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Next to the incisors comes the canine tooth," the crown | ninth month, or even later; then, after a few months, come of which is somewhat peg-shaped, while behind this are the the central and lateral upper incisors; again a few months' two "premolars" or "bicuspids," whose crowns are flattened rest and the lower lateral incisors appear, followed closely by from before backward and bear two cusps, the larger of which the first molars. After another rest of four or five months come the canines, the eruption of which is a slow Central incisor 2nd molar process, while by about the end of the second year the second molars have appeared, and the milk dentition is complete. It will be seen from the above that the milk teeth are cut in batches with resting intervals between.


Lateral incisor

2nd premolar Ist premolar

Ist molar

[blocks in formation]

3rd molar

and molar
From Ambrose Birmingham, in Cunningham's Text-Book of Anatomy.
FIG. 1.-The Permanent Teeth of the Right Side, Inner or
Lingual Aspect.


As C. S. Tomes points out, we do not know what causes the eruption of the teeth; the growth of the roots is not of itself enough to account for it. It is possible, however, that blood-pressure may be the determining cause. The first permanent tooth to be cut is the first molar, and this happens during or soon after the sixth year. It does not displace any of the milk teeth, but comes down behind the second milk molar. During the seventh year the central milk incisors fall out and their place is taken by the permanent ones; the shed teeth are mere shells of the crown, all the root having been absorbed, though not, as might be thought. owing to direct pressure of the succeeding tooth.

The lateral incisors succeed their milk predecessors at 3rd molar about eight years old, the first premolar takes the place of the first temporary molar about nine, the second premolar that of the second temporary molar about ten, the canine about eleven, while the second molar comes down behind the first about twelve, and so is known as tooth, usually appears between eighteen and twenty, but the "twelve-year-old tooth." The third molar, or wisdom may be much later, indeed it is sometimes never cut at all, and when it is, it often does not come down to a level with the other teeth. It is believed that man is gradually undergoing a suppression of his last molar teeth, which, if the process continue, will lead to our successors having a different dental formula from our own. It is interesting to notice that

The upper row shows the upper teeth, the lower row the lower teeth,. The cingulum is distinct on the upper incisors and both canines, the lingual cusp on the upper lateral incisor and the upper canine.

is the external or labial cusp, while the smaller is the internal | or lingual. As a rule there is a single root, though sometimes in the first upper premolar it is double.

The three" molars" are placed behind the premolars, and the upper and lower sets can be easily distinguished because the upper have three roots while the lower have only two. Of the three roots which the upper molars bear two are lateral or external and one mesial (see fig. 1), so that it is easy to tell the outer from the inner side of an upper molar. The front can, as a rule, be identified by the fact that the roots are generally bent a little backward at their tips, and this applies to other teeth than the upper molars. In the lower jaw, owing to the two fangs being anteroposterior, it is not possible to tell the lateral from the mesial surface of the molars by them, although the backward inclination of their tips shows the front from the back. When it is remembered that the upper teeth overlap the lower externally it is reasonable to expect that the lower molars would show some rounding due to wearing away of the edge of the crown on the outer side, and this is the case. The grinding surface of the crowns of the upper molars shows three or four cusps, while on that of the lower four or five are found.

Of the three molars the first is the largest, and the third, or wisdom tooth, the smallest, while the upper wisdom tooth is smaller than the lower.

In the "milk teeth" or temporary dentition of the child there are only twenty teeth, ten in each.jaw and five in each segment. They are two incisors, one canine, and two so-called molars. These molars occupy the position which the permanent premolars later on take, and it is held by many that the adult molars really belong to the milk dentition, although they cannot appear until the jaw has grown backward sufficiently far to make room for them. The temporary teeth differ from the permanent in their smaller size, their whiter colour, the greater constriction of their necks, and in the fact that the roots of the molars are widely splayed.

