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to free mines, ships, prisons, &c. of noxious


As a drift or work is carried on in the mine, let a Currents of trunk of deal boards, about 6 or 8 inches square, be air applied laid along the bottom of the drift, communicating with a trunk carried up in the corner of one of the shafts. Let the top of this last trunk open into the ash-pit of a small furnace, having a tall chimney. Let fire be kindled in the furnace; and when it is well heated, shut the fire-place and ash-pit doors. There being no other supply for the current produced in the chimney of this furnace, the air will flow into it from the trunk, and will bring along with it all the offensive vapours. This is the most effectual method yet found out. In the same manner may trunks be conducted into the ash-pit of a furnace from the cells of a prison or the wards of an hospital.


Air necessary for the

of fuel.

In the account which we have been giving of the combustion management of air in furnaces and common fires, we have frequently mentioned the immediate application of air to the burning fuel as necessary for its combustion. This is a general fact. In order that any inflammable body may be really inflamed, and its combustible matter consumed and ashes produced, it is not enough that the body be made hot. A piece of charcoal inclosed in a box of iron may be kept red hot for ever, without wasting its substance in the smallest degree. It is farther necessary that it be in contact with a particular species of air, which constitutes about three-fourths of the air of the atmosphere, viz. the vital air or oxygen of Lavoisier. It was called empyreal air by Scheele, who first observed its indispensable use in maintaining fire: and it appears, that, in contributing to the combustion of an inflammable body, this air combines with some of its ingredients, and becomes fixed air, suffering the same change as by the breathing of animals. Combustion may therefore be considered as a solution of the inflammable body in air. This doctrine was first promulgated by the celebrated Dr Hooke in his Micrographia, published in 1660, and afterwards improved in his treatise on Lamps. It is now completely established, and considered as a new discovery. It is for this reason, that in fire-places of all kinds we have directed the construction, so as to produce a close application of the air to the fuel. It is quite needless at this day to enter into the discussions which formerly occupied philosophers about the manner in which the pressure and elasticity of the air promoted combustion. Many experiments were made in the 17th century by the first members of the Royal Society, to discover the office of air in combustion. It was thought that the flame was extinguished in rare air for want of a pressure to keep it together; but this did not explain its extinction when the air was not renewed. These experiments are still retained in courses of experimental philosophy, as they are judiciously styled; but they give little or no information, nor tend to the illustration of any pneumatical doctrine; they are therefore omitted in this place. In short, it is now fully established, that it is not a mechanical but a chemical phenomenon. We can only inform the chemist, that a candle will consume faster in the low countries than in the elevated regions of Quito and Gondar, because the air is nearly one half denser below, and will act proportionally faster in decomposing the candle.


Caricas F

We shall conclude this part of our subject with the explanation of a curious phenomenon observed in many En-ices places. Certain springs or fountains are observed to have periods of repletion and scantiness, or seem to ebb and flow at regular intervals; and some of these periods frets of the are of a complicated nature. Thus a well will have se- air's pro veral returns of high and low water, the difference of se which gradually increases to a maximum, and then diminishes, just as we observe in the ocean. A very ingenious and probable explanation of this has been given in N° 424. of the Philosophical Transactions, by Mr Atwell, as follows.

Let ABCD (fig. 80.) represent a cavern, into which Fig 62 water is brought by the subterraneous passage OT. Let it have an outlet MNP, of a crooked form, with its highest part N considerably raised above the bottom of the cavern, and thence sloping downwards into lower ground, and terminating in an open well at P. Let the dimensions of this canal be such that it will discharge much more water than is supplied by TO. All this is very natural, and may be very common. The effect of this arrangement will be a remitting spring at P: for when the cavern is filled higher than the point N, the canal MNP will act as a syphon; and, by the condi tions assumed, it will discharge the water faster than TO supplies it; it will therefore run it dry, and then the spring at P will cease to furnish water. After some time the cavern will again be filled up to the height N, and the flow at P will recommence.

If, besides this supply, the well P also receive water from a constant source, we shall have a reciprocating spring.

The situation and dimensions of this syphon canal, and the supply of the feeder, may be such, that the ef flux at P will be constant. If the supply increase in a certain degree, a reciprocation will be produced at P with very short intervals; if the supply diminishes considerably, we shall have another kind of reciprocation with great intervals and great differences of water.

