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ministration of Charitable Trusts. The obstacles which existed to the just and beneficial use of property set apart for the purposes of Charity and of Education, have been a serious public evil, to which Her Majesty is persuaded that in your wisdom you have now applied an efficient remedy.

"Gentlemen of the House of Commons, We are commanded by Her Majesty to thank you for the supplies which you have granted for the service of the present year, and for the provision which you have made for the defence of the country both by sea and land. Her Majesty will apply them with a due regard to economy, and consistently with that spirit which has at all times made our national security the chief object of her care. "My Lords and Gentlemen, Her Majesty commands us to inform you that she continues to receive from her Allies the assurance of their unabated desire to cultivate the most friendly relations with this country.

"It is with deep interest and concern that Her Majesty has viewed the serious misunderstanding which has recently arisen between Russia and the Ottoman Porte.

"The Emperor of the French has united with Her Majesty in earnest endeavours to reconcile differences, the continuance of which might involve Europe in war. "Acting in concert with her Allies, and relying on the exertions of the Conference now assembled at Vienna, Her Majesty has good reason to hope that an honourable arrangement will speedily be accomplished.

"Her Majesty rejoices in being able to announce to you the termination of the war on the frontiers of the settlement of the Cape VOL. XCV.

of Good Hope; and she trusts that the establishment of Representative Government in that colony may lead to the development of its resources, and enable it to make efficient provision for its future defence.

"We are also commanded to congratulate you, that, by the united exertions of the naval and military forces of Her Majesty and of the East India Company, the war in Burmah has been brought to an honourable and successful issue. The objects of the war having been fully attained, and due submission made by the Burmese Government, peace has been proclaimed.

"Her Majesty contemplates with grateful satisfaction and thankfulness to Almighty God the tranquillity which prevails throughout her dominions; together with that peaceful industry and obedience to the laws which insure the welfare of all classes of her subjects. It is the first desire of Her Majesty to promote the advance of every social improvement, and, with the aid of your wisdom, still further to extend the prosperity and happiness of her people."

The parliamentary session which was thus brought to a close had been of an unusually protracted and laborious character. It commenced under the Earl of Derby's Administration, upon the 4th of June, 1852, when the representative branch of the Legislature comprised a greater number of new and inexperienced members than any previous Parliament for many years past. Under these auspices it proceeded until the catastrophe of the 16th of the following month, when the overthrow of the Derby Ministry led to the formation of a coali[P]

tion Cabinet by the Earl of Aberdeen. On the 10th of February, 1853, the real business of the session commenced; and between that period and the prorogation 116 Bills were introduced by the Ministry, of which 104 passed into law, 10 were withdrawn, and only 2 rejected. But that for which the session of 1853 will be most remarkable is, that measures, not only numerous, but of great importance and complexity, and dealing with questions of a very controverted nature, should have been originated, elaborated, and carried in so short a period.

We cannot conclude our narrative of the events of the present year without dwelling for a moment upon the contrast afforded by the prospect of its opening with the condition of affairs at its close. At the commencement of 1853 the retrospect of the past and the anticipations of the future were equally happy. The cheapness and abundance of the necessaries of life had brought content and comfort to the people. The unprecedented extension of our commerce and shipping had given an enormous stimulus to trade and manufactures, and the great prosperity of the working classes had occasioned an immense demand for all articles of food. Thus the agricultura interest, in common with the mercantile, the manufacturing, the carrying, the colonial and banking interests, were all full of hope and exertion. But, as the year passed on, the horizon darkened. The gloomy prospects of the harvest, which prognosticated a short crop, not only in these islands but in every corn-growing country in Europe, were only too well verified by the result. At a period of scarcity,


when some contraction of trade was to be expected, and an increase in the rate of wages was obviously impossible, a rage possessed the population in large portions of the manufacturing districts with the hope of bettering their circumstances through the desperate and suicidal agency of "strikes," and the reckless contest was still prolonged. But that which, at the close of 1853, riveted the attention of all men, and bade fair to give to the past year a melancholy prominence in history, was the probability of its being the last of the great peace which followed the wars of the French Revolution. The events which threatened to lead to this catastrophe will be found detailed in another part of the volume.

