may sometimes have to come into the room. By allowing a greater quantity of air to get into the chimney, heated only to a moderate degree, we produce

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a more rapid renewal of the air of the room: did we Fffects of oblige it to come so much nearer the fire as to produce Air's pres the same renewal of the air in consequence of a more rapid current, we should produce an inconvenient heat. But in this country, where pit-coal is in general so very cheap, we carry this indulgence to an extreme; or ra ther we have not studied how to get all the desired advantages with economy. A much smaller renewal of air than we commonly produce is abundantly wholesome and pleasant, and we may have all the pleasure of the light and flame of the fuel at much less expence, by contracting greatly the passage into the vent. The best way of doing this is by contracting the brick-work on each side behind the mantle-piece, and reducing it to a narrow parallelogram, having the back of the vent for one of its long sides. Make an iron plate to fit this hole, of the same length, but broader, so that it may lie sloping, its lower edge being in contact with the foreside of the hole, and its upper edge leaning on the back of the vent. In this position it shuts the hole entirely. Now let the plate have a hinge along the front or lower edge, and fold up like the lid of a chest. We shall thus be able to enlarge the passage at pleasure. In a fire-place fit for a room of 24 feet by 18, if this plate may be about 18 inches long from side to side, and folded back within an inch or an inch and a half of the wall, this will allow passage for as much air as will keep up a very cheerful fire: and by raising or lowering this REGISTER, the fire may be made to burn more or less rapidly. A free passage of half an inch will be sufficient in weather that is not immoderately cold. The principle on which this construction produces its effect is, that the air which is in the front of the fire, and much warmed by it, is not allowed to get into the chimney, where it would be immediately hurried up the vent, but rises up to the ceiling and is diffused over the whole room. This double motion of the air may be distinctly observed by opening a little of the door and holding a candle in the way. If the candle be held near the floor, the flame will be blown into the room; but if held near the top of the door, the flame will be blown outward.

365 But the most perfect method of warming an apart-Description ment in the temperate climates, where we can indulge of a stovein the cheerfulness and sweet air produced by an open grate of fire, is what we call a stove-grate, and our neighbours on the continent call a chapelle, from its resemblance to the chapels or oratories in the great churches.

In the great chimney-piece, which, in this case, may be made even larger than ordinary, is set a smaller one fitted up in the same style of ornament, but of a size no greater than is sufficient for holding the fuel. The sides and back of it are made of iron (cast-iron is preferable to hammered iron, because it does not so readily calcine), and are kept at a small distance from the sides and back of the main chimney-piece, and are continued down to the hearth, so that the ash-pit is also separated. The pipe or chimney of the stove grate is carried up behind the ornaments of the mantle-piece till it rises above the mantle piece of the main chimney-piece, and is fitted with a register or damper-plate turning round a transverse axis. The best form of this register is that which we have recommended for an ordinary fire-place, having its axis or joint close at the front; so that when it is open or turned up, the burnt



Effects of air and smoke striking it obliquely, are directed with Air's pres- certainty into the vent, without any risk of reverberating and coming out into the room. All the rest of the vent is shut up by iron plates or brick-work out of sight.

361 Effect of

its construction.


Mode of

The effect of this construction is very obvious. The fuel, being in immediate contact with the back and sides of the grate, heats them to a great degree, and they heat the air contiguous to them. This heated air cannot get up the vent, because the passages above these spaces are shut up. It therefore comes out into the room; some of it goes into the real fire-place and is carried up the vent, and the rest rises to the ceiling and is diffused over the room.

It is surprising to a person who does not consider it with skill how powerfully this grate warms a room. Less than one-fourth of the fuel consumed in an ordinary fire-place is sufficient; and this with the same cheerful blazing hearth and salutary renewal of air. It even requires attention to keep the room cool enough. The heat communicated to those parts in contact with the fuel is needlessly great; and it will be a considerable improvement to line this part with very thick plates of cast iron, or with tiles made of fire-clay which will not crack with the heat. These, being very bad conductors, will make the heat, ultimately communicated to the air, very moderate. If, with all these precautions, the heat should be found too great, it may be brought under perfect management by opening passages into the vent from the lateral spaces. These may be valves or trap doors moved by rods concealed behind

the ornaments.

Thus we have a fire-place under the most complete regulation, where we can always have a cheerful fire without being for a quarter of an hour incommoded by the heat; and we can as quickly raise our fire, when too low, by hanging on a plate of iron on the front, which shall reach as low as the grate. This in five minutes will blow up the fire into a glow and the plate may be sent out of the room, or set behind the stovegrate out of sight.

The propriety of inclosing the ash-pit is not so obvious; but if this be not done, the light ashes, not find ing a ready passage up the chimney, will come out into the room along with the heated air.