If the cavern have another simple outlet R, new va· rieties will be produced in the spring P, and R will afford a copious spring. Let the mouth of R, by which the water enters into it from the cavern, be lower than N, and let the supply of the feeding spring be no greater than R can discharge, we shall have a constant spring from R, and P will give no water. But suppose that the main feeder increases in winter or in rainy seasons, but not so much as will supply both P and R, the cavern will fill till the water gets over N, and R will be running all the while; but soon after P has begun to flow, and the water in the cavern sinks below R, the stream from R will stop. The cavern will be emptied by the syphon canal MNP, and then P will stop. The cavern will then begin to fill, and when near full R will give a little water, and soon after P will run and R stop as before, &c.

Desagulier shows, vol. ii. p. 177, &c. in what manner a prodigious variety of periodical ebbs and flows may be produced by underground canals, which are extremely simple and probable.

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Pneumatic Bellows are of most extensive and important use; Engines. and it will be of service to describe such as are of uncommon construction and great power, fit for the great operations in metallurgy.


fig. 92.

Fig. 93.

Fig. 94.

It is not the impulsive force of the blast that is wanted in most cases, but merely the copious supply of air, to produce the rapid combustion of inflammable matter; and the service would be better performed in general if this could be done with moderate velocities, and an extended surface. What are called air-furnaces, where a considerable surface of inflammable matter is acted on at once by the current which the mere heat of the expended air has produced, are found more operative in proportion to the air expended than blast furnaces animated by bellows; and we doubt not but that the method proposed by Mr Cotterel, (which we have already mentioned) of increasing this current in a melting furnace by means of a dome, will in time supersede the blast furnaces. There is indeed a great impulsive force required in some cases; as for blowing off the scoria from the surface of silver or copper in refining furnaces, or for keeping a clear passage for the air in the great iron furnace.

In general, however, we cannot procure this abun dant supply of air any other way than by giving it a great velocity by means of a great pressure, so that the general construction of bellows is pretty much the same in all kinds. The air is admitted into a very large cavity, and then expelled from it through a small hole.

The furnaces at the mines having been greatly enlarged, it was necessary to enlarge the bellows also: and the leathern bellows becoming exceedingly expensive, wooden ones were substituted in Germany about the beginning of the 17th century, and from them became general through Europe. They consist of a wooden box ABCPFE (fig. 92.), which has its top and two sides flat or straight, and the end BAE e formed into an arched or cylindrical surface, of which the line FP at the other end is the axis. This box is open below, and receives within it the shallow box KHGNML (fig. 93.), which exactly fills it. The line FP of the one coincides with FP of the other, and along this line is a set of hinges on which the upper box turns as it rises and sinks. The lower box is made fast to a frame fixed in the ground. A pipe OQ proceeds from the end of it, and terminates at the furnace, where it ends in a small pipe called the tewer or tuyere. This lower box is open above, and has in its bottom two large valves V, V, fig. 94. opening inwards. The conducting pipe is sometimes furnished with a valve opening outwards, to prevent burning coals from being sucked into the bellows when the upper box is drawn up. The joint along PF is made tight by thin leather nailed along it. The sides and ends of the fixed box are made to fit the sides and curved end of the upper box, so that this last can be raised and lowered round the joint FP without sensible friction, and yet without suffering much air to escape : but as this would not be sufficiently air-tight by reason of the shrinking and warping of the wood, a farther contrivance is adopted. A slender lath of wood, divided into several joints, and covered on the outer edge with very soft leather, is laid along the upper edges of the sides and ends of the lower box. This lath is so broad, that when its inner edge is even with the inside of the box, its outer edge projects about an inch. It is kept VOL. XVI. Part II.

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in this position by a number of steel wires, which are Pneumatic driven into the bottom of the box, and stand up touch- Engines. ing the sides, as represented in fig. 95. where a be are the wires, and e the lath, projecting over the outside of Fig. 95. the box. By this contrivance the laths are pressed close to the sides and curved end of the moveable box, and the spring wires yield to all their inequalities. A bar of wood RS (fig. 92.) is fixed to the upper board, by which it is either raised by machinery, to sink again by its own weight, having an additional load laid on it, or it is forced downward by a crank or wiper of the machinery, and afterwards raised.

The operation here is precisely similar to that of blowing with a chamber-bellows. When the board is lifted up, the air enters by the valves V, V, fig. 94. and is expelled at the pipe OQ by depressing the boards. There is therefore no occasion to insist on this point.