It only remains for us to notice that an important ministerial crisis was occasioned by the announcement, on the 16th of December, that Viscount Palmerston had resigned his office of Secretary of State for the Home Department. His resignation, however, was not accepted, and, after an interval of some days' suspense, the noble Lord was prevailed upon to withdraw it. The opponents of the Government, with some colour of probability, asserted that Lord Palmerston's secession from office was occasioned by a difference of opinion on his part as to the policy of the Cabinet upon the Eastern question. On the other hand, this was strenuously contradicted by the adherents of the Ministry; but, as all explanation upon the subject was declined in Parliament, the motive for a step so dangerous to the stability of the Earl of Aberdeen's Cabinet must, at present, remain matter for conjecture.


FRANCE.-Recognition of the new Emperor by Foreign Powers-Announcement by the Emperor of his intended Marriage-Account of the Ceremony-Report of the Minister of Finance-Political ArrestsMeeting of the Senate and Legislative Body-Speech of the Emperor -Fête in honour of Napoleon I.-Question of fusion between the Legitimists and Orleanists-Visit of the Duc de Nemours to the Duc de Bordeaux, at Frohsdorf, and reconciliation effected-Inauguration of the Statue of Marshal Ney. SPAIN.-Meeting of the Cortes-Charge of Corruption against the Roncali Ministry-Suspension of the Cortes-Change of Ministrythe Lersundi Cabinet-Ministerial Programme-Formation of the Sartorius Cabinet-Second Suspension of the Cortes.

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PORTUGAL.-Death of the Queen of Portugal-Regency of the King Consort-His Address to the Cortes.

BELGIUM.-Marriage of the Duc de Brabant, Heir-apparent of the
Throne-Royal Speech at the Opening of the Legislative Session of the
AUSTRIA.-Attempt to Assassinate the Emperor-Execution of the
Criminal. PRUSSIA.-Extract from the Royal Speech at the Opening
of the Chambers with reference to the Eastern Question. SWEDEN.-
Extract from the King of Sweden's Speech at the Opening of the


HE ruler of France having been elevated to the throne as Emperor, with the title of Napoleon III, some difficulty occurred as to the form of address by which foreign States recognised the new monarch. It is usual for Sovereigns on such occasions to style the occupant of the throne as Monsieur mon Frère,-and this form was adopted by Austria and Prussia, and also by the other European powers, with the exception of Russia. We believe the style made use of by the Czar was Mon cher Ami, which, although apparently more friendly, was felt to be a slight, inasmuch as it


seemed to negative Napoleon's
right to be admitted into the
fraternity of Monarchs.
It was,
therefore, generally believed that
M. de Kisseleff, the Russian am-
bassador, would receive his pass-
ports and this was supposed to
be the advice of Napoleon's Coun-
cil of Ministers. The good sense,
however, of the Emperor prevailed.
He felt how unwise it would be to
provoke a quarrel upon a mere
point of etiquette; and, after an
animated discussion with his Coun-
cil on the subject, he gave orders
the next morning that a state car-
riage should be sent to bring M. de
Kisseleff to the Tuileries, where

his credentials were presented and accepted.

The next important event was the marriage of the Emperor. The lady whom Napoleon III. selected for his bride was Eugenia de Montijo, Countess-Duchess of Téba, the daughter of Dona Maria Manuela Kirkpatrick. Countess Dowager of Montijo, Countess of Miranda, and Duchess of Penaconda, who was the widow of the Count de Montijos, an officer of rank in the Spanish army. The name of the Countess de Montijo's father was Kirkpatrick, who, at the time of her marriage with him, was the English Consul at Malaga. The Count de Montijos belonged to one of the most ancient of the noble families of Spain. In a communication from the Heralds' College at Paris, the following account was given of it:-"Our future Empress belongs to the house of Guzman, whose origin dates back to the earliest times of the Spanish monarchy, and which several historians say was the issue of royal blood. All the branches of this family have played a distinguished part in history. We will quote among others those of the Dukes of Medina, of Las Torres, of Medina-Sidonia, and of Olivares, and those of the Counts of Montijo, of Teba or Teva, and of Villaverde, Marquis de Ardales, de la Algara, &c., grandees of Spain. The Duchess de Teba, Countess de Montijo, descends from this last branch. It is not the first time that this family has been called to ascend the throne; for, in 1633, Dona Luiza Francisca de Guzman, daughter of Juan Perez de Guzman, eighth Duke of MedinaSidonia, married the King of Portugal, Don Juan IV. of Braganza. The Counts de Montijo have the

same arms as the Dukes of Medina-Sidonia, their near relations, and bear the same name, which is De Guzman."