We do not consider in this place the various extraneous circumstances which impede the current of air in our chimneys and produce smoky houses: these will be treated of, and the methods of removing or remedying them, under the article SMOKE. We consider at present only the theory of this motion in general, and the modifications of its operation arising from the various purposes to which it may be applied.

Under this head we shall next give a general acvarming count and description of the method of warming apartpartments ments by stoves. A STOVE in general is a fire-place by stoves. shut up on all sides, having only a passage for admitting the air to support the fire, and a tube for carrying off the vitiated air and smoke; and the air of the room is warmed by coming into contact with the outside of the stove and flue. The general principle of construction, therefore, is very simple. The air must be made to come into as close contact as possible with the fire, or even to pass through it, and this in such quantities as just to consume a quantity of fuel sufficient for produ


741 cing the heat required; and the stove must be so con- Effects of structed, that both the burning fuel and the air which Air's preshas been heated by it shall be applied to as extensive a surface as possible of furnace, all in contact with the air of the room; and the heated air within the stove must not be allowed to get into the funnel which is to carry it off till it is too much cooled to produce any considerable heat on the outside of the stove.

In this temperate climate no great ingenuity is necessary for warming an ordinary apartment; and stoves are made rather to please the eye as furniture than as economical substitutes for an open fire of equal calorific power. But our neighbours on the continent, and especially towards the north, where the cold of winter is intense and fuel very dear, have bestowed much attention on their construction, and have combined ingenious economy with every elegance of form. Nothing can be handsomer than the stoves of Fayencerie that are to be seen in French Flanders, or the Russian stoves at St Petersburg, finished in stucco. Our readers will not, therefore, be displeased with a description of them. In this place, however, we shall only consider a stove in general as a subject of pneumatical discussion, and we refer our readers to the article STOVE for an account of them as articles of domestic accommodation.


form of a

The general form, therefore, of a stove, and of General which all others are only modifications adapted to cir- stove. cumstances of utility or taste, is as follows:

MIKL (fig. 79.) is a quadrangular box of any size Fig. 79. in the directions MILK. The inside width from front to back is pretty constant, never less than ten inches, and rarely extending to 20; the included space is divided by a great many partitions. The lowest chamber AB is a receptacle for the fuel, which lies on the bottom of the stove without any grate; this fire-place has a door AO turning on hinges, and in this door is a very small wicket P: the roof of the fire-place extends to within a very few inches of the farther end, leaving a narrow passage B for the flame. The next partition c C is about eight inches higher, and reaches almost to the other end, leaving a narrow passage for the flame at C. The partitions are repeated above, at the distance of eight inches, leaving passages at the ends, alternately disposed as in the figure; the last of them H communicates with the room vent. This communication may be regulated by a plate of iron, which can be slid across it by means of a rod or handle which comes through the side. The more usual way of shutting up this passage is by a sort of pan or bowl of earthen ware, which is whelmed over it with its brim resting in sand contained in a groove formed all round the hole. This damper is introduced by a door in the front, which is then shut. The whole is set on low pillars, so that its bottom may be a few inches from the floor of the room: it is usually placed in a corner, and the apartments are so disposed that their chimneys can be joined in stacks as with us.

Some straw or wood-shavings are first burnt on the hearth at its farther end. This warms the air in the stove, and creates a determined current. The fuel is then laid on the hearth close by the door, and pretty much piled up. It is now kindled; and the current being already directed to the vent, there is no danger of any smoke coming out into the room. Effectually to prevent this, the door is shut, and the wicket P open


Effects of ed. The air supplied by this, being directed to the Air's pres middle or bottom of the fuel, quickly kindles it, and the operation goes on.



Aim and

effects of this con

The aim of this construction is very obvious. The flame and heated air are retained as long as possible within the body of the stove by means of the long passages; and the narrowness of these passages obliges the struction. flame to come in contact with every particle of soot, so as to consume it completely, and thus convert the whole combustible matter of the fuel into heat. For want of this a very considerable portion of our fuel is wasted by our open fires, even under the very best management: the soot which sticks to our vents is very inflammable, and a pound weight of it will give as much if not more heat than a pound of coal. And what sticks to our vents is very inconsiderable in comparison with what escapes unconsumed at the chimney top. In fires of green wood, peat, and some kinds of pit-coal, nearly one-fifth of the fuel is lost in this way; but in these stoves there is hardly ever any mark of soot to be seen; and even this small quantity is produced only after lighting the fires. The volatile inflammable matters are expelled from parts much heated indeed, but not so hot as to burn; and some of it charred or half burnt cannot be any further consumed, being enveloped in flame and air already vitiated and unfit for combustion. But when the stove is well heated, and the current brisk, no part of the soot escapes the action of the air.