These bellows are made of a very great size, AD being 16 feet, AB five feet, and the circular end AE also five feet. The rise, however, is but about 3 or 3 feet. They expel at each stroke about 90 cubic feet of air, and they make about 8 strokes per minute.

Such are the bellows in general use on the continent. We have adopted a different form in this kingdom, which seems much preferable. We use an iron or wooden cy linder, with a piston sliding along it. This may be made with much greater accuracy than the wooden boxes, at less expence, if of wood, because it may be of coopers work, held together by hoops; but the great advantage of this form is its being more easily made air-tight. The piston is surrounded with a broad strap of thick and soft leather, and it has around its edge a deep groove, in which is lodged a quantity of wool. This is called the packing or stuffing, and keeps the leather very closely applied to the inner surface of the cylinder. Iron cylin ders may be very neatly bored and smoothed, so that the piston, even when very tight, will slide along it very smoothly. To promote this, a quantity of black lead is ground very fine with water, and a little of this is smeared on the inside of the cylinder from time to time.

The cylinder has a large valve, or sometimes two, in the bottom, by which the atmospheric air enters when the piston is drawn up. When the piston is thrust down, this air is expelled along a pipe of great diameter, which terminates in the furnace with a small orifice.

Fig. 92.

This is the simplest form of bellows which can be conceived. It differs in nothing but size from the bellows used by the rudest nations. The Chinese smiths have a bellows very similar, being a square pipe of wood ABCDE (fig. 96.), with a square board G which ex- Fiz, 96. actly fits it, moved by the handle FG. At the farther end is the blast pipe HK, and on each side of it a valve in the end of the square pipe, opening inwards. The piston is sufficiently tight for their purposes without any leathering.

The piston of this cylinder bellows is moved by machinery. In some blast engines the piston is simply raised by the machine, and then let go, and it descends by its own weight, and compresses the air below it to such a degree, that the velocity of efflux becomes constant, and the piston descends uniformly for this purpose it must be loaded with a proper weight. This produces a very uniform blast, except at the very beginning, while the piston falls suddenly and compresses the air: but in most engines the piston rod is forced down 5 B the

Pneumatic the cylinder with a determined motion, by means of a Engines. beam, crank, or other contrivance. This gives a more unequal blast because the motion of the piston is necessarily slow in the beginning and end of the stroke, and quicker in the middle.

Fig. 97.

But in all it is plain that the blast must be desultory. It ceases while the piston is rising; for this reason it is usual to have two cylinders, as it was formerly usual to have two bellows, which worked alternately. Sometimes three or four are used, as at the Carron iron works. This makes the blast abundantly uniform.

But an uniform blast may be made with a single cylinder, by making it deliver its air into another cylinder, which has a piston exactly fitted to its bore, and loaded with a sufficient weight. The blowing cylinder ABCD (fig. 97.) has its piston P worked by a rod NP, connected by double chains with the arched head of the working beam NO, moving round a gudgeon at R. The other end O of this beam is connected by the rod OP, with the crank PQ of a wheel machine; or it may be connected with the piston of a steam engine, &c. &c. The blowing cylinder has a valve or valves E in its bottom, opening inwards. There proceeds from it a large pipe CF, which enters the regulating cylinder GHKI, and has a valve at top to prevent the air from getting back into the blowing cylinder. It is evident that the air forced into the cylinder must raise its piston L, and that it must afterwards descend, while the other piston is rising. It must descend uniformly, and make a perfectly equable blast.

Observe, that if the piston L be at the bottom when the machine begins to work, it will be at the bottom at the end of every stroke, if the tuyere T emits as much air as the cylinder ABCD furnishes; nay, it will lie a while at the bottom, for, while it was rising, air was issuing through T. This would make an interrupted blast. To prevent this, the orifice T must be lessened; but then there will be a surplus of air at the end of each stroke, and the piston L will rise continually, and at last get to the top, and allow air to escape. It is just possible to adjust circumstances, so that neither shall happen. This is done easier by putting a stop in the way of the piston, and putting a valve on the piston, or on the conducting pipe KST, loaded with a weight a little superior to the intended elasticity of the air in the cylinder. Therefore, when the piston is prevented by the stop from rising, the snifting valve, as it is called, is forced open, the superfluous air escapes, and the blast preserves its uniformity.

It may be of use to give the dimensions of a machine of this kind, which has worked for some years at a very great furnace, and given satisfaction.