The dates at which the milk teeth are cut are very variable. The lower central incisors come first between the sixth and

Lateral incisor
Central incisor


1st molar

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Central incisor
Lateral incisor



Ist molar

2nd molar crown

2nd molar

and molar

2nd molas crown

From Ambrose Birmingham, in Cunningham's Text-Book of Anatomy.
FIG. 2.-The Milk Teeth of the Left Side.

The masticating surfaces of the two upper molars are shown above.
In the second row the upper teeth are viewed from the outer
or labial side. In the third row the lower teeth are shown
in a similar manner; and below are the masticating surfaces
of the two lower molars. In the specimen from which the
first upper molar was drawn the two outer or buccal cusps
were not distinctly separated, as is often the case.

in some of the lower races of mankind the last molar tooth is nearly as large as those in front of it, and this is the case in the anthropoid apes. A. Keith and D. Braden Kyle have pointed out that the second and third molar teeth are successively formed in the posterior wall of the maxillary antrum

and their crowns look backward. It is owing to the gradual growth backward of this antrum and the maxilla that they are rotated round a quarter of a circle and so at last look downward (see A. Keith, British Journal of Dental Science, vol. xlv., June 16, 1902). Extra teeth are occasionally met with in the incisor, premolar and molar regions; their significance will be better realized after the embryology and comparative anatomy of the subject have been sketched.

For an accurate and detailed description of man's teeth see A Manual of Dental Anatomy, by C. S. Tomes, London, 1904.

[blocks in formation]

From Ambrose Birmingham, in Cunningham's Text-Book of Anatomy.
FIG. 3.-Vertical Section of Canine Tooth, to illustrate
its various parts, and its structure

calcium phosphate with small amounts of calcium carbonate, mag-
nesium phosphate and calcium fluoride, but containing practically
no organic matter. The enamel rests on the "dentine," of which
hard yet elastic substance by far the greater part of the tooth is
composed. It is made of the same salts as the enamel, but contains
in addition a good deal of organic matter and forms a structureless
mass through which the fine "dentinal tubes" run from the pulp
cavity to the periphery.
Surrounded by the dentine is the "pulp cavity," which is filled
by the tooth pulp, a highly vascular and nervous mass of branched
connective tissue cells, which, in a young tooth, has a layer of
epithelial cells, the "odontoblasts," lying close against the wall of
the cavity and forming new dentine. Slender processes ("Tomes's
fibrils") project from these cells into the dentinal tubes, and are
probably sensory. A nerve and artery enter the apex of the root
of the tooth, but it is not understood how the nerve ends.
Surrounding the dentine where it is not covered by enamel is the
cement or crusta petrosa," a thin layer of bone which is only
separated from the bony socket by the alveolar periosteum.

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The lip is marked off from the rest of the mouth region by a "lip groove," which, in the case of the lower jaw, grows obliquely downward and backward, and the mass of ectodermal cells bounding it

| penetrates for some distance into the surrounding mesoderm below tooth band." the bottom of the groove. This is known as the On the under surface of this oblique tooth band (still taking the lower jaw), and close to its edge, appear ten thickenings, below each of which the mesoderm rises up into a "dental papilla," and so moulds the thickening into a cap for itself-the "enamel organ." and manufacture the dentine, while those cells of the cap (enamel The superficial cells of the dental papilla become the " odontoblasts organ) which are on its concave surface and therefore nearest the dental papilla are called "ameloblasts," and form the enamel. The cutting or grinding part of the tooth is first formed, and the crown gradually closes round the dental papilla, so that at last, when the root is formed, the central part of the papilla remains as the pulp cavity surrounded by dentine except at the apex of the root. The roots, however, are formed slowly, and as a rule are not complete until some time after the tooth is cut. The mesoblastic connective tissue surrounding the developing tooth becomes condensed into a fibrous bag which is called the tooth-sac, and round this the lower jaw grows to form the alveolus. The crusta petrosa which covers the root is developed from the tooth-sac. It will therefore be seen that, of the various structures which make up a tooth, the enamel is derived from the ectoderm, while the dentine, pulp and crusta petrosa or cement are mesodermal.