The hot air retained in this manner in the body of the stove is applied to its sides in a very extended surface. To increase this still more, the stove is made narrower from front to back in its upper part; a certain breadth is necessary below, that there may be room for fuel. If this breadth were preserved all the way up, much heat would be lost, because the heat communicated to the partitions of the stove does no good. By diminishing their breadth, the proportion of useful surface is increased. The whole body of the stove may be considered as a long pipe folded up, and its effect would be the greatest possible if it really were so; that is, if each partition c C, d D, &c. were split into two, and a free passage allowed between them for the air of the room. Something like this will be observed afterwards in some German stoves.

It is with the same view of making an extensive application of a hot surface to the air, that the stove is not built in the wall, not even in contact with it, nor with the floor for by its detached situation, the air in contact with the back, and with the bottom (where it is hottest), is warmed, and contributes at least one half of the whole effect; for the great heat of the bottom makes its effect on the air of the room at least equal to that of the two ends. Sometimes a stove makes part of the wall between two small rooms, and is found sufficient.

It must be remarked, on the whole, that the effect of a stove depends much on keeping in the room the air already heated by it. This is so remarkably the case, that a small open fire in the same room will be so far from increasing its heat, that it will greatly diminish it: it will even draw the warm air from a suite of adjoining apartments. This is distinctly observed in the houses of the English merchants in St Petersburgh: their habits of life in Britain make them uneasy without an open fire in their sitting rooms; and this obliges them 5

to heat all their stoves twice a-day, and their houses are Efects of cooler than those of the Russians who heat them only Air's pres once. In many German houses, especially of the lower sure class, the fire-place of the stove does not open into the room, but into the yard or a lobby, where all the fires are lighted and tended; by this means is avoided the expence of warm air which must have been carried off by the stove but it is evident that this must be very unpleasant, and cannot be wholesome. We must breathe the same quantity of stagnant air loaded with all the va pours and exhalations which must be produced in every inhabited place. Going into one of these houses from the open air, is like putting one's head into a stew-pan or under a pie-erust, and quickly nauseates us who are accustomed to fresh air and cleanliness. In these countries it is a matter almost of necessity to fumigate the rooms with frankincense and other gums burnt. The censer in ancient worship was in all probability an utensil introduced by necessity for sweetening or rendering tolerable the air of a crowded place and it is a constant practice in the Russian houses for a servant to go round the room after dinner, waving a censer with some gums burning on bits of charcoal.



The account now given of stoves for beating rooms, Of het and of the circumstances which must be attended to in walls in garden their construction, will equally apply to hot walls in &c. gardening, whether within or without doors. The only new circumstance which this employment of a flue introduces, is the attention which must be paid to the equability of the heat, and the gradation which must be ob served in different parts of the building. The beat in the flue gradually diminishes as it recedes from the fire place, because it is continually giving out heat to the flue. It must therefore be so conducted through the building by frequent returns, that in every part there may be a mixture of warmer and cooler branches of the flue, and the final chimney should be close by the fire-place. It would, however, be improper to run the flue from the end of the floor up to the ceiling, where the second horizontal pipe would be placed, and then return it downward again and make the third horizontal flue adjoining to the first, &c. This would make the middle of the wall the coldest. If it is the flue of a greenhouse, this would be highly improper, because the upper part of the wall can be very little employed; and in this case is better to allow the flue to proceed gradually up the wall in its different returns, by which the lowest part would be the warmest, and the heated air will ascend among the pots and plants; but in a hot wall, where the trees are to receive heat by contact, some approximation to the above method may be useful.

In the hypocausta and sudaria of the Greeks and Romans, the flue was conducted chiefly under the floors.


Malt-kilns are a species of stove which merit our at- Mat ki

tention. Many attempts have been made to improve a spec

them on the principle of flue stoves: but they have been unsuccessful, because heat is not what is chiefly wanted in malting it is a copious current of very dry air to carry off the moisture. We must refer the examination of this subject also to the article STOVE, and proceed to consider the current of heated air in the chief varieties of furnaces.


All that is to be attended to in the different kinds of Of the

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melting furnaces is, that the current of air be sufficiently is rapid, and that it be applied in as extensive a surface as furth possible



Effects of possible to the substance to be melted. The more rapid Air's pres the current it is the hotter, because it is consuming more fuel; and therefore its effect increases in a higher proportion than its rapidity. It is doubly effectual if twice as hot; and if it then be twice as rapid, there is twice the quantity of doubly hot air applied to the subject; it would therefore be four times more powerful. This is procured by raising the chimney of the furnace to a greater height. The close application of it to the subject can hardly be laid down in general terms, because it depends on the precise circumstances of each


in reverbe



In reverberatory furnaces, such as refining furnaces ratory fur- for gold, silver, and copper, the flame is made to play over the surface of the melted metal. This is produced entirely by the form of the furnace, by making the arch of the furnace as low as the circumstances of the manipulation will allow. See FURNACE. Experience has pointed out in general the chief circumstances of their construction, viz. that the fuel should be at one end on a grate, through which the air enters to maintain the fire; and that the metal should be placed on a level floor between the fuel and the tall chimney which proBut there is no kind of furnace duces the current. more variable in its effect, and almost every place has a small peculiarity of construction, on which its pre-eminence is rested. This has occasioned many whimsical varieties in their form. This uncertainty seems to depend much on a circumstance rather foreign to our present purpose; but as we do not observe it taken notice of by mineralogical writers, we beg leave to mention it here. It is not heat alone that is wanted in the reWe must make fining of silver by lead, for instance.