The diameter of the blowing cylinder is 5 feet, and the length of the stroke is 6. Its piston is loaded with 3 tons. It is worked by a steam engine whose cylinder is 3 feet 4 inches wide, with a six-feet stroke. The regulating cylinder is 8 feet wide, and its piston is loaded with 8 tons, making about 2.63 pounds on the square inch; and it is very nearly in equilibrio with the load on the piston of the blowing cylinder. The conducting pipe KST is 12 inches in diameter, and the orifice of the tuyere was of an inch when the engine was erected, but it has gradually enlarged by reason of the intense heat to which it is exposed. The snifting valve is loaded with 3 pounds on the square inch.

When the engine worked briskly, it made 18 strokes Pacatio per minute, and there was always much air discharged Engines. by the snifting valve. When the engine made 15 strokes per minute, the snifting valve opened but seldom, so that things were nearly adjusted to this supply. Each stroke of the blowing cylinder sent in 118 cubic feet of common air. The ordinary pressure of the air being supposed 14 pounds on an inch, the density of the air in 14.75+2.63 the regulating cylinder must be-=1.1783, 14.75 the natural density being 1.

This machine gives an opportunity of comparing the expence of air with the theory. It must (at the rate of 15 strokes) expel 30 cubic feet of air in a second through a hole of 1 inches in diameter. This gives a velocity of near 2000 feet per second, and of more than 1600 feet for the condensed air. This is vastly greater than the theory can give, or is indeed possible; for air does not rush into a void with so great velocity. It shows with great evidence, that a vast quantity of air must escape round the two pistons. Their united circumferences amount to above 40 feet, and they move in a dry cylinder. It is impossible to prevent a very great loss. Accordingly, a candle held near the edge of the piston L has its flame very much disturbed. This case therefore gives no hold for a calculation; and it suggests the propriety of attempting to diminish this great waste.

This has been very ingeniously done (in part at least) at some other furnaces. At Omoah foundry, near Glasgow, the blowing cylinder (also worked by a steam engine) delivers its air into a chest without a bottom, which is immersed in a large cistern of water, and supported at a small height from the bottom of the cistern, and has a pipe from its top leading to the tuyere. The water stands about five feet above the lower brim of the regulating air-chest, and by its pressure gives the most perfect uniformity of blast, without allowing a particle of air to get off by any other passage besides the tuyere. This is a very effectual regulator, and must produce a great saving of power, because a smaller blowing cylinder will thus supply the blast. We must observe, that the loss round the piston of the blowing cylinder remains undiminished.

A blowing machine was erected many years ago at Chastillon in France on a principle considerably different, and which must be perfectly air-tight throughout. Two cylinders AB (fig. 98.), loaded with great Plate weights, were suspended at the end of the levers CD, ccccss! moving round the gudgeon E. From the top F, G f. 9. of each there was a large flexible pipe which united in H, from whence a pipe KT led to the tuyere T. There were valves at F and G opening outwards, or into the flexible pipes; and other valves L, M, adjoin ing to them in the top of each cylinder, opening iawards, but kept shut by a slight spring. Motion was given to the lever by a machine. The operation of this blowing machine is evident. When the cylinder A was pulled down, or allowed to descend, the water, entering at its bottom, compressed the air, and forced it along the passage FHKT. In the mean time, the cylinder B was rising, and the air entered by the valve M. We see that the blast will be very unequal, increasing as the cylinder is immersed deeper. It is needless to describe this machine more particularly, because we shall


Pneumatic give an account of one which we think perfect in its Engines. kind, and which leaves hardly any thing to be desired in a machine of this sort. It was invented by Mr John Laurie, land-surveyor in Edinburgh, about 15 years ago, and improved in some respects since his death by an ingenious person of that city.

Fig. 99.