So far only the milk dentition of the lower jaw has been accounted for. Returning to the tooth band, it was noticed that the enamel organs were formed not at the extreme edge but a little way from it. From the extreme edge, which, it will be remembered, points inward toward the tongue, the permanent tooth germs are derived, and it is therefore clear that the permanent teeth must come up on the lingual side of their milk predecessors.

For further details and literature see Dental Anatomy, by C. S. Tomes, London, 1904; and Development of the Human Body, by J. P. McMurrich, London, 1906.



The details of the teeth vary so greatly in different animals and groups of animals, and, on account of their being the most durable tissues of the body, are so important for classificatory purposes, that they are dealt with freely in the various zoological articles. All that can be done here is to give a broad general survey of the subject, taking the details of man's dentition, already set forth, as a point of departure.

In some fishes the teeth are continuous over the edges of the jaws with the scales on the surface of the body, and there is no doubt that teeth should be regarded as modified scales which have migrated into the mouth.

In the Cyclostomata (lampreys and hags) the teeth are horny cones, but beneath them there are papillae of the mesoderm covered with ectoderm which resemble the dental papillae and enamel organs although no calcification occurs except in Bdellostoma. In the Elasmobranchii (cartilaginous fishes) the teeth are arranged in several rows, and as those of the front row fall out the hinder row take their place; sometimes they are triangular and very sharp as in the sharks, sometimes flattened and arranged like a pavement for crushing as in rays. These teeth only represent the crowns of man's teeth, and they are not embedded in sockets except in the case of the teeth in the saw of the saw-fish (Pristis); moreover the dentine of which they are largely composed resembles bone and fills up the whole pulp cavity. From its structure it is known as osteodentine.

In the Teleostomi (teleostean and ganoid fishes) there is great variability; sometimes, as in the sturgeon, there are no teeth at all, while at others every bone bounding the mouth, including the branchial arches, bears teeth. As an example of a very full tooth in the pike and the hake hinged teeth occur; these bend backward armature the pike's mouth and pharynx may be instanced. Both during the passage of prey down the throat, but are re-erected by elastic ligaments. As a rule, the dentine of the Teleostomi is of the variety already described as osteodentine, but sometimes, as in the hake, it is vascular and is known as vasodentine.

In the Amphibia teeth are not so numerous as in the fishes, though like them they are not confined to the jaws, since vomerine teeth are very constant. The toad is edentulous, while the frog has no teeth in the lower jaw. An extinct order of tailed amphibians, the Stegocephali, are often called labyrinthodonts on account of the complex way in which the enamel is involuted into the interior of the teeth. Amphibians' teeth are usually anchylosed to the jaw, that is to say, directly united by bone.

In the Reptilia many and various arrangements of the teeth are found. In the Chelonia (turtles) there are no teeth, although the ectodermal ingrowth (dental band) from which they are developed in other animals is present in the embryo. The place of the teeth in these reptiles is taken by horny jaw-cases.

In the Ophidia the non-poisonous snakes have two rows of teeth in the upper jaw, one on the maxillae and another on the palatine and pterygoid bones, while in the lower jaw there is only one row. These teeth are sharp pegs anchylosed to the bones and so strongly recurved that one of these snakes would be unable, even if it wished

to do so, to let any prey which had once entered its mouth escape. The poisonous snakes have a special poison fang in the maxilla of each side; these have a deep groove or canal running down them which transmits the poison from the poison gland. In the colu brine snakes, such as the cobra, the poison fang is always erect, but in the viperine, such as our own adder and the rattlesnake, there is a mechanism by which the tooth is only erected when the jaws are opened for striking. At other times the teeth lie flat in the roof of the mouth.

In the lizards or Lacertilia the teeth usually consist of a series of pegs in the upper and lower jaw, each resembling the one in front of it; sometimes, as in the chameleon, they are anchylosed by their bases to the bone, but at others, as in the iguana, they are fused by their sides to a ridge of bone which forms a low wall on their lateral surface. In the former case the dentition is spoken of as acrodont," in the latter as " pleurodont."