a continual application to its surface of air, which has
not contributed to the combustion of the fuel.
quantity of the hottest air, already saturated with the
fuel, may play on the surface of the metal for ever, and
keep it in the state of most perfect fusion, but without
If the whole
refining it in the least. Now, in the ordinary construc-
tion of a furnace, that is much the case.

air has come in by the grate, and passed through the
middle of the fuel, it can hardly be otherwise than near-
ly saturated with it; and if air be also admitted by the
door (which is generally done or something equivalent),
the pure air lies above the vitiated air, and during the
passage along the horizontal part of the furnace, and
along the surface of the metal, it still keeps above it, at
least there is nothing to promote their mixture. Thus
the metal does not come into contact with air fit to act
on the base metal and calcine it, and the operation of
refining goes on slowly. Trifling circumstances in the
form of the arch or canal may tend to promote the
jumbling of the airs together, and thus render the ope-
ration more expeditious; and as these are but ill un-
derstood, or perhaps this circumstance not attended to,
no wonder that we see these considered as so many nos-
trums of great importance. It were therefore worth
while to try the effect of changes in the form of the
roof directed to this very circumstance. Perhaps some
little prominence down from the arch of the reverbera-
tory would have this effect, by suddenly throwing the
If the additional length of pas-
current into confusion.
sage do not cool the air too much, we should think that
if there were interposed between the fuel and the re-


fining floor a passage twisted like a cork-screw, making Effects of
just half a turn, it would be most effectual: for we ima- Air's pres-
gine, that the two airs, keeping each to their respective
side down, and that the pure stratum would now be in
sides of the passage, would by this means be turned up-
contact with the metal, and the vitiated air would be
above it.


furnace is set under a tall dome.


The glasshouse furnace exhibits the chief variety in and in the the management of the current of heated air. In this glasshouse it is necessary that the hole at which the workman dips furnaces. his pipe into the pot shall be as hot as any part of the furnace. This could never be the case, if the furnace had a chimney situated in a part above the dippingprevent this the hole itself is made hole; for in this case cold air would immediately rush the chimney. To in at the hole, play over the surface of the pot, and go the chimney; but as this would be too short, and would Thus the heated air produce very little current and very little heat, the whole from the real furnace is confined in this dome, and constitutes a high column of very light air, which will therefore rise with great force up the dome, and escape at the top. The done is therefore the chimney, and will When all the produce a draught or current proportioned to its height. Some are raised above a hundred feet. except through the fire, the current and heat become doors of this house are shut, and thus no supply given the workmen are in this chimney, and must have reprodigious. This, however, cannot be done, because spirable air. But notwithstanding this supply by the increased by the dome, and a heat produced sufficient house-doors, the draught of the real furnace is vastly for the work, and which could not have been produced without the dome.


rel for

This has been applied with great ingenuity and effect Improveto a furnace for melting iron from the ore, and an iron ment of The common blast iron Mr Cottefinery, both without a blast. furnace is well known. It is a tall cone with the apex melting undermost. The ore and fluxes are thrown into this ron from cone mixed intimately with the fuel till it is full, and the ore... the blast of most powerful bellows is directed into the bottom of this cone through a hole in the side. The air is thrown in with such force, that it makes its way sage, and fluxes the materials, which then drop down through the mass of matter, kindles the fuel in its pasinto a receptacle below the blast hole, and thus the pasfor the air is kept unobstructed. It was thought sage bellows; but Mr Cotterel, an ingenious founder, tried impossible to produce or maintain this current without the effect of a tall dome placed over the mouth of the furnace, and though it was not half the height of many able difficulties, however, occurred; and he had not glasshouse domes it had the desired effect. Consider surmounted them all when he left the neighbourhood of the invention to perfection. It is extremely difficult to Edinburgh, nor have we since heard that he has brought such a precise height as neither to be choked by the place the holes below, at which the air is to enter, at melted matter, nor to leave ore and stones below them unmelted; but the invention is very ingenious, and will be of immense service if it can be perfected; for in many places iron ore is to be found where water can: not be had for working a blast furnace.

The last application which we shall make of the cur


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