ABCD (fig. 99.) is an iron cylinder, truly bored
within, and evasated a-top like a cup. EFGH is an-
other, truly turned both without and within, and a small
matter less than the inner diameter of the first cylinder.
This cylinder is close above, and hangs from the end
of a lever moved by a machine. It is also loaded with
weights at N. KILM is a third cylinder, whose out-
side diameter is somewhat less than the inside diameter
of the second. This inner cylinder is fixed to the same
bottom with the outer cylinder. The middle cylinder
is loose, and can move up and down between the outer
and inner cylinders without rubbing on either of them.
The inner cylinder is perforated from top to bottom
by three pipes OQ, SV, PR. The pipes OQ, PR
have valves at their upper ends O, P, and communicate
with the external air below. The pipe SV has a hori-
zontal part VW, which again turns upwards, and has
Into this cistern
a valve at top X. This upright part WX is in the
middle of a cistern of water fh kg.

is fixed an air-chest a YZ b, open below, and having
at top a pipe c de terminating in the tuyere at the fur-


When the machine is at rest, the valves X, O, P,
are shut by their own weights, and the air-chest is full
of water. When things are in this state, the middle
cylinder EFGH is drawn up by the machinery till its
lower brims F and G are equal with the top RM of the
Now pour in water or oil between the
inner cylinder.
outer and middle cylinders: it will run down and fill
the space between the outer and inner cylinders. Let
it come to the top of the inner cylinder.

Now let the loaded middle cylinder descend. It
cannot do this without compressing the air which is
between its top and the top of the inner cylinder. This
air being compressed will cause the water to descend be-
tween the inner and middle cylinders, and rise between
the middle and outer cylinders, spreading into the cup;
and as the middle cylinder advances downwards, the
water will descend farther within it, and rise farther
without it. When it has got so far down, and the air
has been so much compressed, that the difference between
the surface of the water on the inside and outside of
this cylinder is greater than the depth of water between
X and the surface of the water fg, air will go out by
the pipe SVW, and will lodge in the air chest, and
will remain there if c be shut, which we shall suppose
for the present. Pushing down the middle cylinder
till the partition touch the top of the inner cylinder,
all the air which was formerly between them will be
forced into the air chest, and will drive out water from
it. Draw up the middle cylinder, and the external
air will open the valves O, P, and again fill the space
between the middle and inner cylinders; for the valve
X will shut, and prevent the regress of the condensed
air. By pushing down the middle cylinder a second
time, more air will be forced into the air-chest, and it
will at last escape by getting out between its brims Y,
Z and the bottom of the cistern; or if we open the pas-

sage c, it will pass along the conduit c de to the tayere, Pneumatic
and form a blast.

The operation of this machine is similar to Mr Has-
kin's quicksilver pump described by Desaguliers at
the end of the second volume of his Experimental Phi-
losophy. The force which condenses the air is the load
on the middle cylinder. The use of the water between
the inner and outer cylinders is to prevent this air from
escaping; and the inner cylinder thus performs the office
the length of the outer and middle cylinders be greater
of a piston, having no friction. It is necessary that
than the depth of the regulator-cistern, that there
may be a sufficient height for the water to rise between
the middle and outer cylinders, to balance the com-
pressed air, and oblige it to go into the air-chest. A
five feet deep, and the cylinders about six or seven feet
large blast-furnace will require the regulator-cistern

It is in fact a pump without friction, and is perfectly
the small space between the middle cylinder and the two
air-tight. The quickness of its operation depends on
out these it would be similar to the engine at Chastillon,
others; and this is the only use of these two.
and operate more unequally and slowly. Its only im-
perfection is, that if the cylinder begin its motion of
ascent or descent rapidly, as it will do when worked
by a steam-engine, there will be some danger of water
dashing over the top of the inner cylinder and getting
into the pipe SV; but should this happen, an issue can
valve . This will never happen if the cylinder is
easily be contrived for it at V, covered with a loaded
moved by a crank.

One blowing cylinder only is represented here, but
two may be used.

We do not hesitate in recommending this form of
where standing bellows are required. They will be
bellows as the most perfect of any, and fit for all uses
a common smith's forge they may be made with square
cheaper than any other sort for common purposes. For
wooden boxes instead of cylinders They are also easily
made with a blast almost perfectly uniform, by making
repaired. They are perfectly tight; and they may be
the cistern in which the air-chest stands of considerable
dimensions. When this is the case, the height of water,
which regulates the blast, will vary very
suffice for an account of blast machines.
This may
The leading parts of their construction have been de-
Views of complete
scribed as far only as was necessary for understanding
their operation, and enabling an engineer to erect them
machines might have amused, but they would not have
in the most commodious manner.
added to our reader's information.

But the account is imperfect unless we show how
form what is expected from them. The engineer should
their parts may be so proportioned that they shall per-
know what size of bellows, and what load on the board
or piston, and what size of tuyere, will give the blast
which the service requires, and what force must be em-
We shall accomplish these purposes by considering the
ployed to give them the necessary degree of motion.
efflux of the compressed air through the tuyere. The
propositions formerly delivered will enable us to ascer-
tain this.