In the Crocodilia the teeth are fitted into definite sockets as in mammals and are not anchylosed with the jaws. This arrangement is spoken of as "thecodont."

Existing birds are toothless, but palaeontology shows that they originally had teeth of a reptilian character.

In all these lower vertebrates, then, the teeth are similar or nearly similar in character; at least they are not divided into definite incisor, canine, premolar and molar regions. Their dentition is therefore known as "homodont." Another characteristic is that in almost all of them there is an arrangement for a continuous succession of teeth, so that when one is lost another from behind takes its place, and to this arrangement the term "polyphyodont is applied. With a few exceptions a homodont dentition is also polyphyodont.

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In the Mammalia the different groups of teeth (incisor, canine, &c.) already noticed in man are found, and these animals are characterized, with some exceptions, by having a "heterodont" as opposed to a homodont dentition. In the mammals too the polyphyodont or continuous succession of teeth is reduced to a diphyodont" dentition, which means that there is only one relay of teeth to replace the first set. In the marsupials the reduction of the succession is carried still further, for only one premolar in each segment of the jaw is replaced, while in the toothed whales there is no succession at all. When one set has to do duty throughout life the dentition is called "monophyodont." There is a great deal of discussion as to how the complex back teeth of mammals with their numerous cusps were derived from the simple conical teeth which are generally assumed, though not by all, to have been the primitive arrangement. One simple way of accounting for the change is by the concrescence theory, namely that several conical homodont teeth have fused and so formed a single multitubercular tooth; but, although this process may be partly true, it does not account for all the facts at our disposal. Another theory, which is more favoured at the present time, is known as the "tritubercular," and is largely based on the researches of E. D. Cope and H. F. Osborn, two American palaeontologists. According to this theory a simple peg-like, or, as it is called, "haplodont," tooth develops two additional smaller pegs or cones, one in front and one behind the original main cone, possibly owing to the irritation of the teeth against which it bites in the other jaw. This is known as the triconodont stage, and it is found in some of the oldest extinct mammals. As a later adaptation it is found that the two small cones, the anterior of which is called the " paracone and the posterior the " metacone," become external to the original "protoin the upper jaw and internal in the lower. The surface of the tooth has now a triangular shape with a cone at each angle, and this is the "tritubercular tooth" which is of very common occurrence among the ancestral mammals. Other cusps may be developed later, and so the quadricuspid and quinquecuspid molar teeth of man and other mammals are accounted for. This theory, although in a brief outline it sounds feasible enough, has really many points of difficulty, and those who are interested in the subject will find a fuller account in C. S. Tomes' Dental Anatomy (London, 1904), and in W. L. H. Duckworth's Morphology and Anthropology (Cambridge, 1904), in both of which references to the original literature, which is now very voluminous, are given. Marett Tims (J. Anat. and Phys., vol. xxxvii. p. 131) suggests that the evolution of the mammalian teeth is to be explained partly by the tritubercular and partly by the concrescence theory.



It is impossible, in the space assigned, to give even a brief review of mammalian odontology, but it may clear the ground for the special zoological articles if an attempt is made to define what is meant by the different classes of teeth.

Incisor teeth are those which in the upper jaw have their sockets in the premaxillary bone; they are generally chisel-shaped, and with their opponents of the lower jaw act like scissors. They are specially well marked in the rodents, and in these animals the pulp throughout life continues to form fresh dentine, so that the teeth are ever growing, and it is absolutely necessary for their owners to be continually gnawing in order to wear them away at their cutting edges. The tusks of the elephant and the single tusk of the male narwhal are modified incisors, while in the ruminants the incisor teeth are wanting in the upper jaw.