On the 22nd of January, the Emperor met at the Tuileries Deputations or Committees from the Senate, the Legislative Corps, and the Council of State, and, having taken his seat on the throne, he read aloud the following paper, in which he formally announced his approaching marriage:

"Gentlemen I yield to the desire, so often manifested by the country, in announcing my marriage.


The union which I contract is not in accord with the traditions of ancient policy; and in that lies its advantage.

"France, by her successive revolutions, has always abruptly separated from the rest of Europe. Every prudent Government ought certainly to endeavour to again place her within the pale of the old monarchies; but that result will be more surely attained by a straightforward and candid policy, and by good faith in all transactions, than by royal alliances, which create feelings of false security, and frequently substitute family interest for that of the nation. Besides, the examples of the past have left in the mind of the people certain superstitious persuasions. It is not forgotten that for the last seventy years foreign princesses have ascended the steps of the throne only to behold their offspring dispersed and proscribed by war or by revolution. One woman only appeared to bring with her good fortune, and to live longer than the others in the memory of the people; and that woman, the good and modest wife of General Buona

parte, was not the issue of a royal family.

"It must, however, be admitted, that in 1810 the marriage of Napoleon I. with Marie-Louise was a great event: it was a pledge for the future, and a decided satisfaction for the national pride, since the ancient and illustrious house of Austria, who had so long been at war with us, solicited the alliance of the elected chief of a new empire. In the last reign, on the contrary, has not the amour propre of the country had to suffer, when the heir to the throne was seen soliciting for several years without result the alliance of a sovereign house, and at last obtained a princess, accomplished, undoubtedly, but only of a secondary rank, and of a different religion?

"When in the face of old Europe a man is raised by the force of a new principle to a level with the long-established dynasties, it is not by giving an ancient character to his blazon, and by endeavouring to introduce himself at any price into the family of kings, that he can get himself accepted; it is infinitely rather by always bearing in mind his origin, by preserving his peculiar character, and by frankly taking up before Europe the position of one who has arrived at fortune (position de parvenu)-a glorious position, when success is achieved by the free suffrage of a great people.

"Thus, obliged to depart from the precedents hitherto followed, my marriage was no longer any thing but a private affair: the only thing that remained was the choice of the person. She who has become the object of my preference is of high birth. French in heart, by education, and by the remembrance of the blood which her

father shed for the cause of the Empire, she has, as a Spaniard, the advantage of not having in France any family to whom she would wish to give honours and dignities. Gifted with every mental quality, she will be the ornament of the throne, as in the day of danger she would become one of its most courageous supports. A pious Catholic, she will address to Heaven the same prayers as myself for the happiness of France: gracious and good, she will exhibit, I firmly hope, in the same position, the virtues of the Empress Josephine.

"I come, therefore, gentlemen, to say to France, I have preferred a woman whom I love and respect to one unknown, and whose alliance would have had advantages mingled with sacrifices. Without testifying disdain for any one, I yield to my inclination, but not without having first consulted my reason and my convictions. In short, in placing independence, qualities of heart, and family happiness, above dynastic prejudices and calculations of ambition, I shall not be the less strong, since I shall be more at liberty.


Soon, in proceeding to Nôtre Dame, I shall present the Empress to the people and to the army. The confidence which they have in me assures me of their kind feeling towards her whom I have chosen ; and you, gentlemen, in learning to know her, will be convinced that again on this occasion I have been inspired by Providence."

The civil marriage of the Emperor and his bride was celebrated at the Tuileries on the 29th of January. The Countess of Téba was accompanied by her mother, the Duc de Cambacères, and the Spanish minister, the Marquis de

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