That we may proportion every thing to the power
·5 B 2


Pneumatic employed, we must recollect, that if the piston of a cyEngines. linder employed for expelling air be pressed down with

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any force P, it must be considered as superadded to the atmospheric pressure P on the same piston, in order that we may compare the velocity v of efflux with the known velocity V with which air rushes into a void. By what has been formerly delivered, it appears that this velocity where P is the pressure of the atmosphere on the piston, and p the additional load laid on it. This velocity is expressed in feet per second; and, when multiplied by the area of the orifice (also expressed in square feet, it will give us the cubical feet of condensed air expelled in a second: but the bellows are always to be filled again with common air, and therefore we want to know the quantity of common air which will be expelled; for it is this which determines the number of strokes which must be made in a minute, in order that the proper supply may be obtained. Therefore recollect that the quantity expelled from a given orifice with a given velocity, is in the proportion of the density; and that when D is the density of common air produced by the pressure P, the density d produced by the pressure P+p, is Dx is DxP+p ; or if D be made 1, we have d=P+p.

Therefore, calling the area of the orifice expressed in square feet O, and the quantity of common air, or the cubic feet expelled in a second Q, we have Q=V×0x


p P+P P+P P

It will be sufficiently exact for all practical purposes to suppose P to be 15 pounds on every square inch of the piston; and p is then conveniently expressed by the pounds of additional load on every square inch: we may also take V1332 feet.

As the orifice through which the air is expelled is generally very small, never exceeding three inches in diameter, it will be more convenient to express it in square inches; which being the of a square foot, we shall have the cubic feet of common air expelled in a second, or P




144 P+p P

p P+P P+X P

=0 × 9.25 X

P+P and this seems to be as simple an expression

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sed the air) descend about 15 inches in a second: It Pneumatic. would first sink one-fifth of the whole length of the cy- Engines linder pretty suddenly, till it had reduced the air to the density, and would then descend uniformly at the above rate, expelling six cubic feet of common air in a second.

The computation is made much in the same way for bellows of the common form, with this additional cir cumstance, that as the loaded board moves round a hinge at one end, the pressure of the load must be calculated accordingly. The computation, however, becomes a little intricate, when the form of the loaded board is not rectangular: it is almost useless when the bellows have flexible sides, either like smiths bellows or like organ bellows, because the change of figure during their motion makes continual variation on the compressing powers. It is therefore chiefly with respect to the great wooden bellows, of which the upper board slides down between the sides, that the above calculation is of service..

is evident: we do not know precisely the quantity of The propriety, however, of this piece of information


tion tells us what force must be employed for expelling necessary for animating a furnace; but this calculathe air that may be thought necessary. If we have fixed ou the strength of the blast, and the diameter of the cylinder, we learn the weight with which the piston must be loaded; the length of the cylinder determines its capacity, the above calculation tells the expence per second; hence we have the time of the piston's coming to the bottom. This gives us the number of strokes per minute the load must be lifted up by the machine this number of times, making the time of ascent precisely equal to that of descent; otherwise the machine will either catch and stop the descent of the piston, or allow it

to lie inactive for a while of each stroke. These circumstances determine the labour to be performed by the machine, and it must be constructed accordingly. Thus the engineer will not be affronted by its failure, nor will he expend needless power and cost.

In machines which force the piston or bellows-board with a certain determined motion, different from what arises from their own weight, the computation is extremely intricate. When a piston moves by a crank, its motion at the beginning and end of each stroke is slow, and the compression and efflux is continually changing: we can however approximate to a statement of the force required.

Every time the piston is drawn up, a certain space density; and this is expelled during the descent of the of the cylinder is filled again with air of the common piston. A certain number of cubic feet of common air tinually varies; but there is a medium velocity with which is therefore expelled with a velocity which perhaps concorresponding to this velocity. To find this, divide the it might have been uniformly expelled, and a pressure area of the piston by the area of the blast-hole (or rather by this area multiplied by 0.613, in order to take in the effect of the contracted jet), and multiply the length of the stroke performed in a second by the quotient arising from this division; the product is the medium velocity of the air (of the natural density). Then find by calculation the height through which a heavy body must fall in order to acquire this velocity; this is the height of a column of homogeneous air which would

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