The canine tooth is the first tooth behind the premaxillo-maxillary

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suture, provided it be not far behind it; it is almost always the first of the premaxillary series, speaking accurately, which is elongated and sharply pointed. As its name implies it is well marked in dogs and other Carnivora, but is found in many other orders. It is the special offensive and defensive weapon of many mammals, and is greatly developed in some of the ungulates which are without horns, e.g., the musk deer. The tusks of the walrus and wild boar are canines. In many of the Insectivora, especially the mole, the canine is very hard to identify, as in these animals an incisor or a premolar may take on caniniform characters, or there may be no tooth at all with these characters.

The premolar teeth are those in the maxillary bone which are preceded by milk teeth. This definition, of course, includes the canine as a modified premolar, and so it should no doubt be considered, though, if it is desired to keep it distinct, "behind the canine must be added.

Unfortunately for an accurate definition the first premolar behind the canine is not always preceded by another tooth, and so it becomes an unsettled question whether, in these cases, the tooth is a retained milk tooth or a permanent one which has had no predecessor; it is probable, however, that the latter is the right interpretation. The molar teeth are those, behind the premolars, which are not preceded by temporary teeth. As was pointed out, in man's denti tion they are probably teeth of the first or milk dentition which appear late. In front of the premolar teeth, and between them and the canine, if it be present, or the incisors, if it be absent, there is often a space called the " diastema." It is best marked in the orders of Rodentia and Ungulata, and in the horse is familiar as the place where the bit lies.

In recording the teeth of any particular mammal it saves time and space if a dental formula be used. This simply means setting down the number of each kind of tooth in one side of the upper and lower jaw in their order from before backward. Thus man's formula would be, incisors, canines, premolars, molars. This is condensed into

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Pig family (Suidae)


Chevrotain (Tragulidae)

Deer family (Cervidae)

Hollow-horned ruminants (Bovidae)


Horse, (Equidae)


Procavia (Hyrax)

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vestiges of two other series, one on the labial side of the milk teeth and one on the lingual side of the permanent series. If these are substantiated there would be four dentitions-(1) premilk; (2) milk; (3) permanent; (4) post-permanent. The theory, though it bridges over the gap between the polyphyodont lower vertebrates and the apparently diphyodont mammals, is not by any means established. As the teeth are of such importance in the classification of animals, it will save continually repeated explanations in other articles if some of the chief terms by which they are described are recapitulated and briefly defined here.

1. Acrodont, a tooth which is anchylosed by its base to the summit of a parapet on the jaw.

2. Bilophodont, a molar tooth having two transverse ridges on its grinding surface, as in the tapir.

3. Brachyodont, a low-crowned molar tooth-the opposite of hypsodont.

4. Bunodont, a tooth bearing conical cusps..

7. Haplodont, a tooth having a simple conical crown with a single

root. 3. Diphyodont, having two series of teeth (milk and permanent). (0-2).0.4.3 6. Diprotodont, a marsupial with not more than incisors, often (0-1).(0-1).4.3 only one on each side of the mandible. (1-2).0.4-3 d.i. 1. i. 1. c. o. d.m (3-4) m. 3 (3-4) 3 In this animal there are no premolars, but the milk molars (d.m) and true molars gradually replace one another from before backward throughout life, so that there are never more than two back teeth in each segment of the jaw at any one time.

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Cetacea. In the living toothed whales (Odontoceti) the denti

tion is homodont and may be as great as

60 60

There is every reason to believe, however, that they are derived from heterodont ancestors. In the whalebone whales (Mystacoceti) the teeth are replaced by the whalebone in the adult, but in the embryo slightly calcified teeth are present which are afterwards absorbed.

The homodont dentition of the whales is a retrograde process, and is therefore not comparable to the homodont dentition of the vertebrates below mammals.

Sirenia. The dentition is monophyodont. The manatee has i. 3, c. 8, back teeth H

In the Edentata the ant-eaters (Myrmecophagidae) and pangolins (Manidae) are toothless, though the latter have foetal tooth germs. The aard varks (Orycteropodidae) are somewhat heterodont, while the armadillos (Dasypodidae) and sloths (Bradypodidae) have a homodont dentition, which, like that of the whales, is retrogressive. In the giant armadillo (Priodon gigas) the formula is 25. 25 This animal therefore has a hundred teeth. In none of the Edentata are the teeth covered with enamel.

