The Works of Lord Byron: With His Letters and Journals and His Life, Հատոր 1John Murray, 1847 |
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Abbey Aberdeen Abydos acquaintance Adieu afterwards Albanians Albemarle Street Ali Pacha amused appears Athens beauty Becher believe Boatswain Cadiz Cambridge character Childe Harold circumstance Constantinople dear Drury early England English eyes fame fancy favour favourite feelings friendship genius gentleman George Gordon Byron Gight Glennie Greek hand Harrow heart Hobhouse Hodgson honour hope hour lady least less letter Lisbon lived London Lord Byron Lord Carlisle Malta Matthews memory ment mentioned mind Miss Chaworth Morea mother nature never Newstead Newstead Abbey noble once Pacha passage passed passion Patras period person Pigot poems poet poetical poetry praise present received recollect remarkable Rochdale Satire says scene seen sent servant sort Southwell spirit stanzas tell thee thing thought took travellers verses volume wish write written young youth