In the Marsupialia the typical formula is They are divided into diprotodont, in which there are not more than 3 incisors, often as in kangaroos, and polyprotodont, in which the incisors are more than 3, as in the Tasmanian wolf (Thylacinus) and Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus). The marsupial teeth are often regarded as all milk teeth, yet the order is not really monophyodont because the germs of the permanent teeth are formed and aborted. Modern research, however, casts grave doubt on the accuracy of this view. In the Monotremata the Echidna or spiny ant-cater is quite edentulous, while the duck-mole (Ornithorhynchus) has functional molar teeth in youth, though in the adult these are lost, and their place is taken by horny plates. Reviewing the various tooth formulae of mammals the following

is usually regarded as typical:

This, it will be noticed, is the formula of the pig, and it is also that of almost all the Eocene Ungulata. Although the majority of mammals are diphyodont, or, in other words, the working teeth belong to two dentitions, evidences have lately been submitted of

8. Heterodont, a dentition in which the teeth are not all alike, chiefly characteristic of the Mammalia.

9. Homodont, a dentition in which the teeth are all alike as in many of the lower vertebrates and some mammals.

10. Hypsodont, a high-crowned molar tooth, such as that of the horse, the opposite to brachydont.

11. Lophodont, a transversely ridged molar tooth; cf. bilophodont. 12. Monophyodont, having only one dentition (cf. diphy- and polyphy-odont).

13. Multituberculate, a tooth, the crown of which bears numerous conical cusps; held by some to be the primitive condition of the mammalian teeth.

14. Pleurodont, a tooth anchylosed to the inner side of a parapet on the jaw.

15. Polybunodont, a synonym for multituberculate.

16. Polyphyodont, having an endless succession of teeth, as in most vertebrates below the mammals.

17. Polyprotodont, a marsupial having an incisor formula of more than


18. Protodont,' a stage met with in fossil mammals which is an advance on the haplodont tooth in that two small cusps are added to the main cone.

19. Secodont, a back tooth adapted to cutting as in many of the Carnivora.

20. Selenodont, a molar tooth with crescentic ridges on its grinding surface as in most ruminants.

21. Thecodont, a tooth embedded in a socket or alveolus, as in mammals.

22. Triconodont, a fossil stage in advance of the protodont, There are three well-marked cones in an antero-posterior line. 23. Tritubercular, a fossil stage succeeding the triconodont. The main cone is external in the lower teeth and internal in the upper. A very common form of back tooth in fossil forms and one which gives its name to the "tritubercular theory.” (F. G. P.)

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TEETOTALISM, the practice of total abstinence from all intoxicating liquors, hence that form of the temperance movement of which the basis is the "pledge" to abstain from all intoxicating liquors (see TEMPERANCE). There seems no doubt that the word, whatever its actual origin, is a strengthened form of "total," probably influenced by teetotum (q.v.). According to the Century Dictionary, the secretary of a New York temperance society introduced a total abstinence pledge among its members, who were thus divided into those who had taken the old pledge, the O.P.'s, to abstain from spirituous liquors, and the T's, who had taken the new or total pledge. The English version, taken from the account by Joseph Livesey in the Staunch Teetotaler, January 1867, is that one Richard Turner, a Preston artisan and popular temperance speaker, declared at a meeting about 1833, that "nothing but tee-teetotal would do." This repetition of the initial letter does not appear to have been due to his stammering but to have been a mere emphasis on the word. The expression seems to have obtained instant recognition and popularity. Both versions are apparently authentic, and there seems no reason to suppose that they are not independent.

TEETOTUM, a form of top, used in various games of chance; the body is of polygonal shape, marked with letters or numbers, which decide the result of the game, according to the side which

remains uppermost on the fall of the top after spinning. Strutt, | turn disappeared when the new city of Tripolitsa was founded who was born in 1749, mentions (Sports and Pastimes) the about 3 m. N.W. The site is now occupied by the small tectotum as used in games when he was a boy. It seems that village of Piali. in its earliest form the body was square, marked on the four sides by the letters A. (Lat. aufer, take up or away), indicating that the player takes one from the pool, D. (Lat. depone, put down), when a fine has to be paid, N. (Lat. nihil, nothing), and T. (Lat. totum), when the whole pool is taken. Other accounts give such letters as P.N.D. (dimidium, half), or H. and T. or other combinations of letters.

TEGEA, an ancient Greek city of Arcadia, situated on a plateau which is enclosed by Mts. Parthenium and Maenalus on E. and W., and by two transverse ranges which separate it from the plateau of Orchomenus and the Eurotas valley respectively. The Tegean territory occupied the southern part of this space; the northern half, sundered by projecting spurs from the parallel ranges, belonged to Mantincia. The entire plain was well adapted for pasturage and corn-growing, but was liable to floods owing to the lack of free outlets for its water-courses. Hence the regulation of the serethra or subterranean conduits which drained away the overflow southward was a matter of vital importance both to Tegea and to Mantineia, and a cause of frequent quarrels. By its vicinity to the watersheds of the Eurotas and Alpheus, and its command over the main roads from Laconia to Argos and the Isthmus, Tegea likewise was brought into conflict with Sparta.

Tegea was one of the most ancient cities of Peloponnesus; tradition ascribed its concentration (synoccism) out of eight or nine primitive cantons to a mythical king Aleus. From the fact that several Cretan townships passed for colonies of Tegea, it may be inferred that this city had oversea connexions in prehistoric days. The prominence which legend assigns to its king Echemus in opposing the Heraclid invasion shows that it was one of the chief Peloponnesian communities in the preDorian epoch. For several centuries Tegea served as a bulwark of Arcadia against the expanding power of Sparta; though ultimately subdued about 550 B.C. it was allowed to retain its independence and its Arcadian nationality. During the Persian invasion the Tegeans displayed a readiness unusual among Peloponnesian cities; in the battle of Plataea they were the first to enter the enemy's camp. A few years later they headed an Arcadian and Argive league against Sparta, but by the loss of two pitched battles (Tegea and Dipaca) were induced to resume their former loyalty (about 468-467). In 423 they broke out into open war with the Mantineians, and when the latter rebelled against Sparta and allied themselves with Argos and Athens, the Tegeans stood firmly by Sparta's side: in the decisive battle of Mantineia (418) their troops had a large share in the overthrow of the coalition. During the early 4th century before Christ Tegea continued to support Sparta against the Mantincians and other malcontents. After the battle of Leuctra the philo-Laconian party was expelled with Mantineian help. Tegea henceforth took an active part in the revival of the Arcadian League and the prosecution of the war in alliance with Thebes against Sparta (371-362), and the ultimate defection of Mantincia confirmed it in its federalist tendencies. The foundation of the new federal capital Megalopolis threw Tegea somewhat into the shade. It showed itself hostile to the Macedonians, and in 266 joined the Chremonidean League against Antigonus Gonatas. To the incorporation of Mantineia into the Achaean League (233) Tegea replied by allying itself with the Actolians, who in turn made it over to Cleomenes III. of Sparta (228). From the latter it was transferred by Antigonus Doson to the Achaean League (222); in 218 it was again occupied by the Spartans but reconquered in 207 by the Achacan general Philopoemen. In Augustus' time Tegea was the only important town of Arcadia, but its history throughout the Roman and Byzantine periods is obscure; it ceased to exist as a Greek city after the Gothic invasion of 395. During the Frankish occupation its place was taken by the fortress of Nikli. At the time of the Turkish conquest (1458) Nikli had been superseded by a fair-sized town called Mouchli, which in

AUTHORITIES.-Strabo pp. 337, 388; Pausanias viii. 44-49, 53-54; Herodotus i. 65 ff., ix. 35, 70; Thucydides v. 32-73: Xenophon, Hellenica, vi., vii.; Polybius ii. 46, 54 ff., v. 17, xi. 18; W. M. Leake, Travels in the Morea (London, 1830), i. pp. 88-100, ii. 328-334; E. Curtius, Peloponnesos (Gotha, 1851), 1. pp. 247264; W. Loring in Journal of Hellenic Studies, xix. (1899) pp. 25-89; Schwedler, De Rebus Tegeaticis (Leipzig, 1886); IoTopía TS Τεγέας. Εκδ. ὑπὸ τοῦ Τεγεατικού Συνδέσμου (Athens, 1896); for coins: B. V. Head, Historia Numorum (Oxford, 1887), pp. 350-351; and art. NUMISMATICS, section Greek, § "Arcadia." (M. O. B. C.)

Archaeology. The temple of Athena Alea at Tegea is described by Pausanias as excelling all others in the Peloponnese both in size and in beauty of construction. The original temple was said to have been built by Aleus, the founder of the city; it was superseded by a larger one which was destroyed by fire in 395 B.C. The rebuilding was entrusted to Scopas, the great sculptor; and it is probable that he not only acted as architect, but also provided the sculptural groups which ornamented the pediments. Like the temple at Phigalia, it combined the forms of all three orders-Doric, Ionic and Corinthian. Pausanias asserts that the outer order was Ionic; but excavations have proved that it was Doric. The pedimental groups of the temple represented at the front, the hunt of the Calydonian boar, and, at the back, the battle of Achilles and Telephus. Both subjects were intimately associated with the temple, for Atalanta had dedicated in it the face and tusks of the boar, which had been awarded to her as the first to wound it; and Telephus was the son of Heracles and the priestess Auge. Two heads of heroes and that of the boar were found before 1880; later excavation, in 1883, showed the plan of the temple, which had six columns at front and back, and thirteen at the sides. In 1900 the French school at Athens recovered more fragments of sculpture, including a head of Heracles and the torso and possibly the head of Atalanta, these last two of Parian marble. The other heads are badly damaged owing to the fact that the white marble from Doliana, of which they are made, does not resist damp. But they still show in the intensity of their expression the power of expressing passion for which Scopas was famous beyond all other ancient sculptors. See GREEK ART, fig. 63.

See G. Treu, Mittheil. d. deutsch. Inst. Athen., vi. 1881; W. Dörpfeld, ibid., viii. 1883; G. Mendel, Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, xxv. 1901; Pausanias viii. 45-47. (E. GR.)

TEGERNSEE, a lake of Germany, in the province of Upper Bavaria, situated in a beautiful mountain country, 2382 ft. above the sea, 34 m. S. from Munich by rail to Gmund, a village with a station on the north shore. The lake is 4 m. long, averages 1 m. broad, and is about 235 ft. deep. Its waters discharge through the Mangfall into the Inn. The southern part is environed by high and well-wooded hills, while on the northern side, where it debouches on the plain, the banks are flat and less attractive. Prosperous villages and handsome villas stud its shores, and it is one of the most frequented summer resorts in the vicinity of Munich.

The village of Tegernsee (pop. 1742 in 1905), on the cast bank, has a parish church dating from the 15th century, a ducal castle which was formerly a Benedictine monastery, and a hospital, founded in connexion with the large ophthalmic practice of the late Duke Charles Theodore of Bavaria.

See Freyberg, Aelteste Geschichte von Tegernsee (Munich, 1822); Hack, Tegernsee (Munich, 1888); Breu, Der Tegernsee, limnologische Studie (Munich, 1906).

TEGETTHOFF, WILHELM VON, BARON (1827-1871), Austrian admiral, son of Lieutenant-Colonel Karl von Tegetthoff, was born at Marburg, in Styria, on the 23rd of December 1827. After passing through the naval college at Venice, he first served afloat in 1845, and in 1848 was made an ensign. In 1849 he was present at the blockade of Venice, resulting in its surrender. In 1852 he was promoted to be a lieutenant, and during the Crimean war was employed on a sort of police

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